
Religious Service Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"We all aspire to have this dream, you know, 'Oh Allah, give us from our offspring imams, scholars, people that will serve this deen.'"
"All you need is a sincere desire to serve and follow the Father, and you need action to fulfill that desire."
"What kingdom are you longing for? Which kingdom are you a servant of?"
"I want to thank God for all the brothers and sisters and the sacrifices that you have made towards the work of the Lord."
"What magnifying their calling can mean for you."
"Father, thank you for what you have given me to teach on today, take us to school."
"To see how many... desire to... be the hands and feet of Christ..."
"Thank you so much, Joe and team, for leading us in song this morning so faithfully and powerfully. It is a rich, rich joy and pleasure to bring to you the Word of God this morning."
"I think missionaries are some of the most courageous people."
"If not a single solitary person joined the church if not one joined the church I would still say do it."
"If you haven't been in one of these services, get to one of these services."
"The ministry of the people of God requires all of the people of God to do ministry."
"These forty years and more have I served Him, blessed be His name!"
"I wept from the first notes to the end of the mass. I cried to the whole thing."
"That's all God has ever wanted is for us to say here I am, send me, use me."
"It's time that we surrender so that God can use us and we become vessels that God can release power through."
"Success in the service of Lolth lies with those who are attentive to her ever-changing, often contradictory will."
"Now we can stand up like men, stand up like women, and serve the true and living God!"
"Seva can include cleaning up the courtyard, preparing food, or cleaning dishes."
"Anytime we help anyone come closer to God, we're helping to gather Israel."
"Oh Lord use us for your glory and your kingdom."
"Purpose is in service to the Lord, as the hands of God to serve others."
"Let us become your vessels, Lord, strategically place us where we belong in Jesus' name."
"Discover what God has called you to do, discover where God is already working and join him in his work."
"Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing."
"Anybody who speaks about Allah is actually doing something to serve Allah and serve the people that got to hear something beneficial."
"The new bill Winston ministries prayer call center: one body of believers with a heart for God and a passion for people ready to stand in faith and pray with you."
"As his followers, we are here to do his will, so let's all live out our purpose and serve him."
"All of their emotional pain... holding them back... it was all an illusion."
"I've been a prison worship leader for 25 days."
"Father, we thank you for this opportunity... accept what we are giving today that you may be glorified through our lives."
"The Liturgy, the structure of the services, was brilliantly handled."
"It's really quite simple: do anything on either side of the veil to help more people come to Christ by making and keeping sacred covenants."
"Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ."
"Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for all that you've taught us tonight. We thank you, Lord, for the grace that you've bestowed upon Prophet Lovey."
"Grindstone Ministries: Being the hands and feet of Messiah in a broken world."
"I thank God for being able to stand up here before you this morning and bring the message that God put on my heart."
"Churches should be an essential service. We need to get our churches open."
"Holy Spirit, have your way. We ask for your spirit, your anointing, and your power tonight in Jesus' name."
"I'm doing this because I want to serve God well."
"God wanted us to serve a god who knew what it actually felt like."
"Thank you for the ministry, blessed by this livestream, sowing into the work of the ministry."
"The Lord knows how to utilize us as an instrument."
"If there's no other questions, all you feel kneel I'll give you a blessing."
"I was gonna be anyway, um, when Pastor Steven called me and was like, 'Hey, can you come?' I was like, 'Yes!' It's a yes."
"Father, let not one person in this place remain the same when they leave these doors."
"Let's worship the Lord together this morning."
"You can't serve God or His kingdom without serving His people."
"Yes, I follow Pastor Vlad Sabcher, it's a great service and a blessing to me."
"Take all the glory for yourself, Father God. You are the potter; we are the clay, created to serve and glorify you."
"Obedience to God is about joyfully serving a king."
"We should be focused on being about the father's work every day."
"I want to finish stronger than I started. We're not crazy for serving God, working in the church, working in the nursery, parking cars, volunteering, singing in the choir, practicing all week long."
"Deny yourself because serving God is the most difficult task Under the Sun."
"Why anyone would go to Bethel...to serve in a capacity for God's one true organization."
"Young people don't want your 1960s Kumbaya Mass. They want something bigger and more satisfying."
"Our service is always to be an act of worship."
"The greatness of a man or woman of God is not known by how many sheep you have, it is known by the integrity in which you carry the sheep."
"Pray for me... that I may faithfully serve Him and you all the days of my life."
"I am your servant. I am the servant of Allah."
"There's no place that you and I can go to that God has not engineered for you and I to be a minister or a light in some way shape or form."
"One of my callings is dahil. How do I go about that? What do you mean by heal? Like pray for the sick?"
"Dedicated to serving the body of Christ, serving the Kingdom of God."
