
Festivals Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"If you just want to get something completed and make that film to send to festivals, to maybe make your next feature film, to build out your collaborator list, I cannot recommend enough to just make the damn movie."
"They are made up overwhelmingly of the middle class... They were very nice to me... It just seemed like a nice kind of hippy festival."
"What's the best part of every Epcot festival? Say it with me: one, two, three—eating and drinking!"
"Every decision you make in a festival has a ripple effect."
"The biggest online trend this Coachella is posting negatively about the festival."
"They turn out thousands of these lamps called 'diya' in the months leading up to the Hindu festival of Diwali."
"I wanna make a film because I wanna submit it to a film festival and be like, 'See? I can do this.'"
"Whitehall's biggest embrace of cryptozoology comes in the form of their annual Sasquatch-calling festival."
"Oktoberfest is one of the most famous and popular festivals in the world."
"Festival concerts: enjoy free performances during Epcot's festivals."
"Des Moines, Iowa: Offers a friendly and affordable lifestyle. It's one of those cities that always seems to have a festival going on."
"If you're interested in trying new food types and new drink types and new wines this is the place to come."
"Everybody was saying this was their favorite thing at the entire festival."
"Not everyone is going for the music, but it is still such an amazing place to see your favorites and discover new artists."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"If you ever find yourself in Kerala during the Onam festival, just be sure to check out the biggest fireworks show in the entire state."
"The most disappointing challenge of all for me was Sigryn."
"Welcome to the Texas State Fair, where the fun never stops!"
"Metal festivals can now be found throughout the world, some of them attracting crowds the size of the Romanian Army."
"The real fun of Rhinebeck is everything that goes on around the event."
"Festivals are a great way to celebrate music, culture, friendship."
"Jacksonville loves its festivals, and every weekend we may just have one going on."
"We have dozens of parades over several weeks leading up to the big day."
"Things like Coachella, I'm like yes, you watch it on streaming 'cause it's expensive. So many people can't be there. It's an arm and a leg. But other things that aren't as expensive, lean into the experience."
"For those that attend year after year the festival is more than just the sum of the parties it provides a deeply convivial meeting place for friends old and new."
"New Orleans boasts dozens of lively festivals from Jazz, Zydeco, and Blues celebrations to honoring beloved dishes like crawfish, gumbo, and beignet."
"After those three days in 1969, that same spirit would find its way into other festivals, one of the biggest, Live Aid in 1985."
"...August is commonly considered peak season in Edinburgh and the main reason is of course that it's Festival season."
"Coachella was amazing, I have to say this is the first year where post Coachella I'm like wow that was amazing."
"Festival o my Festival better than KFC Festival that is it dude it looks it looks epic."
"And what you're the selling point for it is that basically people can buy your makeup so they can do face painted flowers on their face for music festivals and things like that"
"Carp were turned into kites flown to festivals and placed on flags raised at children's birds."
"Dallas tries to make up for it, there's probably some other spots a little bit better than Dallas but if you like festivals they got one for you."
"I love festivals. We have them all the time where I come from. They were usually interrupted by evil forces of some kind."
"...I'm just ready for um Festival season moving on."
"Maybe that's the whole point of festivals — you share what you have and it's not just about sharing it with the people that you love and the people you're closest with."
"I hold the record for some festivals for UTA for my old agency at United Talent uh we did four festivals sorry three festivals and three different European countries which were nowhere near each other within a 24-hour period wow."
"Right when we come outside we find the beginning of Mickey and Friends Festival of foods."
"Festivals are a multi-million pound global industry."
"The best thing about Epcot in my opinion is the festivals. They are so incredible."
"Festivals have messed up pricing for artists."
"The city comes alive with speed, music, and humor during festivals."
"The vast majority of film fans aren't going to film festivals, nor do they feel tempted to."
"Both festivals bring joy, unity, and reinforce shared values among their respective communities through acts of charity, communal prayers, feasts, and family gatherings."
"Post Festival depression is a very real thing."
