
Entertainment Trends Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"I predict we are going to enter another era of goofy, silly comedy and entertainment."
"There's a trend in modern entertainment. We used to see a lot of optimistic movies and TV shows where the future was depicted as bright, happy, and peaceful. These days, that's no longer the case."
"The rise of the horror genre in entertainment."
"Horror tends to be most popular in times of chaos and national crisis."
"There's never been a better time to be a fan of shonen battle anime and manga."
"And if I’m right, and 2022 really does become The Year of the Sequel, then I will be a happy camper."
"For the first time in a long time, I think Prime Video has Netflix beat."
"The era of binge-watching mobile shows is here."
"It looks like the trend of comedians being approached on stage isn't slowing down anytime soon."
"Streaming culture has definitely taken over video games."
"An upside of Hollywood's recent obsession with Multiverse stories has been the return of obscure or forgotten offshoots."
"Before Netflix and chill, there was Sopranos and chill."
"There's a solid movement of games getting their movie adaptations now with the tech and experience to actually make it good."
"Gaming is bigger than it's ever been before and I think a key part of that massive growth is mobile gaming."
"Letting Disney Genie plan my Disney day sounds like a YouTube video. I think it's for sure going to be a trend."
"Zombies have been done. They've been done a lot."
"I think we're just seeing act one of Fortnite's popularity."
"Movies are turning into video games, and video games are turning into movies. What the [__] is happening?"
"This is another show in the Disney Plus slate that is just gonna be yet another extension of how great the trend is already moving forward."
"Virtual reality has hit the mainstream, it's happy days!"
"Moana, the most watched show on streaming this year so far."
"These are my top five favorite business ideas that you can start with absolutely no money or basically next to no money."
"Universal parks on a rise in a way that we haven't seen before."
"Animatronic restaurants were all the craze in the 1980s."
"As long as it's done well, I think shared universes can continue. It's something people have dreamed about since I was a kid."
"I'm very happy for Percy Jackson, it's trending number one, I'm curious to see if how it performs as a show considering that it's clearly going to skew very young."
"It's like the exponential blockbuster is still kind of a relatively new thing."
"This is an exciting year for gaming and especially farming titles."
"It's all about heart, y'all, it's all about heart. We got this."
"As with most Marvel things these days, the most talked-about thing about this series is a cameo."
"Wow, 89 percent of that audience was under 25. I have never seen that before."
"The next logical step seems like a live-action remake."
"Pokémon was regularly described as an invasion, part of a seemingly Everlasting trend."
"Chilling is evolving into a must-have for all horror lovers."
"Esports was getting huge... People were filling arenas and watching."
"Anime feels like it's on its way to the big boy leagues."
"The medium is far more popular than it ever has been."
"Jellyfish will be a smash hit within the next 30 years."
"People have been saying comic book movie fatigue for 12 years, every year, until a great one comes out."
"This year is probably one of the healthiest for video games."
"Old man eSports it's here and it's here to stay they're not going anywhere they're gonna keep getting bigger."
"Movie universes seem to be getting more and more popular every single year."
"I'm kind of not thinking of it in those terms. I'm thinking a bit more in the terms of we're back to theaters around the world."
"Marvel's more approachable right now, and there's more people going to the theaters than ever."
"Looking at the most watched Netflix programs for the week... Squid Game season one remains number one."
"Movie theaters will still be around but the paradigm is completely about to change."
"I think streaming new movies at home is how many of you..."
"The whole future of entertainment is put in the basket of streaming."
"If they were just going to get tired of comic book movies, then comic book movie fatigue would have set in in 2015."
"I think it's a smarter move because then it becomes event watching. People want to watch it."
"This time, ladies and gentlemen, we are in virtual reality."
"Are you even surprised anymore? Like genuinely every time, it's a Multiverse."
"Living in a bubble, but the other thing is too with these type of films it seems that people are gonna watch them for a while."
"Crossovers are something that have been around for a long while now."
"I'm tired of disillusioned stuff, I'm very tired of like our reality in general, so I don't know why they decided to go for another dark reboot nowadays at this time, but they're doing what they're doing, and we're gonna work within those constraints."
"Multiverse, the new fad. Popular entertainment thing, like that."
"It's priming the pump, like there is far more interest in anime than there ever has been."
"Seasonal anime has taken over the viewing habits of the modern anime fandom."
"Streaming services are taking over; more and more of us are watching our favorite programs on connected television streaming services."
"No one watches crystal balls anymore; it's all about streaming."