
Vietnam War Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"During the Vietnam War, Laos suffered in silence as the U.S. military covertly bombed its land for over a decade, turning Laos into the most heavily bombed country per capita in the history of warfare."
"You look back to Vietnam, the same thing, and I don't know that I don't think you could say that men were destroyed from being men after Vietnam. Yeah, they were. That generation was annihilated. They had no confidence; they were completely used and abused."
"The F-16 was born out of the Vietnam war... specifically designed to outmaneuver its opponents while carrying state of the art missiles."
"It's about the destruction of people's morals, it comments on the way that America operated during Vietnam as well as the confused values that America pushed upon the world."
"The tragedy of Vietnam was not that it happened but only that the United States lost." - Narrator
"The Pentagon Papers revealed four consecutive presidential administrations had lied."
"Full Metal Jacket is often bundled together with other war movies that came out round about that time which were in particular exploring the horrors and traumas of the Vietnam War."
"America's loss in Vietnam was ultimately not due to a military defeat, but rather a political one."
"But rather than sabotaging peace talks in Vietnam that led to the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands while Kissinger."
"Here we had honored a soldier from the Vietnam War. Very important, we still do that."
"Was the Vietnam War Justified? Oh my God, from the beginning, that is a bit of a crazy statement to start with but genuinely that is a real and genuine question."
"The United States absolutely lost the Vietnam War."
"The Vietnam War was definitely the wrong war, it was unnecessary."
"Operation Bolo became known as the greatest aerial combat mission in the Vietnam conflict."
"John McCain's father was commander of the forces in Vietnam."
"What followed was the largest, longest, and most complex search-and-rescue operation during the entire Vietnam War."
"Rogers and his unit had been sent to secure what the military termed Hill 41, approximately 13 miles southeast of Da Nang..."
"President Kennedy made it very clear that he wanted to pull all U.S Personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965."
"The fall of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam War."
"The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a significant engagement in the Vietnam War."
"Hamburger Hill became a symbol of the challenges and frustrations faced by American forces in Vietnam."
"Nixon's presidency was marked by efforts to extricate the US from the Vietnam War."
"Richard B. Fitz Gibbon Jr.'s sacrifice serves as a reminder of the protracted nature of the Vietnam conflict."
"Dan Bullock's tragic death at just 15 years old highlights the youth sacrificed in the Vietnam War."
"Operation Baby Lift: a tragic but necessary evacuation effort during the Vietnam War."
"Glowing sea creatures sightings fueled speculation and rumors among soldiers during the Vietnam War."
"The legend of the Bird Woman served as a cautionary tale in the jungles of Vietnam."
"PCF-19's alleged encounter with a UFO became part of the lore surrounding the Vietnam War."
"Dwight Powers was a stand-up guy. He had served as a rifleman in the United States Marine Corps and had a tour of Vietnam under his belt."
"Westmoreland remains the goat symbol of the country's most mournful misadventure abroad ever."
"Unfortunately, you know guys with a bomb bay doors open taking the hits from the SAMs it's gonna cause quite an explosion."
"It is a possibility that still haunts many of the pilots and airmen who fought so bravely in the skies over Vietnam."
"It was a crazy time, the country was torn apart by how people felt about Vietnam."
"It is clear from the evidence that I have that this is part of a move by the communists, especially the North Vietnamese government, to divide the American people, disrupt our war effort, and discredit our government for the entire world."
"Ali refused induction into the U.S. army at the height of the war in Vietnam."
"The Tunnel Rats were amongst the bravest and most courageous fighters in Vietnam."
"The booby traps the North Vietnamese army used against them have gone down in history as some of the most ingenious yet terrifying methods of defense."
"Our economic problems now are greatly tied to this $165 billion disaster in Vietnam."
"Among military pilots in Vietnam, the most respected helicopter was the Sikorsky HH-53."
"In early 1963, Lieutenant Thorne was assigned a mission in South Vietnam."
"Steve Ritchie becomes the first Air Force pilot ace of the Vietnam War."
"Operation Bolo is about to change the air war in Vietnam."
"During the Vietnam War, fully 90% of the ammunition used by U.S troops was transported on vessels that had transited the canal."
"Uncle never came home from Vietnam and I was very young at the time but I appreciate every single one of you that's some thing for our freedoms."
