
Political Skepticism Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"No politician has ever or will ever solve all of your problems or even a minuscule fraction of your problems."
"Don't let Democrats all of a sudden trick you into believing that they actually believe in common sense."
"Trump emerges as a lone voice questioning the rational behind supporting an enduring conflict in Ukraine."
"No mention of terrorism... skepticism met the Secretary of Homeland Security."
"All I ask from Democrats is if you wish us to believe that you have changed your minds explain why you've changed your minds because otherwise I just think that you're lying."
"You gotta question, like, 'What did we get ourselves into?' I mean, come on, man, we don't elect presidents."
"Let's other them, let's dehumanize them, let's treat them subhumanely, let's do that. That's what that tweet does."
"Don't listen to what these politicians say on either side of the aisle watch what they do."
"Just because I acknowledge that's real doesn't mean I'm automatically going to support everything that this government does."
"If voting was that effective it would be illegal."
"Is Joe Biden a captured vehicle... Is Joe Biden genuine when he says that sort of stuff that he's gonna provide some sort of wall against the radical left destroying our culture from within?"
"Do not rely on politicians to fix your world."
"What would it take for you to understand that like our votes don't mean anything?"
"I don't think that the Iranian regime would be acting in good faith. I'm looking at like China, like the Nazi Party."
"Biden's victory was a victory of corporate puppeteering."
"There are no political solutions, only technological. The rest is propaganda."
"Does anybody really believe that Joe Biden in the White House knew nothing about this great embarrassment to our country?"
"There's no point at which the Republicans are going to wake up."
"The bottom line is this here the fact that the mayor and her team cannot give me those answers now raises questions about everything she said."
"Nobody believes they are doing this just because Trump did something so egregious and just ripped off so many people that he has to be punished. That's not what's going on."
"I'm not saying I'm supporting it, but you think it can't happen. Of course."
"The idea that democracy was ever in serious threat because of drunks and idiots breaking into the Capitol building is nonsense."
"I'm not saying even enough to change it, I don't know, but was this a fair election?"
"People don't think they can change anything with politics."
"I'm not saying Trump is correct, I'm not saying that Joe Biden won, I am saying that there are certainly more than enough anomalies being brought up that freak people out."
"Nobody wants to talk about the fact that government doesn't work."
"Anti-establishment politics for the sake of anti-establishment... when you strip out what the establishment means."
"Do we even have a democracy? No, no, no, we don't. It's not even close. We're not even in the same universe as a democracy or a republic."
"That's why he's not running for president I don't believe that he's a liar I used to think he was honest now I think he's a liar."
"They often don’t feel the President or this administration is acting in good faith."
"You shouldn't be a simp for politicians. You should believe in yourself."
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f things up." - Barack Obama
"He claims that he's a humble statesman with an annual income of 140,000 U.S dollars. We don't think anyone is fooled by that."
"No one, ever, took this seriously. The US didn’t intend on doing it, the Soviets had no expectation that it would ever happen."
"I think what a second referendum would do is actually come his damage you know people's faith in the entire system of governance in this country."
"Republicans might actually challenge the results citing fraud or irregularities."
"It's just like the impeachment the Russia Russia Russia hoax like all of this stuff it's just it's unbelievable that that it can it just keeps happening."
"I've been told for years that I'm supposed to believe that 81 million Americans voted for Joe Biden. So you're goddamn right I'm gonna take what I can get."
"Most of what politicians say is rubbish... but what they do, what are their policies, that's what matters."
"The biggest problem for Sunak was why the public would have any confidence in anything he says anyway."
"All sheep are led to slaughter, left-wing, right-wing, I don't care what tone you walk down."
"There's sort of always this, you know, some distrust of, of simply having sort of voting plebiscites in this country, it was sort of a somewhat healthy distrust of the mob."
"Your job is not to trust a politician. Your job is to control them. By definition, you don't trust them. You need to control them."
"Is it rational to believe that those in power actually care about populations?"
"A large percentage of Americans simply don't think this was a legitimate election."
"Does anybody believe election fraud is not real at this point?"
