
Narrative Conflict Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The fact that there's no villain is perfect here...the main conflict is...Mirabelle trying to figure out what's causing the literal and figurative cracks in the family."
"The show puts a more complex dramatic bomb on the screen werner's freakout is a problem that will eventually explode and until it does we're tensely waiting for it to happen."
"He resolves himself to be the ultimate evil to Monica's ultimate good."
"Aaron's ideals were crushed by the cruel world of Attack on Titan."
"Would you rather live in a world ruled by chaos or ruled by order? Mr. Grizz not caring about the fate of the world despite claiming to save it is also kind of sketch."
"Your children don't have the watch, the boy and girl have it."
"There have been numerous accounts of blood angels losing control when fighting and descending into a blood-crazed Insanity."
"Lord Azrael is absolutely one of the most compelling antagonists. He murdered a child for the greater good."
"I believe that this story is going to be fixed by people who are trying to shoot it down and say holy [__]."
"There is a new evil at work in the studio. Only Audrey can stop it."
"Venjix didn't just want to kill all humans, he wanted to turn them into him."
"It's that classic conflict of man versus man, man versus himself, man versus Chris Pratt t-rex."
"They informed the commander that Palawa Joko had declared war on them and their allies."
"This is what happens when facts start to destroy your narrative."
"Just as the androids are about to release Android 16, Trunks attempts to stop them with a large Ki blast, but fails, and so, Android 16 is activated."
"The real sad thing about this scenario is Stark's relationship with Arshes and Yoko."
"Grizabella is fighting to regain a feeling that she's lost while the Phantom is fighting for a feeling that he's never had."
"Caught at the heart of this struggle is the Prior Elizabeth Becquin. Will she stand with the Inquisition or with the Cognitae that raised her?"
"I love when characters have the conflict they should based on their personalities instead of the whole 'we're in the same group we should stick together' norm."
"Their feud is similar in nature... who is really strongest between them."
"Someone important to me, someone you pulled into this, you keep opening doors."
"The two sides have vastly different Heroes right."
"The clash between Paul and Fade is inevitable, representing opposing values and ambitions."
"This is my call. Command left us to die, but I am going to get you out of this."
"Saving her means taking on the entire world."
"Marvel villains were an obstacle for the interesting hero to overcome."
"Not even the purple girl can stop me now, you ready to be stopped?"
"The only hope for true peace is the disarmament of the Dragons, but because of the dragon's animalistic nature, the Targaryens have this persisting belief that they are meant to control them as weapons."
"Xander's inexplicable tolerance for Perry gets even more confusing when we consider what he says to Charlotte in their C support."
"Stopping a prideful and powerful elven mage who can take shape into a wicked dread wolf at any moment."
"The conflict in Disney stories is crucial for characters to learn and grow."
"A completely genius way to place Xehanort in stark opposition to our protagonists." - Xehanort's goal and contrast to Sora.
"Humanity is a virus. It sounds like we need a bad guy that thinks he's the good guy."
"He views himself as a god on par with Teague."
"It's also really hard, especially for Vaggie with having this weight of being the very thing that everyone is fighting against."
"In the end, Peter takes on the mob in his spidery form and kills all of Flash's efforts while his son goes off to join Xavier school for the gifted."
"She's a hero! She destroyed my palace but saved your life!"
"Kira isn't a perfect human, and it's his ego that gets the better of him, but he still had a lot of moments of Competency and was a real threat."
"Jacinto, the antagonist, is also shown to be bloodshot, displaying his feelings of rage and lack of clairvoyance."
"Sigurd and his father Byron are wrongfully pinned as murderers... sets Sigurd and the rest of his army aflame."
"The only thing I can say - Monokuma is an enemy of the Future Foundation."
"I knew I couldn't kill Connor again, and then I killed him."
"The Eldian Restorationists' plan was crushed, sealing Zeke's loyalty to Marley."
"Anomaly or not, Miles insists that Miguel’s way of thinking is flawed."
"When the light fades and the moon rises over Innistrad, humanity becomes the universal prey. It was humankind versus monster, humankind versus the night."
"The fight was going to be over Bucky and truth."
"Kawaki's love for Naruto will drive him into making the hard choices which contradicts everything Boruto and the Konoha shinobis believe in."
"Kawaki will end up going rogue against the shinobi way in which Boruto will try and stop him."
"Sonic needs to presumably defeat this new nemesis, Dark Gaia, and make the world whole again while stopping Eggman from harnessing the Dark Gaia energy for his own dastardly plans."
"You've interfered with my plans long enough."
"Only the Ronso Maester seems bothered to hear about Seymour’s murderous past because everyone else is extremely corrupt. And dead."
"Furious, Julie gives Jocelyn forty-eight hours to talk to Florence."
"Dr. Amelia is the true root of all the conflict in this show, threading through the season as the prime antagonist."
"Despite the fact that he basically saved the world, Shinji is still hated by some."
"Norman is the source of all the suffering that Peter Parker has experienced in a lot of different ways."
"My attack on the temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become."
"The fight was something that I really was engaged in, whether or not this was going to be an emotional loss for the brothers or if this was going to be a hard-accepted loss by the characters."
"Mad Queens: the pairing of Jefferson with the Evil Queen in a ship of darkness and deceit."
"We are always prone to get into the doer and done to paradigm where we really think they should be getting better and working with us to do that but our narrative and their narrative are quite different."
"Jacob's story embeds his cunning acquisition of livestock within a broader narrative of conflict between him and his brother Esau, mirroring the Homeric hymn to Hermes."
"I love that 'Seven' opens with clear conflict between our two lead detectives."
"Shredder's pride was just too big."
"He claims he lost respect for the Knight's Watch because they were okay with Craster's sacrifices."