
Youth Inspiration Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"It occurred to me maybe I can be useful by offering a view to people, especially to young people, of what leadership should look like and how it should be centered on values."
"It's not about left or right politics; it's about inspiring young people to be personally responsible."
"Hopefully, I've inspired a lot of young people to follow their passion and change perceptions."
"I think it's just gonna motivate even younger people."
"That vision of fairness I think is something that we need to revive and revitalize for young people today."
"Sometimes you just gotta believe in yourself, kids."
"We need to inspire young people. We need to make things that make young people say, 'That's what I want to do when I grow up.'"
"Creating culture that inspires young people."
"Just giving back to the youth and just like to the kids that saw you on the screen."
"He set an example for young people to follow and do a legacy worth of Celebration."
"Capitalism is one great big [ __ ] gaslight gatekeep girl boss pyramid scheme to the next generation of dreamers."
"A 12-year-old teaching us all something very important."
"We would not be here if it wasn't for the Black Panther."
"I do believe that Kerbal will have inspired a whole new generation of rocket scientists."
"I think they're quite a nice role model for the young generation."
"She can carry her sport and she can carry a generation of kids."
"Issa Rae is pretty [ __ ] amazing... just how dope you have to be to get where she's gotten under 40 and all by herself."
"Hope is the youth for me, and hopefully, Don Fletcher in that role can bring that forward."
"They are the leaders of all the youth of Jannah."
"Taylor's actions now carried weight, influencing and inspiring thousands of young girls who looked up to her."
"I hope this helps a lot of resellers out there... I hope this tells the younger generations trying to start a business one day."
"Seeing is believing, and yesterday I had an opportunity to go visit with young girls in an after-school program and their faces just lit up because they saw, I think in me, someone who looked like them and that was just really, really powerful."
"We need to own the responsibility that comes with being great examples for young people."
"I'm proving to the youngsters what's possible in life when you don't give up."
"His humility and decency remain a model for all young Americans to this day." - Narrator
"I'm here to show the youth that you could be yourself."
"If you are wondering whether you can be a hero at Camp Half Blood, the answer is always absolutely you can."
"We should be giving young people an alternate set of Heroes."
"I'm not doing this for me I'm not doing this for you I'm doing it for this little fella this is 14 year old Jack stood in his parent's garden with a ball of heart next to his dad's cabbage recording a now-deleted video for some smiles every God's."
"I am here to change people's lives with money that's it that's it that's what I started doing when I was super young I always wanted to teach people about money since I was a little kid I loved it call me crazy but that's what I liked."
"We've got kind of like lightning in a bottle here that we need to share to motivate our kids." - Jose Hernandez
"I want to switch it up, inspire the kids to do something different with their money."
"The essence of that and that fire, you know, is like I am inspired by young people today."
"Whatever he chooses to do, I hope he continues to share his passion for engineering with the younger generations."
"I'm setting an example for other kids out there who are chasing wild dreams to not just stutter in the face of adversity."
"If you want to look up to someone and choose someone as your hero, I would say Justin from LankyBox is a great hero to have in your life."
"The job of the president of the United States is to be a role model for our children and our grandchildren."
"Chase your dreams, please Katelyn, chase your dreams, honey."
"I think it's important for young boys, young boys and girls to know what it takes to try and reach the top."
"Steph Curry is the most influential player when it comes to little people."
"We are now role models for a lot of young girls."
"People is paying more attention to the UFC and there's a lot of little kids that there are you know trying to be me trying to do what I do."
"Your young men shall have dreams and visions."
"sometimes think that tenacity is almost important or maybe more important than Talent"
"I want to make videos for people like me when I was 18."
"I want black girls to feel proud of being black."
"Young people want Vision, a strong Vision, they want to be challenged, they want a crusade."
"Serenity should write a book... encourage other young people to travel abroad."
"Every young creator will be looking at it thinking this is their moment."
"I loved the spider-man homecoming it was all about praising intelligence and I really think that's important for kids to look up to heroes that are smart."
"He was a true leader and an example for the youngsters."
"I love meeting young men and women who are building actually making a product."
"Barney really took the baton and ran with it, subjecting itself to mainstream streetwear and music culture and inspiring a whole new generation of the youth."
"I love that you're going down this path and you're so open about it. I think it will help a lot of, you know, a lot of young people."
"We desperately need the next generation of curious young people to look into that world and say, 'I want to explore that; I want to learn about that world.'"
"Remember Fernando Tatis? I know a lot of kids like him."
"Wouldn't it be beneficial if we had somebody to promote these Traditional Values in a way that resonates with young people, men in particular, that can get more confidence, build more resilience in them, and go out in the world and create something beautiful despite the odds?"
"You did so much for the grime industry, the wrapping industry in the UK, and just for youngsters in general."
"Every generation of youth drawing inspiration from the same divine impulse to cast the world anew has seized the opportunity to contribute to the latest stage in the unfolding process that is to transform the life of humankind."
"Her striking, innovative, and fierce independence struck a chord with the youth of the day."
"I love this country, and every young person who lives here should be blessed to know that they've been so fortunate to be born here."
"Thank you so much for being a good example in this sport for my young children to love the sport of fishing."
"So 25 years from now, I hope that a lot of young people watching this program will be able to afford to go to space."
"Imagine how many young men he's got to start a routine, imagine how many more he got to reconsider their view on self-improvement."
"We're in a country where a lot of young people are suffering; they see another young person who was once like them become that great."
"She's making a statement of intent to the whole of the field, including all the youngsters here."
"The youth needed someone to relate to and more importantly look up to."
"We're fighting in the Last Chance Saloon, and it's important to create projects that become beacons for Hope, especially for young people."
"And the winner of a $50,000 scholarship, a lifetime membership to the National Geographic Society and a trip for two on a Lindblad expedition to Galapagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavor Two, the 2018 National Geographic Champion Venkat Ranjan from California."
"I think that's a great message for the kids."
"Shout out to all the hustlers in the world, especially the young hustlers."
"And instead we're going to talk about success, about how all of you amazing young Scouts can achieve your dreams."
"Education is Liberation, that's what I told the kids today."
"Being in this position, being even able to talk about this to all these young kids is awesome."
"Once he was finally released from prison, Larry reformed his ways and now he helps and inspires young people to stay out of prison and change their life path."
"Show other young people by example."
"They've really raised the bar to a really high level for all the young ladies and even the guys coming up."
"We're just ordinary kids from the village here, trying to inspire many people out there."
"I want young people... to say I'm glad he led because he impacted me in a positive way."