
Unionization Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"Diverse neighborhoods are actually more likely to push for unionization and social welfare programs."
"A big part of it is just to start forming the community. If you have a few people who are interested in forming a union, start talking to the people you work with, start finding your common ground."
"One of the things that I would try to do is make it much easier for workplaces to unionize and develop workers councils, so that the working class can get at least some percentage of the profits that they generate back."
"You look to your co-workers, you hold hands in solidarity, and say, 'Let's try to form a union; let's try to get better wages and better benefits,' and do this in a more direct way."
"This morning we're going to focus on one company, Amazon, who as we speak, right at this moment, is engaged in massive well-funded, anti-union activity."
"The only thing that's ever really led to substantive, proportional wage increases in this country is fair tax policies and unionization."
"Let's pass the PRO Act. When a majority of workers want to form a union, they shouldn't be able to be stopped."
"Crack down on these companies that are threatening people for unionizing."
"Bernie really wanted to bring that level of class consciousness and the idea that unions can help you in these workplaces to politics."
"They're giving committee chairs unbalanced discretion over which witnesses can testify, rejecting pandemic safety procedures like remote voting, and trying to force an end to the Congressional staff unionization."
"Labor never became unionized without rank and file people."
"This is the new era more people are recognizing that unions are the way to come together collectively and flex their muscle."
"We can't talk about the middle class disappearing and why jobs suddenly suck now without talking about losing the power to make sure that they don't."
"If I leave you with only one thing on this post-labor Day video, it's to think about unionizing."
"Far and Away however, the most overwhelming step being advocated for is unionization."
"Instead of focusing all their efforts on just a handful of stores in one town, Starbucks bosses are left playing an impossible game of whack-a-mole trying to stomp out efforts to unionize that are cropping up everywhere."
"Fuckin', it's almost like YouTubers should unionize or something!"
"If you're not bargaining for a strong trade union, you're begging."
"You really see a company's true colors when their workers band together and say we're forming a union."
"Unionization drives up wages by ten percent."
"If Activision Blizzard starts to unionize... that should realistically spark a wave across the industry."
"Unionization at this point seems to be the only way to give employees... power."
"Unionization made America a middle-class country."
"If Amazon workers in Alabama voted to form a union, it will be a shot heard around the world."
"Starbucks unionizing is happening all across the country"
"Organizing just like one Starbucks store that unionized"
"They just crossed a hundred stores nationally"
"Activision Blizzard employees who are currently protesting, striking, and fighting for a seat at the table for unionization."
"Unionization helps to balance the disproportionate share of overall company profits."
"Bernie Sanders says... Jeff Bezos is spending millions trying to prevent workers from organizing a union."
"If streamers want to get serious about having ethical and moral discussions, they need to organize and find common fronts of representation, i.e., they need to unionize. That is true."
"The most crucial thing right now is the union drives in major corporations like Amazon and Starbucks."
"The only way that we can really have a true voice is if we come together and stand together with a union."
"A union is two or more workers who get together to improve their conditions."
"Thirty minutes is insane, bro. Y'all need a union, dude, y'all need to get unionized immediately ASAP."
"There's no doubt about it, there's going to be a union happening for you guys."
"Let's not forget unions are people right you knows are not this thing right so these people are coming together everyday citizens are questioning again their value right and so they're organizing on their own."
"And by the way, Amazon, here we come to make sure the choice to join a union belongs to workers alone."
"The fight for workers' rights, including unionization, is vital and deserves support wherever it's happening."
"Reminder for those in gaming that follow me... unionize."
"If artists were to unionize, that would give the artist more power to say these are our terms."
"We need a union, we need a union, we need a union."
"Teachers... overworked, underpaid. We support y'all getting unionized too."
"The rise of labor unions, like the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor, crusaded for better wages, shortened workdays, and safer working conditions."
"No one there watches wrestling. No one has any idea about WWE... They said, 'Sounds like they should have a union.'"
"Unionization and its many gains should be applauded for its contributions to our quality of life, the fair nature of our economy, and the expectations of workers and consumers alike."
"The union makes us strong. The whole logic here is apes together strong."
"Eventually, through hard work and determination, they unionized and got fair compensation and benefits for their labor. Nah, I'm just kidding."
