
Cosmic Power Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"We're dealing with a level of power so extreme that it can literally result in the destruction of all things in existence."
"To overpower the multiverse, Darkseid would face some pretty steep competition."
"Whatever this object is it's way beyond the power of the Infinity stone which really of course interest a nose because he's always been on a quest to attain absolute power."
"But if Batman using a gun isn't crazy enough for you, simultaneously while Batman shoots Dark Side, Dark Side hits Batman through the heart with one of his Omega beams, sending Batman back in time and infusing him with Omega energy."
"Thanos formulated a new plan, one that would take not eons but perhaps only a few short years: use the unlimited power of the six infinity stones to simply erase half the population of the universe from existence with a snap of his fingers."
"Clyde was able to destroy multiple star systems and wipe out an entire galaxy clean."
"What powerful force has made this come to pass other than the Phoenix force? Why Jean Grey herself of course!"
"The phoenix force has always had the goal of burning away what doesn't work and also just loves merging with people."
"The Phoenix force is described as being the embodiment of the very passion of creation."
"I never enjoyed the power cosmic before, never understood it. Now, my entire being is a vessel for it."
"Michael Korvac, a human turned cyborg, getting the power of essentially one of the most powerful beings in existence."
"It would take cosmic entities or some beings of divine power in order to basically take him out."
"Binary tapped into the power of a white hole."
"There are so many things out there that are way beyond the power of Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet."
"Captain Universe isn't really a person it's much more of a cosmic being, a force that bonds with people granting them immense amounts of power beyond that of mere mortal men."
"The molecule man's power was so extreme he could harness the very fundamental forces of the universe."
"Matsumi Kibashi is none other than the Chaos King, the god of evil chaos and the stars."
"The Phoenix Force: immortal, able to resurrect, control existence."
"These stars have an immense power that only few are acutely aware of and that the movement of these Stars can either determine one's fate."
"These powerful stones house the fundamental forces of the universe itself."
"Thanos gives up the only thing he ever really loves, Gamora, to gain the Soul Stone."
"If used differently, the tiny bit of power is enough to control the fabric of the universe."
"He has lived longer than our sun; he has the power to destroy universes with a flick of his fingertips."
"Their technology was great enough that they could blink across the cosmos, devour entire systems with generated black holes and snuff out stars with the press of a button."
"The power Cosmic allows him fundamental control over life itself, manipulating souls, creating new life forms from nothing, and even resurrecting the dead."
"The presence of the Phoenix force is so powerful that telepaths across the universe can feel a disturbance."
"You want to pull the universe? Yeah, we're doing that."
"Stars in the sky, listen to my command, use your power to seal the worlds forever."
"She can blast apart the entire universe."
"Starbrand possesses the star brand which grants her a great amount of basically cosmic power."
"Galactic Novas are clockwork stars capable of granting wishes."
"The Odinforce being one of the most powerful forces in Marvel."
"The ether is the reality stone so can actually alter all of reality."
"Anakin has joined the ranks of the upper echelon of cosmic beings within the Force."
"The power output during the collision was 50 times larger than the total power output of all the stars in the universe put together."
"The lord of the past and the present, who is the lord of time, God, the power behind the cosmos."
"With these hammers, Thor has managed to turn planets into pebbles and knock over Galactus."
"Whatever this thing is, has to be more powerful than the universe."
"You're like freeing yourself from something because you've had so much cosmic power with keeping the faith."
"The Phoenix force is one of the most powerful forces across the entire Marvel Universe."
"Wielded much cosmic power, have you?"
"But the Celestials are meant to be one of the most powerful cosmic forces in the universe."
"What's more powerful than the Sun, element-wise? Nothing."
"The Heavenly Dao is the most powerful being who controls the laws of Heaven and Earth and also has power over all things."
"However, the power of the universe, everyone chanting together, and the look emerged from the darkness."
"She's able to tap into the forces of the universe and manipulate them herself."
"I'm old enough to know that something is wrong with the universe, and the Star Brand can fix it."
"The Silver Surfer has the power cosmic which grants him a handful of different abilities."
"The Uni-Power is a sentient energy field that is basically a manifestation of the universe itself."