"This is a show for people that want to learn and think that both parties are pretty much corrupt."
"You shouldn’t have to be convinced that both parties in this political puppet show are owned and operated by the same interest."
"Both parties are evil, you cannot put humans on pedestals."
"I mean, if you really think about it, this whole Russia thing never made any sense to begin with in the first place."
"We have to keep listening to the epidemiologists and experts and not listen to the partisan rhetoric or these political rallies or tweets for that matter."
"It's like why are we worried about a big-ass wall?"
"If 30% of Democrats believe that their own party stole the election, you have to look into it. You have to investigate it."
"If your mom and your dad aren't gonna fix anything then why do you think the guy in Sacramento is going to fix something?" - Adam Carolla
"How in the world would people who were fixing one local election after another not fix the national election of course they would."
"The game is being rigged. I thought they were going to rig it in 2016."
"I don't think Trump is actually going to designate Antifa as a terror organization. He lies about almost all of his intentions and barely is able to get anything that he wants to get done."
"What is the point of voting for people who don't take corporate money if they just do the bidding of the people who do the answer is there isn't one."
"I can't even believe this. How could anyone think that Joe Biden, who somehow is worth millions and millions and millions of dollars on a senator's salary, is corrupt?"
"Do we still have elections, or is it just that we have elections and we put people in there but the machine will go untouched?"
"I wouldn't vote for them democrat or republican for any reason... the game to win don't play just you just play and lose every damn time."
"Actually, Joe Biden, absent a god-sized miracle that I'm not seeing, I always say that because I believe in the God of the Bible and I believe in supernatural intervention."
"This is what I think. None of it will pass the house."
"Not everyone's cut out to be a thoracic surgeon, but maybe things would have turned out differently for me if I had a famous dad like if my dad was the president of the United States."
"Our governing bodies and political advocates do not have our best interests at heart."
"The real lesson from this is that anytime a politician tells you he spotted a flaw in the laws of physics that scientists have overlooked, put your money on the scientists knowing something he doesn't."
"He doubts that the Russians will achieve their political objectives."
"I trust the general public... to vote in favor of this more than I do a politician."
"I think things are changing. The walkaway movement, all these people are realizing, 'Wait a minute, this is BS. Let's look at accomplishments.'"
"Nobody believes this even people who support Elizabeth Warren don't believe this." - Jimmy Dore
"History would tell you that maybe you have too much trust in your government."
"You know, everything is political. You just gotta look at that. I'm not saying climate change doesn't exist, but you gotta look at the data."
"Being defiantly against investigating it is itself suspicious."
"The American people need to stop looking to politicians as their moral guides."
"Maybe Trudeau is very much aware of the uselessness of AI to the average Canadian, yet still heavily invests in the technology for more nefarious reasons."
"Their constituents kinda think, 'Oh no, they're trying to do good.' I'm kinda past the point where I think that their motives are good because they're doing so much damage."
"There's no hope in politics there's only hope in God."
"This used to be Lefty stuff. This used to be like, 'oh, you know what the CIA do, they go down to Nicaragua or they go down to Panama,' they're all involved in causing coups."
"Politicians are not scientists, they're just paid agenda implementers."
"The whole attitude is weird to me. I don't understand why anybody would anybody on any part of the political spectrum would be opposed to receiving these amenities from the people they work for."
"I always knew the presidency was a joke, that the president's not always... They're all actors."
"So narratively going into this cycle, you know the idea that we're somehow going to get something different in 2024 is just under [ __ ]."
"We have a right to ask questions and say we're not doing political theater and symbolisms of Blackness."
"Dismiss the concerns of tens of millions of citizens about the fairness of the election."
"For all the talk about an oligarchy running America. There's hardly a damn thing known about how it actually operates."
"Nobody really has a lot of faith in the elections anymore, which is really, really problematic."
"A women's rights activist told NTD that there's a lack of trust in the Chinese regime right now."
"They know that if the elites are getting shy about Jeremy Corbyn, okay well they're not going to let them happen."
"Trust POTUS? We are going to do the opposite until proven that we should trust POTUS."