"Vietnam was probably the biggest... turning point."
"The main tank assault falls on the border provinces... this was the first time the North Vietnamese used tanks en masse during the war."
"During the Vietnam War, one aircraft suffered the least amount of damage... that aircraft was the F-111 Aardvark."
"The United States suspended its combat activities in Vietnam in 1973 amid the policy of Vietnamization of the conflict."
"The Vietnam War, its origins, its conduct, its ending, and its legacy is still a subject of study and scrutiny and controversy."
"...the United States would never have become involved in the Vietnam war... one of the great legacies of Foster Dulles personally."
"The Huey had shaped the Vietnam War and had proved such a huge influence on how that war was fought by both sides."
"Carlos Hathcock, the legendary Vietnam War sniper, grew up learning how to shoot and dreamed of being a U.S. Marine his entire life."
"this is probably the best way to get the story of Vietnam"
"Speaking of great, well I just received this book not too long ago. U.S. artillery in Vietnam as published from AK interactive. What a hefty book full of wonderful photographs."
"I got the Vietnam in approximately the middle of the month in January '68 and two weeks later the Tet Offensive took place in Vietnam."
"While Vietnam was the F4's right of passage, it is by no means the end of its tale."
"One of the hardest things for me about Vietnam was how we got welcomed home, which was with hatred."
"With the Vietnam war finally coming to an end in 1975, the US Navy retired its last Crusader fighter models the following year, marking the end of nearly 20 years of service."
"Vietnam is a less popular War. I didn't join up. I got drafted."
"Female resistance fighters hiding their identities during the Vietnam War."
"At that time I was convinced that the Vietnam War was a proper war in the idea that between China and Russia and North Vietnam the Communists were basically taking over that whole part of the world."
"Here we are 50 years and five months since we met on a battlefield in the central highlands of Vietnam."
"We flew 14 and a half hours that day and brought out 71 people that survived."
"For George McGovern, right, the most staunch opponent of Vietnam, to say that, that really struck me."
"There's no doubt in my mind that the Vietnam War was the main spring."
"For the first time since the American Civil War, U.S Navy forces find themselves engaged in operations on rivers and other tributaries in Vietnam."
"I got orders from Vietnam. I got a vanilla envelope in the mail one day that said, 'Congratulations, you're going to Vietnam.'"
"Her opposition to the Vietnam War resonated with the public..."
"The original Rambo didn't glamorize violence. It was about coming back from the Vietnam War and struggling."
"It's the last propeller plane we would fly in Vietnam."
"What we wrote is a book about the Vietnam War policy and strategy of Richard Nixon during his first year in office, 1969, and his use of Madman Diplomacy to try to end the war quickly on his terms."
"We are confident that we have cited solid evidence that the nuclear alert was connected to Nixon's and Kissinger's concerns about the war in Vietnam."
"Underpinning all these policies were Nixon's and Kissinger's conviction that military victory in Vietnam was not feasible."
"Vietnam was one of America's greatest mistakes they should remember that there was a lot of patriotism in America."
"For 10 years I never talked about Vietnam I kept it locked up inside me."
"The Vietnam war was really the start of this American sort of industrial military or military industrial sort of way of running Wars."
"Mark Bowden shares the riveting history of the biggest and bloodiest battle of the Vietnam War in Hawaii 1968."
"We were very well trained to encounter the mission that we were in, but in reality, the North Vietnamese soldiers were the best fighting soldiers in this entire world."
"The real goal of the Vietnam War was to enter Vietnam into the global framework."
"That tiger stopped us that night, and the North Vietnamese soldiers were more afraid of the tiger than they were us."
"The EB-66 is an uncelebrated part of the story of the Vietnam air war, but it was an important tactical asset and an essential part of the U.S. war effort."
"The EB-66 was central to countering Vietnamese surface-to-air missiles."
"Vietnam... there's a reason why they won, they're actually really smart."
"Operational readiness figures achieved by F-100s in Vietnam sometimes registered above 95 percent."
"The New York Times began publishing excerpts of the Pentagon Papers, 7,000 pages of top-secret documents outlining the secret history of the U.S. war in Vietnam."
"The fall of Saigon, that's when everything changes."
