
Cultural Tradition Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"We're having some kind of barbecue, something I was told. So, we're doing it. It's Texas, it's barbecue, it makes sense, right?"
"The bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance."
"I think I come from a tradition of people that have operated outside of the mainstream."
"Die Hard is not a Christmas movie, it's a movie you should watch around Christmas."
"No one quite does ceremony and pomp like the UK."
"Kentucky Route Zero is more a part of [magical realism] tradition than nearly any other game I've ever seen."
"Bonsai is the art of dwarfing a regular tree to create a perfect miniature representation of nature in a small pot. It has a long history originating in China."
"A burned supper traditionally kicks off with an address to the Haggis."
"Let's have a nice sit down and a cup of tea."
"You can really begin to feel the spirit in the air."
"They turn out thousands of these lamps called 'diya' in the months leading up to the Hindu festival of Diwali."
"Rukmini Kalyanam is really auspicious for people who are unable to get married."
"We need to get back to our traditional understanding of the family."
"One British tradition is the pantomime, enjoyed by family audiences."
"They send lanterns out on the water to memorialize the fallen."
"The killing of a whale went beyond just a source of food; it represented a spiritual, emotional, and psychological connection for our people."
"It's all about tradition, it's all about the way of the samurai."
"You're handing back the talking stick to that Elder who has stories to tell."
"Thousands of lamps lining them up in perfect rows along the banks of the Saru river waiting to be filled with oil and lit with fire."
"Midsommar represents a 'magical' period related to important old festivities, celebrated for nine days."
"The tattoos are heavily traditional... but modern-day a lot of modern native people have really made a resurgence with traditional tattoos."
"Kissing under the mistletoe dates back thousands of years, believed to have magical healing powers."
"Everyone's favorite part of the tradition: roasted lechon. Seems to be the pork belly."
"It is an exquisite Laos traditional that shows the preparation of our traditional ceremonies since ancient times until present."
"When you're talking about creative work, stealing is incredibly important."
"Japanese soy sauce maker finds a way forward through optimism and generosity."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"The cult of the ancestors was about emotional connections people created with each other."
"Romans believed it was bad luck for a groom not to carry his bride over the threshold of their home, a tradition that still carries on today."
"To all Ukrainians I say, we have an old tradition in Ireland of lighting a candle in the window of our homes to show hospitality and welcome to the stranger."
"This is the official drink of like the Kentucky Derby, right? So it's mint, sugar, water, bourbon."
"A ceremony of keys tradition, very ancient here in Edinburgh."
"I feel that I have a message to you from your real mothers and it is this: we hope our sons will die like English gentlemen."
"Robin Hood is both a figure of comforting permanent tradition and a relentlessly contemporary rule breaker."
"Japanese tattooing has a foundation on tradition, so that's always gonna give it a backbone and more soul."
"Cinco de Mayo weekend has become one of boxing's biggest traditions."
"White folk always on a Saturday night would call all their slaves around the mansion just to entertain."
"Egg coffee: the unexpected elixir of vitality and wisdom."
"Ghost marriages... a 3,000 year old tradition... is thriving in rural China... carried out to ensure the unmarried dead are not left alone in the afterlife."
"Embrace The Spook...pumpkin spice latte, you just embrace the spook."
"Around the fire they started telling stories and talking communication language."
"If you tell me that Christmas isn't about celebrating the nativity of Christ, then you're just, it's bull. That's what we celebrate."
"How do you balance tradition and obligation with personal freedom?"
"Fasnacht means fast tonight. It is a time to eat the richest foods before a period of fasting."
"Traditionally, tattoos used to be part of their culture, usually reserved for people of more notable social status."
"She wants to give to Rukia a traditional Japanese white kimono for her Bridal outfit."
"Nothing more than tales to be told around the campfire."
"I hereby decree that today and every Tuesday hereafter will be Taco Tuesday!"
"Storytelling for the Inuit people is very important because it not only created that sense of community but as a way to pass on wisdom to the next generation."
"An Amish woman's wedding gown is a constant, representing enduring commitment and a link to community traditions."
"You don't hear NORAD pushing back every year when it comes to December and tracking Santa's sleigh, do you?"
