
Platform Comparison Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Which platform, to you, looks more friendly to competition than the other? Which one resembles more of a monopoly than the other? For me, the choice is evidently clear."
"I was on Twitter for 11 years, amassed 2.1 million followers. I started actually being active on TikTok last year and I'm at 2.6. It's like, you know, I've gotten more bang for my buck off of TikTok than Twitter."
"Tick Tock is more successful and more powerful than other social media platforms."
"Reddit is going to eventually become like Facebook."
"I never ever ever ever ever expected for TikTok to surpass YouTube and followers mind blown."
"YouTube gaming is literally five times bigger than mixer."
"Open is secure as well. That's why Linux is used everywhere versus Microsoft Windows."
"Sections that were tough as hell to pass on console were significantly easier to clear on PC."
"The Xbox version is most certainly the winner as far as performance and playability goes."
"The hardware is top-notch, really good build quality. It was iOS 11 that frustrated me and got me looking at the Android ecosystem."
"It's that attention to detail that you don't even see on the console games."
"PC games, even the poorest of ports, are often much better than consoles."
"Only a million monthly active users, that means way more people watch our show in a month than are active on Truth social."
"For the first time in a long time, I think Prime Video has Netflix beat."
"You have to focus on cultivating your audience bringing your audience with you that is important in Steam it is I think just it is also important in Epic but your efforts will go far further in Steam than they will on Epic."
"I think any rational person would drop Xbox and Playstation because that just means PC gaming."
"There's just nothing like Comic Zone on the platform."
"Unless you have a very high-end PC, you're better off just playing the console version if you have one of those."
"The entire game experience on Hitman right now is superbly better on the PS4."
"WordPress is way more customizable than Shopify and way cheaper as well."
"Zombies on the DS is way harder than the console version of the game."
"Xbox 360: easily the best online service and games delivery."
"App Stores: Google Play vs. Apple App Store, both easy to navigate."
"Apps operate slightly differently and being that iOS is only run on a handful of devices it's often easier to design it for those devices so a lot of times iOS apps are a little bit more robust in my opinion and they have some better features."
"It feels so much better to play than the console versions."
"Facebook just felt clean and safe by comparison."
"I'm definitely gonna have to give Flutter a try. I'm from a React background."
"Solana is better than uni swap as in ethereum because it's faster and because it's cheaper and because it's faster and cheaper."
"Twitch has a much more friendly vibe compared to other platforms."
"Super Nintendo Edition: an easy alternative for the most die-hard Sega fan."
"It's like why buy a $500 console when I can just play the game on my computer?"
"It actually does run okay now, including the Xbox version."
"I just feel like the numbers aren't there though compared to YouTube."
"Let me know if you're more of an Apple music fan or if you agree with this video and you are a very true passion and Spotify fan."
"It's one of my favorite features about iOS, Google is finally doing that here natively with Android 12."
"They're trying to be similar to Steamworks promising matchmaking and online play for supported GOG galaxy games which is really great."
"I have never had anywhere close to the platform or resources she has and my mind changing is much more good I hope than the bad I did when my mind was awful."
"Our developers say that laying out UI with Flutter is significantly faster than on iOS or Android."
"Trauma in a people, decontextualized over time, starts to look like culture."
"It's like Twitter without the rubbish and it's fantastic."
"It's social media meets content creation. It's like Patreon meets Twitter, a little bit. And it scrolls, and it's sexy."
"You can establish a fan base through Reddit far faster than making a YouTube video reading your short story out loud."
"This is not only the best Wii U port on Nintendo switch, I think this is one of the best Nintendo switch games."
"Free speech channel Super You is catching up to the censorship platform of YouTube."
"If you care about cross-platform games and if you're a competitive player, then the xbox is a better choice."
"It's nice coming from Instagram where people are like here's an emoji and then you guys here on YouTube expressing like gratitude and compliments and encouragement is awesome."
"Netflix is hedging out HBO Max for best platform."
"Being a big YouTuber is generally a lot more profitable than being a big Twitch streamer."
"Traditional media is like a kind of sinking ship that will survive but not to where it was before, and YouTube is chugging along like an incredible ship."
"The big question: Is Switch still competitive with the other platforms?"
"Customization and personalization...Android superior."
"I think ice Poseidon grew substantially more on YouTube than he did on Twitch."
"I'm a massive Sony pony in terms of the exclusives and like the Sony... I have very rarely touched my Xbox this generation."
"Literally, what are your thoughts about making a TikTok and then just copy-pasting it to Reels?"
"Star Wars and it is, yes it is so good, it's much better on Series X than it was on my Xbox One X, like way better."
"Facebook is like the Mount Everest of social media."
"Understanding that we did not see here at Twitter a big correlation on our platform that Facebook found on theirs."
"And they integrate well with the phone obviously in terms of selection and variety there's not really a lot of comparison when we take a look at the app store on the Apple side."
"LinkedIn, more than any other platform besides TikTok, overly rewards content that people actually want to see."
"ChatGPT hit 100 million users in less than two months."
"YouTube is a search engine, so it's really hard to not be on YouTube. More people are there than on Instagram or anywhere else."
"iMessage is also brilliant and something that I'm extremely jealous of."
"It's still a great game on 3DS it's just the worst way to play a great game."
"Oh, Kratos from PlayStation. So what would be fair to get from Xbox? That's right, baby!"
"Kickstarter and IndieGoGo are the best marketing platform, big company or small."
"Microsoft's Game Pass absolutely slaps for me this absolutely dunks on PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus."
"The Binance Smart Chain has been surging in transaction volume, getting very close to Ethereum's daily volume."
"Twitter's not a perfect platform, but it's definitely the best platform."
"XCC is everything that everybody wants Ethereum to do but it's faster, cheaper with privacy, multiple bridges, and you're able to have dapps on Corda interact with dapps on XCC."
"Fantasy Star 4 is every bit as good as the best SNES RPGs."
"Ultimately, I'm excited to try out kick... Kick wants streamers to succeed and twitch frankly does not care."
"I'm just waiting for that next-gen game that is like the last of us but on ps4 on xbox one something that is fresh and feels really full."
"What Rogan is doing is categorically different than what happens on traditional media platforms."
"Shopify is easily the best e-commerce platform out there."
"PlayStation released more games than Xbox this year. Cope, capital."
"Your Etsy shop will always be the same. It's what Etsy gives you and it's not exactly a high end five star hotel experience, but your own site can be polished up or down however you want it."
"Ghost is more like WordPress was in the beginning."
"Steam is much more user friendly."
"Compared to other platforms like TikTok or Instagram which will pretty much kill your video after 24 or 48 hours, a video is never dead on YouTube."
"It's kind of like a YouTube, like a written version of YouTube, where there's so much great content and articles from the community."
"We're actually going to break down the two different platforms that you can use and the best platform to be using."
"I'm going to take my data, we're going to look at it in real time, and try to decide which platform is more useful."
"It's going to give you lots of information and help you make an informed decision about which platform could be the better option for you and your business."
"I'm such a Pandora girl, but Apple's got these romance playlists, so let's see what's what."
"Shopify is going to be the best choice for e-commerce entrepreneurs, while Wix is going to be a better choice for any of you that are trying to make a website that's more content-focused."
"They don't take a percentage which is why I prefer Stan over direct.me."
"The community already is way better than Instagram."
"Magento is really built for bigger, more serious e-commerce merchants than Shopify."
"The web has properties that no other platform has."
"That is the fastest result I have seen on any mobile device, regardless of the platform."