
Underground Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"The city became prosperous and it's also because of Frankie, who's Tom's other disciple, that the underground mafia sort of flourished."
"I intended on dying in the collapsed secret underground area."
"He seemed to have had his foot in the door in the world of underground art trade."
"Could an ancient advanced civilization live in secret within a network of cave systems deep underground?"
"As a mercenary, you swear no allegiance. You've chosen the outlaw life and trust that your abilities will carry you up Night City's ruthless underground social ladder."
"A pretty grimy underground hip-hop banger with lots of esoteric and cryptic lyrics."
"It's a part of being underrated, you feel me? It's underground music to the core."
"The hungry hound from the underground... That's what they call him."
"Children were being rescued from underground tunnels used by the Cabal."
"Welcome back to the fashion bunker down under."
"The 2500 residents of Coober Pedy live 55 feet under the ground."
"From hidden tunnels to forgotten shipwrecks and an underworld of speakeasies and brothels, Chicago has always been a town that can keep a secret."
"Guys, this is a whole underground right now."
"It's the dawn of a new age of digging deeper underground."
"Desperate for an income, she moved her gin operation underground."
"I had then only to begin my new job, to set sail in the subterranean holds and take stock of every soul in the place employees."
"It's insane how much of a mirror image the above ground is to the below."
"A lot of what made goth so unique is that it developed in the underground for a good while and had, still has, such a unique identity."
"Battle rap was underground, so I threw it on television."
"It is overwhelming. The whole underground hike is about a mile and a quarter and it has been called 'the Grand Canyon with a roof over it.'"
"It may be safer to move the growing community underground."
"Hip-hop's growth as a genre... Hip Hop was still underground."
"That's what usually happens when there's a loop in the city, when there's a whole [__] system, the homies are gonna create a cave."
"...it's dynamic contrast, emotional connection, and ability to suck you into its world are just a few of the things that makes this album legendary in the underground."
"Legends rise from the underground."
"That's pretty cool, I think just the underground architecture with the miners and the mining engineer worked out over here."
"The anime Community wasn't as big as it is now like when I was younger. It was sacred, it was underground."
"We've delivered today has been divisive, underground, and utterly Niche. You can't get more Pirate Radio than that."
"Joe Colombo was very passionate, he also was different. Most of these, he was the head of the family, most of these guys were low-key underground. He was front and center."
"I asked her what she was doing down there and she said that her and her family lived down there."
"Music is just what it is, what's going on in the underground is going on when I drop a song they play it so that's all that matters to me for real."
"Huge tunnel system that is underneath us right now like as we speak."
"Under the hill, they still had food to eat: a hundred kinds of mushrooms, blind white fish, cheese and milk from the goats, oats and barley, dried fruit, and almost every day, they ate blood stew."
"The marketing and poster campaigns exemplified the Forward Thinking and innovation of the Underground."
"Technical expertise and simplicity were the watchwords of London Underground."
"We have this underground space by the quarry tunnels."
"There's something strange going on and there's definitely people out there researching the topic underground and privately."
"The underground metal scene was beginning to evolve in much the same way Rock had."
"The one cool thing about Korea is that their underground shopping is huge."
"There's this huge underground culture."
"This energy has to do with underground stream crossings."
"Agents learned that the gang's leader had been living underground for more than two decades."
"2021 was a bad year for the mainstream, but good for a few underground niches."
"Water is preserved 400 m underground and has become even saltier over time. It's now three times saltier than seawater."
"The haunted underground station of the historic hub of the city of London."
"The Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland, located in Wieliczka Salt Mine, is now a popular tourist attraction."
"It's one of those movies that could just kind of come and go quietly or could be a bit of a buzzy underground hit."
"The fascination of reaching new places underground is what drives them on."
"Secret initiations, Jesse James, the murder of a president, coordinates pointing to underground depositories."
"She used the compulsions fell to gather a large crowd of crystal ponies in an underground cave."
"To find the people you have to go underground to the City Beneath the City downtown Houston is connected through this network of tunnels and this my prince is where the people are."
"Underneath Paris is a whole new world."
"N.W.A stamped onto the music scene with their debut studio album 'Straight Outta Compton,' a vicious hardcore record that became an underground hit that received no support from mainstream radio, the press, or MTV."
"I love movies about like underground like low-key geniuses like I think it's so cool."
"He's an artist that came from the UK who's always infiltrated the underground scene and he's easily the best underground rapper of all time."
"We were more focused on being an underground band."
"This is where underground rappers is going to come from."
"In my next video, I'll begin tracing the roots of this exciting transition towards SoundCloud rap, focusing on the underground scene of cloud rap and Trill wave in particular."
"Drag racing, which started as an underground pastime on the streets, rapidly grew in popularity by the early 50s."
"There's nothing more therapeutic than being underground."
"They represent what is going on in the underbelly of our culture."
"It was all very underground, it felt really special to be a part of that."
"It was like the rave scene as a whole."
"I guess the way that I consume music before, I just wanted to listen to stuff that was off the beaten path, an eclectic and underground."
"The underground experience is great...highly recommend it."
"Despite being declared illegal by the Chinese government in 1999, Falun Gong still has a significant presence, secretly practiced by millions in China."
"The London Underground serves as a shining beacon to London's ambitious infrastructure design."
"With so much cold gathered here, I bet there must also be cold Iron Bear underground."
"The once and future church will probably find itself needing to go more underground."
