
Timeless Design Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Gold, Silver, and Crystal... they're not just good for their time period; they're refreshing and valuable to replay even in current day."
"The car offers a timeless quality and mystical feel that's as evident today as it was six years ago."
"You can't help but fall in love with this timeless piece of French history."
"Dolce & Gabbana The One: timeless, elegant, the epitome of classy."
"F-Zero GX offers a super clean design that feels timeless."
"This gown will look good now and in 50 years."
"I will never ever ever get rid of this one. It's so cute, so classic, so timeless."
"Neutral colors: Black, white, and gray never go out of style; they go with everything."
"Choose subtlety: Incorporate trends in more subtle ways to maintain a timeless look."
"Fashion gets really interesting... there are versions of these items that could be considered Timeless."
"Fitted hats I think are Timeless... people love those kind of hats."
"Contemporary styles and trends are more likely to come and go, but the classics are here to stay."
"Now you have something that is on trend but it will always remain timeless because it looks so good."
"Chrono Trigger is timeless, like a clock without hands."
"I love to have classic pieces in my home and in my closet in my wardrobe that really just helped me... That really just stand the test of time."
"Now DeLorean was certain his car would live on forever in the heart of every sci-fi loving kid for the rest of eternity."
"What makes something timeless is it tail fins and chrome, an iconic cover or 35 millimeter film."
"If you style a car with good proportions and classic shapes it never dates it never ever dates."
"Classic design that you will love looking at for years to come."
"15 years ago would still be relevant today... they made something that truly is timeless."
"Timeless design that works right now, in the past, and will also work in the future."
"It's an elegant, classy, and very timeless design."
"I mean, this is one of my go-to pieces, I wear it all the time. It just looks timeless, it's timeless, it's a great design."
"Flora has this sort of timeless appeal and is also instantly recognizable as Gucci."
"You can put like anyone down in front of a 'Mario' game and it still handles beautifully."
"It's so functional, it's so versatile, it's so classic, there's no huge logoing on it, and I just think you can't go wrong."
"Watches just by their construction are made of course to tell time but also I think are able to extend a great period of time."
"Left 4 Dead 1... a time capsule untouched by updates... responsible for not one but two of the greatest video games of all time."
"This car is going to look good 20 years from now."
"Games like this never age even when the graphics do because it's simply a tried and tested formula that's never been done better."
"This is a modern classic. You just know where a watch like this is going."
"Create something beautiful that will stand the test of time."
"Something that will never be out of style... is the subway tile."
"A very classic design that I think will age extremely well."
"Dragon's Dogma, in many ways a game that was way ahead of its time."
"Longine Flagship: A very unique watch, refined and timeless in its design."
"The look is timeless, I think it's really, really held its own for how old it is."
"Ninja Gaiden 2: a timeless sort of look that really holds up well today."
"To truly stand the test of time and solidify its role as one of gaming's greats, double OT must be able to stand up to evolving tastes and should retain its appeal when separated from the time period it premiered in."
"It wowed us all back then and it still looks stunning to this day."
"When you stay true to the soul of your home, it's classic and it will never go out of style."
"It's mesmerizing to look at, one of those watches you just forget you wanted to know what the time is and start staring at it."
"A new classic, an icon that will always look great, always updated, and last for a lifetime."
"It is absolutely beautiful and so classic looking."
"Borderlands 2 is easily one of the best looter shooters of the last decade... it's timeless cel-shaded design, cast of likable characters, and slightly dated humor is a great bonus."
"Airstream: Timeless design, modern convenience."
"I love the sage green velvet; it's soft, it's neutral, but it has this timeless look to it."
"It's a clean design; it's upright; it's actually going to age a lot better."
"It really amazes me how much this car has aged so little in terms of its overall design."
"The quality of this bag is so exceptional."
"... you want something that is going to be able to look as great 10, 20 years from now as it does today."
"A lot of this timeless design comes from its desire to mimic a poor man's Porsche."
"It feels very timeless and that's really what I'm going for with each one of these pieces."
"...our watches are made to last for decades, good quality, I guess a design which really can outlive fashion trends."
"10 years from now if you look at these 1965 Pontiacs we think you'll still agree they look good"
"The Chevrolet Caprice: A timeless classic in automotive history."
"If chosen correctly these pieces can last a lifetime and provide Timeless Beauty and functionality to your home."
"It is the sort of design that has transcended motorcycling."
"When a design is beautiful, or a song is good, it's good forever."
"This will be timeless, 10 years from now, 20 years from now you're going to look at this and say this is a beautiful piece."
"It's classic, it's Gerald Genta, it's not going anywhere, it's been here for 50 years."
"I think it's still a very worthwhile kit despite its age."
"Even if it didn't have a date related plate on the front, you wouldn't necessarily know it was a ten-year-old car."
