
Chat Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"My chat really ranges from like the most Papago whatever chat you could see ever, and then ranges all the way to the other side of just like, seems like these people know what they talk about in regards to potentially sophisticated topics."
"Shout out the chat, hopefully it works out."
"Big oranges in the chat, man. I already see y'all right now."
"I'm gonna go get some more water. Okay, chat, how's it going?"
"They bang, they just banged. For all the people in chat who have been saying 'watch porn' for years, there you go."
"Spice Girls have entered the chat."
"Just go home and get a [ __ ] chat and carry awesome."
"Scramble the chat right now with some hearts before we start because need to feel the love and the positivity."
"All you guys trying to be cool beats, is it hard, chat? Is it hard, huh?"
"...with this method I can just press a button and the chat messages will appear with zero loading time..."
"It's the camaraderie, having a good time in the chat, and just maybe learning a few things in the process."
"People are actually much more disappointed than you are in the chat."
"Let's get some eggplants in the chat for Brad Owen."
"Thank you so much for taking some time of your day to watch casually comics and just chat about this wonderful crazy world of fandom with me."
"There's lots of love for you on the chat today, regardless of if you have a bad day or a good day."
"This chat's insane, I love you guys."
"Personally, I found this chat with Eric to be hugely interesting and I hope you will also."
"You're chatting to the ass right now you're not thinking you know as we're getting older you men are losing your good looks."
"Thank you to the chat. It's this variable, this.direction."
"You're making my chat screen go nuts."
"We appreciate y'all, shout out to y'all in the chat."
"I feel like music is very subjective guys, and I'm reading the chat here."
"You're like my favorite person. I like your chat."
"The key here is to over share as it relates to the needs of your chat string."
"...an absolute chat of human being."
"No worries, come sa it up in the Discord, we be chatting over there, we're hanging, we're having a good time, we're telling secrets."
"When I added this to my chat, my chat activity boomed, and it wasn't that spammy activity either. Don't worry; it was people who were engaged and having fun."
"Basecamp's chat functionality eliminates the need for third-party communication apps like Slack."
"I need to see the chat history. Oh my gosh, but I wasn't even online. Did someone hack me?"
"Yo, Chad, let me get a WW in the chat, bro."
"You guys are f*** warriors in chat, the rest of you nerds are working on your 737."
"When you're that big of a streamer, we know damn well you barely read your chat anyways. So, what the [ __ ]?"
"Hello, ah, it's nice to see some motion in the chat, and I don't have to have any insecurities going on."
"Somebody yesterday asked me what my middle name was and I laughed out loud. Somebody in chat goes, 'It's TM duhh!' Dude, I was like, 'That is too good! That is too good!'"
"The internet has gotten so much better these days, hasn't it, chat?"
"Sometimes chat GPT scripts do need a human touch."
"True, you know what's the crazy part too, chat? She's not even lying."
"Muhammad has joined this chat room."
"Fire in the chat if you're [ __ ] with this B, number two."
"Just a friendly reminder that I have complete control over the squirrel population of this chat."
"So now that we are at 200 likes, I had an idea, chat."
"That's it for the Super Chat except for that last one that isn't loading."
"I was laughing the whole way through it was like I haven't seen oh and Muller in the chat for a long time let's see oh [ __ ] hot she's stepping up yeah yeah Garrett lingering's in there bro all of them this is Molly Romper Room yeah great I see Sushi Darren's audio"
"I've been lurking in the chat Gary."
"It's a damn good fellowship, you know, if you ever need somebody to just talk to, there's somebody in the chat, probably more than happy to do it, pretty cool."
"Can I get a thousands in the chat spam a thousand in the chat I love it every time we go over a thousand in the chat one zero zero zero exclamation boom."
"It's just so cool. The chat is so cool. Like, I wake up, and that's the first thing I check. I'm like, 'Does anyone say anything funny? More Team Greystones, I love that!'"
"The only thing that I appreciate more than you and your friendship is my chat."
"You can actually add commands that really help engage the chat and you can get creative on this side of things."
"I want you guys to type in the chat why God made women with small feet."
"Alright guys so hopefully uh well you saw my mustache ad for horizon yeah it was pretty good it's pretty proud of that one came out good so oh well we could we could get started or we could chat chat about some drama."
