
Past Life Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"You have a strong karmic past life connection with this person."
"When I was in that life, I didn't get in that life to hurt people."
"I knew that I couldn't go back to the life that I had left behind."
"Past life regression is often seen as a tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and healing."
"Your past life abilities are trying to be restored to you now."
"Most of his twenties that he lied and said that he was trying to build businesses he was in prison"
"Past life regression is basically when somebody is able to remember experiences from a past life usually through the process of hypnosis."
"Such fragments from the past allow us to get closer to the real car Merri."
"It's very important to heal all these things because a lot of the times these emotional issues, these baggage we have, are past life scars."
"I feel like this is the first time I've heard someone wish me. In my past life, I did not get wishes or gifts."
"Driven by his determination, he resolved to harness his past life wisdom."
"You're reconciling with a past life soulmate, it's a chance to make it work."
"You are the truth, you've been the truth since your past life."
"He said, 'Before I was born, I was a pilot... that's how I died.'"
"Because of what we lost... memories long ago... a life that we no longer have."
"Past life relationship, imagine that, some of these love stories take more than one lifetime to put together."
"Doctor Strange Magic and I are researching a crucial moment in your past but it's probably better if we just show you how about it ready to uncover one of the greatest mysteries about your life after death?"
"I want to find peace over here; I want to leave my past life behind."
"You didn't complete a cycle in the past life, so you're completing a cycle this time around."
"The South node is your karmic past, your comfort zone, how you were in your past lives."
"Marriage is a deal you make with your enemy from past life."
"There's a big story here about past life and how it impacts this story."
"Loyal to you and past life lovers."
"Once this judgment is complete, once this past life energy is complete and they have clarity, that's when they'll come in for a second chance here."
"You met this person in a past life and you guys had a relationship in a past life."
"There's a past life connection but there's also other people too who have kind of created chords in your connection which has led to the secret secrets and deception."
"In a previous lifetime you most likely spent it as a high schooler. You would have been strongly identified with your family..."
"You're woven into the fabric of each other's lives really, really strongly. I feel like this is a past life connection."
"Their thoughts of you: 'This person is really part of your tribe... someone who you've known in a past life.'"
"These were the last words of a Haute, the giant he killed in his past life."
"She spent the whole of her past life as a sick person who could not go outside, let alone to school, and the only way she enjoyed herself was through novels."
"You are their soulmate. We have known each other in another life. I can feel this connection in my soul."
"You have to be careful but mostly though you can contain that because Jupiter in a trine house gives enormous wisdom from your past life."
"But in Dorothy Edie's case... she has a number of things that line up with her story with her lifelong story... that she in fact was from ancient Egypt."
"This is like a past life connection I feel that you have with this person."
"In my previous life, what was that?"
"It's time to take back control of your life with past life relationship you've known each other before."
"I definitely believe I was a siren on a rock with my big ass titties luring men to their death in a past life."
"You guys have a shared purpose, a soul Mission, an extreme past life connection."
"You've done this before, so definitely this karma is coming back from a past life situation."
"This person may have been your best friend in the past life."
"Your prayers, your healing, everything has been reaching them. For some of you, this is a very old, like ancient type of connection from a past life."
"Titanic has a huge connection to me, past life connection."
"If we are open enough to explore these past life memories, we can move forward in our current life with clarity and purpose."
"I know that you've had a past life with one another. This could be a relationship where it almost feels like you've known this person forever."
"There's a past life connection that's about to come up for Pisces."
"South node shows past life indicators and twin flames are together lifetime after lifetime after lifetime."
"We discovered in Allen Hills what we concluded was strong evidence for past life."
"Is this your past life, woman? Amen."
"I do feel like with that past life card you are definitely sent here to encounter particular people um to be inspiration to them it's almost like a messenger is what I'm hearing."
"Maybe you've had a past life in Egypt."
"I'm Rylann and I'm six years old. I think I died in a plane crash. I remember being in Heaven."
"It's kind of cool that I've had a past life because it's two lives not most people get that and it's just kind of neat to like figure out who I was."
"This connection feels like a past life feeling of an undeniable, like, I can't shake this."
"It's because you've already learned that lesson in past life."
"That is going to awaken or trigger past life memories, um, or trigger gifts within you again to open up to a new version of yourself again like this card."
"Well, that's pretty hard to explain, especially when she had at the same time an interior conviction that that's how she had died, and she was simply remembering her past life."
"...the universe is communicating something, so I dove a little bit into my past life on my own and come to find out that what I'm doing or how I'm existing in this lifetime is directly linked to what happened in my past life."
"You were really, really, really important in your past life."
"You've definitely been together in a past life."
"I was just able to experience who I was in my past life for one...I was a drunk."
"The reason you're meeting with your twin flame felt so strongly like déjà vu is because you actually lived a past life with your twin flame in which you met in uncannily similar circumstances."
"This type of Love definitely stems from a past life."
"People at the time, understandably, wondered if Fritz, or rather, Larry, was a fraudster and a bigamist, and charges were considered, but Fritz insisted that he didn't remember his old life."
"Your past life is calling to you."
"...just because it says that these two are a couple that you're supposed to be... it could literally be that you were soulmates in a past life but this life you're not supposed to be."
"I saw myself in my past lifetime sitting by a tree at Woodstock."
"Did you know in a past life you were left-handed? I always knew I was special."
"You may be engaging in an open relationship with someone you were with in a past life. This is a destined connection."
