
Game Lore Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"Do you see why people like these games? With a little digging, Miyazaki come on now."
"The lore of Dark Souls is deeply melancholic and moving."
"Zombies has always been about that shared journey, both of our characters and the tightly knit teams and friends who joyfully compete to be amongst the first to uncover the most latest and deepest secrets."
"The bigger picture being that we play as the child from Five Nights at Freddy's 4."
"I'd like to start off by saying that there are many different theories about how Demise came from Laurel and stuff like that, and it's all really good stuff."
"Petscop 2: A corridor leads to an office, mysteries deepen with images and notes."
"The Indoctrination Theory persists over a decade later."
"Sometimes I learn a little lore which makes me look up topics related to it and next thing you know I'm in a rabbit hole learning everything I can about the game world."
"Using the void, the Pale King hoped to create something that could act as a vessel to contain the radiance."
"The lore adds replayability and depth to the game."
"Secrets and hidden lore reveal a darker story."
"Metal Gear Ray represents the evolution of combat, shifting the focus from mechs to soldiers."
"It embraces its past, embraces its lore, and uses those things to create a narrative that doesn't try to please everyone but tries to please the people who have been invested in what came before it."
"Blizzard are going hard to weave a serious historical mystery connecting Elementals, dragons, Geraldine, reichels, and ultimately humans."
"Every Zelda game features a new hero named Link. That's canon." - Miyamoto
"A freak was associated with the Dominion of Rubrum...but what made this particular iteration of Ifrit so different..."
"The real cause of Oblivion gates opening everywhere is the player bringing the Emperor's heir Martin to the Blades' hideout, not because of any logical connection between the events."
"Yeah, I mean, even the reference in the secret room as well with the Michael Afton television and the clock and everything referencing back to him again."
"Just let all of the Afton stuff just kind of be done like that stuff just put it away, don't even bring it back as Easter eggs. Just let it be."
"It felt very much like that ancient presence in Inazuma... may prove to be of benefit to our investigation."
"You are the first person to know the truth... eachine blade is was essentially like imbued with a."
"Dead Space is a game with an extensive amount of lore that uses what makes sci-fi horror so great and runs with it."
"Overwatch 2 will move the overall canon of the lore of Overwatch forward."
"The trend continues... the current avatar almost always looks very similar to the past avatar's significant other."
"You've got one person who's part spirit, one person who's all human, and when you bring them together, they make the next avatar."
"Between these customizations and the Night Warrior story arc, I think we are bound for a far darker Night Elf characterization in Shadowlands."
"It's a fantastic world. It's got amazing lore, it's got the grittiness that like Warhammer 40k pretends it has. I absolutely adore it."
"Star Fox 64 firmly cemented the characters and story beats that would directly influence the next three entries in the franchise."
"Assassins and Templars will be important to this game there'll be so much law and it will be there they will be present."
"Demon's Souls was the first game to introduce the idea of beings having souls and how the world is in a constant cycle."
"It'll actually be like a very impactful thing. World of Warcraft has always struggled with peace between the Alliance and the Horde."
"The theme of change was brought home by Tsar Fang's words in the cinematic that preceded the Makarov: breaking the cycle."
"To believe there can only be a single outcome to the struggle against N'Zoth would be to ignore the lessons he was trying to teach us."
"This backstory is referenced in the second case of Dual Destinies."
"We called it the traveler and its arrival changed us forever eyes up Guardian you must push back the darkness."
"The comet exploded shower and ghost matter across the entire galaxy, killing the entire nomai civilization instantly."
"Every individual God gets their own section of what happened you know what is this God like if they're the villain of the campaign."
"Gregory is an animatronic built after the crying child."
"The fire-god returns... threatens the very existence of tyria."
"I know as a longtime Kingdom Hearts fan, Ansem is bad news, but maybe the prequel game can show me a side of him that perhaps might explain how he went evil."
"In the Pokémon world, we don't have to worry too much about where life came from, it's all Arceus, Mew, Xerneas, etc., essentially the deities of their world!"
"The lore mentions that Sparta finds cut off... Odin's using that place to basically imprison Tyr."
"I played so much bloodborne, I've played at this point, I want to say like over 70 hours of bloodborne."
"Sephiroth's relationship with Aerith was initially envisioned differently."
"Stories of capturing Pokémon create bonds between trainers."
"There's only one tribe which matches this description: the Zonai."
"I plan to create more videos on these sort of topics about how we can maybe encourage change."
"Happy Volts Asylum: where the light-hearted charm of Bully disappears, replaced by sinister vibes."
"UFOs and aliens: the birthplace of many Bully myths, including the infamous werewolf and alien theories."
"The haunted mill: a deleted area with traces left behind in the game files, spawning ghostly rumors."
