
Game Content Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"This game has just so much content; it's got something for everyone."
"With an unprecedented amount of zombies experiences released by the end of this year, we've never been more committed to delivering new and exciting content."
"Sonic 3 contains 14 zones and they somehow managed to keep the variety high in each and every one of them."
"It's pretty amazing how much is in here for a 'side' game."
"Shadowlands has been everything I could have hoped."
"Chains of Domination is coming out in just a couple weeks and you have a bunch of new raid content to jump into in a new zone to explore."
"Destiny 2 into the light will deliver new game content available for all players throughout the months of April and May."
"The sheer volume of aliens and locations and architecture and flora and fauna... it's just unbelievable."
"The last character added to the game was Mephiles the Dark, on March 1st, 2016."
"Dracul Leaf now, they've added on another Halloween classic: vampires."
"Legion: offering choices, challenges, and endless content."
"That threw me off... I don't know why they would add that."
"You may want to make the most of it because plot points and dialogue from an as yet unplayable BFA dungeon suggests that this bustling port town might be about to get hit pretty hard..."
"It's so packed with content to the point where it's basically a new game."
"Shepard's dialogue during this mission is god tier hilarious stuff."
"The sheer amount of units and characters packed into Stardust shooters is kind of nuts."
"I have absolutely fallen in love with this content from the moment I saw the imagery of it and the concept of adding companions to the world of Dungeons and Dragons. It's adorable. I love it and I want it."
"Literally, Miranda is just like divided up your daughter into four vials, it's so messed up dude."
"The goal of this game is to make you question and think deeper about both the messaging and content of the media you consume, specifically games."
"A lot of the actual game-related stuff they've shown so far does seem pretty interesting."
"I don't mind this pack, and thankfully, all the whims match."
"The art in this expansion pack is just beautiful."
"The sheer amount of content this one game now holds is incredible!"
"I'm glad that this set finally came out for witch doctors."
"Are they literally putting Virtual Fighter [expletive] into here?"
"And they have feathers okay I'm going to just take a few of those oh and they do have honey bottles in the food."
"The Legend of Zelda provided an astonishing amount of content"
"We always say it because it's true: magic content in general, not just ours, focuses too much on the deck-building part of the game and not enough on the gameplay decision-making."
"Dragons are coming to ESO. It's the introduction of dragons to Elder Scrolls online finally."
"Having a brawl pass every month means that Supercell has to produce content on a consistent basis."
"You can collect so many motifs, I've got so many unlocked."
"Just these two chapters are technically longer than a single playthrough of the original 'Undertale.'"
"Mask of the Betrayer is one of the best bits of DLC out there."
"Nothing compares to the awesomeness of recent leagues."
"After nine Generations, we finally have a dolphin Pokemon."
"Unlike the Heart of Thorns... everything all at once."
"This is going to be an MMO launch where you won't be able to say there's no content in Lost Ark."
"From a single-player standpoint, the game has a ton of content and the longevity is aimed towards multiplayer."
"The Mystic is a whole book's worth of content on its own. It does not deserve to be forgotten."
"Fable Anniversary features all the original content plus a whole bunch of new items."
"Cyberpunk 2077 leans hard into capital M mature capital C content."
"This alone is more than enough to keep players occupied for quite a while."
"The Witcher 3 has a substantial amount of content."
"The less you give your players to do, the quicker they'll run through the content."
"It's not bad, it's more free Fallout story content from Bethesda."
"There will also be some free DLC just like with The Witcher 3."
"So, with everything I've said in this video you're probably going to assume that I despise this DLC. Well, no... it's well made, incredibly polished."
"The raid tells an infinitely more interesting story than any fucking boring Destiny cinematic could."
"Every level is where all the good stuff is. There will always be tons of dungeons to run, tons of activities, PvP battlegrounds, and arenas for different level brackets."
"Will there be leviathans? Yes, there will be leviathans, it's a subnotica game after all."
"Aegon is the number one ingredient for a good Abyss of Legends run."
"So, is that it then? Just a gun at the end of the campaign? Nothing else? You know the answer, let’s go!"
"40 hours in length, including main story and side content."
"Content vaulting has hurt the game maybe more than they even realize."
"We are committed to delivering the best mission content that you can play in any game."
"Off the record was a great example of how just a little extra content could go a long way and make an even better game out of an already great one."
"The added content weaved throughout is not only fun to play but doesn't feel out of place."
"We don't want any given player to have to wait too long before they get some new content that's interesting to them."
"I love weird wacky obscure characters because we managed to get those into this game."
"Blackrock Depths easily making it the biggest dungeon in the game."
"This pack adds in all the kitchen and food stuffs that Minecraft has seemingly refused to add over the years."
"There's actual swearing in the game, and I'm just... always just that smile."
"There are also a lot of really cute interactions in this pack."
"In this expansion, there are actually more armies created than any of the other expansions combined."
