
Potential Recognition Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"God is our Heavenly Father. He loves all of us. He knows our potential way better than we know ourselves."
"When someone tells me, 'Do you know your potential?' It's so frustrating because I love greatness so much."
"He's got such a bright future, he's so smart."
"Don't give up because somebody has always seen your potential."
"Real freedom is when you see that young child in North Philly and you see the potential in her."
"I really hope you invest some more time into this. I see some serious potential here."
"It's good to recognize potential but don't let your expectations put so much pressure on a situation."
"You were amazing, you got a bright future ahead of you."
"Are you really gifted at seeing other people's potential? I used to have a real superpower for that too."
"If you still have talent, I can never count you out."
"I really think that this is going to be game of the year... it really do think that this is this is game of the year." - "I really think that this is going to be game of the year... I really do think that this is this is game of the year."
"I see big things in you. So what do you think? You ready to make the best decision of your life?"
"Why are you not recognizing the potential of that girl? We need female representation."
"They see that you're going to be very successful even if you're not you know that way right now if you're still starting out they see your potential and this person really knows that you will be successful."
"They understand that you guys have a lot of potential."
"They see you as someone with a lot of long-term potential."
"I see the flame of potential in you. Let me give you a tea, I'm worthy of your skill."
"If you take a kid from the inner cities or from Iran or wherever in the world and they have slightly lower test scores but went through the [ __ ] to get them, that person's got more talent."
"You're the one they see as the strongest potential."
"If this game had good mechanics, it could be recognized as a certified classic."
"Underneath it all is a gem... I can see the potential there, the love and care and passion the developers poured into it."
"Shout out to all the legends... Tyler Morton, he's going to develop into some player."
"I have no doubt in my mind, given what I saw from you on the platform, that you continue to go do great things."
"I can see eternity in your eyes, I can see potential with this, I can see the long term when I look at you."
"Truly feel like we're watching what is going to be the future."
"Some of you are going to be like picked out and being told that you should really take something more seriously you're being given special attention and help because someone's going to see potential in you."
"Isn't it interesting how other people can see our potential sometimes more than we see in ourselves?"
"After recognizing the talent, potential and honor Zoro had as a swordsman, Mihawk vowed to wait at the top for him, no matter how long it may take for Zoro to get there."
"Believe in yourself more, because there are people out there who are going to see potential in you."
"They see that you have so much potential and so many really awesome ideas."
"When he sank by you remember what he said? 'He's gonna be the next great defender in the world.' Look what I have to buy you right now."
"I believe that we all have a genius hidden inside of us."
"We're looking at our generation of a C.S. Lewis in the making right here right now."
"They know you're gonna shine, they know you're gonna be."
"It's about the ability and choice to see the potential in all people and situations. This could be one of your natural traits or a sign that what you're currently doing has great potential."
"This is exciting. This is someone where you go, 'This guy has something and he has a really bright future in this company.'"
"This person is ambitious, talented... a golden opportunity, perhaps."
"This kid got it. Even when he gets his head in the game different, he's gonna be something unstoppable."
"I know how hard you've been working around here. I watched you closely and even though you were very good at the things you did until now, I know you have a lot of potential."
"There's just like you want to invest in this, you see all the amazing potential of this."
"It just shows there's a lot of potential here, a lot of ambition."
"Rob took him out for a beer afterwards and I said oh man you're going to be huge."
"I feel like you're one of the only people who sees my true potential."
"You'll be able to see a man's diamond and help him become the best version of himself."
"The key is you're looking, your standards are high and it's killing you. Fixer-upper. Think of a fixer-upper. I mean you do it in real estate, you do it when you buy a house, you do when you buy a car, you got to see the potential."
"I feel like there's potential, and that's the most exciting thing about it."
"I just wanted to see what he's going to say about me man, that's funny."
"I see tremendous potential in her and I'm excited to see her face turn."
"Somebody sees your potential and they're giving you an opportunity."
"The launch pad that actually selects the projects with the highest potential is the biggest feature."
"Mihawk saw potential in Zoro, he saw something worth cultivating."
"What's happening here is somebody wants to tell you how much potential they see in the connection."
"You already have it in your hand but a lot of you just need to embrace it."
"I think a lot of people can see your potential."
"We do it because we know the potential."
"We have all these highly skilled people who would have a real renewed person in life if they were encouraged to teach and share, and yet we write so many of them off."
"Coach Staley was just always in the gym just watching me, it's like she knew that I had potential and was just waiting for me to figure it out."
"I knew the minute I saw a guy with a head like a light bulb, it was bound to light up with something."
"He just told us that he saw something special in us."
"It's almost like you get a chance to see greatness before the world does."
"He knew the potential of people better than anyone."
"God opened our eyes, let me see the potential, show me the fragments, show me the double portion."
"You do have the potential to be a great hero, Hitoshi Shinso."
"She caught me off guard, I'm just like looking at it analytically, and she'll go far."