
Financial Quotes

There are 559 quotes

"This is not drama anymore; this has become psychological and financial abuse."
"Financial and emotional stability is a must."
"He has won billion dollar, billion with a B, billion dollar lawsuits."
"Activision Blizzard's stock took a big dip this week."
"The company's stock took a big dip this week."
"Cash is available, you get it quickly, as soon as possible."
"Shows how much punitive damages can actually be."
"Lento hands him a Magic Stone, explaining that the reason he came into the Labyrinth was truly for money."
"Conclusion number two: none of this is financial advice."
"She does not have to post the entire amount of the 10.35 million dollar judgment in interest to exercise her right to appeal."
"Financial independence is a big part of abundance."
"The starting pay will now range from $16.50 to $20."
"Budget wisely, prioritize necessary purchases over luxuries."
"This is a method that can literally change your life, it can literally make you life-changing money."
"Money flows into my life easily and effortlessly."
"I think Bitcoin is going to be well over a hundred thousand dollars within the next six months."
"My goal is just to help people not get ripped off."
"This is going to be also boosting you up socially and financially as we go through the rest of this year and on into 2025."
"Don't spend above your means and buy things focused on long-term."
"There is also this emphasis on you having financial and material stability."
"Your outcome is debts paid off, so some of you are gonna pay off debts."
"Always be saving money, because then you're not doing what you're doing for the money."
"Was this a financially awful decision or the second coolest thing you could possibly do?"
"I prefer to just stick to my bread and butter strategy of either selling puts, covered calls, the wheel strategy."
"If you are new to all of this, I highly recommend sending a small amount as a test until you're comfortable sending larger amounts."
"I finally turned green on PayPal."
"Sofi q1 earnings breaking news: q1 Revenue $645 million which beat expectations."
"From nearly a $500 million net loss to now $165 to $175 million net income in a matter of just a few years, that's impressive."
"And after all expenses, we made over 38 thousand dollars profit."
"What's cooler is not being in debt."
"I secure the bag. And not only do I secure the bag, I protect the bag."
"Dave is the banking app that's leveling up the financial playing field."
"Would you rather erase all credit card debt or erase all student loan debt?"
"Our plan is five years, but if you keep holding, you'll make a whole lot more money."
"If a man leaves you to better himself but still messages you, find someone who's already where he needs to be and already has money."
"He tries his best to let them have what they want, most of the times because he's not working right now and he doesn't have the cash to give them what they want."
"They were giving them a monthly allowance of $8,500."
"Their revenue exceeds over $100 million dollars a year."
"Get your money from him and save yourself."
"I'm so broke, if a robber robbed me, it'd just be practice."
"We're not behind on bills anymore."
"I'm not saying you're going to get rich, I'm not saying you're going to be able to buy a mansion, I'm not saying you're going to be able to go to the Gucci store tomorrow, but a little extra never hurt nobody."
"I have no financial access or name on any of your guys's financials."
"It's just debt, that's all that I'm hearing."
"Majority of men are content with being an ATM."
"A labyrinth of financial and emotional complexity."
"You're making some sort of move financially in your endeavors. This move is going to bring in some big, big money," spirit predicts.
"You're going to be very happy with your bank account."
"There's a window of opportunity for us athletes to make money. We have to make it now because there's a shelf life to it."
"You don't have to take my advice...but in this little category after seeing how expensive things are and how unpredictable life can be, I don't know a single person in my family or in my circle or anything like that that would say 'yeah, do it.'"
"They sued the hell out of her for every penny they had paid over the last 10 years."
"I just want my guy to make more money than me, I really do."
"I am confident that this is gonna be money."
"Now it makes more sense financially for them to do these animated shows like X-Men 97. They can actually make it worthwhile on a financial level."
"All the money you spent is going to come back to you."
"...my business cash flowed like $165,000 while I'm at the golf course money that I wasn't expecting it just kind of showed up right well that's better than a sharp stick in a eye."
"Incredible return on my dollar investment."
"It's almost as if the money's been waiting to come into a stock like that."
"This place is doomed if I don't stop this business from bleeding money."
"When you become a UFC champion, it's not about the money you make fighting, it's the money you can make outside of fighting."
"$450,000 a year for the rest of your life."
"That's great, you know what it means? It means they're 78 grand."
"Financially, it has been worth it to establish this passive income stream."
"The further I get, the less I actually care about losing the five grand."
"You just won 456 thousand dollars."
"A lot of your multiple streams of income are linked."
"We paid off all of our debt in 1 year... yea 1 year."
"...over the course of a couple of months you will come out cash flow positive and then for Years it'll be free."
"...make sure that you consider that when leaving if the amount that goes into your 401k is something that you're considering as like a fail-safe backup plan for your financial situation."
"Expect big shifts in your life financially, but you will be able to come out of these on top."
"Tax delinquent list, properties who have not paid their taxes, and people who haven't paid their taxes in two years probably have some money problems."
