
Yield Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"The beauty of a garden is once you plant it and once it starts giving fruits, it continues giving fruits."
"So it's a great place um to both trade earn yield on the same platform without any need for registrations."
"These might not be the highest yields but each stock offers a double-digit upside beyond the dividend yield."
"I like the concept of farming. You plant one and you get two."
"This is important because it creates a great yield on cost."
"An income Factory would be a portfolio that you've invested in various assets that generate high current yields on a regular basis."
"The technology on board automatically acts to improve the yield and tracks every useful stat for effective farm management."
"Promises to make light work of crops while at the same time doing everything it can to maximize the yield."
"The most important yield to consider when you are buying a bond is yield to call if it's a callable bond."
"The trailing 12-month yield... is very low."
"...realty income has a starting yield sitting at about 5.88%."
"...EPD has a yield of around 7.56%."
"...very high starting dividend yield sitting at 9.76%."
"Then distilled it out and got a much more significant yield."
"You're collecting six and a half percent in just 29 days."
"Puts expire worthless you're gonna collect a fair amount of yield and hopefully today illustrates just how much yield you're able to collect with that."
"So many times it may seem like you're giving up some gains by selling covered calls, but you can actually gain a fair amount of yield."
"That adds up in the long run, so especially for investors concerned about giving away upside, think about how much upside you gain from selling covered calls as well."
"Improving efficiency in each step can significantly impact potential yield."
"Even small improvements in parameters can lead to substantial gains in yield."
"An 880% increase in yield is almost miraculous."
"It's not rocket science—the higher the yield is, the more upside you're giving up."
"You need to diversify your portfolio, but when you find something that is a high earning yield, you're going to pour more money into it, won't you?"
"We can earn some yield on our assets from those fees."
"Yield back to your God, trust Him to sort out any situation, and enjoy your life with Him."
"Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord."
"It's simple, it's easy, gives an eight percent yield, it's monthly, it's simply phenomenal in my opinion."
"We have a starting dividend yield of close to seven percent with Main Street Capital."
"Our highest yielding dividend Aristocrat is Altria Group stock ticker MO."
"USCB is a yield bearing stablecoin. So, you know basically goes from if you have one USCB in your wallet today in a year it becomes you know 1.15 USCB."
"Imagine you're getting a yield of 10% at the same time it's increasing year on year in line with inflation."
"It's not defeat. It's not defeated. Even though a lot of us are in a place where it would be so easy to stand up for ourselves, really fight our way out of corners, his call has been for us to just to yield."
"What happens with this app is it's going to run everything in here and then it's going to yield."
"Does it make sense to sell the JGB with a yield that's close to 1% now?"
"The yield of 16.22% is particularly noteworthy, such a high yield is rare in the ETF landscape and represents a substantial income stream for investors."
"Efficiency is terrific. It's directly reported by the instrument and what efficiency is is breaking it off and trying to look at a smaller portion of the yield looking at what was sorted out of what could have been sorted."
"I mean, where else could you get a yield of 7.12% right now in a security at such a low risk level as a US savings bond?"
"This etf is currently paying a yield of 9.41 and that is stellar for this particular space."
"Mangoes require very little effort, yet they produce massive yields of delicious fruit."
"We Farm about the same cost-wise as conventional and yet we are seeing increasing yields."
"Fertilizers increase crop yield by replacing lost nitrates in the soil."
"Even in a very unattractive cash secured put, I'm still looking at yields that are double what the dividend yield is paying."
"Icy ether is simple and effective. You can buy ice directly, and the way that they give the yield back to you is essentially like a fund."
"Just classic high yield, it is actually three percent now, wow that's now that's incredible just changed."
"I think that's going to appeal to a lot of people that we don't have to have these caged up for 150 180 days to hit the yield we're trying to get."
"So percentage yield is the actual yield divided by the theoretical yield times by a hundred."
"This fund keeps it simple. It basically starts out with all US dividend pairs and it targets the higher yielding half of the US dividend paying market."
"Anytime you chase yield, that has the potential to increase your risk because typically the highest yielding stocks in the market are offering high yields for a very good reason."
"In the search for yield in DeFi, users are keen to bridge their assets into other chains."
"Note buying... combines higher yields with lower risk."
"If rental yields are two or three percent, you're probably better off investing elsewhere."
"With VTI, you're getting a yield on cost just over three percent."
"Out of the first row which is all we dug up for today was the first row, we ended up with 70 pounds of sweet potatoes out of that first 50 foot row."
"Hybrid seeds usually have a positive effect on yield, which we see in our data."
"In order to optimize your translation initiation rate, you want to find a sweet spot in the middle that gives you a high yield of properly folded functional protein."
"As long as I'm making over 10% yield every year, I'm happy."
"You're generally going to get a higher dividend yield with a REIT."
"I think this is an incredible opportunity, offers a four percent dividend yield."
"We're actually surprised, we are down on yield no doubt about it, but from what we were expecting to what we're getting, definitely surprised, pleasantly surprised."
"The yield to maturity approach is actually the best method to estimate the current cost of debt based on the market value of that debt."
"A 15 PE is an earnings yield of 6.67%, the minimum threshold of earnings yield I'm willing to accept as an investor."
"This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
"There is a negative relationship between the price of a bond and what is called its yield to maturity."
"Even on higher interest rates this year, my favorite bond fund has provided a dividend yield more than twice what you get from stocks."
"We've got a very strong earnings yield thanks to a very low valuation."
"100 kilos, 220 pounds off of one tree this year."