"One of the most challenging aspects of tunnel life was breathing underground."
"J. Cole began his buzz in the underground."
"If you wanted to hear music, you'd have to know about pirate radio. If you wanted to hear exclusive music, underground music, music that was hard to find, music that was cool, the new sounds, you know, you had to listen to pirate radio."
"The Parisian Catacombs have a special charm all of their own."
"...death ducks and their contemporaries were able to plant their flag and let everybody know there will always be a place for underground hip-hop."
"All I know is I feel at home, I feel like home being underground."
"Just like Bigfoot, I do believe they live in packs or a group, and I do believe they are digging tunnels and living deep underground."
"He looked about now a touch wildly the buildings were low but it was a cold Planet most of the structures were probably Underground."
"That was amazing, West Mine, fantastic there you go. Like I say, it's like an underground adventure playground, isn't it?"
"It is better to do nothing, better conscious inertia. So hurrah for the underground!"
"Death Grips is a Sacramento based experimental hip hop trio... turning the underground on its head since the release of 2011 ex-military."
"A major benefit of the underground route was to minimize environmental damage caused by the new alignment."
"Going underground also has obvious benefits when it comes to operating in extreme alpine weather."
"SCP-1678 is a full-scale mirror image reconstruction of the British City of London located exactly one kilometer underneath the original City of London."
"Fascinating, like a second city below the first."
"From secret underground bunkers to concealed subterranean cities, these places are shrouded in secrecy."
"It's not just in the atmosphere, it's down here on the ground, it's below the ground probably, and I think it exists beyond Earth's orbit."
"Broadcasting live from the orbiting underground moon base, it's the LRR."
"Cartier God is from Athens, Georgia, who if you're this deep into the underground, you know is an absolute legendary artist."
"The size and scope of each Spire is truly massive when you consider the space it occupies below ground."
"It's just this huge room that's underground that was created by man."
"All minerals look cooler when you're underground; they just look more alive."
"The Hamza River is roughly the same size as the Amazon River but is located 4 km underground."
"Beneath Walt Disney World in Florida there lies a huge system of tunnels."
"You can't find an earthbending master in the sky; you have to look underground."
"They claimed that they had come from somewhere underground called Saint Martin where the Sun never shone."
"An entire network of subterranean hallways, corridors, and basements where the city of Seattle was born."
"Europe holds a secret beneath its bustling streets and charming villages, a labyrinthine network of tunnels and underground structures whispering stories of the past."
"Below the ground of Paris is a big-ass series of tunnels."
"You change the rules around, you got a different sound, tune into the underground."
"He's a legend in the underground scene."
"Beware even ghosts need valid tickets on the Underground."
"These tunnels stretch for five miles underneath the city... This is The Real McCoy."
"I'm still so excited, guys, to do that underground ramp."
"Injury Reserve is underground hip hop's best kept secret."
"There are rivers; they flow underground through vast cave systems."
"It was beautiful, probably the most beautiful thing anyone had ever etched into the tunnels."
"This is so cool, I love it, the underground."
"It's amazing to hear the more underground wing of the hip-hop genre is still putting out incredible records."
"We are able to see things in the ground that no one has seen before."
"Here in Helsinki, you have like a whole underground city."
"This song will become the anthem of your underground."
"This is an incredible space below ground."
"This is an adventure of those places beneath the surface, a journey through underground Britain."
"The underground resistance movement fought for their survival."
"A dark labyrinth of haunted tunnels deep beneath the ground."
"It's amazing what's going on beneath the ground beneath people's feet as they go about their business in London."
"I always want to remind myself of the other thing comics can do, which is really be an underground form, a subversive form."
"The city under Death Valley is said to be at least 5,000 years old, abandoned by an unknown race of underground dwellers."
"Blowing Cave in Arkansas is supposedly a secret entrance to an underground world."
"The real story of this capital city isn't up here; it's down there."
"It is one of the largest bodies of fresh water underground in the world."
"It sounded like the roar of an oncoming train, muffled only by the fact that we were underground."
"We didn't know our vegetables were growing because they were underground."
"Robert Crum kind of turned the underground into mainstream, which is pretty cool if you think about it."
"He quickly gained attention as a rapper and producer in the underground hip-hop scene."
"The caves are known as one of the largest underground complexes ever discovered."
"Swamp Fish Man from underground, that is incredibly specific and really useful."
"An exceptional discovery has been made underground."
"Being an underground hero sounded like more fun anyway."
"There's an entire city in this wine cellar."
"It's so big that they actually have marathons underground."
"Legitimately a whole city underground that is a wine cellar."
"Underneath London is a subterranean network of lost tunnels, abandoned mine shafts, government passages, and forgotten bunkers."
"You ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Head deep underground with us as we explore the many mysterious and long-forgotten labyrinths that exist below our feet."
"An underground rapper is ground breaking."
"Underground artists are becoming the new generation of go-to music, mostly known as the underrated artists who have the potential to become the next big thing."
"It's a whole network under the city."
"I truly believe there are unexplored mysteries underground."
"This is the best part about surviving the underground area."
"I just loved how much time you spent on the underground; it's fabulous."
"To be underground and traveling on a train is really cool to me."
"We still alive, representing for that underground."
"Dungeons are known as one of the mysterious buildings located underground."
"They are surprised that they have found a huge and advanced city underground."
"I think this is like a really cool, edgy, underground vibe, the kind of punkish kind of palette."