
Problem Resolution Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Whenever I come across an upset, dissatisfied or angry customer, I always go that extra mile to resolve the problem, as I think it's really important to keep a customer for as long as possible."
"On a scale of zero to ten... you could probably clear 80% of your problems."
"Saiki can finally resolve all the problems and misfortunes well."
"Successful outcome to your problem, there is some truth, some clarity that is coming into your life."
"I don't know what you guys are talking about, there was no problem whatsoever."
"The good news about this stuff actually is that it tends to resolve within about a year."
"When you start feeling this pressure... it's also bringing a golden answer... they will be resolved, okay? Very important."
"I think that Tesla should just fix the problem."
"Kratos has demonstrated multiple times he has the wisdom to solve problems he encounters on his journey."
"They're gonna just add fuel to that fire and make it take longer than it has to."
"If they would characterize it in a truthful manner we're out of this mess pretty quick."
"Trust yourself and trust that spirit will help this situation come full circle when it's meant to and when it needs to."
"Owning up to your mistakes and resolving them is the mark of a great dungeon master."
"Enough. Mitch is gonna home. He'll give it a whirl but he has to learn to be a better communicator and work together as a team or else we're not gonna make it."
"We were successfully able to diagnose the issue at hand."
"It's a shame that the greater problems led to what will always feel to me like a bit of a fumble in giving that Trilogy closure."
"There was a solution to this and it's not going to be without public defender."
"Close your loops, deal with your problems right then and there."
"Your problem has been taken care of. Rest easy though because he won't be blackmailing anyone again ever."
"Progress is healing the wound, not just pulling the knife out."
"You are finally getting these kinks ironed out."
"You guys get all your feelings out on the table. You look at all the cards. You try to figure it out. If you can, you do. If you don't, good luck to him."
"Public criticism is important yet there are people out there that think if you just talk to people privately everything is going to be solved."
"You guys are the ones at fault. You created your own monster, and now you're trying to figure out how to slay the monster."
"It's possible for things to be unfucked in such a way that the distance from where we are to something unfucked is unimaginable."
"You're no longer on the same level as your problems."
"Whatever I can do to make this right is number one priority."
"The sources of the dressing room leaks have now left the club, that is sensational."
"We told Dream we were gonna fix his problems and we did."
"We made it. Everything's fine. There are no problems here."
"I think if you let customers simmer on what's wrong or what they're missing, that's where you can get some frustration and anger."
"Virgo, a huge problem is coming to an end, leading to a significant transition and personal rebirth."
"It's going to be a very big change when it comes to the certain resolution of the problem."
"They'll fix this, now that dude I loaned it from, you gotta send it back to Sig."
"The left and the right have found Unity... I'm glad to see we can unify on something and maybe actually deal with this problem."
"The most difficult part of a situation is over."
"In the nick of time, you're making a clear-headed decision to walk away."
"We will continue to put all of our resources towards investigating and bringing this to a resolution."
"He's literally encountered situations in the past where as soon as it was brought to his attention and he was made aware of it, he fixed it."
"Things will sort themselves out, they always do."
"So that was the explanation here I mean that's good at least it's not something that's like super recurring."
"With God's help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us."
"As the Buddhists say, 'Nothing ever goes away until it teaches you what you need to learn.'"
"Emotions serve a function; they're gonna keep popping up until you resolve whatever problem they're asking you to resolve."
"I'm very sorry you had such a horrible experience. I can assure you we will sort this out immediately."
"From all of this chaos, a solution eventually emerged."
"What we ultimately need is the fixes to come for them to find ways to make it up to us after this disastrous launch."
"For this whole situation to come to some sort of resolution, it really has to be kickstarted by the government."
"Yes, I think there were problems in the beginning but I think most of them have been ironed out at this point."
"All problems will dissolve when you choose the Christ."
"It's the old adage: the squeaky wheel gets the oil."
"You deserve a partner who will cherish and love you forever."
"We need to make top four and we need to fix problems instantly."
"We'll figure out a way to rectify the situation."
"It was a whole skew of issues Albedo felt the need to resolve herself, regardless of whether it was an irregularity or a minor incident."
"Have activities that you can do to distract yourself if the problem can't be resolved right away."
"The black community demanded action by the police."
"Conflict delayed is conflict continued and multiplied."
"The universe brings a way out for you in some situation."
"Eventually, you gotta stop and say maybe you should stop driving this thing until you get it fixed."
"If we turn our heads away and pretend everything is a rosy glow of goodness, we'll never deal with those problems."
"Everybody was just pointing fingers because nobody had the answers."
"There's somebody holding it all back and ain't nothing going to happen until he stepped out the way."
"Believe in yourself, the end of a difficult situation or situations."
"That being fixed is a big deal, it's a very big deal."
"Suddenly everything is going to work a-okay."
"Harmony is key, if there's discordant energy where things are kind of like not working that's where you're gonna pay attention and either fix it or release it."
"Bad ideas eventually time is bad ideas worst enemy."
"By just eliminating a few of these bad actors, you would dramatically reduce the number of bad acts."
"It's just really nice. I really am hoping that this is something that's fixable."
"Oh no, no, this is not acceptable. I'm going to fix this right now."
"But still it's going to clean up what was initially quite a mess."