"I love that when it comes to cultural things, food festivals, competitions, all of that sort of stuff that's been going on for hundreds of years, people still do it."
"Sugar confections are a sacred food... extend the lifespan of fairies and bring Good Fortune to humans."
"The Blarney Stone is a popular tourist attraction with a unique tradition."
"The story of King Arthur receiving his sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake is a direct reference to this ancient British tradition."
"In the 17th century, Coventry began to hold an annual event in her honour, The Godiva Procession."
"The Changing of the Guard ceremony returned to Buckingham Palace."
"She was laid to rest in her hometown of Taneyold in a coffin made by the people of Moshi, Tanzania."
"One for each night, they shed a sweet light to remind us of days long ago."
"Election day cake is something that really should come back; we should have election day cake at the polls."
"They've been found in tombs... there's a long tradition of the use of crystal skulls."
"Tradition is the solution to a set of problems that we forgot that we had."
"It's vitally important to bring back the tradition of wearing wristwatches."
"We are just going back to the African tradition because in fact woman and man brought together as a natural manifestation of what God would like."
"The 99 Flake is a beautiful British tradition."
"Authentic Amish dolls lack faces and they are dressed exactly like little Amish children."
"Mind-body practices that produce the relaxation response have been used by people across cultures for thousands of years to prevent and treat disease and generate states of mind that foster greater performance and intuitive insight."
"This is a gift for Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak!"
"Indians are obsessed with huge weddings and it's a massive publicity, prestige thing in India."
"It's a beautiful tradition right, you know, obviously the current president has like very caustic relationship towards the press."
"Thanksgiving is more or less a secular holiday in which families the country over give thanks for what they have and share a big fat meal."
"TV saw the beginning of a New Year's tradition."
"Hunting is a discipline passed down from generation to generation."
"Absolutely...cultural thing in England...first top and game...four years old...long-standing thing..."
"On Yom Kippur, the nation comes through a standstill. ... A country stops to seek the God of the Bible."
"I was supposed to have a quinceañera and I didn't want one, obviously."
"We promise not to give our daughters in marriage to the peoples around us or take their daughters for our sons."
"Hermeneutics is the attempt to overcome this constant alienation from our cultural tradition, and the way we do that is by reabsorbing and reutilizing and reappropriating this tradition."
"The reason that we had such a big wedding is because my husband's family was coming from Israel and they were like, 'We are not coming all the way across the ocean for a backyard wedding.'"
"I think one of the reasons why Taiwanese love hot pot so much is because it's a great family meal. You can get together with friends and family, join around the table, all huddled around a central pot."
"Lunar New Year doesn't miss guys. I am loving this."
"If your parents always told you not to take candy from strangers, then what is Halloween?"
"You can always have Chinese on Christmas. They're not gonna close now."
"Timkot day is when the reenactment of the baptism takes place."
"Rap beef is a part of the culture and the history of the medium... it's a way for the game to check itself... it's an interesting and lovely tradition."
"When a woman is getting married she hides her teeth so that people will not see her smiling and think that there's something."
"No place in the world does Christmas like Germany."
"When I take it off, I'm not beautiful. I feel more beauty when I do the lip plate like this."
"...there is a long history of what's going on the comparsas first appear on the scene in the 1860s 1870s I don't have time to go into that history that's what we have the book for but let's step back for a moment and think about what goes on during Carnival..."
"I like a super British Li tradition, I like people who don't spend their entire timeing their entire Ro have resence."
"One cultural tradition is for the bride and groom in a Norwegian wedding to lift the top layer of the cake."
"One detail that I really liked is Amir being shoeless throughout the event. This is actually a game ritual called choo choo chuptai in which the groom's shoes are stolen and the crew must beg or pay ransom to get them back before he can leave the venue."
"Ethiopian parents, they sit like this, they call them barchas where they invite all the other dads and they just all sit like this and talk."
"Trick-or-treating is a phenomenal thing and it's an institution."
"We made like a Comm M back in the days the Sami and the reindeers that we will take care of each other so the S reindeers has taken care of us giving us food and meat and now we try to take care of the reindeers."
