
Environmental Conditions Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"When I tell you I haven't seen like a blue sky in probably three weeks, I'm not even exaggerating. But I feel good."
"The preservation of organics requires certain kinds of environments."
"No night had ever come upon us darker and colder than that night."
"Europe’s spongy, peat-covered wetlands provide the perfect environment and conditions to create these 'bog bodies,' bodies where their decomposition is slowed by highly acidic, low-oxygen environments."
"I have to go and see about whether smoke is blowing right now."
"The hotter the weather, the better your chances of seeing Ogopogo are," witness Leslie Kerry put it.
"It's so hot and humid inside that our cameras immediately fog up."
"Everyone needs water to live, and on this planet there’s barely any of it."
"Mexico City is between 7,000 and 13,000 feet above sea level. That's anywhere from over a mile to over two miles in the sky and the air gets pretty thin up there."
"Anywhere you see in yellow could get up to an inch of rain and firefighters are loving this and Idaho and portions of Oregon and even Montana to still take every drop of rain they can get after this horrific start to the fire season."
"You got sand stream, you got drizzle, you got drought and then for snow it's snow warning like I'm warning you guys there's snow."
"If you bring together those keystones, you can formulate the hypothesis that life as we know it could arise."
"It's the environment that lets these grow year and year out here."
"You can't have a drought if it doesn't stop raining."
"We really should appreciate the circumstances that led to our ability to thrive on earth."
"Do you happen to know what things plants need to grow? They need light and water and dirt or soil packed nutrients and you need the right temperature."
"It's cold, it's damp, and it's very, very dark."
"Their culture has adapted a way of life to survive and even thrive in the harsh conditions of the planet."
"Current is really an important part. Corridors equus is the only officials."
"There's never been an avalanche in this area."
"Bringing water into the desert is a bit of a metaphor for the times we live in."
"Everything was cold and wet, but it was stunningly beautiful."
"Consider the conditions... temperature, weather, and terrain."
"How good is this hey west coast of Tasmania they call the Wild West for many reasons there's some just insane for driving and usually the west coast is just full-on with waves and wind and all sorts of stuff but we've had an amazing time."
"Frozen pond: Urn the research stop because it's nighttime."
"Conditions got gradually worse with the wind picking up."
"It's mysterious and foggy and filled with ash storms."
"You don't have a healthy storm unless everything is stacked on top of each other."
"Consciousness will arise wherever circumstances permit it."
"Wet or snowy conditions decrease mounted infantry and cavalry speed."
"Moonbows occur more frequently in locations with waterfalls which create layers of mist in the air."
"Thanks to some unusually heavy rainstorms last fall, the park is bustling with the most wildflowers it's hosted in over a decade."
"The best the drought map has looked since February 25th, 2020."
"Pay attention because this will happen once again where the snow falls. Pay attention to your capital, pay attention to those places upon the east that I am." - January 24th, 2024.
"It's about to get a little bit hotter in there though, so let's see."
"Look at all this, look at, and it's gonna be nice and cold. Oxygen, it's gonna be so cold, it's gonna be brrrrrrrigid and so cold."
"Even on a desert planet, like Arrakis in Frank Herbert’s Dune Novels, where water is so scarce they recycle their dead, they still have air to breathe freely."
"Temperature range should be around 60 to 75 degrees."
"If there's a viable habitat for a Sasquatch, this is certainly it."
"Water boils at 100 degrees C at one atmosphere like the air you're breathing now."
"How does a plant survive in lava? Podoboos? No problem, that makes sense. Lava bubbles? That's pretty cool."
"The Sun decreasing its activity, global cooling right here right now."
"The drought is now over... I appreciate your patience."
"The Arctic is kept warm by the ocean, which prevents permanent ice at the North Pole and allows certain areas to survive that would otherwise freeze."
"The Gobi desert has one of the world's most extreme climates."
"Water conditions for everyone's area, you really just got to investigate it."
"Deep sea exploration is a daunting task... possesses a very hostile environment."
"Here's the Golden Rule with wind: birds take off and land into the wind."
"Fruit did not reach the point of maturity and all the land became as though transformed into something half alive or like someone suffering from a long illness."
"Experts believe the mammoths died due to the condition of the land."
"Low light does not mean no light, low plants need light to live."
"It used to be, you'd have to, like- How difficult do the conditions get?"
"It means they've made a lot of progress, it means it burned up all that fuel to the top of the hill."
"The rings in the middle here are the earliest ones. It looks like the first few years of this tree's life were really great."
"Because it's so cold right? Well, no, actually just because the oxygen is so thin at that altitude."
"These are iceberg conditions all over the world."
"Absolutely fantastic day outside kicking up a lot of dust."
"You thought you had seen mud, but the ground actually looks like it should be fairly solid."
"Every here's too wet and it's your fault. Hard to get dry here, it's the Medieval times."
"The weather our dynamic, that means that when you go for a stage the weather will change along the stage."
"Temperature is an interesting one as well and suggests to me that there will be the need to wear armor and environmental gear to protect from cold conditions like on Microtech."
"Humidity and light would be really important."
"There's red rust and there's some rope moisture that I did not account for, and also there's humid air that I did not account for."
"Drought conditions in Texas Dinosaur Valley State Park have revealed previously undiscovered dinosaur footprints."
"Trout can't live everywhere, okay? They need cold water that's moving."
"But I'm just saying that they should not be plugging given these conditions okay that's what I'm trying to say."
"Value is not in things, it is the way in which man reacts to the conditions of his environment."
"It's typical of these cold mornings where you see the animals having that velvety layer almost around their bodies."
"Could Stephanie have suffered from hypothermia at the lower end of the temperatures?"
"So when you saw up Lumber and you air dry it outside let me kind of explain this: it's only going to get as dry as the EMC of your environment that you got it stacked in."
"...you're just looking at the perceptual system on its own what it's trying to do in these days enormous ease our norms for good estimation of in you know in this case environmental conditions."
"We've got to keep the humidity for the ones that are hatching."
"Mars ain't the kind of place to raise a kid. In fact, it's cold as hell, and there'd be no place to raise them if you did."
"Local monitoring is one of the most important factors affecting resource conditions."
"The ice was thick and strong near the banks, but in the center, there were weak spots."
"It may not be the DIY, more economical environmental chamber that I asked for, but with adjustable temperature and humidity, it'll allow us to simulate the environmental conditions just about anywhere on this beautiful blue orb."
"Even if they're not building a rugged device designed for Arctic expeditions, even devices that are destined to spend their lives indoors can be subjected to vastly different environmental conditions."
"Gutation is more likely to happen in humid conditions versus transpiration which is more likely to happen in dry conditions."
"The audio pickup is nice and crisp and clear, as long as there's no wind."
"If you don't have pure, clean water, the trout just won't make it."
"It's called the hydro neutral zone, like Goldilocks zone, right? Not too dry, not too wet."
"It's adapted to generally hotter, drier sites."
"The environment, all the conditions surrounding us that influence life."
"What we're trying to do is in a healthy soil you should have a balance of conditions."
"I hope it's been okay where you live."
"Maybe they're just growing there for some reason at that layer, the environment is perfect for this type of cell."
"...there is raw material on Mars that could provide a less toxic environment than the surface."
"They've got into clear air, and I think there's more breeze in the southern end of Grand Harbor."