"I was supposed to go to Lucca Italy this summer and go they have this massive amazing music festival."
"Being a bard, Elia loved to visit other cities during feasts, festivals, and jousting tournaments."
"I think the cover bridge festivals in October I love going to the cover bridge festival so that's going to be in it going to apple orchards going to Pumpkin Patches all of that good stuff so I'm very excited for those like fall themed stuff."
"Montreal is a little bit of everything. It's a city of festivals, Jazz Festival, Comedy Festival, pothole festival, whatever you want is there and it goes all year long."
"I love festivals and I love to DJ, like, I love to DJ."
"I think festivals is an opportunity to really make someone a fan of you if you give a killer show. You really make like a solid relationship to that person more so than just through a screen of like 'Oh, cool song.'"
"On Wednesday, you'll work on networking and applying to festivals."
"Every music festival always says it's about love and music, until you refuse to pay the 200 bucks for the ticket, then they taser your hippie ass."
"The Festival of the holidays is dare I say it more than just living with the land overlays."
"Going to metal festivals is like being part of an army that periodically invades different locations."
"But it did not seem possible that I would be the only one not participating in those festivals these opportunities brought families close if you didn't see I'm just editing out the long music in between dialogues you're not missing any context."
"That festival lineup is jam-packed with all things true and epic metal. Up the Hammers and Keep It True, those are the two important festivals for this genre of music that people from all over the world make pilgrimages to."
"This summer is set to be a festival of sport."
"...Sydney was ranked the world's best city for festivals and events seven years in a row."
"Guys, like fried Oreos are delicious right, like the ones from the festivals?"
"This entire category is dedicated to festivals. Take a look at Fest Messes."
"If you're taking it to a festival or a party, you can't just have a PA speaker that's loud like that, it's got to have Bluetooth."
"Nico [__]... one of the original Originators of Fest series."
"You shouldn't be judged on festival festivals, maybe, you know, because you sweat your ass off."
"When I look at the fall festival lineup, it looks like one of the best movies there."
"I'm excited to go shopping at the Renaissance festival."
"We had such a fabulous time, amazing time at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta."
"So moving around and of course, there's nothing like the three festivals we have. That's always like our grand scale family reunion for every island."
"I'm happy that we have the opportunity to partner again, this time with the USVI Tourism and Division of Festivals in the next iteration. And of course today is a special one because I get to be a hot one, and I'm testing my appetite and my tolerance as we move through."
"Temples served as centers for entertainment and Festival occasions."
"Camping festivals, even if it's hot during the daytime, even if the festival takes place during summertime, oftentimes camping festivals get very cold at night."
"Doing your research is so important before you go to any festival."
"The best time of year to visit Oaxaca is Guelaguetza or Day of the Dead."
"It's a lot more Charming story too, you know, end up at the festivals and it's like this guy did everything, self-funded, self-produced."
"This is the perfect festival to add to the other festivals you may be doing in Southern California."
"The Finns do the greatest festivals in the world."
"That is probably the best thing I've ever had at a Christmas Market."
"Thanks for watching the first part of the Swede Fest video, really good show, great people, great trucks, old and new, really good atmosphere."
"It's been mind-blowing for me, I never thought we'd get to play Red Rocks, our first European tour, amazing festivals like Bonnaroo and Austin City Limits."
"I am so looking forward to when things open up. I want to go to the Shakespeare festival again."
"VAV, the capital of Lower Silesia, is known for hosting various cultural festivals and events."
"Street performing at festivals was also extremely lucrative; some people pulled in a thousand dollars a day in tips."
"The biggest thing I do, the most successful thing I do, is I find festivals that are appropriate for what I'm selling."
"I love doing these festivals, so taking y'all along with me for the first time."
"Every festival wants to have a good relationship with the media."
"I absolutely love Food & Wine Festival; it's so glad to be here for it."
"I love being here for food and wine; I can't wait to try everything."
"I cannot wait to wear this stuff; I have so many festival outfits that I could wear this year."
"You can't come to a strawberry festival and not get Strawberry Shortcake."
