
Legal Education Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"This case, which is already being taught in some law schools, is as relevant as Brown vs. Board of Education or Plessy vs. Ferguson because it goes right to the heart of our constitutional protections."
"My day was good. I went on Legal Vices, which is a pretty cool show about law and legal stuff."
"Did you know that there are more women in law school now than men? Simply amazing how times have changed."
"For us, the public, those expert witnesses were able to give us a master class not only on what happened and what they saw but on what the impact of it was."
"The judge said, 'You know I got up at 6 a.m and I reviewed all of Dr. Shiva's evidence - this lawsuit will be taught in every constitutional law class."
"I encourage you to read all of these decisions I'm talking about Supreme Court decisions I'm not a lawyer are usually quite accessible to the layperson so you don't need to be a lawyer to read these decisions."
"This is truly a lesson in how a court manages an efficient docket."
"That's genuine, that's what this channel was set up for during lockdown - to help you understand law. And it's sort of spiraled out of control, and here I am still."
"The Fifth Amendment is a constitutionally protected right, not just a law."
"The study of law at university is not the only preparation to become a legal practitioner, but it is the best preparation."
"Hello everyone and welcome to One Civil Law where we learn through the misfortunes of others. As always, I hope you'll enjoy this live legal education."
"We teach the law statutes and Commandments, so that we are not living a life of sin."
"Federalism, which is the Touchstone for all right-wing Maga judges and law students and lawyers."
"They are enforcing the laws enacted by Congress... So if someone doesn't understand that then get with me and get up to speed on what ICE actually does."
"The Constitution does not need to be rewritten, it needs to be re-read."
"The American Bar Association now mandates diversity training and affirmative action in all of its accredited law schools."
"The goal of LegalEagle is to help explain the laws that surround us."
"We're teaching the law for free, all we need is motivation from you."
"I'm glad that I'm Selfridge acacia this is why I went it's a law degree you know so give me that give me that up announcer are you my points me technical points you know."
"I started democracy docket in 2020 as a free resource so that people could get accurate information about what's happening in court."
"Thanks for joining me, I'm Leonard French, your favorite copyright attorney, and this is Lawful Masses, your favorite legal news and education program."
"He basically schooled everybody on how criminal law is different than civil."
"If you have a country that fails to teach its people legal literacy like this one then you have the result of Dorelli Brooks's of the world."
"We get to learn so many different things in real-life cases that you probably don't learn in law school or any kind of schooling."
"I'm an online commentator, legal edutainer, talking on the internet as I am free to do."
"This incident with Chile de Castro, a community law professor, exemplified the delicate balance between law enforcement and those who possess a deep understanding of the legal system."
"This is a public area and you can't be trespassed from public. So, you need to educate yourself on the law about that."
"Lawyer reacts and explains content could elevate your channel's pitch and set it apart in the law genre."
"My goal on this channel, of course, legal mindset, we teach you to be your own judge is to educate, right, to educate, to help people through education and a little bit of entertainment, a slight bit of ENT."
"Having access to different court hearings can really help bridge the gap of understanding."
"Thank you and the LawTube community so much for making my last few weeks so much fun and educational at the same time."
"The judge will instruct you that an indictment is not evidence."
"The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This is taught at YouTube what the Constitution of these United States of America says," - on the Second Amendment.
"A lot to be learned in this case for all of us out there that are interested in the legal system."
"You want to start building your mental map, your mental web of this area of law."
"Contract drafting in ninety minutes: for people that really want to know what's next in transactional education."
"The spirit of debate of our Founding Fathers animates all of the No. 86 content, encouraging discussion and critical reflection relative to how each subject is widely understood and taught in law schools and among law students."
"That's the kind of language that would freak me out as a law student if I got called on and I had to quickly translate that in my head."
"You're learning how to read cases and quickly identify what is the rule in the case."
"Law school breeds rivalry, but that just motivates you to up your game and use your intellect as a fine craft."
"I really learned my craft at the feet of the greats of our own bar and on the bench."
"Next week, we will talk about the Australian Consumer Law, which is a relatively new development in Australian law and a really good one as well."
"I go to a lot of schools and speak to a lot of the legal community and try to get better communication between the urban community and law enforcement."
"I explain things in plain English, I avoid legal jargon because the point is not just to inform you about the judgment... but also to educate you on the legal system."
"Do not go to law school unless you want to be a lawyer."
"We've prided ourselves at viewing as part of our task to teach young lawyers how to be problem solvers and how to be part of the solution, not just part of the problem."
"The state should give each citizen a compendium of laws which contains the constitution and the most important laws together with a commentary so that the citizen can find his way in the constitutional state and know about his rights and duties."
"Laws can teach us about morals; laws of course are moral ideas and they are expressive. Laws tell us things."
"Learning to write great answers to problem questions is difficult; it takes practice and it's one of the skills that you do have to learn on the run as a law student."
"A law degree is a problem in problem solving. When you graduate from law school, you will all be better problem solvers than you were when you first got here."
"We were really kind of honored to have been asked to speak at the University of Miami School of Law."
"When you graduate from this law school, you're either a social engineer or you're a parasite."
"It's mentally taxing but a good networking opportunity and it's good legal training."
"This is the Brian Cave Courtroom where you will undoubtedly spend a lot of time in law school."
"Your job becomes to educate the VA on the law and why they need to give you the benefits you deserve."
"Rankings do matter... firms do actually look at the top law schools differently than they look at other law schools."
"NYU is definitely a strong candidate among the top five law schools."
"Expect it and legally educate yourself."
"The Supreme Court Institute offers moot courts as a public service at no charge."
"Don't come here if you want to go to a school where you're going to learn all the black-letter rules in class."
"The advantages of going to school in DC are the community that the law schools draw from, especially the adjunct professors."
"I am just always learning everything I can about the legalities of all this."
"I teach trial advocacy stuff because I love this stuff."
"We knew we had to do a better job of educating attorneys about what their responsibilities are with client trust accounts."
"The discussion on grand juries speaking out was educational, something we can all learn from."