"The Vietnam War is the single most important event in the second half of the 20th century for Americans."
"This rifle was undoubtedly the rifle for the Vietnam War; it was perfect, it was lightweight, high rate of fire, extremely effective cartridge."
"It was the highest I've ever seen morale in Vietnam; everybody was just elated."
"The disappearance of the Flying Tiger flight 739 is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries from the Vietnam War."
"Who played Vietnam DJ Adrian Cronauer in the film Good Morning, Vietnam? Robin Williams, yes."
"The firepower and flexibility of the air cavalry troop in Vietnam was unparalleled."
"It showcases how we treated Veterans of Vietnam."
"Shrike 73 was started during the height of the Vietnam War to provide the fleet with the high-speed anti-radiation missile it needed for the battlefield of the 1970s and beyond."
"Among old Han jockeys, there is little dissent about its worth; the Super Sabre ended its career with a proud reputation and with the distinction of its performance in Vietnam, that reputation is sure to live on for a very long time."
"The Vietnam War was the defining experience of the second half of the 20th century for the United States."
"No event has generated more self-reflection, more soul-searching, more debate about its legacy than the Vietnam War."
"I stand with those who want a new effort to end the war in Vietnam."
"The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. takes over two acres to archive the over 58,000 names engraved on the memorial wall of those that died."
"Vietnam in the early '60s was really popular and fairly well accepted."
"It's the only Vietnam movie that doesn't take place in the jungle."
"It's been known as the train Buster of the Korean War and then the gray ghost off the Vietnam Coast."
"The sound of the Huey helicopter is very unique and very much representative of the Vietnam War."
"Remember, there is no black power or white power in Vietnam. There's only one power, and that's rabbit power."
"There's one thing I believe in and that is the troops that fought in Vietnam are the last true Anzacs."
"It's been my absolute honor to be a part of this, to be a part of the history of the Vietnam War."
"Protests against the Vietnam War are going to be very significant during the 1960s."
"Sean found his calling as a photojournalist and ended up flying out to Vietnam during the war."
"If you spent any part of your service in Vietnam and if you were boots on the ground between 1962 and 1975, you are presumed to be exposed to Agent Orange."
"This was one of the first times in US media where a Vietnamese perspective of the Vietnam War was given."
"The long hard task of ferreting out the Communist enemy begins, and the Screaming Eagles are good at their job."
"Armor's place in the Vietnam War was undeniable."
"Was Vietnam a place for armored forces? The historical record makes it clear Black Horse and other units like it were an invaluable part of the American effort."
"The Vietnam War, the Great Society, and Apollo all contribute to growing American debt."
"Vietnam was the first war to be continuously caught on film and documented through the media."
"I enlisted in the military in 1966 and volunteered for Vietnam. I had what was called the John Wayne syndrome; I wanted to go to war, fight, and be a hero."
"He's a war hero awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Vietnam War."
"Red Flag had only been in existence since about 1975, and it came about because of the Vietnam War."
"This is a watch that came out in the '60s and was quite popular in the Vietnam War."
"The Ho Chi Minh trail... tens of thousands of volunteers keeping this trail open."
"Kennedy increases the funding for the southern government and also massively increases the number of military advisors in Vietnam."
"By 1968, over 500,000 American soldiers are stationed in Vietnam."
"The American fighting forces in South Vietnam faced a host of challenges from a lethal foe."
"Special Operations forces during the Vietnam war used a wide variety of weapons often different from those in common use by the other United States armed forces."
"The Tet Offensive was a turning point in the war."
"Richard Nixon campaigned on peace with honor."
"In January 1973, Nixon suspended any attacks on North Vietnam, ended the draft and the Paris Accords were signed, ending the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War."
"The first Australian Field Hospital operated the military hospital in Vung Tau, South Vietnam for over three years from 1968, achieving a survival rate astonishingly of 99%."
"The red jackets and the grey trousers symbolise the traditional grey dresses and scarlet capes worn by nurses up until the end of the Vietnam War."
"The Centurion tanks during the Vietnam war were used to clear Viet Cong bunker systems and played critical roles in the battles of Coral-Balmoral and Binh Ba."
"The tiger battalion was the first Australian battalion with national servicemen in its ranks that saw action in Vietnam."