"Everyone likes mango sticky rice; of course, Millie would bring a bowl of it onto a California music festival stage."
"I love the Edinburgh Festival. It's an amazing event."
"Like I mentioned, I wanted to come back and try some more food from the Flower and Garden Festival."
"Leave no trace; it's important that at the end of a festival, the campsite looks as similar to how it looked before we all got there."
"I'm happy I'm at a festival with my friends and people from around the world."
"Dionisis, possibly one of the most famous gods of alcohol...is also the God of pleasure, vegetation, festivals, and also mad frenzy."
"I'm definitely not a Coachella person. I don't see myself thriving at a festival."
"The best thing about Coachella is just meeting new people."
"You make a few of these, you take it to street festivals, you take it to markets."
"It's one of the most exciting things, isn't it, when you're young, to go to a festival."
"I would wake up in the morning... and we'd be plotting what music festival we'd go to."
"Festivals are back this summer; we'll be able to dance to our favorite bands, yay, and get drunk with our friends."
"This is one of the best lineups I've ever seen of any festival."
"Festivals hands down, festivals are amazing."
"I'm going to try to go back for Essence, if I don't go for Essence, I'm definitely going back for Mardi Gras."
"One of the biggest advantages of shorter trips is that I get to see more festivals that I haven't seen before."
"God gave these festivals as a prophecy, these are prophetic festivals and I like to view them as a roadmap to redemption."
"Portugal likes their festivals, and I do too."
"Yesterday was so fun, loved that festival so much."
"I've always wanted to go to South by Southwest. I love Austin; it's one of my favorite places."
"The Philippines, they know how to do festivals better than anywhere."
"We chatted about our favorite bands, shared our festival experiences, and quickly discovered that we had a lot in common."
"Adelaide become the festival state and added attraction for the South Australian Capital."
"The festivals held in Harrogate from 1966 were a key part of what helped the town to grow into such a well-established destination for the hosting of conferences and exhibitions."
"If you know where to go and when to go, you can enjoy festival extravaganzas throughout the continent and throughout the calendar."
"Across Europe, festival traditions go back centuries and are filled with time honored pageantry and ritual."
"You have Christmas festivals every season, October fest, different family functions every season here in the city of McDonough."
"Festivals help maintain a culture's identity."
"Festivals are your time to just go wild, wear lots of color, glitter, just have so much fun with it."
"I love a good festival, I think the energy is just incredible."
"At festivals, they're really there to just have the time of their lives."
"Japanese people love to have fun, especially during festivals."
"No country has more and livelier folk festivals than Portugal."
"I've been my favorite place I've been so far was Glastonbury."
"Our British culture is built on festivals, and none more so than food festivals."
"Let's have a little walk around, have a chit chat, see if we can snare talk all things wings, food, music, and summer British festivals."
"Protect your ears when you go to these festivals with ear plugs."
"A fan is perfection when it's hot at the festival and it's summer, and you need to just cool yourself down."
"You will build up your collection over time; you can buy things at festivals and at shows as memorabilia."
"Be as prepared as possible for festival season and have the best bag."
"I traveled the world blogging and reviewing music festivals."
"Definitely bring blankets - a lot of the festivals are really hot during the day and really cold at night."
"That reminded me of Holi, yeah from India."
"We go to festivals, and we will feast and we drink and we make merry long into the night."
"The best moments of your whole festival will be the times where you least expect it."
"Austin is packed this week, South by Southwest."
"Every time I go to like a festival, I'm reminded of how much impact I have on people."
"It's such a symbolic moment getting your first festival tickets."
"Something that is so fun about fiber festivals are the show colorways."
"The city here is also home to several music festivals, seafood festivals, like the Clambake Festival."
"You can make a high quality export for festivals for presenting it on the big screen."
"Green apples are so perfect for the fall, it definitely reminds me of like harvest festivals and apple picking."
"These are the best boots to wear to festivals because they're comfy."
"I love going to the festivals and I love being involved in the film industry in this small way."
"Burgers are the ultimate festival food."
