
Shared Goals Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"It's not just the United States... it's really like a global effort."
"Try to help them see that you are working hard not so that you can leave them behind but so you can have or share a good life with them."
"True alignment is just so crucial in success and true alignment in a positive way where everybody is absolutely together towards the same journey in the same goal."
"We have to get there together and we have to get there losing as few people as possible."
"We have shared values and we got common enemies."
"Make sure your partners share your goals for your business."
"For the first time, all three of us have a common goal and a common need."
"Surrounded by people who not only just understand what it is you're trying to do but also are trying to do it themselves."
"We're creating a common dream here which is bigger than our own."
"A region whose champions...kept together by one purpose."
"I want to win a match, I want to win with you."
"They're coming in because they want a victory with you."
"There wasn't a main event guy or a middle run guy or a midcard guy, we were all just in this place celebrating the same cause."
"We are one crew up here, and even though we have two different neighborhoods, we all have the same goals."
"The purpose of our town halls... so that we can all be pointed at the same North Star."
"Whatever you want will never be as great as the thing that you and someone else can build through joint compromise and sacrifice."
"People come together to say, 'Yeah, it's only going to work if we all lean in.'"
"We need to stop worshiping what other people have and start paying attention to what we can have together."
"More shows, lands, and characters are coming to Disney parks around the world."
"Almost all role-playing games, you have a group of disparate characters with a skill mix between them and they have a shared goal."
"Valor is so addicting because everyone is chasing the same goal."
"Trump and I had something fundamental in common... a shared adversary."
"Ultimately, we have the same goal in mind, and we're completely supportive of one another."
"Look at the big picture... Fight together, including containing your expenditure with the reward of having what you want to have."
"We dream the same dream, so I always try these days when I'm thinking about differing opinions is that we dream the same dream."
"Find a tribe that understands what you're wanting to do."
"It was something special to have 3 guardians fighting to reach the same goal."
"As long as we're together, we definitely got this."
"We dream the same dream, we want the same thing."
"There's nothing like being in community with others on a similar journey."
"It's our future and I know we'll have a good future together."
"In romance, we're looking for a partner to stand by our side and build something beautiful together."
"Surround yourself with people on the same mission as you are. We're all on the same wavelength, tapping into each other's creativity."
"Find something that you and somebody else can commit to."
"Together we could be unstoppable. Anything would be ours for the taking."
"What makes us drag family is... our goals and how we support each other."
"We're gonna take down the gods together because we know that we love to do that together."
"The mystery of Craig Williamson... his romance swift and intense, solidifying their shared dream of a prosperous future."
"I promise to carry our dream without limit for the both of us."
"Are we on the same page? Do we want the same things out of this experience?"
"It is impossible to unify around anything unless you first enter some sort of shared agreement that a specific objective or principle is worth some degree of self-sacrifice."
"As a person of faith, I'm bound by a different Covenant than Dr. Arroway, but our goal is one of the same. The pursuit of truth, I for one believe."
"We're all on the same team at the end of the day."
"I think the most important part to continue to focus on at the end of the day is we're all in it together and we are a community."
"Once people realize you're trying to do something beyond just yourself, they wanna help."
"I think if the goal is the same but we just have different ways to get there we're not that different."
"We are all of one mind, one goal, one purpose."
"If you have three people that have the same mentalities, same goals, you'll be able to take on anything."
"It's gonna be our year guys, it's gonna be our year!"
"I'm not going to do this alone, I want to do this with you."
"Together we are quite literally what we can't be alone."
"Sometimes you just gotta team up with others."
"All in the same boat, we sink or swim together."
"I think most of you guys want me to succeed in this and not fail, which obviously is the goal."
"Somebody here that's watching you wants to build with you and they feel like you have common goals."
"Everyone in the world, I can feel their hearts beating as one. And we all have one goal: to defeat you, human."
"We're all Christians, we're all doing this together and we got one goal in mind."
"Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you."
"Dreaming together and working towards those goals has been really nice."
"Age doesn't matter as long as you're on the same goal, same everything."
"Make eye contact, transmit your dream of love, and see if they want to build the same thing."
"Surrounded by people that have the same goal as you is I think goes a really long way and like everything in life and I think that's why that helps farmwork do."
"Together, you and me, we change Gotham City."
"Yes, yes, yes, we can collectively do that together, my brothers."
"Everybody should be thinking this way in terms of saying how do we get together and do something awesome together."
"It's all about communication and having the same goal." - Daily Paper founders
"Thousands of gamers around the world with mutual goals for a dragon-based survival game have come together as a community."
