
Family Heritage Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Your last name will not represent bondage; it will represent freedom, wealth, legacy."
"It makes me think about my granddad and why I support Manchester United. It's quite an emotive day in many different ways."
"My paternal great-grandfather was born a slave in South Carolina and joined the Union Army."
"You know, you aren't merely part of a family, you're rooted in a lineage of publishers. Ink runs through our veins."
"This is our blue eye traveller, a modernized recipe from the Meals Family Recipe."
"My grandmother was the original entrepreneur of our family."
"I am here to show you guys some of the precious items that I was able to bring home from my Grandma's house."
"Everyone should have a sense of tapes and leaving for their kids unborn yet. That's family heritage."
"She's the fourth generation of the family to be born with unusual white locks on the forehead."
"We weren't rich, but I had what I needed. When my grandmother died, she left 115 grandkids and great grandkids. That was just one side." - Chadwick Boseman
"This place means a lot to our family. We've been here for 59 years. We've all pretty much grown up here."
"Simultaneously having this fierce pride for my mother and for her deafness."
"I filmed a bunch of my dad's stories and I put him up on a YouTube channel and these are the stories that I grew up with."
"She carries something in those genes that's just special."
"This is made for Mike, he shares the same blood as Abram."
"He told them that this battle, this victory, is one that will be woven into their families' battle poems to be sung by generations to come."
"This obscure family of ours was early in the Reformation and continued Protestants through the reign of Queen Mary."
"Every adjustment, every change in the family tree - it's like a living legacy."
"Soul me who witnessed that asked whether hypnosis magic was not included in the goyu family's innate abilities he had heard that learning something different like that was very difficult."
"It is truly becoming an heirloom for us to pass on to our children's children's children."
"The land is still there and it's in somebody's family but ain't nobody talking about that."
"I would accept the beautiful gift of family land because I think even as you get older just Legacy and ties to family I think it's a really beautiful thing."
"I wanted to stay in the family so I took my grandma's name Oliver Jones."
"The Hall of Fame was like a legacy for your family."
"Room I discovered learning about my family's past."
"So in a way wrestling did save my life and in a way thank you God in the universe um if you look back now in a way it helps shape and form and save my grandfather's life coming out of Samoa my Dad's life being a kicked out at 13."
"It's gonna be four generations of um, I know technically you guys are Whitakers and you're Nancy Roberts but of great women."
"But for 2021 German, Mick Schumacher, Michael Schumacher's son, will be racing at Formula One as well."
"This is such a gift that your grandfather gave you guys."
"This is my grandmother's Bhutan and it's now mine."
"Your ancestors are dedicated to protecting you."
"I think the real jewels are the ones that are in private ownership because there you've got the love and the sweat and the dedication of a family over generations."
"That was my granddad's mic; he used it until he retired, and my dad used it, and then I started using it."
"We do mostly home cooking. Most of it's my grandmother's and my mother's recipes. All the schnitzel is my grandmother's on both sides."
"Good old-fashioned dressing just like granny made."
"This is a special family recipe that has been handed down for generations."
"It always been in the family since the 40s."
"I decided to do these B vintage fabrics that I wanted to name them after my grandma and my mom and all of my aunts and the on my mom's side of the family."
"Gran's cabin was larger than the usual size of a home in Willow Gap... each generation having added to the original structure."
"I'm making my own special sauce handed down from generation to generation of Sicilians."
"I think this is about bringing together our knowledge, what we've been told by our families, what we've experienced, what we've read, and discussing it."
"Somewhere I had received the impression that fine folks were people who did the best they could with the sense they had, but Aunt Alexandra was of the opinion obliquely expressed that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of land, the finer it was."
"My grandmother is from South Carolina. I lived with my grandparents. And when Daughters of the Dust came out, she was like, 'I want to go see a movie called Daughters of the Dust and it's playing on 2nd Avenue and 12th Street.'"
"I never met my grandmother on my father's side, but she loved daffodils and grew a bunch at the house a couple doors down."
"It's been in the family right, I am told, from you, 300 years this has been in the family."
"It's quite a privilege to be invited into this kitchen, the heart of this family's home for 250 years."
"Just a few generations ago, hunting was a common piece of many families' experiences."
