
Exit Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"All Chinese companies currently listed on Wall Street would exit the U.S. capital markets in the next three years."
"What's your exit strategy? If you get money, what's the way out?"
"It usually is like a slow death when somebody gets out of an MLM."
"Always get off the stage while people are still shouting for more."
"The mirror broke for the exit point."
"He bowed to Hades and Persephone, grateful, a gust of wind whipped through the cavern urging Orpheus toward the exit of the underworld."
"With all the grace of a dumper truck, I'm going to exit the bedroom."
"That'd be great if you just like I'm out, I'm out."
"I do feel that that's the best Avenue to sell this car and maximize my exit."
"He kind of just went off into the sunset."
"Well, we've made it to our exit. Thank the lord. I hope that oil pressure gauge is wrong because it's not telling us too much right now, huh?"
"This interest is a signal to exit."
"And he just ran again. See you later, bye."
"There's no doubt that he was confident that he was going to walk out of that police station after a few hours."
"By the time the lab staff arrived, fully armed with high temperature spray guns, Hopper, Joyce, and Bob had exited the cave."
"The exit takes care of itself... if you have a good entrance."
"Exit stage 'me', all the villains are just looking from the yacht out there, and it's amazing because they're all just slightly agape."
"So, that's one more thought too, as you carry your thoughts forward and you still have this vo in your portfolio over a long period of time, when you actually will exit that position."
"This actually was the best thing that ever happened to Brandon. He could leave the show ten minutes early."
"As a general rule, anytime a man of Matthews' age starts a sentence with, 'I was reading last night about the fall of France in 1940,' that's your queue to exit the conversation."
"To hell, there is not only an entrance but also an exit."
"I love Christian's exit by the way, it was the Main Event Mafia going, 'Oh, you gonna be go over there, you a dude by big fish, my pond, you,' and they beat the [ __ ] out of them."
"Seden Ball's graceful exit was rather graceful despite how disliked he was."
"I think I gave it my all and then moon walked out the picture."
"I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here."
"Well, this is a pretty badass way to go out, right?"
"Watch the space, then Parker out."
"In the famous words of the immortal Bard I will now exit stage left pursued by bear."
"That's the real way to exit Vim: Capital Z capital Q."
"He exits this game as he has all the rest with class and dignity."
"ABC conversation, what was it? A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I gotta go. Like the conversation is over. I love it."
"Her exit is actually pretty dang impactful."
"Sometimes it's not about as much as how you enter and what you do in that is how you exit as well that people remember."
"Exit of the show is not the same as final appearance."
"Let's not," said Callous, but Nakor had already vanished through the doorway.
"Brexit means we're coming out of the European Union."
"That's it, that's all I have to say. I'm out, I'm out, I'm done."
"A good way to go out when you're in the mafia."
"Exit environment is really tough, but if you look back, the 2021 exit value was completely bonkers. That never happened before."
"Gracefully bombs out of the competition."
"No more spooky cave for me I'm getting out of here."
"I'm going to go." (Out of context, it sounds like an intriguing exit line!)
"It's not about where you get in, it's about where others are getting out."
"Stop, think things through, then develop your exit plan."
"You should always plan to leave with dignity."
"I think it's important to acknowledge that it's not the same for everybody, and some people have a really, really difficult path out of the church."
"The pride of East Brunswick, New Jersey, out of the competition after running with the leaders."
"You go in with a bang or you go out with a bang."
"Tuxedo Mask, my work here is done."
"Egress means the way out; it means the exit."
"Old money don't simply leave, they glide out of situations with subtlety and finesse."
"Rule number one: make sure you exit on your terms."
"It's another thrill to exit through this ancient Roman gate, and with its three entryways it resembles a triumphal arch."
"This is basically what the equity holders will be getting in year five after selling the company and dealing with the debt and the cash."
"If you sold your company for 120 million, you'd probably not stick around either."
"If you're gonna go out, go out with a bang."
"I'll walk out backwards for a dramatic effect."
"I just wanted to go out in style."
"I always did want to get out of here with a bang."
"In trading, it's all about understanding where you want to do business and when to get out of the market."
"Kellogg's flees from Venezuela after more than half a century."