"My father, being deeply rooted in tradition, refused to take any bride price from my husband. He simply said, 'Just take her and continue from where I stopped.' It was such a touching gesture that made my husband cherish my father even more."
"Santa Fe's Canyon Road farolito walk stands out as an enchanting tradition."
"So I'm here in the Sourdough Saloon inside the Downtown Hotel in Dawson City, and I'm about to take part in one of Canada's strangest traditions."
"For 400 years, the Japanese have lived by the tea ceremony rituals formed during Sen no Rikyu's era, using it as a guide to the ancient wise men's thoughts and ways."
"...the water Saint informs them that they still have to join the festival as the people of selan are optimistic and believe in moving on..."
"It goes back to a tradition, usually connected with Working Class People."
"Ukraine boasts a vibrant tradition of Folk Music."
"For Swedes, their coffee and pastry break is a ritual embraced with all the vigor of a constitutional right."
"Being Filipino, we start Christmas early; it's year-round Christmas for us."
"Revolving around the Mexican tradition / celebration of the Day of the Dead, honoring the deceased."
"Growing up, I feel like I've always disliked wearing red because of Luna New Year's. The older I get, the more I like wearing red."
"Once I had eaten at his board, I was protected by guest right."
"Traditionally in Portugal, that would be celebrated with chestnuts roasted on the open fire."
"Poland celebrates a name day in addition to birthdays."
"This type of beating the tea until it gets so foamy is the very popular way of drinking tea back in Song Dynasty."
"Respecting seasonal choice of food is still the dietary philosophy of Guangzhou people."
"Kaiping people make a wish for the future through food."
"We always eat long noodles because they mean a long life."
"And we finished with orange slices which means a sweet life."
"Troll hunter is wholeheartedly Nordic; it exemplifies the folklore traditions of Norwegian culture by thrusting its canon into the heart of modernity."
"The Japanese really rock in technologies. Traditionally!"
"Gurning may seem like a silly, pointless activity, but it's actually a beloved tradition in the UK."
"The sport of lawn bowling, simply called bowls, is in fact ancient."
"For me, it is an honor to marry someone, to love that person, to take on their name."
"This dish symbolizes a sweet life which is why it's commonly served during the Christmas season and at weddings."
"More than the Jewish people have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish people."
"It remains a matter of urgency for the government to sincerely look into the issue from every angle based on custom and tradition, history and land holding, and to give justice to all."
"I kind of felt like we lost the tradition of quinceañeras, and so I thought it was really important for us to teach Alyssa about her culture and the importance of having a quinceañera."
"Indian women use turmeric in their beauty regime - it's packed full of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties."
"Canadian Ukrainian families will have the traditional 12 meal dishes for Christmas."
"In the Inuit culture, a man is not allowed to marry until he's proved himself as a hunter."
"At this point, 99 years later, the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade is an American tradition."
"Instead of opening a venue in a classy uptown area, he decided to put his convictions to the test by opening a diner in downtown Asakusa, an urban town deeply rooted in Japanese tradition."
"The twists and turns of all the noodles in the soup are symbolic of all the different paths that life can lead you on."
"So eating this will often bring, you know, you and your loved ones good luck for the New Year."
"We always have a tradition of storytelling."
"Every young kid stands in front of that television and does the haka at a certain age watching the All Blacks."
"Nothing like a good Shabbat dinner, you know, breaking the hala at Friday night."
"Nepali Buddhists often attach prayer flags along suspension bridges like these as a way to request safe passage from the gods."
"Sometimes people will braid their hair."
"Being able to pay homage to your elders is a big part of my tradition and our tradition."
"Cheers, English breakfast tea in England."
"We will always remain close to our deities and they to us, securing our well-being. This is our way, Ashe."
"Hello and welcome, today I'm gonna be showing you how my family makes corn tamales."
"Moon cakes are things that Chinese people typically only eat once a year, but they are so good."
"Hockey Night in Canada is special; it's like a tradition in the country."
"Traditionally, South Koreans relied on their family to look after them in old age."
"It's all about walking in the steps of ancestors."
"Canning tomatoes is like a process that a lot of Italian Americans like, a pastime they engage in."
"I love the scene where the traditional music starts playing with the drum."
