
Religiosity Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Human beings are a religious animal and in the absence of actual religion, we will begin to seek others."
"The abolitionists...were largely the most religiously dedicated people."
"The higher the religiosity, the lower the rates of these social health measures."
"Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants into the house of the Lord, and cry unto the Lord, because the day of the Lord is at hand, and destruction from the almighty is coming."
"People that have higher levels of religiosity can have lower levels of trauma response."
"The Truth that we embrace does not come from us, but from God!"
"Modern spirituality makes vague gestures about the universe but doesn't commit to religious belief."
"Stop being mean to people, be Christlike. Jesus loves you, man."
"We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible."
"Greater religiosity was associated with higher levels of compassion and self-control."
"God just doesn't seem real to me, and it's the fastest-growing demographic in the age of information."
"There's a positive benefit to becoming more religious."
"To have a form of godliness means to follow the order of religious rights whereas there is no inward transformation."
"The best thing is her Iman, how religious she is, how connected she is to Allah."
"Be not deceived for the end is not yet these are the beginning of this is critical these are the beginning of birth pains."
"People can actually, like I said, be okay and then just fall straight, you know, there's that old saying that, you know, 'the converts are the most devout.'"
"This stuff is meaningless if God is not in the equation with anything in life including crypto."
"Just because someone doesn't cover, Christian or Muslim, doesn't mean they don't love God."
"I once went to a Catholic church right, I didn't last 5 minutes. I hear you, I was already dozing."
"The trouble with so many is that they have just enough religion to make them miserable."
"Young people in general are much less religious than they used to be because they associate religion with being very right-wing."
"For the longest time I was very spiritual. I'm still very spiritual. I'm just not religious."
"Meaning is supercritical, mediating the relationship between religiosity and well-being."
"...I think we can peg a lot of the disillusionment a lot of the radicalism a lot of this embracing of woke ideology with sort of a decrease in religiosity."
"They had achieved a relationship with God. They had merited by their religiosity and their self-righteousness acceptance with God."
"At the end of the day, I think he was fairly religious."
"Ghana is going to be more religious."
"Poland, a country regarded as the most religious country in Europe."
"Compassion, the ability to feel with the other, is not only the test of any true religiosity, it is also what will bring us into the presence of what Jews, Christians, and Muslims call God or the Divine."
"My grandma is the sweetest, kindest, caring, giving, loving... she is very, very, very religious."
"There would be, says Paul, a form of godliness but denying the power thereof."
"The more religious you are, the less likely you are to get divorced."
"Religiosity at the community level has been associated with personal altruism towards strangers and refugees."
"It's not this idea that religiosity leads away from helping immigrants; it tends to lead to helping immigrants."
"William was devoted to his wife Matilda, a deeply religious woman."
"Religiosity is hypothesized to decrease crime by increasing fear of punishment, conventional bonds, and self-control."
"Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious."
"Henry acquired the piety and religious sensibilities which he would display later in his life."
"Scrupulosity is a form of OCD involving religious or moral obsessions."
"He was a pious man who read complex works of theology."
"This is a very religious generation that we live in."
"My spirituality gives life to my religiosity, and my religiosity gives structure to my spirituality."
"I encourage you to help set people free from rigid religiosity, to help them become free so that no one feels overwhelmed or crushed, and that everyone can discover the freedom of the gospel."
"Humans, it has been said, are incurably religious."
"She appears to have been a kind and generous woman too, religious not only in observance but indeed."
"True religiosity is signified by honest intellectual efforts to model and understand."
"Mary was described as a good student who was very religious."
"I'm a kind, caring, god-fearing human being."
"There's a church on every street corner here, which I love."
"I love the UK. I've been there many times, and religiosity in the UK is different than it is in the states."
"The Thais are very religious as we all know and those spirit houses, they are everywhere."
"I believe there's a direct correlation between how well one can critically think and how religious they turn out to be."
"All those who knew her were unanimous in declaring that she practiced all the religious virtues even heroically."
"I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and in Dallas, Texas, my friends here know there are a lot, a lot of churches."
"Religious people are more charitable than non-religious people."