"Elden Ring is still packed to the brim with spectacle and originality."
"Which civilization do you want to be? I want to be the elves first of all but there's new jobs."
"Oddly enough, people were talking about a magic update."
"In the world of Pokémon, there are three legendary birds: Zeos, Mol, and Articuno."
"Freedom isn't free. There's warfare in this game as well."
"It's one of the most powerful primary weapons currently available in pixel gun 3d."
"There's so much stuff to do, whereas in other RPGs you look nice but there's just not as much stuff to do."
"Finally finally we have a friggin Brachiosaurus"
"My feeling is, if I were a new player, I'd be a bit more interested in this pack."
"Look at this guy, he has trusting content and lazy."
"Unlocking the farming guild is heavily recommended because it has another tree patch, another fruit tree patch, a celestious tree patch, a redwood tree patch, and a ton of other stuff."
"If any other heist is added and not the White House, then that's it for consoles."
"Give them the big ending that PC players have got and that console players deserve."
"Nothing is required... the base game has enough to play for hundreds of hours."
"This skin is jam-packed with some really cool voice lines."
"I'm finding new things to do still after a month and that's impressive."
"It feels like there's a lot you can do at any given moment."
"Season of the Chosen served up content innovation and refinement so meaty and so on point that it felt like a mini expansion."
"The Forest is one of the best survival games out there that has a ton of stuff to do in a world that's no bigger than it needs to be."
"Max Payne, oh I think I like that. I think I like that a lot."
"Every year, the base content seems boring, and then they sell us a bunch of really cool and interesting stuff instead of putting it into the base game."
"Everything about this game is great, from booty to 2D."
"When fun games dry up, it's because they don't provide enough content replayability. They don't provide enough variety yet familiarity."
"In the next six months for the Sims 4, you will be receiving one new expansion pack, one new game pack, and one new stuff pack."
"Finally today, couple more uncommon legends."
"This isn't gloom and doom life or death saving the Shadowland stuff, this is just a fun side activity."
"The anticipation for the ATV and swamp update is real."
"I still can't believe that when given the option... Simmers picked laundry and knitting."
"Final Fantasy 14 doesn't invalidate their content as quickly as wow does."
"Explore over 1,000 planets, each with unique obstacles and opportunities."
"There is just so much content, that's the thing that I loved the most about this."
"The Gen 4 games are known to basically contain every Pokémon."
"Earn every single brand new gun without spending a single penny."
"Blast weapons to go with it, a land speeder, a tornado is the one that mounts the assault Cannon or heavy flamer."
"When I get even closer then this speaker is also equipped with the optional function that the door here opens itself."
"All pokemon and moves not being in the game... that's a pretty darn big one."
"These ancient cities will be added to the game, and they're literally insane."
"Skeleton skulls... seriously... really really excited about."
"Star Citizen only has one star system currently."
"This is going to be perfect for not just GM's but also master raids later in the season."
"The quest is most likely a reference to King Kong."
"South Park the Stick of Truth is a fascinating game that isn't just a bunch of poop and dick jokes."
"From rail jack missions to Kuva Liches, Warframe's variety in content is mind-blowing."
"I love this thing, I gotta say. Like, like I like the sea truck in Below Zero but there's this, this is such an iconic thing."
"There are currently 97 killer perks in DVD, soon to be 100 when our boy Albert Wesker arrives."
"Supposedly there was actually a lot of cut content though, including Village cultures, Mount attacks, and even additional bases and points of interest."
"Damn, it's just now hitting me how bad we need more government conspiracies in our first-person shooters."
"Yes what you have heard is true it is gonna be a neon unicorn."
"You can go diving, like there are threatening monsters in the waters, there are treasures to discover and all sorts of secrets."
"You guys are enjoying this DLC makes you guys drop a feel like right now I wanna see four thousand likes"
"These are the Cyclops weapons, they're so sick."
"Call of Duty took away Nick's skin... we are focused on celebrating Pride."
"I cannot wait to see doom bulls actually get added."
"The variety of events in GT2's endurance races was impressive."
"Let them be out! Alright? Nice are brothers, actually surprised usually I feel like the last expansion pack didn't have this amount."
"Let's give it a shot now we have the Heirs of Dido, how Carthage came to be 500 years ago."
"Jigglypuff is a default playable fighter in Super Smash Brothers for Wii U but not for 3DS."
"One video game franchise that goes above and beyond royally wrecking humans. Well, you people are sick, depraved, and honestly pretty metal."
"The Stinger GT is probably the single most beautiful car in the entire game."
"The weapons only real issue is just how similar it is to the castago and bronco revolvers."
"Pokemon Z, dead. I am very surprised and very happy. I truly can't believe it."
"This thing has more guns than the average survivalist living in the hills of Utah."
"Starfield will apparently have the most handcrafted content of a Bethesda game ever. Supposedly, it's gonna make Skyrim look small."