"Thank you Lord for letting me minister to these amazing Warriors for you God."
"We're going to read offering reading number one together and I'm excited for the testimonies that are going to come in too."
"You will have a seat always in the house of God. Amen. You have access to an impartation service that I will have with those people that will give their 100,000 and above. I'll really pour myself to them like nobody because they're answering something that God needs."
"The gold founders will be at the honors banquet who will give 25,000 and above. They will have reserved seating in church every time they're in church. Amen."
"We hope you were blessed and enjoyed this live service."
"What you see here in the big tent on television is only a part of the whole service. I pray for many hundreds of people in each service."
"...get right church and let's go home. Drift away."
"Welcome, welcome to our Thursday service."
"Preaching is a function of the Priestly Ministry."
"They gravitate to Ministry to church to serving, and so they are attracted to this notion of being a representative of God because of their grandiosity, their Superior view of themselves."
"She is a minister of the Gospel in Brazil."
"Service to the Lord requires total submission to His will and comes with a lot of sacrifice."
"I'm certainly thankful to God for this wonderful service that has gone forth."
"...Frederick decided that instead of merely declaring his disapproval and denouncing these protests he would attend a synagogue service not once but twice."
"If in heaven they are calling it the best dance of the Sunday service, you just thought you didn't know what to do. In heaven, even the angels said, 'That's the best dance of the service!'"
"Real Ministry is not always Mountaintop Pentecostal moment, but sometimes it's Calvary."
"If we only get 25 people attending this first Wednesday service in January but only one is saved then we did our job."
"...when you have brought the people out of Egypt you shall serve God on this mountain."
"He is worthy, our reasonable service."
"Our life is not our own, for we are living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
"Online church now is something that the Lord is using to help minister to people."
"Ask for me and my house, we're going to serve the Lord."
"God bless you and bless you for all you are doing for all God's children all over the world."
"Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
"This worked amazing when I played it on stage for the Good Friday and Easter services at my church."
"We cherish our privilege to preach and worship together."
"You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve."
"The tithe was given to support those in full-time ministry service in the house of God."
"We invite you to stay connected by participating in our online worship services."
"The mass, properly done, satisfies a need inherent in all people."
"...they are really most content in some field of religious service..."
"Service was beautiful this morning, I certainly did enjoy it."
"For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, 'Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar.'"
"The chosen people of the living god are the attendants of the bridal chamber."
"Well, it was really a beautiful service, tons of amazing music, great scriptures, and words."
"Our mass is ended, let us go in peace."
"Tonight, Bishop Noel Jones is here, he's in the building, and he is bringing the word."
"It's my privilege to be with you here at Andrews University, here at Pioneer Memorial Church."
"We don't just serve the son of man, we serve the king of glory."
"A service of thanksgiving at Saint Paul's Cathedral."
"We are not only a holy priesthood but we are a royal priesthood."
"Remember that this work is not yours and mine alone; it is the Lord's work, and when we are on the Lord's errand, we are entitled to the Lord's help."
"I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church."
"The soul is not so restrained as formerly in God's service but possesses much more liberty of spirit."
"Our service to God, our devotion to God, our love for God takes power over everything."
"The purpose of life is not the outcomes of our actions but it's serving Allah."
"What we're called to do is to be serving the Lord and leading men and women to Christ and discipling them."
"We got a wonderful worship experience planned, you know how we do."
"We're expecting all day and all the rest of this meeting, we're expecting in every service for you to manifest yourself any way you want to."
"We are here to serve His purpose."
"I almost immediately that first liturgy felt right at home in a way I never did."
"Please bring my children to Sunday service this morning."
"Lord, I offer my life for the Holy Church, and for the triumph of truth."
"This is part of our worship and our service. Amen."
"Help us to use our influence to build up your kingdom."
"We timed it right to witness a service whilst gazing up at the beautiful stained glass windows and architecture."
"He's always out here doing the work of the Lord and doing a good deed for the people."
"That's a church that I would go to."
"We're going to stand, we pray God tomorrow we'll see all of you in service."
"Service to the religion itself is a Grace of Allah; never ask for any reward in exchange."
"The church does a great job with its Bishop Storehouse and bill assistance pay from Bishops to members in developed countries."
"We simply cannot gather Israel without you."
"The keepers of the oil... our job is essential in the church."
"I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."
"Ladies and gentlemen, you are here for the Liturgy; the Liturgy is not here to cow-tail to what your needs desire."
"I served the Lord with great humility and with tears."
"That's just a couple of the many wonderful things that the Church of Christ is doing throughout the continent of Africa."
"We are called to be God's helpers for all people in need, regardless of their background."
"We serve Him out of love because Jesus died for us."