"Congratulations, we've done it, we've fixed it."
"Our job is to make people happy and when people have a complaint 99 of the time you can solve it as long as your heart is in the right place."
"New does not necessarily mean better or mean that all of your problems will completely disappear."
"I want answers, I don't want fixes for the game."
"The promise of these systems: going beyond human capabilities."
"Probably the best way to handle the situation."
"If you have any problems with it, you contact them, they'll just send you a new tumbler."
"It looks like they're really taking it seriously."
"Justice will prevail; there will be a solution found, but it comes through truth and communication."
"I accidentally reset the timeline. That's fixed. I apologize."
"Despite setbacks, the F-35 proves effective when issues are finally addressed."
"Whatever this trouble is associated with, it's bringing in more money, just explicitly, it's bringing in more money for you."
"The road has run out and we've got to address these issues."
"Once the issue has been resolved, we're planning to restore lost inventories in mass."
"Deleting the system entirely is the best way to ensure that the issues don't pop back up."
"Children have a remarkable way of sorting out problems."
"I just hope whichever one you try, problems that I've explained are gone or at least mitigated."
"Emotional control is not a solution. Resolution is."
"This absolute abomination of a mess will be fixed, don't you worry."
"There's no way around it, they're going to have to have some accountability."
"Fasting is the only prerequisite to bring an end to stubborn situations in your life."
"If it's affecting you, it's something to bring up."
"You need to make a decision. Don't think about possibilities; imagine a future where those problems have vanished."
"It's like I just want to take care of it and move forward and get done and never think about it again."
"It won't necessarily all be resolved by the end of the week but you are working that ball rolling towards the outcome that you seek which is this stability."
"The reason why God keeps fixing this is because his name is on the line."
"Your hard work can pay off, just work through your fears and worries, resolution is on the horizon."
"This stuff is not going away until we tell it to."
"As of right now already, it's almost a non-issue."
"If you cut off the head, then the rest of the body dies."
"Just because you're frustrated doesn't mean you have to make decisions that create more frustration."
"So, were you able to reach out to whoever provided the contaminated seeds to you as to prevent further spreading?"
"You can learn to process your emotions and actually resolve them."
"It will get solved. Whatever that is for you."
"There's something not right here... we can have a good resolution, a good ending to this story."
"If you are a fan of Delve, this is going to be fixing a lot of the issues that people had with Delve."
"Nice work, Jesse. I'm relieved to know there's a logical explanation for what the white pumpkin's been doing."
"The biggest issue that we're seeing is we're seeing weaknesses being revealed right and this is gonna be the silver lining as we said is when weaknesses are revealed then we can fix them and hopefully people actually take this course."
"The answer to whatever problem we have is Jesus."
"Define the clear vision of what you want happening differently once this problem is solved."
"It's a long season over the course of the season I think it gets corrected."
"I'm not saying that there aren't bad kids out here because they are, but you should be trying to at least find ways to fix that situation with your child."
"Spirit is asking you to have patience at this time and don't fear having patience because there is a successful outcome to a problem that you may be having in this connection."
"Your perception is changing and you're going to realize over time throughout the rest of this year that the more stuff that you don't let worry you, it just ends up resolving itself."
"We solved it. You know why you don't hear about it? Because we solved it."
"The problem just took care of itself. Much like in Office Space."
"Long term goals for family all the problems wash away because there's you know exactly what to care about Libra."
"That plasma guy is a problem, I'm glad he's gone."
"All of a sudden you become a vibrational match, the solution presents itself."
"That's what they're trying to address in the short term."
"People hate Nike because they could easily solve this problem."
"Do not sweat the small stuff, it will be rectified peacefully."
"Customer service issues related to everybody here."
"I'm so stoked that it was an easy-ish fix."
"But why wait? If you know who stole the bonds, why wait?"
"The problem doesn't just continue forever. When people start taking ownership, the problem gets owned and it gets solved."
"But I kept quiet, so you must have thought it would blow over."
"The goal of business is to solve our problems."
"There's a dark cloud that has left."
"Customer is key, solve people's problems and you're going to be successful."
"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."
"Being mad makes me want to get up and do something. It makes me want to fix the bad things. Isn't that better than curling up under a pile of leaves and hoping the bad things go away?"
"I just got a lot of practice over the last year in taking problems one step at a time."
"Before I made that video live, the customer service manager reached out to me, made everything right, really went above and beyond."
"Can this product provide a solution to the problem that my intended target audience has?"
"Your job is to convince them that you can fix their problem."
"Experience will soon teach you that once a decision is made, the problems and troubles begin to disappear."
"I think there's a clever, smarter way to protect a woman, to solve that problem you have with this man."
"You need a substantial problem that's going to take the entire story really of effort and events to finally get it fixed."
"Even though this looks horrendously complicated, the actual answer it will spit out in the end is going to be extremely simple."
"If you talk about issues and how to resolve them, then people will be much happier and they'll come back and buy your product."
"Let's keep working on this together; it's one of the best ways to solve problems."
"Every time he encountered a problem, he solved it with his own wisdom."
"That's where it gets really fun to me, right, to solve the problem, talk to people, and work it out and get it done."
"We want to fix problems one by one as we go through."