"I have ten times more fun at the festivals where no one knows who we are."
"Munich is a fun-loving city known for its seasonal festivals and rich culture."
"Music festivals used to be a bunch of hippies having a good time and doing drugs, now it's rich kids taking selfies dressed as hippies and doing drugs."
"Bring a camera, it's nice to have memories of festivals."
"It's free to subscribe. A lot of you are asking me actually at the festivals whether it cost money to subscribe, and it doesn't; it's completely free."
"We have over 365 festivals per year in south Louisiana, so we're averaging over a festival per day."
"It's always a great day for me when there is a new festival puzzle to do."
"One of my favorite things about Montana is they have some crazy festivals."
"Food festivals are super fun; I love going to food festivals."
"DCA hosts three festivals each year: Lunar New Year, Food and Wine, and Festival of the Holidays."
"We celebrate the solstices and the equinoxes and the cross-quarter days so eight festivals about every six weeks."
"One of the coolest things about Japanese festivals, right? It's fun, it's funny though, dancing together."
"A lot of other festivals, like only certain people dance, whereas this one, anyone can join in."
"Coming to a Countryside Festival out here on an island, you get to enjoy it, you get to dance and fire toy guns for hours. An hour brilliant with the cool sea breeze."
"It's a really good idea, I love Japanese festivals."
"It's just a really nice thing and there's been like no festivals for many years."
"She was a bit of a hippie and a flower child and she absolutely loved attending music festivals, especially folk and bluegrass music festivals."
"Everybody's there, and that was a winning formula because those festivals contain everybody from the world."
"I want to see the fireworks festival again, just like when we were little."
"I thought I would make a list of all the really funny things that have happened to me at music festivals."
"Please don't play with fire when you're drunk at a music festival."
"It moves so well, like it's perfect for a festival or a summer holiday."
"It's so fun, and like when we get to go to festivals and stuff, and we see the community, it's like I just want to be in it and have all of you as well."
"Each of the different European themed areas has a little festival that happens throughout the year."
"The film was screened at various Art House film festivals, including a handful of international releases with English subtitles."
"Austin's pretty cool, music right, Austin City Limits."
"Vanuatu is a haven for festivals and celebrations, each tribe and people group has their own unique one."
"Every single day in the vision of calendar is a festival day, isn't it?"
"I love seeing people just not give a [__] and just let loose at a festival."
"I genuinely want to go to an Oktoberfest."
"Fall is really special in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It's all about chili roasting and our different festivals."
"Glastonbury for me restores my faith in humanity."
"I love pumpkin festivals, love everything fall."
"I want a world in which we can all dance at music festivals and be free."
"Helen is a charming Bavarian-style town known for its festivals, outdoor activities, and scenic beauty."
"Summer isn't over; late summer in Japan is all about food festivals and fireworks."
"It's finally my actual birthday and it's also the opening day of the Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival."
"My favorite festival of the year."
"Check the calendar; there are four different festivals here all year around."
"Enjoying Epcot festivals is a must-do, with offerings for everybody in the family."
"South by Southwest, I've grew up watching artists getting discovered from there."
"Summer is steadily approaching, and things are starting to open up, including outdoor festivals."
"It's South by Southwest meets Burning Man, it's Coachella with a taste of discussions on creativity."
"I lost my body, the big indie film that's making its rounds around huge big-name festivals."
"Weathering with you, that's another big-name indie Animated Feature that's making its rounds in the festivals."
"Manteca is known as the pumpkin capital of the world."
"Festivals are like my favorite thing to get ready for."
"The fish dishes in the America Pavilion for festivals are always good."
"Without doubt, the opening day is one of the most exciting days of whatever festival it is."
"I think Studios will be spending a lot of money on indie films at film festivals this year."
"We're gonna have a blast down here at Cruising the Coast."
"All wonderful festivals, but my favorite was Oktoberfest in Bavaria."
"That's the great thing about these festivals, it's discovery."
"Out of all the Tomorrowlands I've visited, this one is my favorite, hands down."