"Mermaid in the lake: rumors of Courtney the mermaid spawning in All Vale, with ties to a secret pirate hat."
"When bayek drops the eagle skull that's been hanging around his neck the whole game and aya picks it up, we see where the symbol for the assassin's creed actually began."
"Is bone mold armor the signature armor of the great houses of Morrowind?"
"The Evil Within’s strongest attribute is its story and yet it won’t mean much to you if I try to cut corners in describing it."
"These revelations about Ruvik’s past, combined with the reveal that you are in Ruvik’s mind, put many of the unexplained enemies, locations, and cryptic audio logs from the previous eight levels into focus."
"This story to me at least creates an interesting dynamic with the scarce elements of sonic lore."
"This extremely rare Pokemon is only known to a select few in Alola."
"Not all of it is considered canon today, but much of it is referenced in all of the Fallout games."
"Cyrus does not mess around; his main goal is to use the creation trio to destroy the entire universe and recreate it without spirit."
"The Vex won't spare the City. They won't even thank you. But that's the thing about Light: you never know where it'll shine."
"The crib Etna is linked to the Dunwich company and it's probably the same book that Jamie guy and his father were looking for earlier."
"I think Destiny's got great lore, I mean there's so much stuff."
"Let’s delve into something a little more recent, and that is a piece of cut content from Assassin’s Creed Mirage."
"We can all agree at this point that Ultimate Custom Night takes place in hell... But specifically, the one we should not have killed."
"The only way he could die was through burning."
"His bow can also fire the strongest arrows in the series, pure golden dart."
"Perhaps the most powerful single item in the Zelda series."
"There's so much going on underneath the surface like abandoned children, warring factions, and mad scientists."
"The devs even said they have full plans to add new characters in."
"The final boss to cover in this list would be the leader of the aforementioned Pal Genetic Research Unit, Victor Ashford and his artificially created pal Shadow Beak."
"It is surreal to finally see more of the Chozo, beings that have been heavily alluded to."
"For me, it's the Drowned. There's something about these pale clammy seaside monsters rising up from the waters."
"Linking the fire merely postpones the inevitable rather than preventing it."
"Velka, the rogue goddess of sin, ensures that no sin goes unpunished."
"The witch of Izalith's attempt to recreate the first flame ended in failure."
"This Archon Quest so far has been one of the most entertaining and lore-heavy."
"This marks the first Resident Evil game where umbrella isn't responsible for the monsters."
"Players will discover more than they bargained for when the great dreamer Cthulhu prepares its awakening."
"Don't attack Ratchet's home, even if it's a different Ratchet. It's not gonna end well for you, Emperor Nefarious."
"It's a final hammer into the idea that the well-prepared will survive this world, make use of everything you find to claim the souls of the demons."
"So, my narrative excuse for this is that in my setting the way a resurrection works is that the cleric who is casting the resurrection spell basically it's like a good Horcrux."
"We can all sympathize with the motivations of the Defias Brotherhood."
"Lore is really fun for both players and audiences."
"He's a really important figure you've known about him since the announced cinematic."
"Normandy, the beacon is secure... it's amazing actual working prothean technology, unbelievable."
"It's one of the stories I feel like we don't get enough of in the Fallout universe."
"Mission 51 would've tied up some loose story threads, especially for Eli, and despite not making it into the final game, is still considered canon since it's included in Phantom Pain's end-game timeline."
"It seems likely that the fun times were made to lure children so that William could study Remnant a special substance created by the combining of souls or memories with metal due to powerful emotions such as those created by the death of a child."
"That's the overview of the complete history of lore of Doom Eternal. Rip and tear."
"The post-credits scene, which again introduces us to Spider-Man 2099."
"The lore in Final Fantasy 7... might be my favorite."
"The eldari still seem to be the big bad of Warhammer 40K to beat."
"She's made Hive guardians, she's made Hive light bearers. That in itself is the end game threat, that in itself is huge. It changes the entirety of the world."
"The pigs of Angry Birds are not actually evil."
"Last objective is the source of the Calamity itself."
"For the first time ever, it feels like we've arrived at a narrative final form where Bungie have figured out the perfect way to tell stories in this magnificent world they've built."
"It's the dawn of a new era, a beautiful morning in Hyrule after the moon was threatening us just I think yesterday. So yeah, it's a new era, new beginnings."
"Five Nights at Freddy's revolutionized its genre through its unconventional approach and its in-depth lore."
"Omen's lore contributes a ton to Valorant's story."
"The hero of time is perhaps the most important Link in the entire franchise."
"I think it's unimaginable that Dragon riding would be forever consigned to the Dragon Isles."
"It's my view that those things do not really exist specifically because of how 40k is constructed."
