
Parental Choice Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Why not give most, if not all, of that funding to the parent and let them figure it out? That's the only way I think you get out of this so that the school actually has an incentive from the bottom up to cater to the needs of families as opposed to the other way around."
"When a parent has a choice, their kid has a better chance."
"If we really want to empower parents to make choices for their own kids, money must follow children."
"Homeschooling provides parents with hope and options." - Kirk Cameron
"I believe in choice. I think in the best sense I really do think parent should have more choice."
"Giving parents a choice is a good idea yet it always meets with opposition from the educational establishment."
"Education freedom means that parents have the power and choice to set their children up for a lifetime of success."
"Give parents the power to choose what's right for their kids, but don't tell adults what's right for them."
"Your parents were no one because they wanted to be no one."
"I support school choice let the money follow the child I believe parents are smart enough to pick a school that is going to best educate their child to read write speak and think."
"Picking a dad is not something that you do because you like his hair."
"Hitler imposed positive eugenics by Fiat from above... letting the parents do the deciding."
"She can choose to give the child to the state or put it up for adoption and let the state subsidize this choice."
"Republicans believe that parents should have the right to send their kids to the school of their choice."
"We've got to give parents a chance to choose for the best of their kids education, opportunities for the future."
"No parent should be required to send their child to a failing school."
"Education freedom means parents have the power and poise to set their children up for a lifetime of success."
"If I have to give up my son so that those 28 kids could be rescued, then that is a burden I'm willing to bear."
"Nobody has done more to embrace parental choice and education more than the State of Florida."
"This is about our kids and them having choice."
"Pull your kids out of the government mandatory youth indoctrination camps."
"School choice is so important to the future of our party."
"If a school is failing, why would you wanna leave your child there? It should fail, it should be closed."
"No parents should be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"You can decide what kind of dad, father, whatever you want to be."
"This is liberating and I believe that as government schools continue with their different oppressive activities, we're going to see more and more parents deciding to take control of their lives and their children's lives."
"Women have evolved to be picky, they should be picky about the father of their children for example, this is a natural part of evolution."
"We'll provide school choice to every parent in America."
"If you want school choice for your kids, if you want to homeschool your kids, you want to go to this private school or you want to have a community publicly funded school, well let's do that because parents love their kids and know them best."
"People should be free to find or make for themselves the kinds of educational experiences they want their children to have."
"To educate a child it is the parent's decision which means the parent should decide public private home school charter school whatever works for you."
"If you're asking me to choose, I will choose my daughter every time."
"We support the right of parents to home educate their children, and we know many do well."
"We are striving to reach a brighter future where every child goes to a world-class school chosen by their parents."
"I'm choosing my kids over anything."
"If you also then supported homeschooling with some type of credit for people who wanted to homeschool... you're providing more options for people."
"If you're a parent and you don't like a school, you should be able to take your kid and give that money to another school."
"I don't think it will come to divorce or anything like that, but if the worst were to pass, I will choose my son."
"It's totally valid as a parent to not want your kids' faces online."
"If you're disappointed in her choice to take her kids off the internet, that's what I'm gonna say to you: Piss off into the sun."
"You think that a parent must have the right to choose the best school for them, so do we."