
Game Environment Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"You reach a real city basked in an eternally setting sun... it's impossible to not respect the art direction."
"The great weight of history imbuing the area makes it truly alien in a world you previously felt you understood."
"Do not take the mark of the beast or you will face God's Wrath."
"The claustrophobic office adds to the tension."
"You feel like a visitor in Bareilles rather than it being a place you own..."
"Night City is an absolute marvel and whatever shortcomings the game has, the promise of Night City is always there and it keeps you going."
"The Witcher 3: running around in a big open world painting."
"High chaos is where you can really get creative."
"Each act and biome should offer unique opportunities, physics to play around with, and its own feel."
"The world felt so lived in and run down, it felt immersive and scary."
"The awesome new wild area opens up within the first two hours, enclosed by steep cliffs and peppered with groves of trees, lakes, and tiny islands."
"Gears 5 delivers just an unbelievably gorgeous game with huge beautiful environments and just tons of detail."
"The feeling of immersion when it comes to the size of your character in relation to the trees, mountains, and buildings is the best I've experienced in the MMORPG genre."
"The game shines its brightest when Spider-Man is allowed to swing from building to building, exploring bits of New York that honestly look quite good considering the hardware limitations of the time."
"You can see the raindrops on the camera already and it will have an impact on how you play."
"Possum Springs, the town the game takes place in, is one of the most interesting, unique, realistic, and relatable settings in a video game I have played."
"The world helps the player. It's almost a character in of itself."
"They have captured what this radioactive wasteland would actually be like perfectly."
"In winter, on top of the volcano, it's covered in snow."
"The island in general is just looking absolutely gorgeous."
"Sunken Valley Passage: A vertical area with primate snipers and sword monkeys scattered throughout."
"Senpou Temple: A gorgeous environment with haunting lore and delightfully varied level design."
"Upon opening the doors, we were immediately greeted by blue skies, bright sunlight, gentle wind, and Mono Cubs."
"That place is going to be very loud and difficult to play in."
"That's a special win, not an easy place to play."
"The Sims 4 is a utopia where bad things never happen."
"The underground crimson really nails it. It has a lot more soul than the surface crimson."
"There's little moments like that sprinkled throughout all of Kainang that make it feel very reactive."
"In this world, not only are all the overworld wood types close by, but they're all within just 20 blocks of (0,0)."
"Breath of the Wild's world is not only the biggest the series has ever seen but also the most real."
"You see posters for figures plastered all over the city but you never really get a sense that they existed they're plasmids and splicing were a really."
"The world of Ivalice: alive with details and variety."
"Fortnite is being struck by earthquakes over and over again, tearing the island to pieces."
"Water has a long-time ban for the Nether dimension."
"The benefit of this verticality is that it allows you to see all the way into the distance. Look at that, it's beautiful, seeing Cortex's castle in the background creates a sense of continuity and adventure."
"I love how Morrowind looks from the ash mountains to the east with the mushrooms. It's a very varied looking game."
"One of the main reasons I built in ultra space this season is because hidden abilities are twice as common here as our shinies."
"The world draws you in with its lush aesthetic."
"In terms of visuals, I think it just looks epic."
"Novigrad, which is just a very dense detailed city with lots to do, lots of people to see, lots of deep dark secrets."
"The island reminds me of winter holidays. It's very cool."
"This is a world that is rich in depth and detail, all designed to be explored on horseback or on foot."
"Every little corner, you'll find something more often than not."
"Great Bay: inspired by the Great Bay region in Termina, the setting of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask."
"Even the side characters have their own personality and charm, making your home base feel lived in like a tangible place."
"Max Payne means so much to me even today... the frozen city of New York felt alive, almost like you could reach out and touch it."
"Truly Halo Infinite is a world in which I love spending time."
"It was feeling like a lost cause, a waste of time, but then I heard an explosion coming from launch site."
"I actually just stand here and watch for a while, the lives of the workers, the music, the gentle rustling of the trees. This is a pleasant experience."
"Welcome to the brand new Rhino base! It's hidden in a spiky cave and has everything we need."
"The art style and environments are beautiful."
"I'm on a mission to get rid of all the dark caves in this world."
"It didn't try to be scary, it was just scary in its nature."
"That place is insane, now this is how I like to rotate into."
"The main feature of Zoro's domain is the water, more specifically the massive waterfalls, and of course, I wanted to include some in my build."
"I want to kind of relax every game every so often. I don't want to be in a very sweaty lobby with players bunny hopping every single time they jump a corner."
"In the world of Rainbow Friends Abby, even the smallest victories feel like triumphs."
"Welcome to the new Iron Age. That means we have access to a Tavern, a forge, a Smith, and a windmill."
"Phyrexia's a very popular place. You feel like you're there and you're immersed in this wild place of alien monsters and dripping claws of poison."
"The new area of Mars feels absolutely happening... it feels like stuff is going on."
"Animal Crossing is like this little microcosm world where nothing is wrong."
"Very spa-like, is this the game world? I assume this part of the game more than..."
"The setting of Victorian London during the Industrial Revolution is compelling and well-executed."
"We want to foster a commander environment where eight and nine mana spells are viable and likely to show up in a game."
"One of the earliest examples of this can be found in the aftermath of the epic Clash between Titan and Shiva as you Traverse through the ravaged Battlefield."
"It's really the personal touches in a Minecraft world that help the whole thing feel like your own."
"The environments in Resident Evil 2 look awesome and do a very good job of making the game's world feel unique."
"Plenty of Empire, plenty of lizard-men, you guys are in the right place."