"Love is not looking at each other love is looking out in the same direction."
"Explore a partnership with someone who shares your vision."
"Cody and I made a decision today that we were going to go one way, and when you make a decision like that, especially when you do it as a team, then you commit yourself to that and you do it."
"It's a call to altruism and a shared destiny."
"You're definitely manifesting money, it could be you and another person manifesting each other too."
"I love the premise of this so much. This is very similar to the kind of development that our community also pursues."
"We care just as much about this game as the development studio does."
"These conversations were kind of happening about how to build our future together."
"Let's continue building together because that's what it's all about."
"He was the one Straw Hat who had to learn to give in to the romance of dreams like Luffy did because all along he and Luffy have the same dream."
"The brilliance of this arc is that they had the same dream all along."
"We don't have to agree on everything but we have to be moving in the same direction."
"With their plans in place, they departed from the archives together, embarking on a shared adventure."
"I want to do this, and it would mean a lot to me if we did it together."
"I believe we're in the same mindset with the Lord. We both have the same desire, the same drive, the same mission."
"...I think primarily were culture builders we create these shared cultures to bond with each other but also to serve some good together..."
"We should be trying to create a world of shared benefits and shared responsibilities."
"If we go back and we're like we can't do that because we won't be able to save enough, then we both have like kind of the same goal in mind and we can have a conversation around that."
"We need to be a part of the larger Galactic Community to share our knowledge and resources and work together to face the challenges that lie ahead."
"A tentative friendship born of necessity and forged in The Crucible of their shared Mission."
"At the end of the day we all want the same thing."
"It's really what we want to culture is this sense of community around what we're doing here today."
"You have a shared vision when it comes to your future and what you want it to look like."
"They care as much as I do about the finished product."
"...you want what I want and that's to build a better future, a better country for our children and our grandchildren."
"The results are exponential when a couple pursues health and fitness together."
"Join a group, class, or course - people with the same vision come together."
"Your future spouse or long-term partner is family-oriented. I feel that both of you have the same goal and vision when it comes to love."
"She was the best companion I can imagine, entirely understanding what I was aiming at, and helping me in many innumerable ways."
"Ethics is the principal negotiation of conflicts of interest under conditions of shared purpose."
"Everybody's success is My Success, My Success is everybody else's success."
"When you're around people who are trying to do the same thing that you're trying to do, it just breathes so much more life, energy, and momentum into your mission."
"They share our desire to build a system that's more responsive to the challenges they face."
"You need to communicate and constantly remember that you're in this together, and you're not in it together if you're only thinking by yourself."
"Shared values serve to build effective teams."
"If we all work together and pull in the same direction, we can go on to do some pretty great things this year."
"We're taking the first step toward a brighter future together."
"We always talk about our future together; we have big plans."
"I think it's the same goal we're both trying to achieve, the balance in all the elements."
"I did this for you. Well, I did this for us."
"It's a bigger bag if we share, and you combine all those forces into this like conglomerate, it can be so much bigger, so much better; more hands make light work, dog."
"Change the world together, this is what I want."
"We were all doing so good, bro. We be sitting in the cars late at night just talking about life goals, literally, together."
"We're really lucky we like working together, don't we? Because we're working towards the same goal together."
"Vision... you have to have some type of vision so that you guys continue to grow together."
"Look at the wholesomeness of running, bringing people together and achieving their dreams and goals."
"Provide coaching to a group of remote clients with similar goals."
"It's all about common goals or things... it's very social energy."
"In these small teams, it all comes down to getting good people with the right culture where you all are excited about what the ultimate goal is."
"The overarching term is shared intentionality when we're sharing mental states and we're sharing goals and we're sharing attention."
"You're there all year, and you're working towards the same goal, and I think that's something that's so much fun."
"If your approach to money is about shared goals and responsibilities, the relationship can thrive and survive."
"If we get it right, we create a place that we're all in together."
"You and I chasing that big dream."
"When both have the same dream, both want to fight to keep it going."
"Proximity being powerful and being around people who have like-minded goals, like-minded ambition, like-minded dreams."
"Now if we pull together, we can make our dreams come true."
"You want to make sure that the person that you're getting into a relationship with has the same or similar financial goals as you."
"Our goals are almost kind of the same, they definitely are. I just want to kick ass this year."
"All five of us have the same goals, we have the same aspirations, and we've given everything that we've had for this band to work."
"Your mission and vision should inspire your employees and unite your team around a shared purpose."
"Your dream is my dream, making a difference is what I wrote in my personal statement, it's also what you wrote."
"The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or an organization."
"Living and loving are richer with shared noble goals."
