
Critical Awareness Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"In order to love your country, you have to know what's wrong with it."
"Be unashamedly proud of your heritage, be unashamedly proud of your history, but never let that pride and heritage and history blind you to it."
"There's this manipulation happening in the shadows."
"Know the context and don't fall for the shocks which are meant to keep you both angry and ineffectively pointed in the wrong direction."
"How are people not seeing the potential abuse of these products of these computer systems?"
"It's so important that people know that because a lot of these megalomaniac monsters are not just one thing."
"The fitness industry is a cesspool of misinformation."
"Do you people not see what's at stake here on the slippery slope that we're standing on as we slide into something that is undemocratic, that is anti-intellectual, that is tyrannical?"
"That's the dirty secrets that they don't want to tell you about Wall Street and hedge funds."
"They just take advantage of kids... haven't made their own belief system or strength in their self."
"We're asking a system that is not designed to make it equitable and equal for us because we don't understand the system that we are operating in."
"Television is one of the most dangerous things when it comes to manipulating the minds of people."
"Manchester United fans need to grow a bloody backbone and stop lapping up the water and asking what it is, 'cause it could be piss."
"Disney World can be an absolute dream come true for you and your family, but ignorance towards Disney's major problems does not lead to bliss."
"This is what the red pill is... when you see reality as it is, not as the media is force-feeding it to be."
"Every action has a consequence, and not everything that evolves alongside other things evolves to our benefit."
"I do love how people are trying to stir up Discord between Trump and DeSantis fans they're doing that for a reason don't be taken in by the bait."
"If you're still giving our 500-year-old open enemies the benefit of the doubt, you're part of the problem."
"All of this stuff should be setting off red flags, it screams cult from the hilltops."
"If you want to be scared of what your government is doing, this is the time to be scared."
"Any school that is using Applied Scholastics is either a Scientology school or they are being duped."
"We should care just because people look powerful and privileged and life seems good that everything is wonderful because it isn't."
"They act like they don't even see this [ __ ]."
"How many red flags do we need? This is ridiculous."
"Shining a light on a multi-billion-dollar global industry that suggests a better U is just a few shades away."
"I wouldn't be concerned so much that someone accuses you falsely of Witchcraft. I'd be more concerned about if you're taking steps that prop up pseudoscientific thinking in woo."
"We're headed in a very dangerous direction right now."
"Stop being sloppy about this... there is something antagonistic to our interests out there."
"It's not the last time they'll use emotional manipulation via pseudo-analytical conclusions."
"It's possible to have japes whilst also recognizing that the things you jape with have problems."
"They prey on that feeling of being traumatized by a thing, by a flashback, by a trigger, and they say, 'Oh, you see that? That's proof that we're right.' But it's not."
"I think anyone honest with themselves can see very painfully exactly what's happening."
"Believe it or not, the food we're eating is killing us."
"We never know how strong the media are until they're against us."
"The totality of what's unfolding can no longer be rationally denied."
"How something like this could take hold of so many Americans effectively is high-tech brainwashing."
"Letting the stupidity prevail can be deadly."
"You don't get to stand there and go on 'there's no blood on our hands' because we posted a black square on Twitter."
"It's very frightening to see science become politicized because it still looks like science but it eliminates our ability to navigate well in all of our interests."
"It's being used as a form of propaganda. Keep that in mind whenever you witness anything that pertains to the transference of thought, any information, any news story."
"Don't take it for granted. I think people are probably a little bit confused this morning because of what's going on and they maybe they're a little bit like me, they're a little bit concerned."
"Remember when CLA said greenwashing and woke washing? Wow, they have to be real commitments, they have to be intentional."
"It's a pyramid scheme on top of the pyramid. Yeah, of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?"
"Stop talking about NK Ultra like it's only exclusive to the celebrities and the politicians when they already rolled it out on you."
"Once the blinders are off, you're able to see how easy it is for them to actually fool the world."
"Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Society as a whole is incredibly fragile."
"We're being controlled, high key, everything that we're taught, everything that we know that was ingrained in our brain..."
"There's been so much spinning and fiction spreading...certain sense."
"The serpent affirms God exists in the same way Andy Stanley would affirm Jesus exists. We have to hear the hissing around the statements that some of these teachers are making."
"The actual scare, if there is one to be had, is in the establishment using this to bamboozle the public."
"You're not the customer, you're the product they sell."
"I would say in recent years any sentient Observer of the media will have had their moment of realization."
"Teach them that what they see on social media is only what people want them to see, nobody posts what's really going on."
"Fake news has to be counted because you know this is an industry now."
"The understanding of power and the ability to interpret its effects on the social and the individual is perhaps most urgent."
"Be very careful of people who would impose and dictate what narratives you should resonate with."