
Technology Risks Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"AI threat: Many popular figures from Bill Gates to Stephen Hawking have expressed concern about the potential for advanced artificial intelligence to threaten humanity."
"If we are not careful, the outcome might be the rise of digital dictatorships."
"Absolutely terrifying to think that faulty coding can sway an election like that and impact millions of lives."
"Artificial intelligence is summoning the demon."
"Every additional feature or function is also an attack vector for a hacker."
"Telecommunications equipment made by untrusted vendors including Huawei is a threat to the security of the U.S. and our allies."
"An EMP has the potential to disrupt the grid and damage technology."
"AI AGI artificial general intelligence can be incredibly dangerous more so than nuclear weapons."
"But in the wrong hands AI can be very dangerous and incredibly harmful."
"Is there a way you can tell if your phone has been hacked? Perhaps the most terrifying thing is if your phone had been hacked you would never know."
"It's a Pandora's box... once you open that Pandora's Box up you get everything that comes along with it."
"AI can help us in many ways to overcome the ecological crisis or it can make it far far worse actually."
"Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"Bad power attack corrupts fast chargers to melt or set your device on fire."
"Fraud moves faster than we do. New technologies are a golden opportunity for fraud."
"It is dangerous and it is reckless to unleash predictive algorithms like this without thoroughly understanding how they work."
"This technology is not without its risks of misuse." - World Economic Forum
"The same level of effort is needed to address the dangers posed by Future AI systems."
"People should be aware of the potential risks associated with AI and Robotics."
"The danger with AI at the moment is it will end up leaving lots of people without work."
"Society runs the risk of trading hard-won personal freedoms for High-Tech entertainment and enhancement that can be turned against us."
"Having voting machines that are hooked up to the Internet is a bad idea and it's going to make our elections insecure."
"Russia cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a computer system connected to the internet."
"One well-placed defect could spark a mass panic."
"Artificial intelligence is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons."
"Elon Musk is still warning about the catastrophic potential of AI."
"Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than nuclear power."
"So, some experts told Decrypt that it's already too late for Bitcoin. Quantum computers developed in secrecy by governments could corrupt the blockchain in just a few years' time."
"This could get out of control and they could use it for evil."
"If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong and we want to be vocal about that."
"The age of abundance could be an age of danger if AI decouples from human will."
"Agents have been injured by cellphones exploding in their pockets."
"Our outdated hardware threatens, ironically, to end us."
"War Games acts as a cautionary tale of just how easy it could be for one small mistake in modern technology could lead to all-out war."
"US airlines warn wireless could cause havoc with flights."
"But you know, planes crash, pharmaceuticals get misused. There are negatives. This one, the biggest negative in my view is AI being used by bad people to do bad things."
"Deep fakes are going to cost us Millions if not billions of dollars."
"A bad deal has been foisted upon Humanity specifically when it comes to Ai and deep fakes."
"It's more about being hackable at the end of the day."
"Enormous power, like more computing power than has ever been seen in history, combined with human sin, is a very, very dangerous thing if the guardrails were ever to be hacked or removed."
"Even though this stuff is scary, it's really important to be aware of what your devices are doing when you're bringing them into your house."