
Sales Skills Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"If you're good at sales, you will thrive; if you're not, you will starve."
"Learning sales to me is the most fundamental skill that anyone can learn in any business."
"The ability to sell is the most important skill for any human being to learn."
"Sales for me has always been it's like a hammer for a handyman like I know I can rely on that and I can get it done."
"For someone new to sales, how can someone learn to see things from the customer's perspective?"
"You have to be able to have empathy and put yourself in their shoes."
"Yeah, it is. I think being able to read the customer... Everyone's different. I think that's super important..."
"The more sales calls you make, the more you deal with rejection. It's not even a big deal."
"If you get this one thing right, you're 50% of the way there to becoming a world-class closer."
"The number one predictor of good sales is conviction."
"Embrace the sales game, it's not about luck, it's about learning to sell."
"It's an intrinsic quality of personality trait. I know you're not supposed to say that. Everybody's supposed to believe you could become a salesman."
"Success has its reasons, but as many will say, success isn't just about being good at what you're doing, you have to be good at selling it as well."
"If you know how to sell, you never need to go broke."
"You can make millions on the phone. It's a phone that's gonna get you there, not more ad dollars."
"First thing you got to do is you got to learn to sell one product today."
"Sales is a very, very good way to start if you have no skills at all."
"Learn to sell so you could take your family wherever you want to take them."
"You're learning real skills by selling something that is hard to sell which is going to benefit you dramatically over your competition."
"Learn to fucking sell because most of the time most people don't know that they need something until you let them know why."
"Create various products, from simple to affiliate, and become a sales pro."
"Learning how to sell is a very valuable skill."
"All sales is selling yourself really because they're buying your personality almost as much as they're buying your work."
"Master salesmen attain the status of Mastery by transmuting sex energy into sales enthusiasm."
"Some of the best sales people I know are introverts."
"Learn the art of selling yourself to other people by indirection such as asking leading questions."
"I learned the skill set of sales then I learned how to become a sales Leader... Trump is a salesperson and he's a sales leader."
"Sales is not about being a smooth talker, it's about being a master listener."
"There's a difference between having a great product and being able to sell that product."
"My ultimate goal is to help you become a master salesperson without breaking the bank."
"Handle every objection, handle every interaction, and find solutions for every sales challenge, and you will never be without work and never without money."
"Sales is actually as an entrepreneur the number one most important skill that you absolutely need to know."
"I believe listening is one of the most underrated skills used in sales."
"He was just crafty with it, like you could tell when somebody, when they sell somebody naturally they got that [ __ ] naturally he he that's the gift that he had naturally."
"Sales cures all. You've got to be able to sell." - Mark Cuban
"Nobody in the world is ever going to buy anything from you until they buy you first."
"The great salesperson takes its time and builds a sales pitch along the customer's responses."
"The best salespeople make so much money because it's one of the most valuable skills."
"He was like a creator, an inventor, but he also was a great salesman."
"Ultimately, let me tell you what I want to do for all of you that want to get in the real estate game: if you don't learn the sales game, the real estate game will never happen for you."
"At the end of the day, my first breakthrough it was one thing: sales, learning how to sell."
"When you learn to close, you'll never be broke again."
"When you can close, you can move, you can influence, you can persuade people."
"Selling is an acquired skill, it's a learned skill."
"The single biggest little thing you can do to become a better salesperson is to embrace silence."
"Sales is one of the best ways to increase your income tenfolds."
"Selling and persuasion is the number one asset you have to have as an individual in our day and age, hands down."
"You seem to really score a win, a victory when it comes to exams, when it comes to stuff that you had to write, maybe homeworks, paperwork, when it comes to making a sale or a purchase."
"Sales is a science and it's a very valuable skill that you can use in any profession."
"You're going to be very active in learning and also very active in selling, communicating, interacting with others."
"Prospecting is the most underrated skill set in sales."
"If you can't handle the objections, you don't deserve the listing."
"After your first sale, you realize you have the ability."
"Selling is a skill that everybody should develop."
"You're never going to be able to do this in sales until you get comfortable and get good at getting beyond the one-on-one conversation with people."
"Being a good salesperson is good; being a good copywriter is life-changing."
"Example of service and salesmanship."
"Sales is one of the biggest skills that anyone could ever learn. It is fundamental to every single business success I've had and anyone I know who's successful has had."
"If you are great at selling, you will find a job and you will make money."
"You don't need to become a salesperson professionally; if you just gain some sales skills, this will give you a great advantage."
"Hire salespeople who are obsessed with solving problems."
"I just started having fun, man. I just started buying books and the more I started reading books and perfecting my craft, I used to just go in the mirror, study my own sales talk, look at my face in the mirror, see my face, especially my body language, my hand gestures."
"You get really good at selling that thing, marketing that thing, you get so much more confident around that."
"Salespeople must know how to ask the proper questions to clients and customers."
"A good salesperson knows what to do when they have a customer in front of them; a great salesman knows what to do when they don't."
"If you want to close anyone, you must be very good at listening."
"Sales is one of the most important skill sets on planet Earth."
"If you're really good and you can sell, you are going to have huge success in life."
"Your ability to set the appointment is going to be critical to your success in sales."
"Great salespeople will win deals even when their product isn't the best."
"Overcoming objections is one of the most important skills that you can develop in real estate."
"This skill helped me sell over 30 million dollars worth of high ticket offers."
"If you want to be really good at sales, you need to understand the four main personality types."
"If you learn sales, you can go anywhere."
"If you master the art of getting past gatekeepers, your sales results will explode."
"Don't get stuck in analysis paralysis; make decisions quickly, move at speed, and learn how to sell."
"Sales jobs are awesome, I think that everybody should do at least one sales job throughout their lifetime."
"Sales is a skill that you learn once but you keep for the rest of your life."
"If you're gonna become a black belt mastery sales person... you have to understand the fundamental first principles behind why all these scripts work."
"Mastering responding to objections is key to increasing your conversion at your listing appointment up to 80 or even 90 percent."
"The ability to close the deal is the single most important distinction."
"Fearless objection handling, raising the bar on your confidence."
"I would rate your personality and salesmanship as a 10 out of 10."
"You're not only learning how to sell but you're also understanding how customers make buying decisions."
"The most important skill that you require to be a startup leader or an entrepreneur is your ability to sell."
"If they didn't have such a rap sheet, they would be incredible salespeople."
"If you're better at sales, you're going to have better relationships, you're going to make more money."
"As long as you get your foot in the door and you know how to sell, you know how to talk to people, you know how to build a value proposition, build the product, and figure out how to solve problems."
"Sales is like the cheat code, sales is probably one of the best skills you can have."
"Once you learn how to sell, it never changes."
"If you want to be great in sales, first of all, you need to learn to listen closely and actively."