"Keeping these prompting tips in mind when you're using Bing chat is going to help you get better results than the vast majority of people."
"Chat is necessary for the experience, man."
"You see the chat, look at that, that was like where the chat at, I love the chat, we got the chat back, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's like, no, yeah, the chat know what they talking about. Oh, now you agree with chat, what you mean?"
"Come in on Sunday in this chat and we will... this is where I get my ideas for what you guys would like to see."
"Hopefully you guys are enjoying these Let's Chats."
"Don't make me look bad, yo. Appreciate you, chat."
"Okay, so the last thing that we want to do is to set up the chat page."
"My chat not yours, he said Charles Barkley gotta relax, yo, my [__] crying."
"The chat's been absolutely popping off as usual to be honest there be loads of different opinions in there."
"What I like about chat is that you can use tabs and apps inside chats as well."
"The chat was the most entertaining thing tonight."
"Come on, drop those crowns and elephants in the chat, y'all. Anything is possible."
"Thank you so much for the super chat love you back my love."
"Imagine open chat runs 100% on chain with no need for firewalls or cybersecurity."
"The chat messages that I sent included a few pieces of information: the actual message, the name of the user who sent the message, and the time in which they sent that message."
"Everyone's support in the chat today has been incredible."
"It's about getting the chat answers right."
"There are some really beautiful positive manifestations of things happening in the chat, and I appreciate that."
"Chat has a good idea for the most part."
"It's extremely capable, it's been powering chat CPT the consumer chat you can see all along."
"Let's have some other bold predictions in the chat."
"Don't forget, chat, I have your whole house on my wrist."
"Make sure the chat is English only, make sure you use the chat to have conversations with each other."
"The chat is so sappy, it can make maple syrup."
"Momo, you might have not won our hearts over yet, but you won our chat over."
"This is democracy, chat, right there."
"Let's throw some hot takes in the chat, let's start some hot takes."
"We now have a chat application using WebSockets."
"Now since we have all this infrastructure in place, we can build the real-time chat features."
"If you get a new chat message, you get a real-time notification."
"The chat is always so interesting, thank you very much mate."
"Welcome to the chat room, the guards of Prophecy advance."
"First in the chat, first in my heart."
"I will do my best to improve the experience of others in chat in the future."
"I think I've got an admirer in the chat."
"What's up chat, looking cute today."
"Suddenly, chat is alive the second there's some... chat springs to life."
"It feels so good to be back with you, chat."
"Let's just do you, chat. No matter what, you're good enough."
"It's good to see so many familiar faces in the chat."
"Let's all be nice in the chat, let's do that."
"I'm about to sign off, it's great chatting with you guys, this is actually a lot of fun so we'll probably be doing more of them."
"It's over chat, I'm taking it home."
"The chat assist icon is a new function of ConnectWise that will allow our customers to actually chat with us in a real-time chat mode."
"Awesome, so our chat is working, we're able to send messages in both directions."
"As long as the chat is positive and having a good time, that's all I care about."
"Let's be real, Joanna is one of the nicest people in the chat."
"People have a good time in the chat because they don't have to worry about a lot of people attacking each other."
"We've just sent chat into Nostalgia land."
"You guys kind of ruined my life in some sense... but I love how self-aware chat is."
"Chat, you're so self-aware to the point where it's just like, you know what you're doing is entertainingly funny, and you just live up to it."
"The chat never fails me, I trust the chat."
"I'm about to make it understood, typing in the chat, yo, that's freaking good."
"It's like it was yesterday, Chat, it's like it was yesterday."
"I love the idea of chat. It's literally just like, we're gonna take like 10,000 people, right, and we are going to all put them all allow them to contribute to the same box."
"Hey, chat, hope y'all mothers are good this day."
"I love how kind everyone is to each other in the chat."
"Put some love, some peace, and some happiness in the chat."
"Let's have a little chat first, how does that sound?"
"Main rule for the chat: no spamming."
"This is the best chat in the world."
"It's 4 AM in Monaco; that's pretty late, or is it early for you?"
"Your community is awesome too because it has lots of positive chat and nice people."
"You guys in chat are kind of the best, I don't know if you know that."
"You guys are awesome, I mean the chat."