
Revenue Sharing Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The idea that all workers should have a say in the revenue sharing and power structure is fundamental to a fair workplace."
"We are not asking to get paid what the men get paid; we're asking to get paid the same percentage of revenue shared."
"YouTube takes 30% of Super Chats. If people don't like that, we're simultaneously streaming on Rumble. Rumble takes 20%."
"Yield Guild Games' strategy is to essentially buy premium NFTs, lend those out to gamers to play with them and then take a cut of what the gamers earn."
"Why don't you actually share some of the ad revenue with the people who are already uploading video on your platform?"
"You'll keep 70 cents of it and YouTube keeps 30 cents of it... essentially a 70/30 split."
"You're going to take that same amount of money from your fans but your fans are only going to get 20, maybe if that's how you want to roll, 50% of the back end."
"If a company wants to buy them you get 50 of the money that they pay."
"I kind of think that Uzi blew up real big and realized that he wasn't getting as big of a slice of the pie as he thought he deserved."
"As a creator I need to know what my split is at least."
"Out of every sale you will pocket about 70% while epic receives the rest."
"We made about 5 million total and we split it four ways."
"The most conservative way to look at it is every dollar that you make off of music... you only get to keep 30% of it for yourself."
"These social media companies are really trying to suck up all the money themselves and not flow it to content providers."
"Affiliate programs are where you work with the company to basically use a special link that when somebody uses that link to go buy the product they give you a little bit of a cut of the sale of the product."
"The revenue share checks that they write are so infinitesimal."
"If Steam matches our revenue sharing model, we'll stop with the exclusives."
"Rumble is giving 100% of rants to creators. Absolutely!"
"Nintendo takes 30 percent of all the sales that go through their platform."
"We actually want to donate a percentage of our revenues to fund the fight against human trafficking."
"What I do on my channel is actually try things out, make a hundred percent of my money online, and share my results with you guys."
"Valve and Bethesda, they're taking the lion's share."
"Supercell actually sends part of the revenue to the creator that you're supporting. You get items in-game, and your favorite creator gets money at no extra cost to you."
"I strongly encourage you to check out their stuff, especially on Bandcamp. All or 95 or something a major percent of the proceeds go to the artist."
"It's not that I'm asking for more money, it's that I'm asking for a bigger revenue share."
"I hope YouTube eventually says, 'Okay, we're done taking just 45%.'"
"I am running ads on this video and any revenue generated from this video I'm going to match and donate to an organization."
"The English usually have four to six very strong teams in the league and even the mid-table teams and the lower tier teams can now afford high caliber talent because of the revenue sharing from the massive TV contracts they've recently signed."
"I don't want them to be employees but I want them to share in the revenue some kind of way."
"I've been giving people a revenue split so this incentivizes them to go harder with my page."
"The purpose of the token is that it has a revenue share component for those who are token holders."
"We're reinvesting 10% of our Google AdSense Revenue back into projects here in the Finger Lakes Community."
"Revenue sharing is EXP Realty's way of rewarding agents who help the company grow."
"YouTube doesn't have to pay for the content; they just profit share with you."
"They're enabling creators to share in the ad revenue and they're being very transparent about it."
"Athletes deserve a share of the broadcast revenue, just like all other major sports in the US."
"Most professional sports leagues, it's roughly about 50% of the revenues end up going to the players."
"Google's actually pretty generous here, it says that they give 68% of the revenue to the site publisher."