"This bag just feels really timeless and classic."
"The Fendi Peekaboo bag was envisioned from its inception as a timeless heirloom that could live on through the generations."
"This bag is beautiful and timeless, and it's been around for a very long time."
"It's the kind of design that really isn't going to date."
"This is a very chic and timeless design."
"They're just really classic, timeless pieces and absolutely love them."
"The mastery of these hues empowers you to craft spaces that not only captivate the present but stand as timeless tributes to the elegance of tradition."
"One of my favourite cars in the world, almost doesn't matter what year."
"The owners have done a great job editing and designing this home to be timeless."
"This bike is so timeless that one day us as owners will be old riders and everything will be electric, but we will still be talking about our adventures and the fun we had."
"The Coe trucks continue to captivate and inspire generations of enthusiasts with their timeless appeal."
"It's just not another motorcycle, it's a symbol of timeless design."
"Marble is a timeless, wonderful, amazing material."
"They have a nice look out of the box, really easy to grade, match nicely and, how do I say it, not vintage but not modern, kind of timeless."
"It's about finding lines that really reflect this sort of idea of timeless elegance, but there's a twist."
"The essentials will always be in style with a few tweaks here and there."
"I love the way that they reflect light back into the room and they're Timeless."
"If you can't take that piece of wood and spray it black and have a good shape, it won't withstand the test of time."
"That's why I think the metal bikes are timeless. It's not the material, but just the way they're designed."
"Making this space as timeless as possible."
"A subway tile never goes out of style."
"I really like the look of this TEAC 7-inch X range; they look almost timeless in a way."
"I love this classic, simple, timeless design with cute little tassels."
"Linen bedding is very on trend but it's also timeless, it's something that can always work."
"I feel like this is a watch that can pass 25 years and I still will not be bored of it."
"It's very structured, so I feel like it's timeless."
"I just love the design of this pen; it's over 50 years old yet it looks like it could have just come out this year."
"Those are cars that are going to be forever important in the automotive world."
"It has a timeless design that is still looking brand new after 17 years."
"It has absolute immunity to planned obsolescence."
"The caviar leather is really standing the test of time; I think this bag is going to be with me for a very long time in my collection."
"It's a classic, an absolutely modern classic, and it still rides so well."
"One of the reasons quite obviously is this classic simple design, very timeless, really classy."
"I love very classy, timeless bags."
"These sorts of designs that are going to forever look beautiful."
"This collection is timeless, it is gorgeous. I've got so many pieces to it, it's not even funny."
"In 20 years' time, this is still going to look glorious."
"I love tiered ruffle dresses, I think they are so incredibly flattering and just a really timeless, elegant, classy piece to have."
"These bikes will look good for the rest of their lives; they're never going to age badly, they'll just age like a fine wine."
"Their designs are so elegant and timeless that is the word I think of when I think of whistles because their stuff just won't go out of style."
"The design still looks fresh today."
"There was going to be a Jules Verne future, an H.G. Wells future, and then suddenly everything became much more timeless."
"It's edgy, it's chic, and some people say that the City bags are a little bit dated at this point, I think they're iconic and timeless."
"It's perfect and unlike the sixties car which I love, it does not look like a product of the 80s. It is completely out of time."
"They're so iconic and so old-timey but they're perfect for every outfit."
"It's a classic design and a classic look that you just can't beat."
"It's so funny how a watch like this, which is from the mid-century, still looks so modern."
"Classic designs like this don't age; they just get better with time."
"It's such a classic piece that I wouldn't mind having more than one of them in my closet."
"We went back in with Timeless materials."
"I love the stripes because it's like very timeless."
"The pyrite is what I consider to be an evergreen model."
"They're so versatile and classic yet they're not boring."
"It's one of the best sets of all time."
"Simple, minimal, effortless looks... they're always just going to be chic and timeless."
"Creating Timeless Classics that are luxurious in their Simplicity."
"I love how timeless these heels are."
"It's got to feel flattering, functional, and have a forever appeal."
"It's very timeless, the neckline is lovely and classic."
"Elegant, timeless, and most important of all, great value."
"Travertine is very timeless because it is a stone, so you're not getting anything that's super trendy that would need to be switched out over time."
"I feel like Saint Laurent just nail this in terms of really lovely looking classic bags which I do think they stand the test of time."
"Marble is just such a classic material so it helps to give your space a timeless feel."
"I love the fit of this top, it's a very feminine top but it's one of those pieces that I feel like I could keep for a long time, it feels very timeless and classic."
"I always wanted to make a timeless bag that a woman can take with her anywhere, day or night."
"It really brightened up everything, just brought it into the 21st century and made it a timeless traditional feel."
"I love the classiness of their pieces, the timelessness."
"I'm not sure what style house we want to build. I want to build something timeless."
"They are classic, they are timeless."