"America has one of the lowest unionization rates in the entire world."
"Closing a unionized store is obvious retaliation, and it's all-out war on the union."
"Threatening workers with job loss and firing them won't stop the momentum of unionization."
"Unions are just one step in a larger social battle against inequitable ownership and political control."
"Please try and unionize with your colleagues."
"Unions are a mechanism to come together without fear."
"Amazon workers voting to form the first union in the company's history."
"The fact that you have this massive disparity between how people feel about unions overall and the level of unionization you actually see in the workplace speaks to a system that is completely rigged in favor of employers and against workers."
"Workers coast to coast are beginning to stand up, fight back, and demand to be represented by a union."
"This was like rank-and-file ordinary regular workers organizing for a union."
"Treat your employees well, maybe allow them to unionize, and think carefully about why you're doing what you're doing."
"We should make a fans union, a literal FU to them."
"Every company... if a group that's non-union chooses to organize, I think it's wonderful."
"Miracle workers have a fundamental right to join a union and collectively bargain to improve wages, benefits, and working conditions."
"You can't fire someone for unionizing, like that's illegal. You can't threaten someone when they want to unionize, that's illegal."
"If you have nothing to hide... let your FC employees unionize."
"As an individual you can't improve the conditions of the workers at your Starbucks but when 100 Starbucks moved to unionize because that idea is in the air because the crisis is struck then you as an individual have a role to support the union."
"Employees of the five Disney Springs restaurants owned and operated by the patina Restaurant Group announced plans to unionize."
"Despite the Union's early success, the Millers overwhelmed the strikers with a variety of tactics and their own organizing into what became a Union against unions call the Citizens Alliance."
"One of the most important things to happen over the last year for a lot of leftists is the wave of unionization."
"Fed up with 14-hour days and no overtime, the VFX workers voted unanimously to unionize in September."
"The only way average Americans are going to get a fair share of the gains is if they have more bargaining power, as they did 50 years ago when a third of all workers in the private sector were unionized."
"Yes, music is a whole different beast, just like you said. It really is to the point where it's like, no way to really put it into words because it doesn't really, it's not unionized, so everybody can really get away with doing even more, you know what I mean? Um, yes."
"Join a union! Join the union! Fight the power off pod!"
"...by working together in the most powerful capitalist-crushing Democratic organization ever devised: a union."
"We should unionize. If we all do drugs, they can't expel all of us."
"That's how it starts. One store unionizes, all of a sudden other stores are like, 'Wait a minute, we can do that too.' It's the [__] revolutionary spark of optimism."
"The desire for unionization is really high but actual unionization rates are really low."
"These conditions drew Lemlich and others to the newly-formed International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union."
"This is a major, major step in terms of bringing back or redirecting the direction of unionization in this country."
"I want animators to be treated right, they're very... they should unionize."
"I think that widespread unionization is a good way to make this a more democratic country in the simple sense of giving ordinary people more power over what's going on."
"We need a national mobilization this decade that creates tens of millions of good-paying jobs that have access to a union."
"If the workers at the plant can vote and if a majority support the union, the union is formed."
"Workers join unions for many reasons: higher wages, better benefits, a safer workplace, greater job security, and a voice."
"I believe in collective action. I believe in collective bargaining by working people."
"I think there's a really promising future where sex workers can unionize."
"The proportional decline in the unionization rate from the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s was almost identical across a range of sectors."
"They threw everything they could at this effort to try to stop these workers from voting to unionize."
"We're doing Orcas in a labor way, we're creating 20,000 high paid, secure, unionized jobs."
"He deserves to be unionized, to have a better job and a better working situation."
"Many of the jobs here are in fact unionized."
"We needed a union. If we'd had a union, we'd all would have had insurance, maybe a retirement."
"Workers have a right to organize and form unions."
"The Wagner Act... workers had the right to join unions and they could not be fired for joining a union."
"Unions are good and your labor is valuable, we love you and you should have a name."
"We must focus on creating pathways for all Americans to access well-paid jobs with a free and fair choice to join a union and bargain collectively."
"I am pro-labor and I am pro-union."
"I see some kind of union brought in, and I just see better wages."