"This is genuinely my favorite TDS skin, not just from 2020 but overall."
"Lost Ark is launching in North America and Europe this upcoming fall. This MMO ARPG hybrid has been highly praised for having some pretty fantastic combat and lots of content variety."
"Everyone really seems to like The Sims content."
"Xiao and Shenhua will have Yunjin on the banner, who might be a very interesting character."
"Pigmen: Notch's favorite mob, more pork chops."
"But even without all these features, I do feel that Dying Light 2 has more than enough new content and features to satisfy new and old players alike."
"The game is absolutely chock-a-block with these little exploration zones."
"This pack adds new build stuff for every part of your Sims house."
"This game marks a gold standard for the size and scope of DLC."
"Elite allies are disappointingly rare and limited in vanilla Halo 3, but no longer."
"The map being Diamond Pro doesn't mean we won't get the distortion world. Who are you?"
"Let's be real, this Falcao was sick. Super easy to do, dude."
"I think if it had more to offer and stuff, it could have been more of a contention, but Hades is just so good."
"The amount of variety that is provided with new power armor is a benefit that far outweighs any kind of light retcons."
"The arsenal here is greatly expanded compared to three."
"Content's reset and gray still has The Siege Tower there. I love this so much."
"Content wise this game has a ton of content."
"This is the best solo in My Singing Monsters history."
"If EU5 has at least 70% of EU4's content on launch and redoes some of its core mechanics, perhaps it could be one of the best Paradox games ever made."
"The character was very highly anticipated for Lego Marvel Superheroes too and he's part of the infinity War DLC and he did not disappoint."
"Every single rotten baby that shows up is very, very good."
"We're gonna see if we can't restore Sicilian independence with a mission tree that looks to be a lot of fun."
"Firefight should have been a staple of the franchise... the fact that it's not serves as a major oversight."
"The strongest weapon in Genshin Impact isn't what you think it is and it's not even a five-star cuz the strongest weapon in Genshin Impact is actually none."
"Season 2's battle pass is considered by the community to be one of the best in all of chapter 2."
"We're giving away a bunch of free skin codes, just drop a like, subscribe, and comment 'I did it.'"
"There is a staggering amount of content in this game."
"Black ops 4 is planned to have super long term daily weekly monthly yearly content."
"Some of the best Call of Duty zombie maps we've had in a really long time."
"The game does have a wide variety of end-game content: raids, dungeons, ranked and unranked PvP."
"Monty Gator destroying the ray gun, he doesn't want to be shot at."
"I actually think it's potentially one of the coolest shelter designs added thus far."
"Clan boss, the original, what a great bit of content we've got here. From an early player that can get in the mix on easy and actually feel like they can make a difference within the first week."
"The meat and potatoes of the classic Fallout games are the quests, stories, people, and places that the player will get a chance to visit during their time with the game."
"The minigun has got to be one of the like the most powerful weapons in existence."
"Was that not the best Xenoverse 2 DLC trailer ever? This is probably going to be the best DLC. I know I'm a little bit late to the party, but I just finished watching the trailer and it's amazing!"
"If you're enjoying the fact this DLC is can be continued, give it a thumbs up."
"You can't tell me this isn't the coolest vehicle that they've added in this game like it's a freaking rollback. I like it. I like it a lot."
"These fifth anniversary fusions, they're just ridiculous."
"I know Nick would do anything to get that kit in the game so that he could wear it every single game he played."
"Cupid Piper, that's right, 7,790 of you voted for Cupid Piper."
"This expansion provides exactly that: more content."
"We now have Permanent Brew, so look at that!"
"Not only you're going to get all these weapons but also a ton of new lore and gameplay features that are a whole lot of fun."
"There is a lot of content for this replayable content too so I'm genuinely looking forward to it."
"Epic has been coming out with some absolute heat this Halloween as far as skins go."
"There's a turtle, oh we need your Easter egg, my man. You're looking absolutely fantastic in that tank as always."
"There's so many good camp items that are coming out."
"Let's have a meeting, Kit. So tell me, why'd you put the charge shotgun in the game?"
"No loot boxes, no premium pass, all players have access to the same maps and modes."
"Zombies came back, killed it with all the maps."
"They're not in the game, and I don't even know if they were ever in the game."
"The side content is some of the best in the series."
"Sonic Frontiers boasts a lot more content than previous sonic games, taking between 20 and 30 hours to finish for the average player."
"Elden Ring's map is incredibly large and filled with content."
"It's big as an expansion...a lot of content, a lot of side quests."
"every single one of them was added to the game at no extra charge."
"It does seem at least thus far from the past two weeks of playing this game the Starfield is loaded with even more of these than any Bethesda title has had and I love it."
"I appreciate just how many maps... this game has really gone all out with the maps."
"Each campaign has unique maps, troops, weapons, and all kinds of various historical details to unlock and play in."
"Remember when games released and they would just be full of things?"