
Lasting Impression Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Connecting with an audience's heartstrings is the best way to leave a lasting impression."
"There's something memorable about him that sticks with you."
"A satisfying journey with an amazing ending... stuck with me since I saw it."
"Your energy has this slow burn effect on individuals, where over the course of time, your energy lingers with them, it sticks with people, it's something that they can't forget."
"Your energy isn't going away; it's sticking with them. You've left this extremely powerful impression upon them, and they're really desiring to reconnect with you."
"I just hugged him and I didn't want to let go."
"Once your boot has stepped its foot in Africa, you can never get the dust off."
"Attention to detail which I can still never get over to this day."
"I might do a 15-minute set, but I'm gonna leave a scar in that building so deep that they're gonna talk about it."
"Amore is something that'll stick with me for years to come."
"Mob might have been better animated, Attack on Titan might have been more compelling, Demon Slayer might have been more hype, Beastars might have been more unique, but I know the tale told in Vinland Saga will stick with me for much longer."
"And to this day it still turns heads when I wear it."
"Hopefully what I really like is that anyone you know these people will still the audience will still think about the movie even after they go."
"That baton choreo was a cultural reset and I will never get over that."
"I hope you smell like this for the rest of your life."
"It's a film that really stuck with me and I've been thinking about it ever since my first watch."
"You made a real impression on me when we met that night. Here's a gift."
"That's gonna stay at the back of my mind for a long time."
"It wowed us all back then and it still looks stunning to this day."
"I didn't know who you were before this comment was made but now I will never forget you my comrade."
"Dueling dragons left a strong impression on many people and as a consequence the small area of Merlin wood felt like it had a much larger presence than just the tiny space it inhabited."
"To this day, people still talk about the real Captain Jack Sparrow on Pirates of the Caribbean."
"Years later, you're just like, 'Wow, that wasn't just good, that was great.'"
"Over the course of a person's life, there are only a few people who will ever really leave a lasting impression. Wouldn't it be something if one of those people was a stranger you met on the internet?"
"Science Fiction is a haunting, emotional experience that will never be wiped from my heart or mind."
"These Dune movies stuck with me long after the credits rolled, which is a true sign of powerful cinema."
"And that song's gonna be stuck in my head for the next few days."
"I will never forget this movie for as long as I live."
"You need a good first impression but with Bluechew, man, you're going to have a first impression and a lasting impression."
"That imagery of that boat just going around in circles almost looking like a ghost ship, I don't think that will ever leave my mind."
"Oldboy is going to stick with you for a while, it's such a masterpiece."
"We all meet for a purpose, and he was one of the people that passed through my life that will remain in my heart forever."
"People think about you long after they've left your life."
"It's so good and it just sticks with you."
"It was powerful. It was one of the best messages that I've ever heard. Like, that's lasting, to the point where I said, 'I have to go listen to it again.'"
"I am never gonna forget this movie as long as I live."
"I mean, it was in my head for a good few days after we watched the first one."
"I will never forget their faces to this day."
"The experiences I had left a lasting impression on me."
"It's a good thing that you're the first guy you see when you walk in and the last person you see when you walk out because it makes the rest of the experience."
"Its charm and beauty will stay with you long after your visit."
"You meet people sometimes that have a lasting impression beyond that initial encounter."
"To this day I can still see that face."
"I still think about it, it's like I can really tell that I really like a book if it sticks with me."
"Most films, even great ones, evaporate like mist once you've returned to the real world. Not this film."
"Witnessing this interaction left a lasting impression on everyone present, showcasing the prestige and selectiveness of the Spirit Hunt Guild."
"That empty egg carton, I'm gonna be talking about that for weeks."
"You've indented their heart, you've made some sort of impression on them that I feel like they haven't stopped thinking about ever since this has happened."
"I love that... it left a lasting impression on me."
"It's more than just a zombie film and it will linger in your subconscious forever."
"27 years of age, she was, but yet she had a global audience, she made such a lasting impression."
"I'm so glad that I read it, even though it was heart-wrenching and made me sick, literally to my stomach at times. But it was probably one of the best books that I've ever read in my life, and a book that I think is going to stay with me for the rest of my life."
