
Design Principle Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Things should be as simple as possible, but no simpler."
"Contrast is key in creating engaging designs."
"Grouping sprites differently allows for varied functionality, a key concept for effective game development."
"Less is more is a classic piece of design advice."
"I think it's an actual example of less is more."
"Relevant things should be next to each other."
"The goal of conceptual contrast is to create something memorable."
"Eiffel Tower: an early version of the modernist credo that form follows function."
"It's done when there's nothing left to take away."
"If it looks simpler, it's almost always better."
"Keep it simple, stupid. You're absolutely right."
"The trick is, I like to do things in odd numbers: ones, threes, or fives."
"It's a pure form follows function principle here."
"It's a generally accepted principle of good design with mechanism and policy should be separated as much as possible."
"Keeping it simple is really the key."
"You always want to show, not tell, a lot of times. You know, these designs are being looked at when you're not around, so you want the visuals to speak for themselves."
"Less is more here, don't overdo it."
"The reason that these things work is because they're simple."
"The law of least surprise: you want everything in your user interface to be what you expect, not a surprise."
"In order to achieve the aesthetic modern, you have to keep the space open."
"Every component should have one and only one responsibility."
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler."
"Minimize the notion of frustration or maximize the notion of user satisfaction."
"I like to follow the 70-30 rule, which means we have 30 percent of area with the detail and the other 70 of space is more or less empty space."
"Form follows function approach, nothing distracting about it, very clear lines, bright white and legible."
"Keep it simple, you know, just keep it clean."
"The data ink ratio is of the total ink on the view, we want as much as possible to be dedicated to the data."
"Simplicity will always win over the abundance of creative elements and creative expression."
"Content dictates form, less is more, and God is in the details. All in service of clarity."
"Keep it simple; a simple solution has fewer vulnerabilities."
"This is the principle on which Look Designer was built on."
"Make it convenient; the less clicks the better."
"Contrast is everything. Contrast draws the eye."
"It should be intuitive, concisely capture the idea it represents."
"Let's keep it simple, that's the point."
"Everything fits to make a very organized chaos, and that - THAT is my aesthetic."
"Memorability comes down to simplicity."
"Symmetry is the most important concept."
"Keep it simple, stupid. The KISS method."
"We really try to design with music first."
"Whatever is going on at the center is repeated in the corners."
"Elements that look similar are perceived to have the same function."
"Elements that are close together appear to be more related than things that are spaced farther apart."
"Elements located within the same area are perceived to be grouped together."
"The route will always be user experience."
"Just add a bit of asymmetry to make it more interesting."
"Form follows function if something's going really far outside the box, it's hopefully for a reason."
"Keep it simple, stupid, or don't overcomplicate, just keep things simple."
"Keep it simple; less is usually more when it comes to design."
"Code to the interface, not to the implementation."
"Weight is the enemy of performance."
"Our eye goes to the area of greatest contrast."
"Keep it simple, stupid. Don't overcomplicate things."
"Favor object composition over class inheritance."
"If we can avoid crossing, it will be a higher quality of aesthetic product."
"Form follows function; you can't separate them."
"In the domain layer, we have no dependency on nothing; it's 100% self-sufficient."
"One of our brand pillars at KTM is purity."
"Ideally, I would just want to do it in one place in one card that I'm reusing for all of these different tiers."
"Simplicity is the hallmark of good design, not complexity."
"Keep it as simple as possible until you need it to be complex."
"The simplest effects are the best effects."
"The principle of symmetry is important because humans are naturally symmetric to some degree."
"I have learned that in like design, things look really good if you put them in threes, like a trio."
"I don't see any reason to make a game if you're not gonna make it fun, right?"
"The area of greatest contrast is where your eyes will go."
"Embrace the space, having that little bit of white space really helps bring your eye into this focal point."
"It is never okay for your UI to be blocked."
"Scale is a key and core element to interior design."
"I want my components as simple as possible."
"The reason we want negative space is so that the texture will really blend into that area."
"The best solution is the simplest solution, especially at the beginning."
"Harmony is the combination of variety and unity."
"Use first landscape design, also known as form follows function."
"Less is always more, you can always go back and add more."
"It's a really good example of how contrast can kind of make or break or at least change the effect of a patchwork design."
"Nothing can be beautiful if it is not functional."
"On all of my cards, I made the focal point in the center."
"Keep the UI layers as dumb and lean as possible and have all the logic in the core."
"It's convention over configuration."
"Functionality is of course paramount."
"The main goal of a view should always be to display the source of truth."
"Focus on the user and all else will follow."
"The number one thing you should focus on is what's good for the user."
"Keep your robot simple and straightforward, also known as KISS."
"Legibility at a glance is really the first thing they consider with all their designs."
"Design the simplest thing that could possibly work."
"Motion is meant to provide meaning."
"White space can be such a good thing in a journal."
"The principle of proximity... the closer you put something together, the stronger the relationship is."
"The less you can put into the layout, the better it's going to be."
"The real idea here is simplicity."
"It's a better design because it also allows our classes to be smaller and light."
"Less is more, but I have a hard time figuring out when to stop."
"We want to pull the content into the center because it's easier for the user to read it."