
Film Theory Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"One way we could think about film is as chemistry."
"Film theory discusses the essence of cinema and provides conceptual frameworks for understanding a film's relationship to reality, other arts, individual viewers, and society as a whole."
"The Matrix movies exist in the world of the Matrix Resurrections, which would vindicate the reading that Neo knows he's in a movie."
"Hello Internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show where I'll never let go... of theories about movies."
"It's possible that Sony could exist in this quasi-canonical way with just enough relationship to the MCU to be a part of it but with the freedom to be their own thing."
"Filmmaking is a language, it evolves over time."
"Maybe Nolan is suggesting that the Sator square from history was a relic from the future."
"I also know I can already tell you how we get she-hulk into the MCU on the big screen because I feel like it is far past time..."
"At the end of the day, they always could have two Black Panthers."
"Hello Internet. Welcome to Film Theory, the show that definitely isn't standing right behind you."
"You either die a hero or live long enough to be recast."
"If Maul and Palps can come back from the dead, why can't Luke?"
"Every scene should advance either story or character and thus serve a larger integral purpose."
"One of my theories, one of my three videos, was that this would be the first scene in the movie."
"Are we really gonna do this? Is Snoke really Palpatine?"
"Maybe with Falcon, maybe with Anthony Mackie."
"Because all of Thor's visions had to do with the infinity gems, I definitely think that Thanos is gonna show up in Thor: Ragnarok."
"A strong story is the backbone of every film and almost everything in art."
"While a good story can save bad animation, good animation cannot save a bad story."
"I believe Shang-Chi's inclusion of the Dweller in Darkness has set the dominoes up for the biggest reveal that the MCU has left."
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"What's his filmic universe when the creator intervenes? I wonder if he leaves his fingerprints on his creations."
"We have a lot of older film theorists who are like horror movies and like older properties and stuff."
"Hello internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show that may not have the droids you're looking for but does have the content you'll subscribe for."
"Indeed, a big part of including wide and tall shots is in designing a world that is governed by a higher power, a constant reminder of our insignificance and lack of control."
"Film noir is a genre and the style, so yes it would be structural and stylistic."
"The Cloverfield Paradox suggests that the Cloverfield films all take place across several alternate timelines."
"Humor has a way of putting audiences into a naturally receptive state of mind where they're more willing to suspend disbelief for zany over-the-top action and concepts."
"A frame of film is often more than just the sum of the objects within it."
"Perhaps our loki didn't die at the hands of thanos either perhaps our loki did the same thing cast a very strong illusion."
"The rise of Skywalker could refer to Rey, the first lower-s Skywalker of this new movement."
"The Frozen theory: Connections between Frozen, Tangled, and The Little Mermaid."
"Is it possible that the Lego movie is a secret sequel to Elf?"
"The belief that the Shining's continuity errors are a secret Morse code from Kubrick indicative of the Hidden real story is simply not true."
"The Ark of the Covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark is a MacGuffin."
"Film isn't just a visual medium; it's a verbal one too."
"Winter Soldier is just a beautiful piece of action-packed art and arguably among the MCU's top two or three films."
"If the upcoming Flash movie is really going to dive into the multiverse, I think the finale of this movie should come with the Flash exiting into a new timeline."
"Transformational entertainment is at an explication of internal processes that show up as shadow play as light play on the screen of the outer world."
"It's gonna be a huge Hollow Earth focus, right? After like, a native species, they're clearly high up on the food chain."
"This submission from Jonathan is deviously brilliant because with this single shirt, you've continued the Pixar theory."
"Calling it now, 1:59 is where that figure will reveal Ray's origins."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"Blade to pop up in this movie would make a lot of sense."
"Fans have spotted something in the Peter Pan movie that drives this Theory home even more: in Peter Pan we see an unnamed but red-headed mermaid..."
"It fixes that awkward love story in Blade Runner... it implies that Deckard is a replicant."
"Hello Internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show that's secretly funded by a reclusive billionaire whose parents were killed in an alleyway by unresolved plot holes."
"Why use the actor from the Raimi universe if some type of Spider-Verse wasn't involved?"
"Eisenstein saw this dialectical process in film."
"Inception is one for sure... I mean, the people think that Cobb is... he's away. It's not a dream for sure, but I mean, that's from within."
"I believe in my mind Luke's the chosen one because he brought balance to the force."
"Joe Dante, the director of many horror classics like Gremlins and The Howling, echoes this concept stating the appeal of horror movies has always been about confronting death..."
"Vicky throws water on his face and he says I'm melting I'm melting just like the Wicked Witch and The Wizard of Oz in my running theory that every American Film is trying to be either The Wizard of Oz or citizen game."
"The biggest truth about movies: film is art."
"Hello Internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show that likes to move it, move it."
"Welcome to Film Theory, the show that ate the devil fruit, giving us the power to ruin your favorite childhood series."
"Film Theory: where we still think you're beautiful no matter how long your mangled corpse has been stuffed inside a robotic suit."
"If you consider Dr. Sleep to be canon to Kubrick's The Shining, which it is, it debunks nearly every theory on this list."
"Get Out is a sequel to Being John Malkovich. It's almost too ludicrous to actually be true but when the creator confirms it, can we really argue?"
"And that's why I believe Dr. Sleep confirms my original theory on The Shining."
"The theory is that Nemo actually died with his siblings and mother and that Marlin imagines a single egg surviving, demonstrating the first stage of denial."
"Hello Internet, welcome to Film Theory, where I like to say we're equal opportunity movie ruiners."
"Hello internet, welcome to Film Theory, the show that's dedicated to ruining your favorite superheroes one by one."
"It alienates the audience as well which that might have been some deep thinking."
"The term male gaze was coined in 1975 by feminist film critic Laura Mulvey and refers to the tendency for the visual arts to assume and be structured around a presumed male viewer."
"What if Johnny Lawrence wasn't the bad guy?"
"It may be possible that 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' and 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' are tied together."
"The ontology of film has to do with photography, which has this dimension of time to it, and this greater realism."
"Film is difficult to explain because it is so easy to understand."
"The Kuleshov effect is where you have a character looking at something, we cut to a shot of what they see, and then we cut back to them."
"I think it'll largely deal with the idea of Thor 'dying'."
"I think the whole idea of Jane Foster becoming Thor works."
"We've been wanting to see that forever."
"The Kuleshov effect is this idea of long and venerable standing that if you show two visual elements in sequence, people tend to draw a line or make an assumption."
"Pure image and sound is the power of cinema."