
Flight Experience Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"We have arrived, after a fairly short flight. The flight from Utah to San Diego not too bad, pretty fast."
"I learned a ton on this flight and there were so many things that I could narrow in on."
"Would I recommend going on a flight dressed as Rapunzel? Yes. 10 out of 10. Super convenient. Highly recommend it."
"Flying first class is the only way to travel. You get treated like royalty."
"The 18 hours went by so quick to me; it kind of felt like a regular flight."
"The flight as freeing, serene, and exhilarating all at once."
"Showing a bit of empathy and gratitude towards the work [flight attendants] do can go a long way to making your flight experience a lot better."
"Holy smokes let's turn this off and let's do a little bit of an assessment here cuz that was unreal I think that was the craziest nail-biting flight I've ever had and it was done with the Mavic Mini over three miles I believe that was."
"The initial market you see is essentially joy rides for people. I think there's a huge market for people to just experience the thrill and joy of flight around the world."
"As with the rest of the world, I've been anxiously awaiting my first Starlux flight."
"If a pure flight experience is what you're after, there's no doubt that this is the one to get."
"She found this tweet which was just, 'On a Virgin flight between Edinburgh and London, one of the cabin crew got up and did some [ __ ] comedy. Lovely."
"The positive vibe is really what makes a flight pleasant."
"My flight got grounded after a dude had a heart attack. Tell me why the damn flight woke me up talking about, 'Am I a doctor? I'm black, let me go!'"
"One thing that really set this flight apart from early on was the incredible service and high level of attention to detail."
"I really enjoyed this flight for the combination of flying an A350 for the first time, out of my home airport, with an airline I never expected to see in Calgary, let alone fly with."
"Service was actually really good, so I'm actually kind of looking forward to this flight."
"I don't really mind turbulence, I actually welcome it as it helps me fall asleep."
"This plane is gonna fly slow, it's gonna produce a lot of lift, and it's gonna give you a good flight experience."
"Absolutely love the way this thing flies."
"I couldn't have done it as well as this thing does, exactly. It feels just like you're flying low to the ground in a fighter."
"The main purpose is to protect you during turbulence."
"I love turbulence, it feels like a roller coaster to me."
"I think it's a great airplane, if you're a fan of UMX planes, then as long as you like the way this looks, you're going to love the way it looks and flies."
"We want you to have an amazing flight experience."
"We're right above the clouds, so this should be a pretty clear flight."
"This thing just sounds so awesome. It sounds like a real heli when it's flying up in the air."
"I am still probably into the evening gonna be picking up my jaw off the floor after that flight."
"Hold onto your rotor blades because we're about to take flight with the daring and compact Mosquito Aviation XE."
"The flight itself was really good."
"I really enjoyed watching the flight attendant; it felt like this time when the flight just... it was nice."
"Hope you guys enjoyed this flight, thanks for coming along."
"Wow, wow, wow, wow, I really like how this flies."
"Imagine The Thrill of soaring through the skies in one of these legendary machines."
"This flight helped show me why Ana is ranked third amongst the top airlines in the world."
"It's very light on the controls and just delightful to fly."
"This is probably the best beginner helicopter that I've flown so far."
"Believe it or not, you can fly; as in, you sit inside and fly around just like a helicopter. Pretty incredible, huh?"
"This is the pinnacle of aviation experience right here."
"It's a great flight, it's amazing, everyone's happy."
"So I had a fantastic first flight from Prague to Kiev with a young, ambitious, hard-working, very friendly crew."
"That was definitely an exciting flight."
"It was an incredible day because we started good far from here, and so much crazy move today. This flight to come from Lamos to here, it's one of my best. It was so nice, so beautiful."
"This has to be just about the smoothest flight I've ever been on."
"We're the last folks on the flight and Truitt was just like happy as ever."
"That kind of flight is just always top level for me."
"It genuinely feels like an eagle."
"Boy, when you can just relax and enjoy the plane, it flies so good."
"Sunset and sunrise is the best time for it."
"This drone is amazing the way it flies; it's almost like I'm flying a tiny whoop, it's so nice and smooth."
"This is still a really good solution to making the flight sim more immersive."
"Getting above the clouds and being able to fly down low in glassy smooth air is exactly what I would want a tandem to be."
"What is it like to be up in the sky... 66 hours in this basket through night and day?"
"It sounds like a little bumblebee when you're flying it, but it is so quiet."
"We're officially in Budapest and the flight was amazing, amazing, oh it's a lovely flight."