
Ruthlessness Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"Tywin is one of the greatest fictional examples of a ruthless and pragmatic man who will do whatever it takes to ensure the continued prosperity and advancement of his family."
"You did a cutthroat thing. Don’t come to me for absolution. You want to be a shark -- be a shark."
"Shaka pressed his claim to rule the Zulu in 1816, demonstrating a ruthlessness which would characterise his rule for years to come."
"Strategy, however subtle, requires a willingness to be ruthless in its execution, rarely demanded at the tactical or operational level."
"Your primary goal is to uplift mankind, but do not hesitate to massacre all in your way."
"He's hard and ruthless, but also fair and honorable."
"We will never be where we need to be if a manager isn't allowed to be ruthless."
"The motive is purely pragmatic. You do not see the individual that is eliminated as a person. You see them as a chess piece standing in the way of your win."
"She knew she had to maintain a ruthless edge."
"Hope is not a strategy. This is a blood sport. I am ruthless."
"Borrow a little bit of that. Be a little ruthless. How would you act if there was no guilt?"
"Conrad of Montforat... known for his intelligence, his skill as a warrior, and in time for his absolute ruthlessness."
"It was very apparent early on that Azrael's Batman was of a very different breed because he was much more ruthless."
"Football is about being ruthless and competitive."
"Sentimentality means nothing in high-end football, it's about being ruthless."
"Be ruthless in your actions, kind in your tone."
"Putin's miscalculated in the past; he has shown a level of ruthlessness beyond that which any other leader on earth is capable of at the moment."
"By his own lights, what he's doing is pursuing a conflict which he believes he has to win."
"We do need to recognize someone whose ruthlessness takes them into a moral sphere that the rest of us would find almost impossible to conceive of."
"We're too nice, sir Alex Ferguson was ruthless, Mourinho was ruthless."
"Our transfer strategy this summer and every transfer window from this point needs to be driven by two principles: aggression and ruthlessness."
"No pity for what you have done to them, it is all part of my plan."
"Big decisions need to be made. You've got to be ruthless and you've got to be aggressive if you want to be successful in football."
"It's not like it just magically happens. You have to be willing to like be a psychopath to get what you want in this life."
"Ruthless in one way or another because that's how you get to the top, isn't it?" - Edelen Musk
"Genghis Khan was able to build his empire by being absolutely ruthless. If an enemy refused to surrender or disrespected him in any way, he would often level the entire city."
"You are a cold-blooded killer capable of taking life without mercy or remorse."
"They don't care how many Chinese people they have to kill... as long as the Communist Party survives."
"She's very cold and calculating to take out anyone who got in her way."
"He's ruthless, vicious, but most of all, he's highly intelligent."
"I'm willing to kill anyone to get to the very top, anyone."
"Finding some balance and instilled some much-needed ruthlessness into the team."
"It's gonna be ruthless from here on out. o7 dude."
"Cut the losers so you have to be so brutal, just totally ruthless."
"To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss."
"We're gonna win because I was willing to be as ruthless as I needed to be."
"You gotta do what you love in life and here's what I love in life: Conquest, destruction, the decimation of my enemies."
"The ruthless strategy is for someone ready to do whatever it takes, whether it's killing, lying, cheating, stealing, and any other dark behavior to serve the end goal - survive."
"Every murder was like without hesitation, without second thought, brutal destruction."
"I think Carragher is right. Sometimes you've got to be ruthless and say what's best."
"Throughout the game, Mistral comes off as the most detached member of Desperado given her willingness to get her comrades killed."
"Everyone becoming his stepping stones would make him enjoy the game more."
"Time to be ruthless... what's the word I said again? Brutal."
"That was cold. That's cold-blooded."
"It never hurt to have an extra head that you could cut from its shoulders."
"Blanco hosted wild parties and lived lavishly, but simultaneously fought for her territory with infamous ruthlessness."
"A kind-hearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth."
"Ruthless killers who know no sympathy for their victims, they kill for years unnoticed."
"The only obstacle that stood between Nobunaga and Kyoto was the Rokkaku clan which was defeated after the lord of Owari launched a rapid attack against their castles."
