
Personality Type Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"INFJs are determined and passionate. They pursue goals with conviction and energy."
"INFPs are dreamy idealists in the pursuit of the perfect relationship."
"Entps are very much in the mold of the jester archetype; someone who uses humor, roasting, satire, trolling, etc., as a way to point out the stupidity of people's or society's views."
"INFJs are both emotional and rational. We're very balanced with those two things."
"Creators of deep emotional intimacy. INFJs can quickly establish rapport with people."
"INTJs, when mature, maximize both the pragmatic and the passionate in their relationships."
"ISFPs are very straightforward in their approach to communication."
"It's no secret that I often say that infps that I personally consider infps to actually be the most brilliant of us all I really actually do believe that they have the capacity of becoming the most brilliant of all of the types."
"The INFJ is the apex or the tip of the spear that really drives change for people."
"You're the strongest of us all, INFJs."
"Imagine an INFP who doesn't care about what other people think of them. Imagine how powerful that person would be."
"If I was stuck on an island, I'd want to be stuck with an INTP because they're great conversationalists."
"Many people think they understand the ENTPs in their life, but nothing could be further from the truth."
"ENTPs thrive when they have the intellectual freedom to experiment with a variety of possibilities."
"The INFJ is always one step ahead in their minds."
"Never ask an ISFP what they think, ask them how they feel."
"The ISFP is a freedom-based creator, very creative because they are an artisan."
"The ISTP is very much an innovator and a visionary."
"ISTP's visions can become much, much more concrete and far less of a wild abstract fantasy."
"The ISTP has a more natural predisposition to being an inventor or even an entrepreneur."
"For the INFP, what are their strengths, what are their weaknesses, and which cognitive functions can they really leverage to really get the full zest out of life and enjoy life more."
"INFPs focus on self-expression in fashion."
"ENTPs are all about being cut cats as well."
"If your ENTJ character had a favorite saying, it would probably be 'Better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond,' or 'Never bring a knife to a gunfight.'"
"The ENTJ instinctually understands that knowledge is power."
"If there is hard knowledge to be had that is relevant to what they're trying to do, they will listen and take it seriously no matter where that knowledge comes from."
"The ENTJ does have a knack for innovation and will often come up with solutions to problems that are quite outside the box."
"As take-charge as their mentality is, they are not driven by a desire for power or authority, only for progress and productivity."
"Some people would claim that an es F J is the most self-sacrificing of all the types."
"ESFPs are so fun they are life of the party level fun, incredibly playful, huge amounts of energy. They're really fun to be around."
"The estp is a type that can often be relied upon to give the perfect social response, a witty one-liner, the perfect comeback, or perhaps the perfect close to a business deal."
"ISFPs are like so cute and simultaneously they have amazing arts. I mean, who doesn't?"
"INTPs provide a nuanced take that can get people to reconsider something they've taken for granted."
"Those videos don't talk about how difficult it is for Ni Dom to grasp reality sometimes."
"Ni is our greatest asset and also causes the most pain."
"There are days where I wish I could be any other type and live in the moment."
"Critical thinking is at the core of ENFPs. We don't accept anything at face value; we cross-contextualize information and question the status quo."
"So if you want to be attractive to an ENFP, show that you're independent, show that you have your own passions going on, show that you have your own projects, your own career, like whatever it is."
"The worst thing you could ever do to an ENFP is to, right off the bat, explain to them all the different rules you have for your life."
"The fourth thing you can do to get an ENFP to like you is to just kind of keep it simple."
"If you're gonna have rules, again, keep it simple and try to minimize them."
"Just in general, big disclaimer, as enfps, we tend to be pretty moody from time to time."
"If you're a person where day by day, you're kind of the same person, like, this goes for males and females, if you just find yourself like, 'Yeah, you're kind of steady for most of the day,' like, it doesn't take a lot to rattle you, that's great."
"Just be willing to put on that stupid-ass party hat, start taking shots of tequila, and dress up in onesies and just riding around downtown screaming your lungs out."
"If there's anything that you really just need to know about an INTJ or need to ask something of them, just be very direct."
"Nines will default to kind of fading into the background, and that becomes a pattern for them in adulthood."
