
Linguistic Diversity Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Natural languages, as it turns out, are diverse, and what’s intuitive and simple to some will always seem arbitrary and complex to others."
"English has evolved into its own thing in India. So, Indian English is a legitimate variety of the English language."
"Just because someone doesn't say a word the same way that you do doesn't mean that they are less intelligent."
"There's a huge variety of languages in this nation, way more than just English."
"We lose ideas that are specific to cultures when a language dies. We lose records of time periods and people. We lose stories that were important to them at that time and could still have meaning in our lives today."
"The empire in 300 was Pagan, bilingual in Greek-and-Latin, and spread out over the whole Mediterranean."
"English language, I love even more than Spanish or any romance language."
"Translating the Bible into other languages reveals different readings."
"What I think is feasible is to teach succeeding generations of Americans that different forms of language are different, but not worse."
"I'm not claiming a monopoly on certain terminology."
"Teachers stop using academic language and standard English as the accepted communicative norm."
"Papua New Guinea has the most languages in the world."
"There's infinite languages. The things that language can be used for are bring tears to people's eyes quite literally."
"Spanish today is a truly global language with nearly 500 million native speakers and 90 million second language speakers, mainly in the Americas and Spain."
"The linguistic plurality of nations like Ukraine is not a unique phenomenon."
"Many languages around the world simply never developed writing as a technology."
"Learning a different language gives you a different way to see the world."
"Accent is identity. Different people from the same place have more or less localizable accents."
"Accent diversity reflects settlement patterns and time. Time creates accent variety."
"Different varieties of English are spoken in black and white communities within the South."
"North Carolina is one of the most linguistically diverse states in the country."
"The beauty of linguistic diversity is that it reveals to us just how ingenious and how flexible the human mind is."
"There's over 300 different dialects in China."
"The Hebrews had multiple words for love... friendship, love of the will... rooted in commitment."
"The UK has the largest variation of Accents in a single language of any country in the world."
"Dialects are an important part of cultural diversity."
"Over the years thousands of languages have gone extinct, and yet there are still over 7100 of them divided into 142 families."
"Stop crushing the joy for language. Let people write in whatever style they want."
"The so-called third world countries might all speak different languages, but our struggles are very much the same."
"Spanish is spoken in the Philippines, where a Creole Spanish dialect known as Chavacano is spoken."
"That's how new languages and new language varieties are born."
"The Cyrillic alphabet is still used in over 50 languages today."
"It's absolutely possible the structures, the vocabulary, the grammar of all languages are significantly different."
"The vast majority of the metro area sounds pretty much like I do."
"Language is always in a process of change because people speak slightly different dialects."
"The English language has this one word which has to stand for so many things, but the Greeks had two words, the eros and Hagia there, which I think are very useful words."
"We have a common language, and within that, we have all these dialects and all these different interpretations and things."
"Over 80 percent of the population speaks Guarani."
"It's very uncommon for one country to speak so many languages."
"The pattern of contrastivity varies from language to language; some languages have distinctions that other languages don't."
"It's impossible to just look at one dictionary or book and find out how many characters there are."
"I think that when poetry is achieved, it can be achieved in any language."
"Linguistic pluralism stresses the importance of multilingualism and the multilingual reality of different societies."
"If we take this idea that languages really differ from one another seriously, then each of those languages is creating a somewhat different human essence."
"The double nature of English as a language is immediately expressed in the fact that you oftentimes have two different ways to say the same thing."
"South Africa has 11 national languages."
"Creole is quite dynamic for what it actually is, and it shouldn't be considered broken language."
"I think what gave me the word was because I have a lot of variations, different styles, and expressions."
"By the Grace of Allah, the Holy Qur'an has been translated into two new languages."
"It also provides a format for people to meet people from other countries, helping overcome cultural and linguistic differences."
"Some languages have richer morphologies than others."
"...the word musubai is ancient and has a lot of different meanings."