"Isabella knew then and there that she was going to use whatever means necessary which included utter brutality if it was needed to accomplish what she felt was expected of her."
"Football has no sympathy for anybody. It is the most ruthless sport you will ever be involved in."
"Hitler was utterly ruthless. Anything that stood in his way, he could justify to himself that it was worth getting rid of."
"The Nazis had shown they were prepared to murder their own to achieve their goals. From now on, nothing was out of bounds, nothing too extreme."
"One of the prime examples of their ruthlessness was the massacre of Ey, where they massacred every man, woman, and child."
"...he's a grown adult who will cut his mother's throat in business instead of want to be anybody's friend."
"... it all comes down to human nature, particularly of those in that ruthless world."
"Michael's level of ruthlessness was at a level where even his own brother was not exempted from his wrath."
"I'm here to win this and I'm sorry if in the process I have to push you in front of a zombie. But I will do it to win it."
"There's no sympathy in college basketball in March...you smell blood, you circle, and you devour what's ever in the way."
"I'm gonna warn you about this [ __ ] though. He ruthless."
"The council was ruthless, and they would stop at nothing to bring Earth to its knees."
"Excellent work, Robin. We're just alike, equally ruthless."
"He was ruthless but in a funny way."
"Carefully calculated intrigue? Nah, forget it, ripping people's hearts right out the chest. Fatality."
"Sakazuki, formerly known as Admiral Akainu, is literally the driving force of the marines and WILL. DO. ANYTHING in order to crush pirates."
"Chad and Lori did what they had to do to remove any and every obstacle."
"One of the things that shows me great strength personally was when he used the Force to actually destroy the internal organs of one of his foes."
"Turns out nice guys finish last in this cold doggy dog world."
"You do what I trained you to do. Use every weapon at your disposal to kill your enemy. There are no rules."
"Charles here thought that he could win by being the most ruthless, but his blind fury ended up being exactly what got him killed."
"He killed all of them and did not even spare Camila."
"The Inquisition moves amongst mankind like an avenging Shadow striking down all the enemies of humanity with uncompromising ruthlessness."
"Asmodeus is exceptionally crafty, cunning, and ruthless."
"Perhaps a fair assessment would be that Richard was a man of his time who grew up during one of the most destructive and brutal conflicts in English history, where ruthlessness was essential in order to survive."
"He had a talent of creating a sense of collaboration consultation and purpose amongst his great men, while being utterly ruthless with anyone who stepped out of line."
"So you must not be confused. It must be clear then for the 60s, the class struggle in the African Revolution must be more ruthless and uncompromising than in any other revolution."
"She's knocked her father and she's not insane and she's not a sadist but there's a Targaryen ruthlessness that comes with even the good Targaryen."
"The NFL is a cold business where winning is all that matters."
"It's a doggy-dog world in Hollywood. It's ruthless, it's vicious, it's ugly, but the work is delicious."
"I am Samoa Joe. I am violence made flesh, ruthlessness manifest."
"You don't get to the top of the IRA and you don't stay at the top of the IRA unless you've got certain qualities such as ruthlessness."
"Power is held by the cunning and the ruthless."
"Shame. You know what I'll do? I'll show him no mercy, I'll be cruel, ruthless, I'll leave him starving and nude, I'll destroy him, I'll be an absolute beast."
"I am violence made flesh, ruthlessness manifest."
"'...lie, cheat, steal, kill, win. The war is all that matters.'"
"The only adult character I genuinely like is Rosalind. She’s ruthless and cutthroat, and will do anything to achieve her goals."
"Subsequent chapters also show Giovanni's redeeming yet ruthless characteristics."
"Spare no one, you left, we die. Spare no one."
"Mike with List 25, and here are the 25 most ruthless scams in history."
"Many people say that Suge Knight was ruthless."
"The world shows no mercy, so why should we?"
"Life shows no mercy, so neither do we. Do whatever it takes."
"If you want to bake a pie, you're going to have to slice a few throats."
"Silco demonstrates through his actions how formidable he is, what lines he will cross, and the lengths he will go to achieve his goal."
"Murdered, betrayed, and tyrannized their way to spectacular success."
