
Ideal Partner Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"This is my dream person but like even better than I even thought."
"If I could sit with God and he asked me to create the perfect woman I couldn't have even created you because I wouldn't have dreamed you I would get help right."
"You are my forever; you have everything that I could possibly look for in another person plus more."
"They see you as a queen or a king, like you're the perfect ten."
"You'll know it's them if you feel like you're being worshipped, like you're somebody's god or Jesus Christ."
"I always say I was like this was the universe giving me a chance because like he's kind of my dream man."
"You know who you can date is a strong, smart, brave, self-fulfilling female scientist."
"They do see you as the person who would really complete them and be a perfect match for them."
"I guess my take away from this is that I probably should be studying you know different jobs that these men can have because I need to change maybe if I really want to find my ideal husband I need to change you know what rooms I'm showing up in."
"They do see you as their one, the most perfect."
"You're that dream mate, you're their dream fulfillment."
"You're their dream person, wifey/husband material."
"He's got to be big, he's got to be strong, and he's got to be dumb and polite."
"You're concerned with the best spouse for you or the best options, having someone that actually meets your list, your standards."
"A heart of gold, you never gain weight while you date her"
"This person is going to be everything that you want and then some."
"Waiting all those years turned into just the ultimate person to be with."
"This person may be your miracle, embodying everything you've asked for."
"This person is everything you've ever hoped for in a relationship."
"A potential mate who is successful, smart, funny, attractive, mentally stable, ready for commitment, and single."
"Your person is going to be amazing for you, and they're somebody you've really been wanting."
"I fell in love with him, he is everything I want."
"When it comes to dating, my ideal partner would be between the ages of 38 and 44."
"I need a good man with some good morals, with his head screwed on his shoulder, with his heart in the right place."
"You are everything they could want. You're very much like if you were to ask them, 'So what's your type?' they'd be like, 'Well, you're my type' kind of response."
"She encapsulates everything I've ever wanted in a woman."
"This person is the full package, you guys. Yeah, it's amazing, it's beautiful."
"This person really is going to embody whatever it is that's your perfect type of person, your perfect match."
"You are their dream partner, perfect and irresistible."
"You're exactly the kind of girlfriend and wife and mom that they probably all dream of having."
"This person has everything that I want, they check every list."
"They're going to be that ideal person that you've always dreamt of in your dreams."
"You are their dream guy or girl, woman, whatever you are, everything this person has wanted."
"This person is everything that you need and everything that you want."
"They see you as their ideal partner and someone that they want to grow with."
"They're gonna see you as their match, they see that you're a hustler, they see that you're self-sufficient, they see that you're stable, they see that you're their ideal partner."
"I feel like you're gonna know how to get what you want, you're gonna be very confident at the point in your life where you meet your ideal partner."
"He's every single thing I want in a man."
"Your ideal partner is a reflection of you. Turn the focus inward."
"They really feel like you're lacking nothing when it comes to what they want in a partner."
"They see you as this ideal partner."
"Romi is the kind of guy I pray I marry someone like him."
"Your person does think that you are the ideal partner for them."
"I want someone like my dad, a great provider, someone who loves me for who I am, supports me, lets me be myself, and someone who I can take care of."
"This is definitely someone who's viewing you as an ideal partner."
"This person comes across as like a dream partner."
"He kind of represents the perfect, nice boyfriend."
"They are your soul mate, they are everything you ever wanted in a person."
"He's probably like the perfect guy."
"She's everything that I wanted in a woman."
"He's really just got, like, all the qualities that I want in a partner."
"People see you as being adventurous and the ideal partner."
"What if the perfect person comes into your life, like, and you know she's absolutely perfect?"
"So I guess my ideal guy is someone who's smart, athletic, obviously very cute, but in the end it's really like their heart that speaks more to me."
"Nobody's going to find somebody that's exactly what they want."
"This is your ideal man or woman whoever this is so they feel like you're their ideal person."
