
Market Expansion Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"And if you live in Pakistan, you can sell in the UK."
"Volkswagen Group will launch an all-electric pickup and rugged SUV in the United States."
"This isn't likely to be a niche market either. To date, Infarm have distributed more than 500 units around the world and have received over $400 million dollars in funding."
"Gaming prices in general have gone down because they are appealing now to a much larger market so they can afford to do that."
"As large companies like Sony that have really strong footholds in tier one and tier two markets start thinking about where the next billion customers and gamers are going to come from our pitch is that Africa is a prime market for that."
"The cheaper a vehicle is to produce, the cheaper it can be sold (which expands its market) and/or the better its profit margins can be."
"There will be another great opportunity for an expansion in a multi-year bull market."
"It's good that Tesla officially came into Poland."
"Our projection is that in the next 12 to 18 months, we're going to have 300 million people that are basically entering through mostly blockchain gaming."
"And what's interesting about about gorilla is the innovation that went into making gorilla is actually allowed it to go into other potential markets."
"So, why am I so bullish about this? Because if you think about the market that we want to come on to crypto to bring more people into the crypto ecosystem this is a market that doesn't want to deal in tokens."
"Reddit is getting into the NFT space, hiring to create their own platform."
"Chinese brands are aggressively moving into international markets."
"Lucid's going to have that potential of expanding as well."
"AMD is broadening out its segments by quite a lot and the GPU focus is likely to mitigate that by Massive Leaps and Bounds."
"New electric models hit the market, with 14 introduced in the past year."
"EV sales have expanded for 13 straight quarters."
"The sport as a whole in the world is booming big-time. 1FC is massive over in China."
"Increasingly Apple becomes this accessory and service company."
"Sega announced it was hitting the U.S market in late 1992 for 300. I just knew it was going to be something special."
"The Planet... they create these super store experiences that are absolutely amazing... a huge opportunity in Florida as they're going to expand down Florida."
"Open door has been growing fast over the past several years."
"Microsoft still believes in the console and still wants to grow their market share in the console despite what people say."
"Tesla's going to grow their unit deliveries like 30 something percent."
"There's not a shop in the world that has done more to introduce cars to a wider audience."
"The promise of the UK market could push the NFL to stretch beyond eight international series games a year there."
"I think we're gonna just be patient and methodical but we're also gonna mash the pedal on trying to take advantage of the PSE wanting to market better and wanting to grow more."
"Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, once stated, 'I believe greatly in the opportunities in India.'"
"I'm a big fan of affordability, bringing out a $25,000 vehicle. It'll dramatically expand the TAM."
"Milwaukee seems to be branching out to make the best tools for even the more niche markets."
"The Turkish market... they're basically going to Tender about 20 gigawatts of storage."
"This company is targeting massive growth, like they're basically saying, 'Hey, let's just keep doing what we're doing in terms of the private labeling for companies, but now let's try to blow up our private brand and make that huge.'"
"Sure, I think it's important that we stay open to new ideas of how we introduce more people to PlayStation and show people maybe what they've been missing out on."
"Disney Plus aims for 90 million subscribers by 2024."
"Now Cricket is hoping to break into the largest Sports Market in the world the US."
"Cryptocurrency adoption has surged in recent months as the total number of crypto users has jumped to over 106 million for the first time."
"Competition results in growth and expansion."
"Gemini exchange recently listed Shiba Inu. ... The more liquidity out there for a name obviously the better it's going to be for everybody."
"The more exchanges the better it is for shib and I think the better it is for crypto. Let's get as many countries, as many exchanges, as many people holding and buying crypto as we possibly can."
"Anything that expands the Switch's demographic is only a good thing really."
"It's good news that Tesla has a $25,000 electric vehicle in the pipeline."
"Tesla needs to appeal to new customers beyond Musk fans and early adopters."
"Mina Protocol is now live on the world's largest exchange, Binance."
"Volumes in January 2021 were larger than the entire year of 2019."
"Our signups have increased 1,000 percent this past month."
"Toyota is on the forefront of hybrid and fuel cell technologies, but now they're diving into the BEV space."
"A new bitcoin ETF will massively increase the pool of potential buyers."
"NFTs actively being integrated into every single thing."
"Now Porsche has announced a more affordable base version."
"It's not clear that there is any limit to the size of the economy."
"Our goal has always been to reach as many players as possible."
"Microsoft announced bringing Xbox Live to iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch, potentially reaching two billion devices."