"Eights are highly motivated, powerful individuals that want to wake up and accomplish goals."
"Eights are very pragmatic and practical people."
"Eights are very dynamic, very in-your-face, more direct, more on the attack."
"Don't make decisions without factoring in the ENFP."
"There are people out there like myself, INTJs, who really appreciate you guys."
"Don't ever ruin that trust with an intj because it's almost impossible to ever get it back."
"ENFPs are all about being in their comfort zone, you have to force yourself to get out of your comfort zone if you're going to be successful."
"Commitment is the key to social engineering ESFPs; it's about making good on your word."
"It's very easy for the ENFJ to get confused and think that they are an in-the-moment type of person."
"Entrepreneurship is also a very appealing avenue for this personality type."
"Never take away an ESFP's choice."
"The ENTJ archetype is the one type who has, well, the most income of all the sixteen types by a huge, huge margin."
"The INTP, when activating Introverted Intuition, gains a profound sense of identity and is comfortable setting visions for the future."
"The INFP, with developed Introverted Intuition, has an enormous capacity for original insights and aligning personal values with the values of the world."
"The ENTP, when conscious of their Introverted Intuition, gains a deeper understanding of their emotions and seeks a more balanced life."
"If you're an ENJ and you're not taking notes already, what are you doing?"
"Help your ISFJ learn how to take calculated risks."
"Type A: they just keep doing cool things."
"ENFPs are often fast on their feet and natural improvisers."
"Infjs take the spot as the most feminine type because they lead with introverted intuition."
"Love comes later, and a lot of times people think of ENFJs as the hopeless romantic type, but ENFJs fall in love quickly, they know what they want and they get there quickly."
"A healthy eight is always in pursuit of tenderness and mercy."
"If you're a type one, you are an idealistic person, you are a person of very high standards."
"Most ones I know just would have a very difficult time fibbing in any sense."
"As an INFJ, it's like I don't want to bring up conflict, but then I recognize that in order for us to grow in this relationship, you have to sometimes bring certain things up."
"It's nice that we're able to have this female ENTJ camaraderie."
"The virtue of the five is non-attachment. So, that's your skill. When everyone is over personalizing, the five is able to be like that Buddhist saying."
"...it's like the simpler the better and if you think about INTJs... it's like if your mind is engaged and active... that's what mattered..."
"INFPs care more about finding peace than finding success."
"I just wanted to give a quick shout out to my friend Joe who is an INTJ."
"I noticed that Fi doms don't get enough credit for how intellectual they are."
"Entjs are so afraid of being bad people, they will go out of their way to do the good thing all the time."
"Fives have moved beyond a primarily cerebral way of existing, in other words, just existing in your head, into a state of contagious zest for ideas, feelings, and experiences."
"Eights are really uncomfortable with what is, like sitting on the fence post."
"Fives are gonna find that sweet spot where their passion for learning and gathering data can also be combined with making a difference in the world."
"For me as an INFP, I think of those things when it is someone hurting someone that I love."
"ENTJs know how to both do things right and do things quickly, which is a massive superpower on its own."
"INTJs deserve recognition, attention, and acknowledgment for who they are and for what they can do."
"INTJs, I see the effort that you put into your creations and I appreciate the way that you think differently."
"If you are an ENFP and you don't feel valued for what you have to offer, that doesn't mean that you aren't."
"I am an ESFP. To me, it's a means of being able to understand the mode in which my brain is operating most of the time, how I'm taking in information, and how I'm judging it, therefore where my potential blind spots might be."
"INTPs are good at asking questions, especially when something doesn't quite make sense to them."
"I really enjoy the inquisitive outlook that ENTPs have and just the way they think about knowledge and inquiring knowledge in general."
"ESTJs might be the best doers, the best implementers, the best executors."
"INJs are The Architects meticulously designing and structuring their ideas and plans with precision and a clear end goal in mind."
"INFPs are individualists who defend that in others also the plight of the individual or specific group often moves them."
"INTPs, the INTJs appreciate you guys so much. You guys are able to keep up with us mentally, you guys are able to elevate our understanding of the world, and you guys are so easy to be around."
"An ISFJ wants to convey knowledge that will be helpful to listeners when they speak."