"The thief hadn't expected moo to be so ruthless at such a young age."
"As a drag race fan I have no empathy. I have no send them home keep them home."
"Their most potent weapon though was their ruthlessness."
"Ruthlessness being easy if you care enough, that's the most important."
"Take my friend with the UPS store, for example. How did you feel about her taking on all those Val packs just to shut a competitor down before they could open their doors? Now, that's pretty ruthless, wasn't it?"
"Don't be a fool, Sierra. This is business. You need to be brutal and ambitious."
"After the fight, Ivan declares, 'If he dies, he dies.'"
"Ganeshka doesn't seem to cherish any of the principles of Buddhism and is instead a power-hungry warlord hardened from years of having to be the toughest man around."
"I'd burn the world to the ground to get what I wanted."
"Be honest and ruthless about the stuff you want to keep versus the stuff you want to get rid of."
"The strikes weren't random. They were only taking the real crazies, culling the weak."
"There's a cruelty, a competitive cruelty that will absolutely eviscerate the meek."
"When your opponent is struggling, show no mercy."
"Curtis was ruthless. Everyone was a piece on the board for him."
"Oh my days, this guy is ruthless."
"We only made one. Crush. Defeat. Destroy."
"I'm extremely ruthless when it comes to product reviews, even products that I get for free in PR."
"Lord Tywin would not have bothered with a search. He would have burned that town and every living creature in it," Milestone had replied.
"Goldi isn’t afraid to be a little ruthless towards others, wanting to do whatever it takes in order to get her wish."
"Business is business and it is a ruthless place."
"The ritual of our existence is based on the strong getting stronger by devouring the weak."
"Be kind to people and be ruthless to institutions."
"Littlefinger is willing to burn everything down to get what he wants"
"God is the most loving person, but he could also be the most ruthless person."
"Powder is just like ruthless, oh my god."
"You want somebody who has a certain ruthless flexibility to be an SOB but an SOB for a good cause."
"So old La would have wanted to murder his competition to just step on their throat as much as possible"
"Carol is ruthless, you gotta give her that."
"We are absolutely ruthless out here, it's amazing!"
"The weak do not deserve to live." - Niji
"They belonged to what Abraham Lincoln would later call the tribe of the eagle. Like eagles, they're immensely impressive and powerful, but they're not always nice. Nobody would accuse these three guys of being nice. They waded through seas of blood in their attempt to conquer."
"A kind-hearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth."
"He already has a guy to get this job done for him which is Luther who is the most ruthless animal that Lapin has ever had the pleasure of working with."
"Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. Unlike you, I got no mercy left to give."
"The lack of restraint, the ruthlessness was almost a signature of both regimes."
"Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right."
"You really have to be ruthless, ruthless with yourself."
"It's always just business. The objective is to destroy you."
"There's so many people out there, they're ruthless."
"It's straight to it, yeah, it's cutthroat. One run and then what? Five tricks, two runs, three trips?"
"Honestly, man, she's doing some ruthless [__] right now, like gut-wrenching stuff."
"He always wanted the reputation. He always said, like Paul Muni said in the movie Scarface, 'You got to use this machine gun, you got to kill people, and you got to keep on killing them to be the boss. You just can't stop, you got to keep killing.'"
"This has got to be the ruthless summer of Manchester United. This has got to be unsympathetic and cut deep to the core of this football club."
"Oh, and on top of that, you made an unbelievable amount of money and you ruined a guy who just left this child at the hospital. What a win!"
"Kill or be killed," Romulus thought grimly.
"She implemented ruthless tactics to eliminate competitors and solidify the cartel's control over production, distribution, and transportation networks."
"Ruthlessly competing for status within the nest."
"Put our foot on their throats and don't have any mercy."
"I devastated the provinces of ilam and on their lands I sowed salt."
"Sometimes to make an omelet you had to break a few skulls."
"He's the kind of guy that will straight-up just torch an entire town, you know?"
"He's willing to sacrifice pretty much anything and anyone in order to achieve his goals."
"Not many villains in contemporary television history were as ruthless as Power's chief mischief maker and arch nemesis turned fallen ally Kanan Stark."
"In a war, there are no rules, winning is all that counts."