"Huge Ripple XRP news... So I like what I'm hearing, it's huge news coming out of Turkey."
"Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange Coinbase has made Shiba Inu available to New York residents."
"It's super exciting... probably going to be rolling out the door."
"Tesla has officially started exporting made in China Model 3s over to Europe."
"Stag is riding the e-commerce wave in a lot of cities around the country."
"Sony's always wanted that big budget multiplayer title that they can really call their own."
"I think they want to use every manufacturer because there's just a lot of market share they can still take."
"Sony sees that and they're going after it. It's smart."
"Ripple manager reveals the company's efforts and partners in India."
"I'm super excited to watch that this year, I would love to see more Brands, more affordable Brands pop up."
"Masterworks is adding new offerings constantly."
"We do not need plans or programs that are aimed at selling more comics to the same customers, we need more customers."
"If you don't translate your game to other languages then a lot of countries will simply not be able to buy your game. If you can translate your game, it's worth it."
"Think beyond the initial product and think about the brand you're creating and how you can promote it."
"We would like that much wider audience has access to fun electric cars."
"I think this is the most efficient way for Apple to maximize sales."
"I see ourselves as a global brand, having those seeds planted around the world."
"Fake tree instead of the bamboo, that's a great idea."
"Tesla has an opportunity to enter adjacent markets like e-commerce."
"The $25,000 Tesla is a huge win because it expands the addressable market for buyers so much more."
"BYD sold 161% more EVs in September this year compared to the same time last year, showing continuous growth."
"Blue ocean strategy focuses on increasing the size of the market, making a bigger pie rather than getting a bigger slice."
"Nvidia's extensive AI portfolio addresses a very, very wide market and will likely continue to grow."
"The growth has been incredible and has been exponential."
"FSD licensing is something that will open more doors than just FSD revenues."
"The main thesis for this is that Bitcoin is gaining momentum, the network is expanding at a rapid pace."
"Toyota announced they'll be investing more in EV technology and they're now planning for 10 new battery electric vehicles and 1.5 million EV sales annually by 2026."
"We have secured greater market access for our farmers and ranchers."
"In less than a year, the PlayStation made its way onto store shelves in almost every major region in the world."
"We need plans aimed at selling more comics to new readers, not just exploiting the existing ones."
"We have seen strong results in 2021 on expanding awareness and deepening our household penetration."
"Tesla’s energy storage business is exploding, and that will continue."
"Tesla's growth is only poised to continue... they have had such strong growth."
"That's how and where I see Apple maintaining their ASP or average selling price but expanding the market at the same time."
"Stable coins will have a breakout year in 2024... once you have that, the total addressable Market becomes the total size of the electronic money market."
"We cannot do this unless we go into new markets and new countries have a dialogue with a regulator first of all."
"Dent has a working product already and plans to expand to emerging markets."
"I think this car is going to open up EVs to a lot of people."
"Not only did it become an industry defining trendsetter but it also took Microsoft and Xbox to a whole new market of people."
"AMD's market share grew by 7.3 percent and their revenue from data centers grew by 45 percent."
"Microsoft's decision to make a strong push into PC gaming is clearly paying off."
"India is once again rearing its head into the cryptocurrency news... the crypto market would do absolutely great with an additional 1.5 billion people."
"They just keep coming out with new products and services."
"Mastercard also rolls out crypto back cards to millions of users throughout Asia."
"What happens when you can make better movies? I think the market expands because the limiting factor is awful movies."
"Love putting out new brands. It broadens everyone's Horizon to what's out there, what people are creating in modern day."
"The country with the most markets to expand into will be the future economic powerhouse of the world."
"Every year more snowboarding products were sold to people who had never stepped foot on a snowboard before."
"Ultimately, what this does is expand the interest in this kind of size of car as a full EV to a wider market."
"Under Tim Cook, Apple has grown globally significantly, exploiting the rising power of the Asian consumer."
"Are there places that you can accentuate your network effect by expanding into new markets?"
"Shared value opens up new markets, new ways of configuring the value chain, and puts the focus on external constraints to a company's productivity."
"...Netflix will benefit as they broaden their appeal and grow outside of the US they need to make the content made within the US as attractive as possible to people outside of the US so this broadens and benefits almost everyone involved."
"Sodium ion batteries could open up the EV market to a whole new range of consumers."