"ESTJs need to digest their thoughts outside of their heads and think aloud."
"Leadership and mentoring come as easily to them as breathing and talking, making ENFJs particularly skilled leaders."
"Every INTJ I've ever met has been very intelligent."
"ISFJs are sometimes referred to as protector personalities because of their interest in keeping people safe and well cared for."
"ISFJs are driven by their personal values and are conscientious in their behavior."
"ISFJs appreciate tradition and like knowing how things were done in the past."
"ISFJs are characteristically humble and unassuming and rarely call attention to themselves."
"ISFJs are oriented to relationships but they can be reserved with new people."
"ISFJs are the consummate helpers, ready to share their time and energy with anyone who needs it."
"ISFJs regard custom and tradition with the utmost respect."
"Words of affirmation are the main love language of ENFJ."
"ENFJs are very benevolent because they're trying to help people."
"Communication is a big-time must-have in a relationship with this type of personality."
"The ENTP... it's an intellectual. So I'm always future thinking, for example, it's a starter type, visionary, informative, initiating movement as we just said, focused all about progress."
"ENTPs get a bad rap, we're told that we're like these big [people] that don't really care etc, that's not really true, we actually do care."
"INTP aims to master a wide range of knowledge and discover objective truths; they value intellect and continuous learning."
"ESFP's goal is to bring joy to others, contributing to a happier world; their lively personality often makes them the center of attention."
"INFJs are creative, complex, and constantly seek deeper meaning; post-modernism's rejection of rules and embrace of diversity align well with INFJ's thoughtful nature."
"INTJs are logical, analytical, and strongly determined; brutalism's raw and bold structures resonate with INTJ's strong personality and forthright approach."
"ESTPs are energetic and enjoy engaging with the world; retro style's playful, nostalgic appeal resonates with ESTP's adventurous and lively spirit."
"ESFPs are vivacious and appreciate the finer things; baroque's ornate and luxurious style aligns with ESFP's love for drama and aesthetic richness."
"ENFPs are free-spirited and value personal expression; bohemian's unrestrained style resonates with ENFP's creativity and desire for individuality."
"ENTPs are innovative and enjoy playing with ideas; eclectic design's mix of various styles aligns with ENTP's flexible and unconventional thinking."
"Spider-Man's inventive approach to crime-fighting, Aang's free-spirited nature, and Naruto's optimism and passion for friendship encapsulate the ENFP personality type, characterized by enthusiasm and a strong belief in potential."
"Iron Man's technological brilliance, the Joker's unpredictable tactics, and Jack Sparrow's cunning and wit exemplify the ENTP personality, known for seeing multiple possibilities and thriving on intellectual debate."
"Hermione's dedication to her studies and leadership, Sokka's logical approach to problem-solving, and Nami's strategic planning reflect the ESTJ personality type, often associated with strong management skills and a focus on efficiency."
"Snow White's nurturing nature, Katara's supportiveness, and Sakura's concern for others' well-being align with the ESFJ personality type, known for its desire to build strong social connections and take care of others."
"Wonder Woman's leadership and drive to fight for justice, Moana's determination to save her people, and Tanjiro's unwavering kindness and concern for others resonate with the ENFJ personality type."
"The campaigner personality is a true free spirit."
"ENFPs are on the leading edge of social consciousness."
"Your type is extremely inspiring, provocative, and influential."
"INFJs are some of the best-dressed types out there."
"Life's unfair, but ESFJs believe that life should be fair, and they go out of their way to make it as fair as possible for as many people as they possibly can."
"You guys are the type that are very observant, intelligent."
"INTJs are more oriented around being productive, setting and achieving goals."
"The thinker type, like people who usually have higher intelligence who like to think a lot."
"Sigma males have a unique way of connecting with the cosmos that sets them apart from the crowd."
"The INFJ often has an extremely precise and sensitive awareness of the emotional harmony at the portion of the world they are gazing at."
"The INFJ is oftentimes highly charismatic and very effective at communicating their various different theories."
"IPs are some of the most unstoppable personality types when they are on purpose or mission of something to accomplish."
"I'm very much type A; I like to check things off my to-do list."
"I am ENFJ, the protagonist, and it is a hundred percent me."