
Customer Relations Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"I would like for my customers to have confidence that my word means something, especially when making announcements as crucial as release date and platform."
"For someone new to sales, how can someone learn to see things from the customer's perspective?"
"You have to be able to have empathy and put yourself in their shoes."
"You want to have no one customer be greater than 20% of your Revenue ideally."
"Show up in a way that your prospects like, instead of driving them a bit mad."
"Just a tremendous honor and to be so well thought of to be allowed to sell their very Flagship product, it's amazing."
"And it's the way a company handles something like that that either earns or loses that brand loyalty, brand loyalty I talk about it being a bad thing."
"It literally is that simple. Pay attention to the person that's selling to you. You can tell if they just want something from you or if they actually care about you."
"Understand that group extremely well, get extremely close to them, listen to them."
"Labeling the majority of a customer base as racist is exactly why you'll go out of business."
"Where do we draw the line on a company's behavior towards their own customers?"
"You need to completely refund anyone who purchased the pack, you shouldn't be keeping any profit off this."
"Building authentic relationships with your customers. It's a little bit hard to explain unless you actually see it in action."
"Companies like Netflix and Spotify are showing us that having a direct relationship with your customer is probably the best long-term business model."
"I think some acknowledgment of issues in the community could go a long way... kept in the dark for months and months can have had the effect of people wondering if Rockstar even cares."
"This utter disgrace of a response right here perfectly encapsulates what's wrong with the gaming industry right now."
"Customers don't buy when they understand, they buy when they feel understood."
"It was great because I managed to win a long-serving customer of ours."
"When you're nice to the players, they have more incentive to spend on your game."
"If you fuck over your audience, if you fuck over your customers all the time, eventually you're not gonna have any customers. Fucking over the world the way that BP has fucked over the world has lost BP tens of billions of dollars."
"Digital transformation involves redesigning industries, products, ecosystems, paths to customers, and value propositions."
"Don't you want someone who is facilitating the connection you have to a product? Don't you want them to be like super excited all the time? Wouldn't that be great? People love a smiling person more than they don't."
"Our relationship is with that end customer, and that's what we're signing up to in terms of our promise."
"Get to know the staff. Regulars are recognized and treated as VIPs and may get free upgrades, discounts, and more."
"Just tell me that you're not going to ship a charger in the box because you don't [ __ ] want to."
"Developers decide that the customer might just be a giant doofus and clap back at haters by inserting references or parodies in their games."
"Your customer is the hero of your journey and you're the guide."
"Always judge a company based on how they respond to criticism."
"If suddenly your customer relationship is much tighter, if the proximity between you and a customer is better, then you're gonna serve them a lot better across your platforms."
"We are their very best customer... I've never heard a supplier insult its best customer."
"No one wants to buy from you if you're a scumbag."
"The answer isn't let's just go dark, the answer is let's be honest and understanding with those loyal players."
"Your customers are smart. Don't underestimate their intelligence."
"Tactics like this didn't exactly win over any die-hard Netflix users and only served to further alienate their already frustrated and rapidly dwindling customer base."
"You need a product to sell and customers that want to buy your product."
"The money's in the follow-up... The CRM comes in."
"The relationship between the customer and the shopkeeper is really lovely."
"Businesses are built one customer at a time, one sale at a time."
"It just straight up feels like they're taking advantage of their loyal fan base." - YouTube commenter
"We'll find a way to profitability at some point, but for now, we got a big customer base leading us dry."
"It is solely based on the flat-out disrespectful and politically charged responses that both dice and EA on several occasions directed at their fans and customers for voicing their legitimate criticisms."
"The first major expansion should also be free as a gesture of goodwill."
"Sony is literally Microsoft's customer. Like, Sony literally pays Microsoft to run their cloud services for them."
"The hardest thing to get in business is the first customer."
"So long story short is it possible that the user tricked us of course it's possible we don't think it's likely and we've chosen to give the customer here the benefit of Doubt just like we've chosen to give Newegg the benefit of the doubt."
"Executives who are only focused on the money don't seem to comprehend the value of customer goodwill."