"Maybe other races would be happy to do because this is you know now x billion more people which is a a hot new market for all of these different things that you would want to you know have them be a part of."
An Austrian businessman named Dietrich Mateschitz was trying to deal with some jet lag while visiting Bangkok, so he gulped down a "clotting dang" and was absolutely amazed at how well it worked.
"Kawasaki is bringing the ninja into the cruiser space."
"You always have to look for new carriers."
"Harley has to bring this to the United States; they have to, they absolutely must if they want to survive."
"It's all part of F1's ownership's bet to capture the most elusive and wealthy market."
"We are all for it, we have expanded their customer base dramatically with the SL2 into the pro market more than ever."
"Strategic alliance is where you bring your skills to be able to expand into a market and then probably come up with a new product or something which is going to bring added value to both parties."
"The market will continue to expand as corporations focus on core competencies."
"Salesforce has been around since 1999 but it was really around 2014-2016 where they started to see major growth."
"Greater employment as market size gets bigger and companies can exploit economies of scale."
"We want to capture new markets by developing a light version of our product for low connectivity areas."
"You're there to build relationships and be able to offer your product in different markets."
"Identify the largest non-English speaking market to begin selling into and localize the product for it."
"Focus on generating more leads, finding more sales channels, finding more markets to scale into."
"We hope to be the first brand that can bring the benefits of Nootropics to the mass market."
"Microsoft Advertising performs very similarly and if you are running Google Ads and you're looking for more search volume, you should start running Microsoft Advertising as well."
"As organizations grow, they will instead of just serving their home market, they will begin to serve the American market and maybe the Asian market."
"Our UK volumes more than doubled and our continental volumes were up by a factor of 13."
"I expanded my market instead of simply focusing on wedding films in my small town."
"If you have vernacular-based or Indian language-based software development tools, it will open up a large market of people who have no access today because they have to learn English."
"Whether you like adventure riding or not, it is a very smart move on Harley's part to tap into adventure touring."
"We're investing in underpenetrated international markets and we're seeing great results."
"Growth is accelerating in underpenetrated markets; we're seeing greater momentum for Airbnb across a variety of regions."
"If you take this investment, it'll give you a chance to enter new markets, much larger markets potentially, and produce new products."
"We're doing really well in Singapore, in Korea, and China, and Japan."
"This move comes as part of the brand's strategy to increase its visibility and expand its market reach globally."
"We don't have that many US companies entering the European market, there's real potential for European players."
"When Porsche decided to enter the SUV market, a lot of people felt that it couldn't be done."
"It's because it's a product that's actually hitting outside the fitness space."
"As price drops, the TAM multiplies; it's not a linear relationship, it's a geometric relationship."
"If you cut the price in half, you explode your TAM by 17 times."
"American chains have rushed into China, the biggest market in the world."
"A huge opportunity for Nike over the coming years is China and India."
"...as the two theme park giants saw China as the next big gold mine."
"2020 is no longer a kitchen and bath only software; it is quickly becoming a very popular program when it comes to general interior designing."
"You have to move on and grow your market."
"It's going to open up the market for other people to use this equipment besides just Serato users."
"With globalization, the scope for international business has increased, helping companies to find newer markets."
"As we are moving from a local market to a globalised market, this particular issue has become even more important."
"Build a better experience for all users and potentially capture more market share."
"Attract non-customers to expand your blue ocean."
"They're still in growth mode as the U.S. economy shifts to more growing markets."
"We're able to employ more people, contribute to the communities that our businesses operate in more effectively, and grab market share from other industries."
"In the long run, it should enhance their image and help them to expand their market into other countries."
"Producers are able to increase their market size... you open up the market to bigger places to sell your products."
"Blue ocean thinking is branching out and looking across all these paths to market boundaries."
"New markets were opened in Europe and North America."
"The intense competition and cost advantages have incentivized the Chinese EV makers to go abroad in search of new markets."
"As long as we can present in Rui Hua's anniversary celebration, there will be a chance to open up the market."
"So after free-trade people in each country now have access to N* products or firms, which is bigger than the number they had before."
"We see an opportunity to leverage our innovation expertise to bring great tasting plant-based options to the bar sector."
"Progressive Web Apps allowing them to address new audiences, new markets."
"Introducing the Model 2 at a more affordable price point, Tesla is set to capture a wider audience."
"If you want to bring the four billion poor into the consuming base, you can't give them the products the three billion rich are consuming; you have to fundamentally innovate."