"Ginger tea, a warm and soothing beverage, has been enjoyed for its culinary and medicinal qualities across various cultures for centuries."
"I'm making an ofrenda. It's part of a Mexican celebration where we remember the family members who are no longer with us."
"It's New Year in the Philippines, and there's only one food Filipinos eat on New Year: mango graham."
During Christmas, Norwegians lose their collective minds and prefix "Jul" in front of everything you can imagine.
"It's a cute tradition, it's uplifting and it's something to look forward to."
"Luminarias show the Christ child the way to your house so he can visit your family and bring his spirit to bless your family with his everlasting peace."
"April Fool's Day is an annual tradition of playing practical jokes and hoaxes on April 1st."
"Humans have been making music for thousands and thousands of years now."
"As a sign of hospitality, they painted all of the town and all of the houses pink."
"That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."
"Every time I do the haka, I call on the power of my family spirit."
"The earliest celebrations involved participants from the community - men and women - gathering at the base of a hill singing what was called Dithyramb in honor of Dionysus."
"We don't really celebrate Christmas, we celebrate New Year. That's why we give gifts at New Year, not Christmas."
"Every woman who enters the sea carries a coffin on her back; in this world, in the undersea world, we know the burdens of a hard life. We are crossing between life and death every day."
"This is a really special lunch break; we haven't had Chinese food, we also haven't done family-style."
"We can't stop telling stories; it's bred in the bone."
"One of the most important things for Cantonese people to do in Chinese New Year is to get flowers at our home."
"It's a great tradition and it's great to see it's still in rude health."
"We love a good yarn; we love a good story."
"Collecting and telling them is what makes us alive."
"Storytelling is an ancient practice, it goes back into antiquity."
"All Saints Eve is considered the only day when the spirits of the deceased can return to Earth."
"The dipping sauce is very exquisitely made; Lingnan people are very strict about sauce."
"Bonfires are burning round the clock, to the Protestants they're part of a proud tradition, a symbol of liberty."
"This major New York department store holds a yearly Thanksgiving Day parade through the streets of that city."
"Give women their mandatory marriage gifts that make the relationship valid."
"Every year, it will appear that some unforeseen problem means Pakjesavond will be cancelled, it's the preferred method for traumatizing Dutch children."
"I felt privileged to be part of this tradition."
"Once upon a time, people ate mostly fish. The meat was only for holidays."
"So without further ado, let's make some Samurai footwear."
"Known for its rich cultural tradition and respect for wildlife, Thailand once was a mythical stop on the traveler's route through Old Siam."
"Tea has been an important part of traditional hospitality rules all over the world for several centuries."
"Traditionally in England, you wouldn't see too much of a soft shoulder... our brand sits right in the middle of the two."
"...indeed keeping in line with the rich tradition and culture of Sri Lanka and giving light to this event..."
"Cute little worry dolls, I think the story goes that you at night time you put these under your pillow, you give them your worries, and then they all go away overnight."
"The Feast of The Seven Fishes is a cherished Italian-American tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve."
"Farmers bathe their buffalo, shine their horns, put flowers on them, and show them off in town."
"By making poi and taro our modern household staple, we're gonna change the way that we deal with sustainability."
"The tradition of baron is thriving, in fact growing exponentially."
"This is our Catalonian tradition, very old tradition, more than 200 years."
"It's a real South African tradition to watch the sunset with a lovely cold beverage."
"Everybody loves the dragon dance; it is the traditional way to start the new year."
"A reel is a type of traditional Irish dance with four regular beats... it's to be danced to and as a result, it has a really strong regular pulse or beat."
"The tradition of the best man is thought to have originated with the Germanic Goths of the 16th century."
"They are marching to honor relatives long past now; the aim of this Association is to preserve and continue the memory of the anzacs and encourage descendants to participate on Anzac Day."
"Honestly, whoops, I mean anyways, I'm pretty sure we all know, but for Chinese New Year, they give out like red envelopes."
"The importance of stories and about the oral tradition of storytelling... it ticked all my boxes."
"As a child, she was told by her elders to pray to the Morning Star at daylight because that is when her Creator was closest to her and could hear her prayers."
"...it is the oldest sake in the world and creating it is a very important tradition for their family."