"This event has to make our list of Joker's most horrifying moments of all time because of the finality with which he executes his plan."
"I'm willing to spend every last [__] dime that these [__] have to make sure you get as little as possible."
"Asher, leading his squad, began a ruthless massacre in Sepia's mansion, not sparing even the pets."
"I cannot believe someone's mom just uprooted their kids collection for seven dollars. That is absolutely savage of her."
"Buchanan, the most craven sociopathic cutthroat politician in America, had succeeded in his all-consuming 35-year quest to become president."
"He killed every shred of feeling in his heart in order to slaughter his own kin."
"At the end of the day, this is a competition. It's a dog-eat-dog world."
"Shall they therefore empty their net, and continue to slay nations without pity?"
"He's absolutely ruthless. He's also a big fan of my work, which I think helps."
"Griselda Blanco was responsible for numerous murders, including those of her three husbands and countless others who crossed her path."
"Sometimes you have to be pretty brutal and sometimes you have to be to get to where you want to be."
"Drive them into utter submission. You must be the carnivore, my boy."
"There is no room for mercy. There is no room for pity."
"kind of exactly what they would state as their biggest fear which is um like quite ruthless very self-interested"
"The explosive rivalry and competition for superiority have made these criminal organizations even more ruthless."
"She's apparently really good at it, because she doesn't give a [ __ ] about anyone. If Daenerys just didn't give a [ __ ] about anybody, she would be on there. But because she actually cares, she would have flown into King's Landing a long time ago."
"She possessed a cold pragmatic ruthlessness combined with intelligence and deceit."
"The game of Thrones killed him because the game of Thrones is for cutthroats, ruthless, savage people. Ends justify the means type people."
"Glokter was a veritable tornado of bastardy, leaving a trail of flattened friendships, crushed careers, and mangled reputations in his heedless wake."
"He certainly become more professional and ruthless than he was before."
"Business is business, bro. Like, if I see my competition drowning, I'll go and stick a hose in his mouth. Yeah, business is business."
"In my previous encounters with the pointy-eared bastards, they had shown themselves to be cunning and resourceful, ruthless even, bloodthirsty."
"When it comes to power, there is no such thing as kinship."
"Ruthless, absolutely ruthless in these situations."
"Sometimes, you have to devour others to truly, truly get better."
"She is just absolutely ruthless in poker."
"Frieza is a villain who controls his own army and is known for being ruthless and cunning."
"No prisoners, no mercy. We're off to one hell of a good start."
"Black Adam is a ruthless murderer, he kills people with efficiency and speed, seeking no outside counsel and showing absolutely no regret."
"100 percent kill, we don't want any survivors."
"He comes across as ruthless, which is exactly how you want Bond to be."
"You don't get to become a billionaire by being nice to people."
"You're a heartless monster who kills everyone in his way, even children."
"Once they consider them a liability, they are ruthless in getting rid of them. Utterly ruthless."
"It's just as cutthroat and just as ruthless as other businesses."
"There's no reason to show them any sympathy; outlaws deserve no mercy."
"Show no mercy to those who would do you harm."
"He was charismatic and likeable but also capable of extremely ruthless acts."
"True power is ruthlessness, true power is terror absolute."
"Anything that's unnecessary to building a company has been removed from his body, including empathy and love compassion, all those things they're just gone, replaced by fangs."
"He's the sort of man I always imagined: full-blooded, ruthless, shrewd, plenty of guts."
"Any person who poses a threat to her rule should be eliminated without mercy."
"Should you meet each other in battle, there can be no doubt, no mercy."
"The more you see, the more you realize this man is ruthless."
"That's sad and crazy, he's gone ruthless."
"The Ayatollah and Revolutionary Guards... are amazingly ruthless."
"The only way to have true control and freedom to direct your own life is to get ahead, and the only way to get ahead is by stepping atop those without the stones to do it first to someone else."
"Culling troll culture is significantly more ruthless than human culture, almost eugenic in nature."
"Business is business, but it is oftentimes cutthroat."
"You're ruthless, kid. You may get to the top and be rich, but you'll be a Machiavellionaire."
"Napoleon was ruthless, competent, and ambitious."