
Self-justification Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Why not pick the best thing possible that you could do? Why not do that? Maybe you could justify your wretched existence to yourself that way."
"My ideas are right, and then you build that sort of cognitive dissonance."
"I thought I was doing the right thing, I still think that I did the right thing."
"Many people lose patience halfway through and come up with a story to justify their own lack of determination."
"I just don't think I need to justify or apologize for what I'm doing."
"The inability to admit they are wrong or when they apologize and then justify their actions."
"Janis’ story reminds us how easy it is to fall back on self-serving ideas and justify your behavior when you get a taste of power."
"Our capacity to justify things to ourselves... if you really want to do something... the payoff is enough..."
"Our capacity to justify things to ourselves is pretty expansive...if you really want to do something...and the payoff is enough, you can often very rarely justify it to yourself."
"You never have to defend, explain, justify, or rationalize what's right."
"I never consider myself a criminal, I considered myself an outlaw because I broke laws that I thought were wrong."
"At the end of the day, you're just seeing me making decisions that I know I can justify later."
"Men love complicating their life and then justifying why they do it."
"Never underestimate a man's ability to justify himself."
"Am I justified in manifesting them? Interesting, now the answer is yes."
"If you convince yourself of your necessity... then you can rationalize your way into ignoring what we've been privy to."
"I haven't done anything out of the way, okay? So with that being said, I'll go about my business."
"Do it because you don't owe an explanation to anybody."
"You don't need to write a college thesis for your own feelings to be justified."
"I did the right thing." - Asserting correctness after a decision.
"I don't think you need to justify being anything really, unless you feel the need to."
"The moment you try to be justified by your own Good Deeds you've already messed up."
"Deep down, these people know they're in the wrong but perform mental gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise."
"I'm just doing what's right. I'm just doing what's right."
"You don't owe anyone an explanation for what you believe or why."
"Just because somebody thinks they're right in doing something and thinks that this is okay... that does not make it any less wrong."
"My suffering really was because of the adal blade it wasn't actually it wasn't actually me I'm not the issue I'm not the problem."
"The real question isn't why would I do that, the question should be why wouldn't I do that."
"It's very easy for humans to genuinely convince themselves that the thing that's like in their best interest of themselves and their family is also the right thing."
"We find a way to justify our worst impulses and imagine ourselves to be very good and virtuous when we're doing that."
"It don't matter what you're saying because if you try to justify why you are not this thing that they are saying you are, they will find something else to complain about."
"At this point though, I cannot defend this. Oh, I don't need you to defend anything, the Constitution defends what I'm doing."
"The brain loves telling us that we're morally good people, no matter what we do or think."
"There are so many situations, circumstances in your life that other people don't have to agree with, that other people don't have to like, that you don't need to justify to them."
"They're going to use that to fuel their own false sense of self like see look how right I am I told you they were crazy."
"As long as you keep justifying yourself, you may die condemned."
"Bitterness is the hardest sin to see in the mirror because you feel justified in it."
"You have to admit that you are a sinner, get over the idea that you justify yourself and think to yourself that you can kind of do this on your own."
"Convinced himself that what he was doing was okay."
"We should not seek after self-justification. We should learn how to patiently submit to the will of God."
"You don't need to justify your life to anyone except yourself."
"I genuinely felt very good about myself because I thought, listen, I've been a nice guy here."
"The moment that you try justifying yourself for decisions you've made, that's the moment you really lose your power."
"Just be quiet, who cares, just get out. This is seriously one of the best things you can do - not waste the energy on self-justification."
"...even though I might call it a guilty pleasure when I do buy it or when I do own and use it I don't actually have to feel that guilty about it."
"It's like the mental battling of like justifying yourself constantly."
"Self-justification is such an important part in healing."
"Cognitive dissonance: when we do things inconsistent with our narrative, we point the finger at others."
"I'm not a monster. I'm just trying to run a business."
"You don't have to justify yourself to them."
"I acted to the best of my ability in what was morally the right way and I did it for these reasons and nothing can take away from that."
"Who do you owe an explanation to? Who do you have to justify yourself to?"
"I clothe my naked villainy with odd old and stolen out of Holy Writ."
"Twitter is full of human beings seeking self-justification."
"You did what you felt right at the time and therefore it was right."
"People who are bad don't wake up every day and go, 'Man, I'm a bad person.' They get up and think what they're doing is right."
"If they lie, you call it truth. If they steal, you call it nine tenths of the law. If they kill, you call it self-defense."
"You don't have to justify yourself to me."
"You don't always have to justify yourself; God is your vindicator."
"I'm not doing anything wrong for wanting to be happy."
"People have this power to self-justify."
"We all find ways to justify things for ourselves, don't we?"
"The only time travel movies that really work for me are the ones that create consistent never-ending loops that service and justify themselves."
"It's not my proudest moment, but I'm not mad about it. Now that's what I call justified insanity."
"But the excuse always sounds good to the person making it."
"Human beings can justify anything for themselves."
"You can live with integrity now, integrity now, you don't have to justify your existence to anyone."
"My past is the reason I'm here right now, as a matter of fact, I won't apologize."
"Never ever let somebody diminish something you went through to justify an action."