"That's the moment that I think I'll remember the most, forever."
"He told me afterwards that he would never forget the next hour for the rest of his life."
"I'll never forget that thing's face for as long as I live."
"You never get a second chance to make a final impression."
"Smelling good is a great way to make a lasting impression. It's that one invisible accessory that adds the ultimate factor into your appearance, into your appeal, and how you're going to interact with people around you."
"This show was a tremendous show, really great. And like it is how you leave them folks."
"Being able to do special things like this with clients...is going to have an impression on them as well as even when they come train with us."
"The adventure that comes along with it is one you will not be soon forgetting."
"It was a great memory for 97 minutes and 10 seconds."
"You'll be thinking about this one. It'll stick in your head for a while."
"I could see how proud they were and it just was one of those moments that I'll take with me forever."
"It's one of those moments in the world's most famous arena that you didn't want to leave."
"One particular encounter that I had as a child stands out in my memory, never fading."
"He had one of those smiles you never forget."
"Try something good and fast because the taste of garlic on your breath will always last."
"This is not a movie that I care to re-watch very often, but it's always stuck with me."
"The moment of revelation was over, but Norton knew that as long as he lived these images would be burned in his mind."
"We forget good service; we remember hospitality."
"The sights and sounds that I experienced in September will be etched in my mind forever."
"He was the nicest man I ever knew, and I only knew him that one afternoon."
"Her prettiness was the kind that wins at once and keeps you ever after."
"All these years later, this is still a phone that impresses me."
"I remember them and they make a fantastic impression on me."
"It truly is just as magical as you think it would be, and that magic really never goes away."
"Once you see it, you just never forget it."
"It's interesting, it started off strong and it ended strong."
"It was very real, and I remember it clearly despite it happening well over a decade ago."
"It really leaves its imprint on the heart and the ripples of that effect can be felt on their skins"
"Most people are only gonna see you once in life; you want to leave an impression upon these people."
"You are unforgettable; your memory is etched in my mind forever."
"I enjoy this picture very much, I have a very large print of it in my studio and it's been up there for a couple of years and I'm still looking at it."
"You may take a person out of The Liberties, but you won't take The Liberties out of the person."
"It sits with you long after you have read it."
"When you exit that room after having interacted with most of the people in that room, they will have a strong positive impression of you."
"Men will remember how you made them feel about themselves when they were around you."
"That is a memorable puzzle; I'm going to remember that one for a long time."
"This is the go-to and I know I'm going to always love how I smell when I wear this."
"The unique and delicate taste lasts long. What an amazing taste."
"This massive, majestic animal standing there in front of me, picking up water with his trunk and spraying it into the air, it was a moment I will never forget."
"To me, that's love. That's the real deal, and that's what love songs are about: touching people, touching hearts, and making a lasting lifelong impression on people."
"We are here at the place where loveliness keeps house, where precious memories last forever."
"The image of the black figure is still engraved in my mind, and I remember the voice to this day."
"It's more likely to stick in people's memories."
"An intense, dense, and layered film that sticks with you long after the credits have rolled."
"You will make an impression on them that will last a lifetime."
"It leaves a lasting impression; this is a serious sports car."
"A great movie starts when you walk out of the theater; a great movie rings a bell and that bell vibrates with you."
"I'll be thinking about that book forever."
"Honestly, Stereotype was one for the books, the song is still stuck in my head till this day, so good."
"She pleaded with me with her eyes; her eyes stayed with me and they still stay with me."
"I stood there long after the figure had disappeared, in front of Bethesda Fountain, under the uncaring gaze of the Angel of the Waters."
"This is not just a one-time event, this is a souvenir experience you will never forget."
"It's one of those books that's definitely gonna stay with me."
"People remember the last thing that you do."
"It's remarkable, and it will stay in my memory for a long time."
"It's something that'll stick with me forever, so I think probably be my first choice of most incredible sighting."
"I still think about this book all the time."
"I feel like it creates really mesmerizing stories that stay with me for a long time."
"I hope it gives such a great impression that they never forget."
"Even though all the time has gone by, you're still in their head."
"It leaves impressions once you're out the door."
"Once you try it, you're not going to be able to get this dish out of your mind."