
Proactive Attitude Quotes

There are 587 quotes

"I would rather have people who act and are imperfect than people who think they're perfect and who don't act."
"It's better to do it now than to not do it at all."
"You can't stand there and wait for somebody else to change. It starts with you."
"If you want opportunities, embrace the business owners when they're there."
"Invest in the future you want to see and kind of put your money where your mouth is."
"We're getting rid of it. You've got to get quick on those things, don't just let it live in you, don't breathe life into it, especially don't speak to it."
"Research the company you're applying for... it shows commitment and enthusiasm."
"The secret was to start before you're ready and to just trust the process."
"Be decisive, clear, concise, on point, ready, train to go, demon time."
"You do not need to have everything figured out in order to start moving forward."
"This is the moment that you get rid of your excuses, stop playing games."
"I think you shouldn't try, you should just be doing."
"You can't stay you have not even begin your work yet."
"Pushing for improvements isn't complaining, it's caring."
"This is coming. It's up to you now whether you want to take it seriously and prepare for it or not."
"Let's roll with the punches and lean into it."
"The people who are ready to go are the ones who get them."
"It's always gonna be that way if you don't take action."
"Do you want to be part of the problem or live in the solution?"
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take, but we can win if we fight."
"If you stay ready, you never have to get ready."
"Life's problems are opportunities in disguise. Embrace your passion and find a way forward."
"We need more employees like Elliot here. He's got that get up and go attitude that we love."
"Approach everything like that, as you should."
"Everything can be changed. If there's something you don't like, look into what that something is and then change it to what you need and what you want."
"Time to bitch-slap some inner demons. I consider therapy a hands-on process."
"Get up and do something because if you're not up doing something, you know that somebody else is."
"I've got no one to blame, but I know exactly how to fix the problem."
"There's always something you can do about it."
"Whoever starts the fight probably wins the fight."
"Life happens for you, it doesn't happen to you."
"Doing nothing only guarantees failure; be productive."
"Whenever things go wrong... instead of complaining, we actually do something about it."
"Get out there in the second half of 2024. Don't be the humble Virgo tucked away in their room."
"Life is happening, you've got to keep moving through life, you can't just stop doing everything because they say there's a new virus out there."
"Don't be afraid, the only thing that's going to guarantee that is doing nothing."
"Hey, now we have information... let's just start doing better today."
"When you take the action, the universe will support you and continue unfolding that path before you."
"It's time to get rolling, it's time to get moving."
"It is what it is, I could sit around and be upset and complain about it or we could just get after it."
"Don't come to me with 20 problems, come to me with 20 problems and some solutions."
"This is not the time to procrastinate. This is the time to move forward, get prepared... and in a position to weather this crisis. That's what you need to do."
"How can you get your hands dirty to get started today?"
"Be the solution, not another obstacle in your own way."
"Closed mouths don't get fed, so keep yourself open. There is a world of possibilities out there for you."
"Take anything that life gives you as a challenge, go with it with a problem-solving approach, a solution-oriented approach."
"The best advice if you want to do anything is just start."
"This person wants to move towards you with action and motivation."
"If you just walk in and approach, 'this is what's in front of me, I have to do this'."
"I always wanted to be like, 'Okay, what can we do about this to make it better? How can we do this differently?'"
"I'm optimistic that there are lots of things that can be done."
"Let's get as many good decisions in as we can personally."
"I think you need to jump on it...whatever it is."
"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
"If you don't drive this car on Sunday, somebody else will."
"You need to go out, find the problem, and start solving for the problems."
"If they won't do it, I'll do it myself energy."
"What do you love spending money on? Love. And nobody talks about this, they always say, 'Oh, let me see your budget, you're overspending' and everyone's just like, 'Ah, forget this, I'll never...'"
"If somebody offers you an opportunity say yes and figure it out on the way."
"But we can equip ourselves to know better and hopefully we will know better in the future."
"It's about just getting out there, putting one foot in front of the other, and just trying to make things better for people."
"I feel like you need to manifest those desires in your life."
"The best things that happen to you in your life happened because you went at it right."
"Deal with reality or reality will deal with you."
"That sort of thought process... that's what's going to get you some serious freaking results."
"Where do I begin? It doesn't matter, just start."
"If you surrender to the fear you can't get anything done."
"So let's just do it let's just go." - Embracing spontaneity and moving forward with enthusiasm.
