
Cyber Warfare Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"We call this cyber warfare, and it has become a fixture of modern conflict."
"This is a civilian-led patriotic mission in which for most of us out here, this is not a blood and guts, bullets and bombs war; this is a cyber war that you get to choose whether you want to have anything to do with it or not."
"Stuxnet set the stage for a new kind of war, one that will play out on a digital battlefield."
"Stuxnet... was an act of war without there being a war."
"It was one step forward, two steps back. It delayed Iran's program certainly... but it also politically it convinced Iran that they were under siege."
"We're in a moment that's different... This is the first time in history where cyber warfare is now in full-scale operation."
"The history of 21st-century fighting is, in many ways, a history of cyber warfare."
"The wars waged in cyberspace were as critical as those waged on conventional battlefields."
"In an ever-evolving digital warfare environment, every movement was delicate and hidden—a dance of digital mastery in the dark alleys of the virtual world."
"Cyber warriors changed the codes of Russian missiles with meticulous precision, a feat that required not only technical expertise but also a deep understanding of enemy technology."
"Psychological operations and cyber war is something we underestimate."
"Stuxnet could have potentially continued to cripple Iran’s nuclear ambitions from within for years, perhaps even decades, before detection."
"Behind all these cyber weapons and anonymous hackers, are, at the end of the day, just... humans."
"World War III is not going to be fought on the ground with tanks and planes. It's going to be financial, economic, and cyber."
"Russia has the ability to turn off the lights in the United States if they want to."
"Cyber operations like this illustrate the evolving nature of modern warfare."
"Ukrainian hackers have embarked on strategic cyber warfare by targeting the enemy's communications infrastructure."
"A massive AI driven Chinese attack could overwhelm U.S defenses."
"Consider that in the midst of the global pandemic, the People's Liberation Army and the Ministry of State Security have conducted cyber attacks against hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and medical research facilities."
"And Cyber Espionage is one of the most powerful weapons."
"Taiwan is really on the front lines of the cyber warfare with China."
"We're inside but we've been in cyber war for a decade but what is that what does that mean what does that lead to."
"Stuxnet marked the beginning of the cyber wars of the future."
"Cyber weapons like Stuxnet rely on software flaws or vulnerabilities that hackers use to get into sensitive systems."
"We're not just up against people, we're up against an army of bots."
"We're no stranger to this game but that doesn't mean China is stopping trying to build their army of sims."
"They took down the main website of the Russian military just with various ddos attacks like that's it."
"Few if any Russian hackers could have done as much damage to the already worn fabric of American democracy as they have."
"Cyber warfare presents the possibility of destroying an enemy's industry, infrastructure, conventional defenses, and financial systems through the use of software attacks."
"Is Putin about to launch a massive cyber Warfare campaign against Ukraine? Well, the New York Times would have you believe that that's the case."
"Who's to blame for this catastrophic Cyber attack? It's very possible to have an extreme scope conducted on the American population that could push us into World War III."
"At a country attacking a nation's critical infrastructure like that is essentially a declaration of war."
"Cyberwarfare: a threat we're likely going to face in the immediate future."
"We have entered into a new phase of conflict in which we use a cyber weapon to create physical destruction."
"Cyber attacks could be the wars of tomorrow."
"In the digital age, wars are not just fought with soldiers and weaponry but with lines of code and malware, silently infiltrating, extracting, and retreating like phantoms in the night."
"Stuxnet was designed to physically attack Iran's nuclear program."
"Cyber is this unique weapon that it can be used by States to harass and destroy."
"Cyber war is war; yes, it absolutely is. Certainly in the US, the zones of conflict now include air, land, sea, space and cyber."
"Will this have real effects, does cyber have real effects on real people? Yes it does."
"It's an act of War it's an act of cyber War it's an act of War."
"The real action is going to be in cyber warfare because the whole world runs on computers."
"What happened was that, the Russian government, using the Internet Research Agency of St. Petersburg, was able to set up groups and accounts that pretended to be on both sides of the aisle."
"It's very asymmetrical because if you become the target of a government Cyber attack they pretty much have inless resources to get what they want."
"Governments hackers actively hunt for these vulnerabilities and when they create an exploit for them, they regard those exploits as weapons."
"Mystery surrounds the cyber missile that crippled Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions."
"We're bringing these charges today to put the Chinese leaders directing these cyber attacks on notice."
"Russia invaded our democracy not with bombs or jets or tanks, but with a sophisticated cyber mission to undermine the underpinnings of our very democracy."
"Cyber is the most dangerous weapon of all because it is so versatile."
"We are moving to, as they put it, defend forward, taking the fight to adversary networks."
"The Russians made a real strategic mistake in attacking Ukraine from a cyber perspective over and over again in peacetime."