"This business will grow beyond my lifetime. It's a wonderful business for me to leave to my grandchildren."
"It's just mind-blowing and mesmerizing, listening to all of my dad's and all my uncles' experiences through the years on that river and on those mountains."
"You've always made sure that we had a strong sense of who we are and where we're from."
"Our child is half American, half Khmer, and this has been his first opportunity really to get to know Cambodian culture."
"My parents immigrated here to bring that name here, Jeannie Mai."
"Framing the Chinese zodiac stamps that correspond to each year of a family member's birth makes for a great statement piece in your home."
"I went into my father's cellar... and it was spectacular."
"Difficult to put into words the emotions you feel knowing that a member of your family has held something like that."
"It's the only real tangible thing that she's got of her forebears."
"You guys are our gifts from God, it is really true, you children are a heritage from the Lord."
"They came into my house that I fixed up with my money in the town that my family founded because they think they are untouchable."
"The inspiration for this car was my grandpa Keith Crabbe."
"That was my great grandmother's recipe."
"Millie is named after my grandma; my Grandma taught me to quilt."
"I like the Navy because my dad was in World War II in the Navy, he was on an AO and he was fueling aircraft carriers in World War II in the Pacific."
"I am so excited to actually be able to gather the stories from my parents, from my husband's parents, about their lives so that my children will have that to cherish and treasure forever."
"So originally, we actually created this rig for the purpose of traveling first down to Costa Rica because that's where my family's from and where we have property."
"They really give that vibe of like an heirloom piece."
"These are passed down to me and they are made with so much love from my kitchen to yours."
"I'm hoping that the people that purchase these items will treasure them as much as my dad and my grandparents did."
"My quilting inspiration is my great uncle."
"My father was a carpenter, and I grew up building things."
"It really reaffirms everything that the ways your mother may have cooked or your grandmother."
"Life's most beautiful moments often come from the simple things, like a family recipe passed down through generations."
"The chair is really important to me because it was used by my grandfather, was used by my father, and I used to have my haircut in it."
"It's something we'll have in our family for years to come."
"Your last name means something, and your family that's attached to that, your creed that's attached to that, means something."
"I'm Chinese, but I was born here in L.A. My mom's from China, and my dad kind of grew up in Hong Kong."
"My granddaddy put all he saved up in it, and my daddy put his heart and soul into it."
"I'm able to do something that my parents will never be able to do and I'm proud to make the effort knowing that I've seen more in this country where my parents were born and raised than they ever will."
"Grandma's Legacy is gorgeous, especially if you can see it up close and what a great tribute to his grandmother."
"The sense of pride she has when they cruise this thing around because she knows it belonged to her dad, now it belongs to her, one of these days it's gonna belong to her own kids."
"The family of Ungern Von Sternberg is an old family, a mixture of Germans with Hungarians, Huns from the time of Attila."
"Dean with just a tremendous passion, obviously comes from a great wrestling family."
"I feel like I'm gonna have the upper hand here as I had a nice vernacular passed down to me from my mother, God bless her."
"We came from a great family, a long line of responsible young men."
"Naruto swears to rebuild the home of his clan and finds all the family he has left."
"This little kitchen is really special to me because it was my grandmother's."
"We're making my mom a cookbook, and I'm gonna throw a few recipes in there, but majority of them are gonna be my mom's childhood memory recipes that I just love."
"Great great grandma Carolina didn't cross an ocean at 18 for me to be afraid to be Jewish."
"We learned a lot about the farm, it's a five-generation farm, started back in 1938."
"Eleanor and Henry's eldest daughter was even named Matilda after her grandmother."
"We're going to be telling our stories from our childhood growing up in an Arab Anglo Arab family."
"I named my Featherweight Lucinda Rose after my great grandma's middle name and the roses on the machine."
"He could have made his family legacy just turn into something beautiful."
"We Sinclaires are a grand old family. That is something to be proud of."
"Dragon raises dragon and phoenix, you are my mother, I am your son."
"My dad... had these bustles and these bustles are actually 30 years old."
"I had a grandfather who had been in the produce business and he was a passionate gardener."
"I grew up an Eagles fan, my parents are from Philly."
"We all come to history first by stories that our grandparents and our parents tell us."
"Our family has lived here for generations."