"You've got the power to actually get on with it."
"Get up and go make it happen. This is where you really shift into another gear."
"Don't cry about it, get up and go make it happen."
"I've never really done well just sitting around. I want everything. If I want to do something, I just do it."
"Passion is key. You have to wake up and just do it."
"Don't shake your fists at the skies, get on with what you're meant to be doing."
"This is the attitude and the position that's going to be required if you are serious about doing anything other than moaning and complaining."
"Love is always available to us, but we have to put ourselves in the position to allow it into our lives." - Be proactive in seeking love.
"A bad leader, stuff happens to a bad leader, a good leader is someone who happens to stuff."
"Let's get this party started. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I'm gonna go for it!"
"Focus on what we can control: our attitude and our actions."
"If you say you want something, okay, now what am I going to do for it? And then start doing it."
"Take all the opportunities that will come forward to you and use them to progress."
"We're not letting 2020 take over, we're taking over."
"Just try to treat the world a little bit better than it treats you."
"Focus on what you can do and focus your energy on how can you apply that right."
"Eventually it will pull you towards change so you may as well get in with style and grace take a dip."
"You either complain about it or do something about it and learn how to ride the wave."
"I'm not gonna sit here and just let things not happen."
"Don't let your destiny in receiving pass you by."
"I want to spread a message versus crying about it."
"Choose the positive, attacking option in life generally."
"Either you can sit there and watch it happen you can be one of the people that are burned by it or you can be one of the people that take advantage of the situation."
"Don't wait for things to happen, be optimistic and remain positive."
"You can't wait till you get there to get there. Start getting ready before it happens."
"If you want to achieve the target of Kairos selective time in your lifetime, you can't just wish for things to be like they were and do nothing."
"Strive to be part of the solution, not the problem."
"Pick up the camera, hold the [expletive]. You got taste or not."
"Just as long as you acknowledge that room for improvement, you're being proactive."
"The best way to predict the future is to create yourself."
"Responsibility is about interpreting situations to propel forward."
"If what you're saying to me is true, if what you claim about Jesus and salvation and stuff is true and God has revealed himself to you and your friends and your family, why can't he reveal himself to me or why doesn't he?"
"Stop waiting for us to show up and rescue you."
"If you think something's wrong, you know, decided to do something about it."
"It's not over. You could still come in first in the marathon, but you gotta start today, you gotta start now."
"Because it's not okay with me and it shouldn't be okay with you, and you better do something to protect yourself, your wealth, your freedom. You better do something."
"Time is of the essence. We ain't finna sit back and wait for you to finally get it together."
"Start with something small, do it. Nothing has to be perfect. Just get after it."
"Being proactive and taking control of their own destiny is a fundamental belief."
"Let's get started, let's make our way around."
"You're not waiting anymore, you're reaching up for your happiness."
"You have to get your butt up and go and get it, just get up and go."
"Don't wait. Attack it, destroy it, and move on."
"It's not about what happened, it's what you're going to do about it that matters the most."
"But if you can keep it about the work, you'll always have a path. There's always something to be done."
"It's no good blaming misfortune on fate. It's more important to make the best of what can't be changed."
"Now is the time to charge ahead, go for what you want."
"Don't wait around for somebody hand you something."
"Life is like 70-80% what happens to you and 20% what you do. Those actions you take can greatly impact your life."
"If you're complaining, do something about it."
"Instead of thinking 'I can't,' this won't happen, or I did this to myself, focus on at least I'm doing it now."
"Success is on the horizon if you're willing to take action."
"Don't complain about it. Go do something about it."
"Sometimes it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
"You've got to grab your moment with both hands."
"Don't wait, just go for it. Your right time will come along."
"Take control, make things happen, really go for the goal."
"The next best time is right now today. Be pragmatic, remain level-headed, and focus intently."
"Being prepared for anything is probably better than not knowing what's going on."
"Start first, take action first, and then later you can adjust, you can change your plan and make it better."
"You gotta come up with a solution in life. I don't care what it is."
"Don't be sitting at the bottom of the hill regretting!"
"Let's not throw up our hands, let's roll up our sleeves." - Kamala Harris
"Stop crying over spilled milk and go ahead and take a leap of faith."
"This next chapter is like we're no longer waiting around, we need to take action."
"Taking control of a situation, moving forward in triumph."