"Definitely this is your soul mate and you could be having a past life relationship with this person."
"I wasn't always an office worker; in fact, until about 7 years ago, I was a federal agent working for a somewhat special task force."
"These special children were able to recall events, places, times, and people's names with incredible accuracy."
"I lived as a young boy in Barra and then suddenly fell through to here in this life."
"I miss my Barra family and previous mother so much that I become distressed."
"Nicola led them straight to an old stone house that she said was her home."
"Night after night, where Ryan insisted he was a man in the photo."
"Marty was also married four times, exactly what Ryan had claimed."
"It feels like it was somebody else's lifetime that somebody else lived. When I think back to those memories, it feels like I'm watching a movie."
"I was assailed by memories of a life that wasn't mine anymore, but one in which I found the simplest and most lasting joys."
"The brothers prior life and how Dali was his brother's reincarnation."
"Although he had lost his power, the memory of his past life was still with him."
"Many moons ago, I lived. Again, I come. Patience Worth, my name."
"Your birthmark is actually a clue of how you died in your past life."
"This past life version of you... learnt from that life that could be helpful to you now."
"From a universal perspective, every past life is very interesting and very important."
"I'm going to ask one of your past lives to be revealed, the one that's either going to be the most interesting to you now or have the most relevance to your current incarnation."
"Maybe I did something beautiful in the last life."
"I think I was a Viking in another life."
"It's easy to imagine the hustle and bustle of everyday life that must have occurred here in years gone by."
"In the past life, I must have saved the Milky Way."
"She just remembers it from her previous life."
"There could be a past life soulmate coming into your energy."
"What a dream, it's the first time I've dreamt about my past life."
"In his previous life, he had no parents and had never experienced the warmth of a family."
"There's something about the past... a past life relationship that is going to make you very happy and that is going to come in very quickly."
"It's so peculiar, in my former life, my purpose was to translate languages between computers."
"I must have done something amazing in my last life."
"I used to be an adventurer like you."
"I was definitely a witch because I saw myself making potions."
"My family, my friends, I miss everybody back from my old life."
"If you're beginning a relationship this month, it may be a past life one."
"The criminal mentality of I'm gonna commit felonies for money is pretty much gone."
"Are you ready for the story of the cute but grumpy baby who refuses to accept the love of her father because of her terrible past life?"
"They're calling you back into them; it's a past life relationship. You have known each other before."
"A young boy named Gus Taylor shared a story that his family almost could not believe."
"This one has been resurrected; this one has a life before."
"I don't live that life no more, but that life won't let me go."
"So I have a secret confession, in another life I was an entomologist."
"The skeleton had an axe mark on its forehead exactly where the little boy has a birth mark."
"Maybe that wasn't a vision, but it was a memory of how I just died."
"This lifetime is your opportunity to break free from any chains that might have kept you bound in the past life."
"You had an entire other life before this."
"I feel like there's someone out there in my life from a past life that I'm looking for and that is looking for me."
"The dream is telling me about my past life, that I connect the dots of that life until I come to the inexorable conclusion."
"I turned my back on that life and I felt alone so often."
"You were a talented poet and writer in another life in the 1800s."
"Sometimes it seems like another life, you know, like some previous incarnation."
"What nostalgia this was from a past life."
"I knew you. I just knew you from somewhere, from some other lifetime."
"You remind them of a life that used to be, a way of life that somehow ceased to exist."
"He wished for all the world he could remember something about his previous life. Anything."
"I think I met you in another life."
"Matthias found artifacts from his past life in the treasure room, a magical sword and a necklace he used to make."
"I think maybe I was a centaur in my past life."
"This scene was strange and familiar to her, strange because she had never seen it with her own eyes, familiar because in her previous life... some things will not change."
"I think I must have been a saint in a past life to have him in my life now."
"The Divine Feminine awakening often occurs through a spiritual crisis, a past-life recall, or other mystical event."
"The ocean just makes me feel like I'm in one of my past lives and I'm just zenning out."
"You are very generous in your past life, and that cultivation of cause may be the main reason for you being very rich in this life."
"I knew her, I knew everything about her, and a lot I've never seen her in my present life here."
"This is a soulmate, this is a past life/soulmate situation."
"The Lovers card is all about soulmate connections, indicating a past life bond."
"You are royal, you come from royalty, and you yourself could have literally been a pharaoh or a high priestess in a past life."
"I was a soldier once; I've sworn off killing, but not teaching others how."
"They had a connection from a past life."
"You were a queen in a past life, and this lifetime you had to have the faith."
"You have a soul connection; you have a past life connection."
"You in previous lifetimes... you were a brave spirit."
"You're meant to come into a union here. You have known each other before."
"You're getting a second chance at a past life love."
"This is true love with a past life soulmate."
"This new relationship feels very centered around healing your past life energy."
"I think in a previous lifetime, I was a king, somebody who rules wisely and justly and really guides his people."
"This is unfinished business from a past life."
"The universe is aligning you to somebody you've known from before."
"Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment, and you have known each other before."
"You shine so bright because you were a star once upon a time."
"This connection is very important, it's very deep, it's something that's past life."
"There's some sort of past life connection between you and this new person that's coming on in."
"It kind of feels like a recognition from a past life."
"You are meant to awaken fully to the mastery that you have achieved in this previous lifetime."
"Soul memories and gifts, you've done this before."
"I keep having these memories. I think I had a life here."
"Never have I seen such a soul connection directly carry over from a specific timeline."