
Ongoing Effort Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Trust is a moving concept; it's not just established once. You have to continually prove and reprove that trust."
"That is why it's called getting to, not got."
"Our work as a pro-life movement is far from over."
"The struggle for unity and democracy is far from over."
"You still always just have to continue to be vigilant."
"Let's keep going. Am I going in the current series has ended."
"That's a dinosaur egg. I can feel it. Whoa, thought I already had a dinosaur egg. Definitely not. It's a work in progress. We'll get there one day."
"The struggle is ongoing and has to be fought."
"Thank you just tremendously for the work that you've done and that you continue to do."
"Blessed to do it, happy to be able to do it, and I'm gonna continue to do it."
"It's moving forward, continually going on, and part of the message here."
"Self-love is just like the relationship that you should always continue putting effort into."
"Your mental is something you just constantly have to work at."
"There is no Pinnacle of success it's an active process."
"The voting process is the starting gun of the race, it is not the finish line."
"The work continues. There's never enough help that's out here so we need more help doing the work."
"A relationship is work, marriage is work. It's not something that you can just fake your way into and then relax. You have to actually continue to progress and move forward and do what's necessary to make it work. That's how it works."
"Don't ever think that it's over; it's never over."
"If you shovel anxiety hard I'm not gonna say look at me now I'm amazing because I'm like I still have work to do."
"So if you are in it and trying to work on it, you're not alone."
"It's still day one... we're just scratching the surface."
"Purity is not a point you cross. It's an ongoing pursuit."
"No matter how talented you are, you will never keep successfully."
"This is just the beginning, we ain't done yet."
"Perfection by its nature is a moving target."
"Attack after attack... trying to make a list."
"Constantly getting better, constantly working."
"It won't necessarily all be resolved by the end of the week but you are working that ball rolling towards the outcome that you seek which is this stability."
"Don't give up just yet, whatever you've been working on, keep on progressing."
"We're gonna be successful, we're gonna keep going."
"The job isn't done because you can't appear to wave a mission accomplished flag while people are still feeling the pain."
"You have to stay on it. You have to continue to do the work because this is something that's just going to be with us for a long time."
"Our freedom and liberation has to be a multi-generational project."
"Did you get all your footage? Oh no, I'm not done yet."
"I don't have the answer, but I'm working on it."
"We can celebrate for a day, but we need to continue this work going forward."
"We're just going to keep doing it. We're going to keep trying."
"I'm playing in a game that never is finished."
"This can be so, so challenging and honestly I'm still working on it."
"I still have to make I'm not done yet."
"Just an incredible accomplishment and not done yet."
"There's no such thing as, 'We're going to fix it now and then it's going to be fixed.'"
"I'm still working on it, I have not given up."
"We are done. But we're not finished."
"Still in progress, never stop being in progress."
"Despite investigative successes, our work is far from over. We must remain resolute in our efforts to protect children from sexual abuse."
"She's still working to save other lives."
"Our work is not done, and we will continue to invest here."
"Brilliant job, very good night, we haven't finished yet."
"I'm proud of them. I'm impressed, but we're not done yet."
"Relationships, ladies and gentlemen, are ongoing challenges."
"Just because we got this landmark legislation doesn't mean our job is done."