"Pokémon origins retells the story of the original games red and blue and much more accurately than the one we grew up with"
"Bloodborne was never actually about the hunt. It's about ascension and experimentation, and most importantly of all, it's about the Great Ones."
"The blood was the key to humanity's ascension."
"Vault 11: A testament to the vulnerability of the human moral compass and the dangers of a utilitarian perspective in times of great peril."
"But I really like the ending with X admitting that a century of fighting in battles without Zero...he just grew numb to the whole thing."
"I'm so happy that we can come back together to rage about the fact that they've told us these were dragons for 10 years."
"It's like a player's guide, teaching you about the gameplay and lore."
"What the hell is powering this thing? How are you able to do almost everything the pre-war people could 200 years after the world was nuked and left to rot?"
"The lore is rich, there's tons to work with."
"Uncover the mysterious origin of Apollo Justice in Ace Attorney for Nintendo 3DS!"
"We essentially formed the Guild Wars 2 equivalent of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn."
"The main villain, the BIG BAD, of not only the main installments, but the entire Kingdom Hearts Universe is... this guy."
"Planeswalkers are the marquee characters for magic, but I derive so much joy in following the adventures and misadventures of the supporting cast."
"The deployment of any piece of hardware within the Imperium sporting a twin gatling mega bolter embiggens the heart of many."
"The worst things that could happen because for me it really does come down to a lot of the sort of lore slash role-playing kind of things."
"Ava turns out to be an AI created by Tracer Tong back during the events of the original game."
"In a society where people knowingly volunteer to go and die in the deep roads, it makes perfect sense that people would also volunteer to become golems."
"A king won't defeat a blight; we've had 40 generations of kings and lost everything."
"I feel like it's supposed to be this armor set that someone has, and whoever that is, it's cherished."
"In Sombra's origin trailer, we got one step closer to discovering the truth behind what makes the world of Overwatch tick."
"Victory has never felt so good, but you know what feels even better than being right? Having new lore to chew on."
"Does the story of Smash follow the story of Smash, or does it do its own separate thing completely different to the games?"
"There's a secret quest chain in Stranglethorn involving a princess and King Mukla."
"The quest is most likely a reference to King Kong."
"This has been a historical part of the route of this dungeon."
"I have plenty more theory and actual lore videos coming very soon."
"A lunar cycle to the game that's going to come with our update, our base game update."
"Lore was something that we knew we wanted to be a big part of this pack."
"As Donald once said, 'No one can defeat Riku.' You go!"
"In terms of story and lore mega evolution gets a big thumbs up from me."
"The lore surrounding the Slender Man, especially in this game, is Cosmic Horror in nature."
"The history of Vanny and Glitch Trap unveiled through FNAF Special Delivery emails, hinting at a Jekyll and Hyde dynamic."
"Bug snacks can cure the sick, revitalize the frail. This discovery would reshape the world."
"Five Nights at Freddy's tapped into the childhood uncanniness that is Chuck E Cheese animatronics, ramped it up to 11 on the creepy scale, and added hints of lore to keep people interested beyond just the atmosphere and gameplay."
"Resurrection and role of Zanza: a mind-blowing revelation."
"That's a story Bungie can still address in the future."
"There are a lot of stories Bungie has yet to tell."
"Breath of the Wild has arguably the most lore and backstory."
"Hyrule Warrior's Age of Calamity also has the potential to show us stories only briefly referenced in Breath of the Wild."
"What if fredbear's Family Diner wasn't the origin of Freddy's? What if instead it was this circus Fallfest 1970?"
"The origins of Fazbear are rooted in traveling circuses and carnivals."
"Which tells us that it had to be in a previous Fazbear fire, and I believe that fire was the fire of F Fest."
"How this is framed is that it is the main source of Odin's knowledge of Yotnar magic as well as their own knowledge of Ragnarok."
"Nightmare's body structure is identical to Nightmare Fredbear's, hinting at a deeper connection between them."
"this Army of never-ending demons led by a Titan hell-bent on the entire destruction of Azeroth"
"It's a must-read story for anyone who liked Arthas back in Warcraft 3 and wants to know all the dirty details."
"The void is a very real resource in the game world we see thanks to that timeline I keep going back to that monoghan discovered the void which on the timeline was redacted for privacy concerns and it's enabled them to build out their mix systems."
"If nalet Verina and nahita are Gods amongst men Al haam is a man among Gods."
"Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon expanded upon Necrozma's story and Ultra Space."
"The laws built in retcon systems, dragon breaks etc., aren't bad, they actually keep the series from being too tied down and restricted by its own rules."
"The last thing that I cover in this video is hands down the most mysterious, cryptic, and just esoteric Halo lore in the entire franchise."
"Bloodborne is a game that if you play it, you really get invested into the world and the lore of the game."