"Based on the cash flow you forecasted and a market price of $75 and two cents, this company may yield seven point seven six percent annually."
"Discount points lower the interest rate on the note but they actually raise the lender's yield."
"I've been going pretty big on the higher yielding positions in my portfolio."
"V&Q has a yield of about 4.3 percent and they have exposure to a wide assortment of real estate."
"Strawberry plants are super low maintenance, 25 plants will give you about five pounds of strawberries."
"The yield from has opened up the whole universe for writing library functions."
"In color gemstones, the point is always to enhance the color and keep the yield as high as possible."
"Perennials are like passive harvest that you can get for years and years."
"SCHD is a great all-around ETF. It provides dividend growth, a high yield, and a lot of diversification."
"A high carcass yield and a good quality meat with excellent fat marbling."
"The compromise between yield and rate is essential."
"The outcome of attention to the details of wheat growing is consistently high yields."
"Dividend yield is the amount of dividend as percentage of market price."
"The yield was about 10 times higher than the original one from 30 years ago, and the Faradaic efficiency was 69%."
"This helps increase yields and also keeps the land healthy, which is really important for farmers when that's your main focus for your business."
"Hybrids will assure you high yield."
"Right now you can get a 5.1% yield on your cash with treasury bills."
"Something like Polkadot is giving an annual yield of 15% right now. Try getting that in a bank."
"It gave us a nice boost in harvest weight."
"You can take a good seed and plant it into good soil and yield forth not maybe a lot but quality."
"With the yield keyword, we can return values from a function without destroying the states of its local variables."
"Understanding what hybrid you're gonna plant makes a huge difference on your row spacing and water uptake and management and yield at the end of the season."
"A dividend yield of four percent or higher is definitely very attractive."
"Starting yield of 4.76 percent is meaningful."
"Yield on cost is kind of the holy grail of dividend stock investing, in my opinion."
"I would much rather prefer looking at individual companies that pay dividend yields north of four, five, six, or even seven percent."
"He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty."
"Feed and nurture behavior that's good in yourself and others, and you'll see how much positivity each can yield."
"If you let one sucker grow, the odds are the weather will be favorable during when that's blooming, and you double your potential yield."
"My job as a gardener is to make sure that I am giving the soil what it needs to yield some crop."
"The earlier the nitrogen, the more yield building; the later the nitrogen, the more protein building."
"The more roots you have, the more nutrients you can have, and the bigger the buds you have."
"The quicker you get your buds to a nice big bud level early on, the more time they'll have to densify and become nice big chunkers."
"The buyer is paying 3.8%, but they're getting something that is yielding 5.6%."
"Genetically engineered crops produce higher yields, have a longer shelf life, are more resistant to diseases and pests, even taste better."
"The theoretical yield is the amount of a product produced assuming no products are lost and all reactants react fully."
"The main driver of a bond portfolio's return over the long term is its yield."
"I'm skewing towards higher yielders now."
"I'm at the point with my dividend stock portfolio where I'm skewing towards higher yielders."
"I need to go out and purchase equities that offer current high dividend yield."
"It's time to apply fungicide to make sure the crop makes its full yield when it's harvested in October."
"If the yield is over 8%, I'd probably avoid it; ideally, I like a 3% or more."
"Our best yield was the highest population, 315 bushels."
"Our highest population 60,000 gave us our highest yield, 354."
"You can get investment grade corporates right now that are giving you six or seven percent yield."
"Obtaining a yield in permaculture, those yields include beauty, and flowers, and fragrance."
"In a generator function, we use the yield statement instead of the return statement."
"We're going for a bale an acre in this field, that would feed the cows for a couple of months which is great."
"You're going to be mind blown with the amount of meat that we're actually going to get off of this head."
"You're getting paid pretty good yield to wait for that rebound."
"The plant grows to about six feet, produces seven-inch ears loaded with sweet, plump, golden kernels."
"The yield on a zero coupon treasury security is your spot rate."
"People are looking for yield; there is money out there and people are looking for a return in some way, shape, or form."
"The more volume there is, the more fees they generate, and the higher APY or annual percentage yield they can give you."
"It's currently paying out just over 5% yield with a small expense ratio."
"For every pound of seed potato you plant, you can expect roughly three to five pounds."
"Get a lot more high-quality harvest moving forward."
"You just kind of shaping and molding it a tiny bit to get the output that you want."
"All in all, we got 17.5g, 43% yield, which isn't great, but I'm really happy with this."
"The plants that were spaced at 12 inches apart and pruned to four total leaders produced not only more fruits, they produced bigger fruits and they produced higher quality or more marketable fruits."
"Our steel will probably yield, and our material behavior can't just be defined by this simple linear curve; it has to have that plastic portion after it yields."
"Perennial plants actually can give you much more yield in the long run."
"Training your plants is one of the most effective ways to achieve a massive yield."
"My suspicions that we did have a good yield this year is true."
"Big dividend yield of 5.7 percent."
"For the heaviest flowers and the highest yields, growers should actually increase both the CO2 level and the light intensity together at the same time."
"The fields that had crows in them in the winter had a better yield the next summer."
"That's a seven and a half times yield on what we planted."
"The design of the gating system should be such that it increases the yield."
"You get over twice as much wheat from a field as you do soybeans."
"Done with this one, that 46 acres averaged 211, and that is darn good corn."
"The secret sauce here being the yield keyword."
"We're so excited to have our best garden ever and we want the best yield possible."
"We're getting thirty-one percent yield out of this high potential group versus the normal group which is only four percent."