"We should be very skeptical of attempts to change it rather than the situation we have now."
"Progressive my ass cheeks. You guys don't really care about this stuff. You're not principled."
"I do not believe everything that politicians tell me, but I never saw a reason to disbelieve what they were saying about UFOs."
"The overwhelming amount of Trump supporters and Republicans who question the 2020 election, they're going to be watching this."
"Always be skeptical of those fear-mongering about putting political power back with you and your neighbors."
"We've been saying from day one that China is lying. We don't believe what the CCP has to say. Until those citizen journalists are returned safe, I don't believe the CCP."
"The American people are right to be skeptical of politicians."
"It reminds you of what we've experienced over the last five years, every time Adam Schiff's staff came up with some absolutely incredible allegation."
"The president openly cast doubt on whether the 2022 midterm elections would be legitimate."
"But I'm telling you ahead of time, they will do nothing because they don't care about you."
"But it's us we need not to look to the political leaders anymore because they have gotten us into this mess that we're in..."
"That's why confidence for all DNC-aligned politicians from here on out, no matter what they [ __ ] promise me, no matter what sweet nothings they whisper in my ear."
"It is both true and it doesn't mean what some of the leadership in DC thinks it means." - TYT merchandise
"Nobody knows what the hell is going on; the government is being less than truthful."
"The government is going to protect you from liars. Our government produces lies and disinformation at an industrial scale."
"The government isn't interested in doing the best job, they're interested in centralizing power."
"Every time we give the government more power, they abuse it."
"We will not have a fair election in 2024."
"Election fraud isn't enough to bring down the satanic cabal."
"Politicians make a living by lying to you and you have a choice: whether you like being lied to or not."
"Are you on reality or you are on like, you know, a dark lord had the election stolen from him like what are we, are we okay?" - Francesca Fiorentini
"Canadians are smart, they understand that slogans don't build homes."
"Nancy Pelosi doesn't really want a real investigation into January 6th."
"There's a long process of always undermining or discrediting anything that has to do with the Chinese government."
"Equality is an illusion for you. It's never going to happen. The liberals are using you to make you think that this equality thing is going to happen."
"The election is rigged, we will get to the bottom of it. It's a post-truth economy."
"Just vote harder on that'll fix it... intuitively we know it won't."
"It could be the death now for institutions like the CIA, the Deep State mentality."
"It's like the question I have for many of these resistance types is how many times do you want to be wrong? I just don't understand wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong non-stop all the time for the past several years."
"It's almost like there's this fake kind of artifice that pervades our politics."
"They want to get the American people to no longer believe in their electoral system."
"I'm optimistic about the future of this nation despite governments."
"With Trump, they're always highly suspicious."
"Don't be fooled by Joe Biden, he knows his infrastructure and education bills have as much chance of becoming law as the $15 minimum wage or the $2,000 stimulus checks he promised as a candidate."
"There's no democracy here, just the illusion of democracy."
"No politician is going to save you. All of them are self-interested. All of them give a damn about themselves and they do not give a damn about you."
"Rigged is kind of a vague term but when most of them say this they mean that Bernie would have won the nomination."
"I don't believe Ted Cruz cares about this issue at all."
"The solution to all of this is not going to come through politics at all."
"When you go to the polls and feel like your choices don't really matter anymore, maybe it's time for you to start questioning just exactly how healthy the Democracy you're living in is."
"If we are still allowed to do something until then - it cannot be ruled out that it will be different by then - we will try to use the election campaign to show that nothing can change through elections in this country."
"Enjoy the little things. If you think your Republican or your Democrat's gonna solve it for you, not gonna happen."
"I'm not anti-Tory, I'm not anti-Labour, I'm just anti-bullshit."
"It's time to trust ourselves more than our politicians."
"It is only when people believe in conspiracies and are also highly cynical regarding politics that they become skeptical of democracy."
"I don't mind politicians doing nothing when what they plan to do is stupid."
"We've become immune to being lied to by politicians; we're so used to it now that we just kind of shrug it off."
"You probably know that no politician is coming to save you. You have to find a way to get ahead by your own means."