"The borrower is a slave to the lender."
"You can have the things you want without tapping somebody else's purse."
"The level of financial success that they're achieving right now is not something they've ever come close to before."
"So, you can register with them for free for 45 days, bid on cars, and then you can just cancel your account and they're not going to charge you a $100 registration fee."
"You're only going to hurt yourself by dealing with broke people."
"Stop all of this, what do y'all want me to say? Oh, you need to wait, you need to do what's right, you need to do everything right, then go do everything right. Sprinkle sprinkle. Just make sure he got some money."
"It pays the bills, man. Let me tell you."
"But little did I know, I wouldn't actually pay off what I owed... because I wouldn't be able to pay it off. And here's why."
"...if nothing is found they can also check out the financial transitions to the Camino cloning facilities such an expensive project will have to have a money Trail."
"400 grand paid off. Yes sir, an incredible accomplishment."
"Commission cheque's in the bank, baby!"
"The main role of a man is to provide and protect. Protect you against them bills and provide all your wants and needs."
"Remain resolute in your pursuit for financial frugality."
"What Harsanyi and Rawls both gave us was a system of justice that, in my mind, conveys a sense of financial risk management."
"It's not financially responsible if we're trying to plan a wedding."
"The check was different that month. Hell yeah."
"It was free money, and it was at that point right there where I knew that I was going to be trading for the rest of my life."
"I need you to come back with my money, I need it back, I cannot help you like this."
"what was gonna make it dope is you pay your 90 your 99 for the month or whatever money you make that's yours you just paying them 99 dollars 99 hello that's fine you try to get what I'm saying"
"I'm not going nowhere with nobody until all my bills paid."
"Mako and Otto Misch would be forced to declare bankruptcy."
"Now you can stop making this money."
"May your divine covering guard every aspect of our financial endeavors, ensuring prosperity and abundance."
"I'm also seeing something about like an upgrade in your finances with the Ace of Pentacles which is amazing because the nine of Pentacles plus the Ace of Pentacles equals the 10 of Pentacles."
"Just walking into the store smells like an empty bank account in here for yours truly."
"As much as I'm a huge proponent of people getting in this industry grinding hard working hard making amazing money enjoying the benefits the perks all of that at the end of the day the goal is truly Freedom."
"This isn't a perfect resolution to the situation but at least it will get me past the legal and financial parts."
"No, never... I was just trying to pay my mortgage to be honest."
"Sleep next to a rich guy every day and get money for it."
"The longer you push things off, you say James what's the problem I'm making more money I'm saving more I have a bigger portfolio."
"Proof that the Haskell brothers were murdered rather than killed accidentally in the cave-in at the Midas Touch mine could save greater Southwest a cool million and a half dollars."
"We were on track to make about $6 million."
"This one is right now is just under 50% and they're pretty much you know they're 9% out of the money so they're they're pretty at the money call."
"Man, I'm so glad we actually have enough money to afford anything other than rocks and socks too."
"You're about to have a big win financially. The universe is literally giving you the black card."
"I have a super P what I have a superpower that helps me save quite a bit of money."
"If you're kind of just pulling away financially, there's that crabs in the bucket thing of like, they don't really wanna see you succeed too much."
"Why does that mean that the person that's not successful financially... why does that make them worthless?"
"It's basically just a great source of passive income."
"You've probably made me a couple hundred thousand dollars just in promotions alone."
"The money's due would be five hundred sixty dollars. The court shall award recovery of double the amount of said monies."
"I need to get paid, values you know I'm not staying around for this."
"So beware, wary, people are out there to take your money."
"Suddenly out of nowhere came a very large wonderful check."
"2024 first things first seven figure purse 1.8 million tour."
"At the end of the day, you get your money back."
"Not only are you making monthly income you're lowering your cost basis on the holding."
"When you're planning for retirement, the money is only one half of the equation. The other half is what do you want to do, what do you want to be, how do you want to spend your time and your money."
"Starting over with no money... I'm about to launch a new challenge where I'm going to start in debt and go all the way to a million dollars."
"It's a smart thing to do. Just work an extra seven, eight, 10 years and I'm going to generate that many more billions than if I did it right now."
"Welcome to a 75 cent winner on this big gap name."
"Please, for the love of god, do not put all of your money into options trading."
"We had had preliminary talks with O.J. Simpson's people, who at that point, they were looking for anything that had a paycheck attached to it."
"We're going to provide comprehensive financial support."
"The headline attraction of your financial year, so that is a massive problem, straight in the bin."
"Not only was the fourth installment plan but also a fifth and sixth installment were planned as well which is why again like I said Toby and Sam were probably caking in some money so they were like we can't afford this."
"We are saving millions of dollars."
"I have a tiny house this tiny home does print money for me."
"Every time you purchase this item what account on the balance sheet is it going to be going towards?"
"Having a financial margin gives you options. Money is nothing but a tool."
"It doesn't compute in what world does that seem like a good financial decision?"