"If you're looking for loyalty, trust, love, passion, and romance, then the Scorpio is the right person for you."
"He's everything I'm looking for in a man."
"She's still the funny, smart, charming, beautiful girl I always knew; any guy would be lucky to have her."
"H was the perfect person for me, sweet, gentle, and the kind of guy that you could take home to Mom."
"You may meet a man that checks every box you need."
"He's handsome, rich, and caring. Everything you could ever ask for."
"So if I could have like my perfect girlfriend, it would be Belle."
"This person is really seeing you as their ideal partner."
"She got to be the baddest, she got to have knowledge, a lot of knowledge."
"A high caliber chick who's feminine, giving, nurturing, who loves men and she's caring."
"I love a woman. A God fearing woman. That's just my type."
"I'm like the best girlfriend ever; I'm funny, I'm entertaining, I cook, I clean, I get them into shape."
"I had a checklist of like everything I wanted in a person... you have all of them plus like a hundred more."
"I want a woman who is polite, humble, God-fearing, and hardworking like me."
"My ideal man would definitely be confident and be able to make me laugh."
"I'm looking for a man that's fun, smart, funny, goofy... a great communicator, able to adapt and change, secure in himself."
"He's like a full package, man. Whoever marries him in the future, lucky woman."
"Your ideal partner is selfless, not a person that always puts themselves first."
"Your ideal person is someone who allows you to feel vulnerable with, and you also feel at home with."
"Your ideal person has compassion, not only for you but for others."
"You want someone that's going to be selfless, someone that makes you feel protected emotionally and physically."
"Your ideal person may not look like what you want them to look like."
"Three words to describe your dream man's personality: charismatic, cheeky, and kind."
"It's given all kinds of vibes, it's given husband, wife, mom, dad, perfect partner."
"So what is your ideal man? Well, he'd have to have nice eyes, a cheeky smile, and be really funny."
"I'd like a guy who's easy-going, that makes me laugh every single minute, every chance he gets."
"My wife was everything I had ever dreamed of: intelligent, humorous, stunning."
"He was literally the perfect man, he is the perfect man, okay, he is like this man literally kissed the ground that I walked on, treated me like an absolute queen."
"Write a page like 'My ideal partner is...' and then ask yourself, do all of the characteristics on that page apply to you?"
"My type of girl? Ambitious, loves to travel, is creative, works hard, and supports me in the same way that I'll support her."
"My perfect person will be a friend first."
"Lauren was by many people's definition the full package: beautiful, kind, very intelligent, and driven."
"I think I found the perfect woman in this house."
"The woman of your dreams is thinking of you all the time."
"I want a responsible woman, a woman that is kind, romantic, has a sense of humor."
"Describe your dream boy, and don't describe me."
"I would rather stay single until I find the one, like until I find the perfect guy for me."
"She has everything he's ever hoped for."
"A man I married would have to be intelligent, practical, brilliant, modest, strong yet sensitive, powerful yet also gentle, safe and reliable but also dynamic and exciting, masterful yet tender, a man of action with poetry in his soul."
"My version of a perfect man is somebody gentle, generous, kind-hearted, empathetic, caring, and understanding."
"He is exactly who you manifested."
"She's the type of woman you hope your son marries."
"Every single girl wants that guy who is the cream of the crop when it comes to guys."
"They see you as the perfect wife or the perfect husband."
"I'm madly in love with him, and he's kind and patient in everything I could have ever imagined the father of my children to be."
"My ideal man would be someone relatable, honest, and straightforward."
"This is the type of person or the person that you've been waiting for."
"They feel as though you would make the Perfect Mate."
"I wanted a guy who was laid-back and funny and philosophical sometimes in an absurd way and sometimes in an actually meaningful way."
"They view you as essentially like an ideal partner."
"You're everything this person could have dreamed of."
"It's basically like he embodied everything that I want, which is why it was so engaging."
"This was the type of man that not only should run her business but should be her husband."