
Financial Aspects Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Journalists who are writing real news, we don't make money from it, we hope that when these articles get tweeted out or when we hire a journalist to go on the ground and cover news, that it generates attention for the work we do in general and people will read."
"I think it's okay, I actually agree with that phrase, I want a guy on my level, but that doesn't come down to a monetary value alone."
"Apart from that, it is a job, but it's something that I like to do that happens to pay me money."
"We see this as his fourth film that he never got to make. Thanks for the moolah."
"You can't win a woman over unless you got some Benjamins, or unless she's young, dumb, and doesn't know her value."
"Making money as an artist" - Stan: "It is huge. But I got nothing to say. No, I'm just kidding. I've got a lot to say."
"It's not about the money, it's going to be how fast we solve climate change for the world."
"It's not just about the money, it's emotional."
"Owning a house or an apartment... affects your life a lot and the cost of it is not the cost of it."
"At one point, the British playwright Tom Stoppard was paid $120 thousand dollars to do a rewrite of the script."
"Transfers always come back to money as well. It's not just about football, it's about finances, isn't it?"
"Women initiate 80% of divorces in the United States in the west in general and 90% alimony is paid from men to women."
"Ultimately it's the fan pulling money out of his or her pocket that is justifying what you are allowed to make."
"It's not just about the money, we want to be successful on the pitch."
"Life isn't fair... If all the top players gem, the monetary aspect is a complete wash."
"I think Ronaldo wanted to go this summer, but unlike Messi, he's not free. He's got massive wages, and Juventus would still want quite a bit of money for him."
"I always said it was like the schedule of a band on tour with like some of the perks but not any of the money."
"You're not going to be a millionaire, um but at least if you can go tell fart jokes and make a couple of bucks, go have a good time."
"But what is the financial comparison of losing weight when you're overweight?"
"What a signing that would be, apparently today this story came out Susman dembélé Liverpool apparently wants to buy him 485 million."
"We're not far from a world where players are making more money in college than they will make when they go to the NFL."
"Jordan Henderson, the man who said they wouldn't about the money nearly went to full of instead of Clint Dempsey it does tonight's in 2020 in your faces doubters welcome aboard believers."
"If you've got a large house and a large wallet, then you can buy a large dog, and what better than a powerful, playful, gentle giant known as the Great Dane?"
"Netflix just was like kid from stranger things who makes us lots of money do you want to have a show and he's like cool."
"This implies that Peter Parker from Miles's universe made a profit off of his superhero life."
"We're getting like $60 per chapter right now which is the most I've ever gotten for a book I'm pretty sure so this is going to be I think a best-seller I'm hoping"
"Just how much less this prize pool currently is."
"Zion has zero offers ladies and gentlemen he averaged 25 points per game and nobody want to get him one M I mean one M nowadays is pretty is a lot of money but still."
"You know, 100,000 people get it and almost like 80 and a half thousand people pay for it."
"Production costs for an original IP were high."
"Screenwriters can make money, but often their scripts never get produced."
"There's probably more money in being a streamer."
"Real artists don't care about none of that. The money is a byproduct of the art that I put out, not the other way around."
"This business was a shoot it was the man that made the most money so when I worked for Vince and Bob botton was a champion oh I wrestled back when that's when I always got paid more than me."
"The passion for football started when we were children without money, only passion. Then came money. But the passion is more important than money for me." - Antonio Conte
"Marriage is absolutely a business, which is why a lot of men don't want to marry us women."
"This success is just something that you have been working on for quite a while but it's not only about the finances."
"I can actually remember a time when you could buy a car brand new and get a two or three year loan."
"It was very difficult to make money just through YouTube back in the day you're you weren't making much unless you were hitting those big big numbers."
"The big sell on self-publishing: control and end price."
"If you're a footballer on £200,000 a week, England's starting center-back, and the manager says you're not part of his plans, you've got to go."
"The money you make is not necessarily for what you go through on stage."
"It's not about the money, it's about the opportunity."
"If they didn't have that TV money from TNT, there very likely would not be an AEW right now."
"Guys, he's gonna get paid a million dollars to play football regardless."
"There is so much more to a healthy relationship than how much money someone spends on you."
"I would always want more of a connection, even if I'm making less money."
"Money is a part of any relationship, I don't care what nobody say."