"You can't just try and appease us like this."
"I think if you let customers simmer on what's wrong or what they're missing, that's where you can get some frustration and anger."
"When you provide value... they're gonna love you for it."
"Rockstar is the worst company that communicates with their fans."
"If you get it such that your customers want you to succeed, then you probably will."
"You're blaming the customer for not wanting what you're selling."
"Each customer is a jewel. Something to be respected and not taken for granted."
"Until you've had a crack head launch a pretty decent plank at your face from across a busy street, have you even lived?"
"It's inconceivable that a game company could possibly be this stupid and out of touch."
"Customers lost confidence and faith in those institutions."
"The customer is always right? No, they really, really are not."
"Teclan is really actively listening to their community."
"Your word is everything. If you can show a customer that and deal directly they'll use you and they'll keep you around."
"We remain incredibly sorry that this happened to anyone."
"The more you can build a relationship with your community, the better and the more loyal your community will be."
"Making a customer is more important than making a sale."
"The fans, that's everything, to the business, and you got to be honest with them, you got to treat them right."
"If you want to ignore your customer base or your fan base, you're gonna lose money."
"We're working on it, we're gonna get our stock back up and so, I would still appreciate some patience."
"Everybody not my customer, I might get 99 no's and one yes."
"If your shit is good, the more of it you give away, the more customers you'll have."
"Customer gatekeeping is a profoundly toxic subculture."
"As long as you're being honest with the customer and as long as you're pricing fairly and making a good product that they want to consume, I think you will be just fine."
"Empathy. If you just, like all of you care about you, not your customers, not your employees, not your vendors, and I get it, you have to take care of your family."
"Unless you guilt your audience into doing business with you because you provided so much upfront value, you will get suffocated over the next decade."
"We're going back to like it was in the 50s where when somebody walked through the front door you had to know their name, their families, and what their butcher order was."
"At the end of the day, the average consumer wants to buy from someone they trust."
"We're gonna keep being out there trying to make things better, improving how we communicate to you guys and our customers and you have my word on that."
"Nintendo are a company whom I believe are capable of admitting to their own faults, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be held responsible for the way they treat their customers."
"Sometimes you don't have a problem with a company, you have problems with people."
"We work hard every day to earn and keep the trust of our members."
"If I have a customer and the customer wants to do business with me they should be able to directly do business with me."
"Companies that didn't listen to their fans haven't done very well in recent times."
"I just want to start off by telling you customers is always right even if they're wrong they're right y'all."
"Good technicians are always in demand, and good technicians also tend to build their own customer base."
"EA might also be well aware that as far as Battlefield 2042 is concerned, it's too little too late."
"He's basically just caught you mid see the [ __ ] up owner because you're losing your spot."
"You need customers and you need a product that you can Market your customers to."
"The enjoyable aspect of the restaurant business is you meet a lot of really nice people."
"No matter what you do, whatever business you own, you have to make sure you have that personal touch with your customers."
"Remember, he's a better customer than he is a photographer."
"The most mom and pop feeling store is Sweetwater. They come across as the most mom and pop."
"Thank you Frontier for being such a great game developer and having such a tight-knit relationship with your community and being very aware of what's been happening in the community and helping build that up."
"Why would they insult half of their customer base? They lack competition."
"For now, Tesla is canceling his orders and this is likely them showing that they can and will do something about this."
"There's one person in that dealership you really want to be in good with and that's the service manager."
"It needs a lot of hard work and understanding that your customers are important, nothing more than that."
"Sony's kind of making all this a sour situation by pursuing this the way they are."
"The customer is always right sometimes they're wrong."
"Every customer has such a special connection and relationship with the brand and the handcrafted pieces."
"What gets me is that the seller actually cancelled our order and honored what this guy said. Any respectable seller would have kept our order and ignored the new guy because that's good business and morale."
"The problem with Blizzard taking too long to communicate."
"They attack customers because they might not agree with their politics or they might not agree with what they said they are very, very spineless thin-skinned people that can't handle being wrong."
"Nothing was communicated to the buyers, they have been left in the dark for over."