"We have to be the answer we're waiting for, we can't wait for somebody else to do this."
"You can't wait around for it man, you can't. While this will never replicate the audience that Joe could provide overnight, it's a lot better than just waiting around for the phone to ring."
"Just make it happen. If you're gonna do it, do it, figure it out."
"Let's not waste any more time, let's hop into a new game."
"If we're facing fear, we're getting shift done."
"Don't wait for that perfect moment, just go for it, take flight."
"Don't wait for those people to be creative. Create yourself everywhere you go."
"Being positive, it's the basic and common sense in every action."
"Somebody's gonna pick it up, might as well be you."
"It's all about taking control of your opportunity and using it to your best ability."
"It's misleading to suggest sitting back and doing nothing. We must take action."
"Don't sit and wait for it to happen, you take the action toward it, take my advice."
"Every single moment is an opportunity to get it popping or squash something."
"There's lots of content, rather try something and fail than then play passively."
"If you haven't found your passion then I would say well, don't wait around till you find the damn thing."
"We can't be the victim again; we've got to be the destroyer."
"Focus on the things that you can control... Focus on doing what you can to make them better."
"When you get an opportunity, seek it, grab it with both hands, and leave nothing on the table."
"Stop making excuses. Do it, just go and do it."
"Rather than hoping something happens, let's play."
"It's time to embrace manifest destiny and get started."
"Just start right away... The best time is always to start right now, not tomorrow, today."
"The key here is really not to wait... Instead of saying I'll start tomorrow, just say I'm going to start today."
"Start now, don't wait until you have everything you want."
"I wish I had done a little bit more before... but when life gives you lemons."
"I'd rather be on the side of doing something that didn't work than not doing something that could have worked."
"Live your best life and do the most if that's what you want to do, just do it."
"If it's not risky, I'm going to put my foot on the gas."
"If you're not pursuing it, you've already failed by default."
"You are now co-creating your life, living life on purpose, not waiting for things to happen."
"The most important thing is to just go out there and do."
"You can make a wish or you can make it happen."
"When you start to take action in that direction, the universe will begin to conspire to bless you."
"There will come a time when you'll wish you had taken action."
"You have to be prepared, you never know what is going to come upon you."
"You're not here to let life happen to you; you make life happen for you."
"For every problem, there is a solution. Go and find it."
"Don't sit on your ass and wait for somebody to come along and hand you something."
"There is no shortage of work to do, but we need to decide to do it."
"A sense of empowerment this week because of these different conversations, but also a sense of if you want things to get better, you've got to do something."
"Nobody is going to help us until Jesus comes, so load up." - Bible talk for common people
"Being deserving is not to want, it's to create."
"You'll be really on top of things now with a real renewed vitality."
"Feeling as though you are in the driving seat rather than being driven along."
"Ruth wasn't the kind of person to wait around or hope that things would work out."
"I would rather be safe than sorry. I want people to be alert, on guard, and proactive as opposed to being reactive five years later."
"The exciting part is that you know it so you're going to be prepared for it."
"At the end of the day, I am solution focused, I am solution oriented."
"Take a step towards your dream, don't wait for it."
"It's unbelievable how many people see opportunities and don't grab them. Instead, you today have said, 'I want this, I'm going for it.' That's the first step."
"I'm taking my health into my own hands. They're not gonna do it for me."
"Some people wish it, others just make it happen."
"Stop externalizing responsibility and take control."
"If you miss an opportunity, there's always going to be a new one. Don't chase."
"Life is shaped out and you can't stop it but what you can do is utilize it, harness it and make it work for you."
"Strength and courage lead to movement; push forward with fortitude."
"The best time to act, to start something new, to launch, publish, produce, is now!"
"The timelines will depend entirely on us on our on us on how we embrace the future."
"He's got a strike while the iron's hot, man. You can't sit and wait for these things."
"You don't get anything in life unless you ask."
"Most importantly, it argues that by acting wisely, you can help make tomorrow better than today."
"I hope you reach the end that you want to reach, buddy. If you want to stop bad things in the world, then by all means go for it."
"You don't want to wait till the [__] hits the fan to start hustling like the dumb ass dead uh grasshopper, yeah nah, that's true man."
"To live in the solution, not to get bogged down by a problem."
"Focus on what you can do and what you can control."
"Just go for it, pull the trigger and just do it."