"So, with this whole talk of the sea creature being underneath the dock in the Halloween animation, I think an update oriented around monsters gives even more credibility to that brawler having some sort of impact in this update."
"The fall of Tyrion Fordring would change the future of the plagued lands, indeed it would change the future of all of Azeroth."
"I've confirmed the eradication of the demon king. His residual consciousness has been absorbed into the master sword and it is now sealed away. We've done it, guys!"
"The nightmares of Yharnam are enriched with lore and information, and that's kind of what's scary about it."
"The Chozo memories in Samus Returns... solved one of the greatest mysteries of the Metroid franchise."
"Kislevite infantry is mainly formed by Kossars, a legion fighting with axes and bows."
"The lore does an excellent job fleshing out the reimagined locations and gives you a sense of how all these Chozo facilities meshed together."
"Lonely Orem became a Lord of cinder to put the profaned flame to rest."
"I think one of the things that's exciting is we are exploring how some of the Prime Evils might be returning faster than they should."
"If he were to tower over the player, Maxwell style, it would send a much clearer message to any players who, you know, aren't well versed in obscure Don't Starve lore."
"So this lets us know that the purpose of Vault 76 and its inhabitants is to then rebuild the world."
"The identity of the vengeful spirit in FNAF has long been debated."
"The FNAF lore has become increasingly intricate and convoluted."
"Consider this: What if the Abyss Order was trying to lift the curse for a few Hillychurls..."
"Final Fantasy 16 stands on its own and it does so ridiculously well. The series is known for rich lore and stunning music, both of which are on prime display here."
"Believe it or not, in Warhammer, not all of the gods are trying to kick people's balls down their throat 24/7."
"Hel's Cutter should be special and relevant to its backstory."
"The Dominion must be back for a reason. I clearly have more Intel to hunt down. Come and find me later."
"Could Toy Chica actually represent the original missing children?"
"After completing Night 6 of the third game, you are greeted by a newspaper that reports that Fazbear’s Fright has mysteriously burnt to the ground overnight."
"The indoctrination theory is a perfectly valid theory that makes plenty of sense that the players came up with."
"Reptile began to show signs of evolution... this proved no longer possible."
"Reptile separation from Onaga... he's seemingly lifeless."
"Gladiolus, Latin for 'a little sword', reflects the strong bond he shares with his companions."
"There's quite a rich and intriguing lore behind everything that is happening in No Man's Sky."
"Every time I play it, I can't like only Sekiro because Sekiro's like secret ending explains it to you very thoroughly how the lore works."
"I believe the reason that Reptile was able to retain his human appearance all the way up until Mortal Kombat 4 was simply because one of the two chameleons were always near him."
"The Chamber of Secrets does indeed exist in Hogwarts Legacy."
"As long as the justification for these armors is logical and rather inconsequential in the scheme of Fallout lore, I welcome the variety."
"The writing in the game is top notch, with very cool lore to explore."
"Halo's universe is teaming with a diverse array of species... omnipotent Gods... and then on the other hand you have the 5ft tall fart breathing Crustaceans."
"You can tell they spent a lot of time studying the lore and continuity of the Arkham franchise, and I would say that they really excelled in setting up the basis for the relationships that we've become accustomed to in the other games."
"The steady realization over the course of the nights with context clues being delivered via training tapes and secrets, and springtrap himself being a Frankenstein of the original Monster who started it all is a really cool narrative device."
"Donkey Kong Adventure delivers more of the stuff I love from the original game with the shiny coat of DK lore over everything."
"Destiny's various enemy races each have their own motivations and agendas."
"Welcome to an examination on the complex aspects of the senses, reality, the future, fate, cause and effect, the stars, and the mysterious ways that some of the basic rules of our world have been changed for the universe of Elden Ring."
"Pyramid statues are spotted in the distance on the Cosmodrome, hinting at potential future content."
"Welcome to the next chapter of our zombies story."
"We are the unkindled who inherited fire. We are the cursed undead who harnesses the dark."
"Let's now break down every single legendary creature."
"Myths in Roblox's history, just like in any other culture, are just stories specifically about figures or events that may or may not have occurred."
"Eula is a descendant of Monstadt's old aristocracy, being from the now-overthrown Lawrence Clan infamous for the tyrannical rule over Monstadt."
"The Halo universe is so much larger than just Chief and Cortana... there's so much for 343 to work with and Halo Reach is living proof of that."
"The House of Shadows, rumored to be the hosts of the ancient alien consciousness of the Delaque."
"This connects the sky ruins to the zonai ones on Hyrule surface which solidifies the theory that this tribe rose above the clouds."
"This leads into another possibility that tears of the Kingdom will be all about finally breaking this demon tribe's curse of death and rebirth."