"Invest in your customers. They care about you. Get that returning customer rate up."
"If you resent your customers, it's because you are too reliant on too few."
"You don't want those bargain-hunting customers. The people who wanna pay the least expect the most."
"I significantly raised my prices... it's always better to do more business with a customer that already exists."
"Develop a long-term relationship with a dealership."
"I will not tolerate blatant disrespect from my customers."
"All we want is for you to be transparent and honest with us and do the right thing."
"Despite the unprecedented market conditions, at the end of the day what happened is unacceptable to us, to our customers. I'm sorry and I apologize."
"Richard Hayes, every time he opens up his mouth, he's freaking out his customers, and more and more people are dumping their synthetic products."
"The key return on investment for us is being able to do more business with more customers."
"A lenient return policy can attract more customers."
"You've got to establish trust. And, it's important that you have to humanize the institution."
"We want to do better. You deserve better from us."
"When reputation is everything, we gotta do what we can do to make sure we as customers don't do anything to hurt that reputation."
"Anything a business does that signals investment in a relationship tends to inspire trust."
"When people feel like they're trying to be sold something, they usually back away."
"You've got to let your customers know what's really going on. You cannot... you've got to be honest."
"You're not the victim here. The minute you realized you could not deliver what you promised, you refund people period end of story."
"The customer is not always right, sometimes the customer is maliciously wrong."
"I'm a fan of having direct contact to customer, really to not dilute the brand value um by some different levels of dealership."
"Building more positive and meaningful connections with customers."
"Never be rude to customer service/retail workers."
"Quit my job at an upscale steakhouse, but not before making sure all the customers knew what a prick the owner was."
"Listen to your customers, always hear them out. It might be a returning customer or a potential one."
"It's not even close. I think that that's it too. I agree. I think they get a lot of [ __ ], but the community team is pretty much always just the best."
"The transaction is actually the beginning of your relationship, not the end of it."
"Good feedback is crucial for success in selling on eBay."
"As long as you're honest with your customers, good things will happen to you in your business."
"Be kind, be patient with them. They don't know. The people you're dealing with are not the ones who've been ripping you off for years."
"It makes your store look a lot more trusted... people want to know that they can contact you."
"Remember, the customer is always right, and if people stop buying it, it changes. That's a fact."
"Insulting your consumer is not the way to go."
"Do not go in there and try to instantly sell them, people don't want to be sold to; provide value first."
"Do you think who they should prioritize? This guy, he's an important client, he's in a lot of tier ones."
"Customer service can make a big difference for you."
"Rest in peace to all the conversations that died after you told them your prices."
"Building a brand... you own your own customer base."
"We do not owe anybody in this world a single house. Yes, made the deposit that was not delivered."
"Congratulations you've sold plants to 30 clients in just 22 days thanks for playing."
"Sometimes customers aren't too predictable and because of their contentious history and very rocky return, nothing is guaranteed for Victoria's Secret."
"100% of customers, clients, and employees are people. If you don't understand people, you don't understand business."
"Tattoo artists don't want larger deposits; it's about liability and avoiding disputes."
"Tattoo artists prefer to tattoo; they'd rather not waste time designing for a no-show."
"The Hyundai logo would seem simple enough. It's simply a stylized H and an oval. But look closely, just at the H, you see it. The H was designed to resemble two people - the customer and a salesman shaking hands as they make a deal on a new car."
"A simple email newsletter, not just focused on sales, can keep you top of mind for your customers."
"Sending physical thank you notes to customers can create a personal connection that leads to increased retention."
"From the beginning, you definitely have to build that feedback and customer relations."
"It's really important to get out and meet your customers and see what they like, see what pricing you can set things at, and then kind of go from there."
"...it's not fair to the customer or the employee it relies on guilt and preys on people's fear of social awkwardness..."
"Create a meaningful relationship between the customer and the farmer."
"Nine things that turn off potential customers."
"This is such a fun offering for you to give your customers."
"I wanted to make more, but the customers being there."
"There's no point sending an email that just does not relate to the customer."
"Communicate with your customers, key."