"I'm the kind of person that I think a lot about the fire movement."
"We're basically in a classic debt spiral."
"Now I'm up like almost 40k this month which is insane."
"I really worry about how we will survive with no pension."
"An extra 300 a month is life changing, that is successful."
"So that leaves me with a grand minus of 672 pounds and 68 Pence."
"I've decided to commit a million dollars over the next several years to this."
"Go and book a holiday, go and do it now. Crack out the credit card, come on down."
"We are literally 14 cents short of our goal."
"Cash for keys is oftentimes the best solution to a bad situation."
"We've set ourselves a budget of 50 grand."
"The key is, in order for you to really achieve any wealth or any sort of success financially, you have to use your money as a tool to make yourself rich first, before you go out and spend all of your money to make everybody else rich."
"But if you have to you just have to I mean it's just part of it it just sucks but uh but yeah I you know I'm gonna ride it back up and and let it get back up in that 3000 range then I might cash it out yeah and just as a matter of safety."
"We're under so much pressure to squeeze every dollar out of this experience."
"I got a check from entertainment that was so surprising that I got scared a little bit."
"Slowly month by month, day by day, sale by sale, stock music licensing has become a real music income that has helped me and still helps me pay the bills."
"Within a matter of 72 hours, I had a three-year, seven-figure income."
"The advice of the Prophet (SAW) to young people: 'Whoever of you is financially able, let him get married.'"
"If you want to be wealthy you got a budget. It's that simple."
"I hear people ask a lot you know far uh will fodder save me money does it save any money or is it basically just a tool for nutrition and you know good pasture is there any savings there on cost so."
"He's got big opportunities coming up MoneyWise."
"I hate it when he goes into overdraft limits."
"What would you say is the wisest or the best investment that you've made like Financial move um buying property there you go that's the best thing you could ever do for yourself."
"Here's a boatload of debt, what a horrible experience!"
"Fergus, you put a million pound into our bank account. Shameless stuff, if that's proven to be the case."
"Go get a man who can afford to pay your bills."
"You're never going to see a bill again in your life."
"I'm here to help you receive your $9,000."
"Stay away from broke looks, broke places, and broke people."
"Do not give her any money, period. Why is anyone even thinking of giving money to someone threatening you with a lawsuit? Exactly."
"Now there's pressure on you right because that check's not coming next week and sometimes that's the best thing that can happen to you."
"Most of these side hustles... you can start with zero dollars."
"I lost $900 million. It was a shocking thing."
"It's important to get the right partner socially, technically, financially."
"The whole thing about how payments go... it's a [__] grind."
"It's $108, hopefully it's not like a $102 and then I have to make excuses."
"But when we did make money, we made enough, we made enough, you know."
"You're going to laugh all the way to the bank."
"Just because a person has millions of dollars doesn't mean that they're financially successful. Success is doing what you said you would do consistently with money, with Clarity, Focus, Ease, and Grace."
"This pays for the unit easily and then some."
"I ain't going back to being broke. I can't do it. I can't travel. I need to move."
"Life hack: make the tip negative so you get paid."
"My dad was cute, he, like, calculated out if I were to make fifty dollars every six seconds, like how much I would have made for a forty-hour workweek, wow."
"We sold the paperback rights and I said, 'Really, how much did you get?' and he said, '$250,000'... and the strength went out of my legs."
"Free cash flow exploded $46 million in the quarter."
"As soon as there's options, we'll be able to give expected move, a very accurate expected move on almost everything."
"Gypsy Rose is missing a pretty big bag from her TikTok account, several thousand that ended up in her estranged husband's hands."
"Last Chance Saloon really because I can't keep funding this place it's just hemorrhaging money."
"What would you do with a few thousand extra dollars every single month?"
"We go to the we pH now we come to that [ __ ] 100,000 on the table."
"I'll happily help out but I can't afford to take off PTO days and not get paid for this. I need some kind of financial compensation."
"Financial problems do not define you."
"Help yourself to help your bank account."
"If I get the asking price that'll leave me with a profit of 1388 pounds. So not bad going."
"...turn the pennies into pounds that's the new flex now Lads we turn pennies into pounds."
"It has seen at least $260 million in losses so far."
"Retirement isn't just figuring out the money side of things."
"It could pay off my whole rent for a year."
"We win big due to the rent check slash utility billing."
"With that money, he could somehow move the entire family out of Iraq."
"It's close, though. Ten mil, please. Thank you. Come on."
"15,000 a month is all I need. I'm happy."
"It was my house and land, I paid for everything."
"Profit $33.9 billion. That's in just three months, boys and girls. That's good money."
"It's not too late for you to make this year your financial glowup year."
"The pension, I mean I know he's getting better other money but still I'm thinking about [ __ ] like me ain't gonna do [ __ ]."
"Cheating isn't just about sexual, the sexual acting either like this emotional, emotional, financial cheating."
"For some of you, if you've had some type of financial blockage or burden or any type of hardship, this is coming to an end."