"Once you have a common goal and a mission statement, and you're both fighting for the same why."
"When you have a win-win cooperation... we are on the good road to a shared future."
"I know what this is like, I want it for the both of us, not just me."
"A healthy obsession that you and your partner's life together becomes a healthy obsession for you both."
"You're doing it because ultimately the priority is each other in the relationship."
"If your dream comes true, my dream comes true too."
"Collaborate with friends and family, achieve important milestones together."
"We were on the same wavelengths; we wanted the same things."
"It's easier when the two of you are walking towards it."
"We are no dreamers, we are just quite positive about our skills and the things we want to achieve together."
"When you find your mission together, that's when you move beyond just happily ever after."
"We're all working together; we should have mutually entangled interests."
"Don't hide anything from me; we're all in this together."
"Frame your message around a shared goal that you both have."
"The goals of fighting oppression and fighting injustice are the same."
"We share the same goal as recreational fishermen, that is to restore and maintain the natural productivity of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary."
"We're still on the same track trying to chase the same dream."
"Both of you have the same intention, which is why you're being brought together in such a harmonic way."
"You need to marry when you know where you're going, start to marry a person who is going where you are going."
"Imagine what we could accomplish together."
"So let's go together, as far as we can."
"Both partners enjoy sharing their lives with someone else and both like to help the other achieve their goals."
"If we're serious about this, we can get the agreement that we need because this is a shared challenge."
"If your goal is to always be good and two people have that same goal, you will always be good."
"...our teams truly are really interconnected; we have shared goals together and we meet regularly."
"Working together with others to achieve common goals and sharing in decision-making demonstrates team spirit and cooperation."
"It gets so exciting when you recognize that you have an equal partner in this endeavor."
"You guys are brothers for life, and that's the big reason why I'm chasing this ultimate goal."
"It's great to have that energy of all these people who want the same thing that you want and you're all trying to work together to create something that's good."
"We need each other, and we both know what's at stake."
"Both the traditions have the same goal of improving humanity."
"Amazing things happen when everyone shares the same goal."
"Trusting Vegeta to the point where they're fighting as one."
"The mastermind is defined as coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose."
"We're on the same side of the net; we both have the goal to win together."
"I'm so pleased with our GreyLaw community... and that we're all here to support one another in our dreams and our aspirations."
"Me too, Will. I worked too much at the candy shop. We can work on working less together," she grinned at him, and this time he did smile back.
"There's nothing wrong with your kids helping, they're all a part of the family and all y'all should be trying to reach one goal."
"We'll find our happiness together."
"It's incredible, not only meeting incredible people who are aligned towards the same objectives."
"I'm so excited to do our mission together."
"That's wonderful, it's what we want."
"We are reaffirming our shared goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan."
"You're coming to this acknowledgement with each other that you really both are on the same page, you both have the same goals."
"Being with people who want to do the same thing can make a big difference."
"We all want the same thing, we all want to make each other laugh."
"We've always known that this is a shared mission."
"It's definitely important to play a role as a team because y'all all gonna eat, you win a championship, we all get a ring."
"The Republic of Korea and the United States are joined by a history of shared sacrifice and by a future of common purpose."
"We must eradicate hierarchies of power and discourse our common concerns and shared aspirations as equals."
"I hope we can achieve our goals together."
"It's going to feel good being around other people who have similar interests; they're all trying to achieve similar goals."
"Focus on collaboration, not competition."
"They want to work hard together with you, maybe for some great fortune."
"It's very important that you have people around you that share your causes, that understand your community, the big picture."
"Everybody from different ethnicities and origins who speak different languages in one room sharing the same common goal that night which is just to share love and positivity and enjoy the moment."
"Marriages are happier and healthier when they are structured around something greater than the marriage itself."
"We have fought the battle together and we want to see the fruits again together."
"We have a shared vision of security, stability and prosperity in Asia based on an open and inclusive regional architecture."
"You're building something up here and you're building up in the direction of not only you for yourself but there's somebody else attached to you here."
"One man, one woman, journey together across the stars, searching for one goal, one mission: to find life beyond their dreams, imagination."
"It's worth investing your time because you both are trying to manifest the same type of love into your life."
"It only works if the two people are contributing and it's not going to be equal all the time, but it's about a committed effort in unison towards a common goal."
"We have to respect each other for our own benefits we bring to the conversation for a combined outcome and goal."
"Teamwork is going to make the dream work here this month."
"Yeah, me too. I think for me it's because we're doing it together."
"Your dream is our dream now, my friend."
"They want to build something beautiful with you, they want to build a life together with you."