"Don't be afraid to spend a little bit of time wining and dining your customers by educating them by creating content by showing up for them by making sure that they really understand that you are the best fit for their needs."
"We implemented a campaign with gifts to give back to the customers."
"Be emotionally attached to your customers, don't be emotionally attached to your deals."
"You wanna turn customers into subscribers, so where's our Zora, where do we go next?"
"Customer relations is all about having a one-on-one relationship."
"Building that relationship with your buyers where you know what they want and now you bring them the deals that they want."
"One of the benefits of CRM is spotting trends."
"Collect contact information from your customers... it's way easier to sell to a previous customer than it is to find a new one."
"Never ever ever go after the audience because they again they're your fellow paying customer they're your fellow fan you're not as Jeremy said and many others not above them"
"Just be honest with your customer base and they will appreciate that."
"Your clients, dear luxury brands, have lost interest. So my question is, what are you going to do about it? Keep blaming the customer or are you going to finally acknowledge it and put the price down?"
"Know your ideal client like the back of your hand."
"...building those relationships helps drive both loyalty and word of mouth."
"Email marketing is a great way of building relationships between businesses and its customers."
"I've been setting boundaries with my customers lately, especially with custom work. If it negatively affects my personal self, I decline."
"It takes time to get to know your customers, and it's important to get into the customer's mind to understand what they're after."
"we're really blessed to have so many fabulous customers and viewers and we really do appreciate each and every one of you."
"The best way to sell is not to sell, is to treat the customer like a bank account so make a deposit in the bank account before you ever try to make a withdrawal."
"That is the secret to success is having that one-on-one relationship with the customer isn't it."
"...if you're selling cover art these type of things are only going to add to your value because you don't have to charge for it but if somebody buys a cover from you and you give them a thumbnail and a story for free they are more likely to come back to you."
"We need to be open-handed and allow potential customers to see that we're able to get results for them in advance."
"...if you actually try to view your customers as someone that's important in your life and treat them like that genuinely, you're going to have a great relationship."
"She understands how to grow alongside her customer."
"When did we as customers and as consumers have to just accept that when did companies large corporations just get to say that might just be how it sounds."
"You actually want to build a relationship with your customers because with Shipped you can actually have them request you."
"But listen, and that's you cutting the customers, like, that's the customers taking the L and having to pay more for your own, same product."
"When you're [ __ ] off your customers like that's like I said slowly You're Gonna Lose respect you know I'm just saying at the end of the day like."
"I think you're denying thousands of people the chance to try a resort out. I think you're just shooting yourself in the foot."
"...we get the opportunity to get even more Buy in from our customers or our potential customers because they've received value from us up front."
"Leave it to me. Incidentally, I don't know if you realize, but he's a regular customer of ours."
"...they're always surprised when we ask so many questions we want to know them we want to know about their business we want to know what their goals are and where they're headed so that we can help them get there."
"It's not just about selling, it's about building long-lasting relationships with our customers."
"Firing the customer is definitely a thing."
"I think you should make every penny that you possibly can out of your customers as long as you're still giving value for money."
"We want a trust relationship with our customers."
"When customers feel loved, when they feel cared for, when they can trust their supplier to act in their best interest, that creates the kind of community that customers want to be part of and will work hard to stay a part of."
"Uncertainty: your customers have enough of it daily just being in agriculture; they don't need more uncertainty in the power they choose for their operation."
"Get a CRM a customer relationship management system."
"It's been a miserable 2012 and like to apologize for our friends at Pence who've been so fantastic."
"...communicate early and often... avoid strain between you and your customers and make sure you're going about this in the right way."
"Pandering to a small but vocal group of people who don't even purchase their products while alienating their main customer base."
"You need to think positively around your customer. You need to know that they want to spend money with you because they love supporting you and getting the result."
"The customers were more than willing to tell us about their problems."
"If there's ever a customer base you don't want to make mad, it's the ones that are fervent collectors or buyers of everything you make."
"I know right who would have thought that doubling and tripling down on unpopular positions and blaming your own customers for not accepting the absolute slop you've dished up for them wouldn't be a winner."