
Positive Environment Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"You just gotta know yourself. You gotta know what triggers you, what doesn't, stay around positive people, and don't let outside noise and people's opinion that don't matter really affect you at all."
"This Is What It Takes is finding where you can get wins, taking a leap of faith, and surrounding yourself around good people so you can do it."
"Those who have chosen service to others will move on to a positive fourth-density environment."
"Having a good clean chat is definitely a good vibe for the stream."
"A sense of you can still hold your head up high while you're in here and feel good about yourself."
"Everybody's happy there, everybody's rocking it out."
"The tone is just really, really positive in this group."
"It's been a very, very positive space to come to every day and I wanted to thank you guys for that."
"It was an entirely positive experience. People got on well or they didn't, but not for ethnic reasons."
"We've had a lot of people in the industry say, 'Hey man, you guys got a pretty good thing going on here.'"
"You guys are the best to work with, definitely the best job I've ever had."
"Beautiful setup dude... definitely inspiring."
"It was a really lovely show to work on, genuinely."
"This community is probably the most welcoming community I've been a part of."
"Amazon wants you to have a pleasant experience so that you'll tell other people to go interview at Amazon or apply."
"Let's get rid of this stuff that we don't need so that you have room for the good, room for the positive, room for the growth."
"Wow, this is turning into a really nice space."
"It was no hate going on, no hate. That's what I said, no hate. I saw people showing love."
"I'm actually trying to promote a positive environment for black kids so they can have the same experience I had."
"I've never seen anything like it. The unity, the esprit de corps, the spirit... it's a beautiful thing to watch."
"We have a really good bunch of people here in the Kingdom."
"You grew up in a household that was very loving."
"Surrounding yourself with positive people... has really helped change the vibes of my stream, my community, and myself."
"I like seeing an event where people are smiling and laughing and having a good time together and not spewing hate."
"Surround yourself with the right people and don't keep in your head that you can't do it. If you think you can, I believe you can."
"Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself."
"Focus on what you're doing as a person and being positive."
"Surround yourself with people who make you happy."
"Learning should be a place of positive growth and joy."
"Surround yourself with people and things that make you feel joy."
"Everyone was really happy, everyone was smiling."
"I think we ought to have an environment where kids are celebrated and welcomed."
"Stay optimistic, stay positive, and help each other out in the Slack community."
"DMs need to create and maintain a positive atmosphere at their table."
"Our vision was to create a very positive, a very sort of comforting environment for the audience."
"Pokemon is all about smiles, friends coming together, and being ourselves in a positive environment."
"When you actually celebrate the people around you and you're complementary and you make the environment positive, people will want to be near you."
"Surround yourself with supportive people to increase your vibration and spiritual growth."
"We are very proud to have a troll-free chat."
"You need a community of supporters who believe in you, a family."
"I want all of my students to love coming to school. I want my classroom to be their happy place."
"I feel like the community over there is much more supportive, it hasn't been infiltrated yet by the negativity like YouTube has."
"Surround yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity if you can."
"It's a great time to be a fan and it's a great time to be a writer too."
"Everyone was so nice and so easy to work with."
"Surround yourself with people that make you better."
"You're a masterpiece because you are a piece of the master so surround yourself with people who gonna see that greatness inside of you."
"You have so much positivity around you."
"I want to create a space that is positive though in all of that darkness that you can find on the internet."
"If you start loving yourself and you start showing love to others that it is way more likely to happen in that environment than from any other place."
"It's amazing to see how supportive people are."
"The best part of all of it has been that the community has been so amazing, like super welcoming, nicest people."
"Everybody here is so supportive and honestly when it comes down to it there's nothing better for movie nerds."
"Good energy and being around people you like are essential."
"It's such a wonderful industry and community to be in."
"Characters with a can-do attitude in an environment that supports them."
"If you're around a good set of people, you're bound to be around positivity and goodness."
"The camaraderie was still there, like it was such a healthy work environment."
"When you're surrounding yourself with positive people with successful people the ideas and all of your life experiences just come together."
"I am a shining star. I surround myself with people who encourage my brightness."
"Surround yourself with people who will motivate, encourage, and inspire you."
"Surround yourself with people that give you good energy."
"Finding a tribe and community of people that build each other up or at least help you feel like you're not alone."
"Everyone going above and beyond. Everyone's been so incredibly nice, very kind, very sweet."
"He's actually running out of my car to get into the building every single morning."
"There are good and kind people in this park."
"Surround yourself with good, positive people."
"Surround yourself with good, positive people. People who are like-minded."
"Everyone was looking at me, everyone was smiling."
"I only surround myself with people who love and support me."
"Your household situation is improving, either through a move or a healthy change in the occupants."
"Each and every person there was a team player, which was like a breath of fresh air."
"Become part of the Breaking Family, positive community."
"This isn't here to spread hate, this is here to have a good time and maybe learn some stuff."
"Let's strive to surround ourselves with people who contribute to our tranquility."
"Thank you all. Just wanna everyone you guys really, really put me in the best mood ever. I am grateful for this community."
"No haters, no [__], just a cool place to hang out."
"Your business will be more successful when you are healthy, happy, and loving life."
"In the end, doing what we love and surrounding ourselves with things that give us hope will bring upon the same atmosphere for others."
"Friendly, helpful, kind people that offer nothing but their free time to make sure that you have a good time."
"Surround yourself with positive influences and keep taking those steps forward."
"It's just a great place, great people, great food, great scenery."
"Beautiful teamwork and that's why your teammates love playing with her."
"We are a space of inclusivity, light, and love."
"There's nobody nasty in this study tube community, like I can genuinely say that, everyone is really nice."
"Guys, I'm quite happy with what we got going on here."
"Be sure to include things that you just think are fun. Be sure to do that. We want to have a good time here."
"Wow, what a community, what a good bunch of people."
"We just been playing, we've been winning. Like, the vibes are good."
"I think it's really great that he has a supportive family."
"I just want to be happy, making great stories, surrounded by great people."
"What a great room. Thank you, humbling bundle."
"It's just a good time, it's just a good environment there's so many good people around the energy is high."
"Everyone was so nice, so open, so accepting."
"Why not make people get out and be happy? Why not make them culturally happy? Why not have a happy society?"
"When we're all happy and having fun... it gets the best out of each other."
"Working side by side for science it's lovely you love to see it"
"The only way that you can build confidence is if you surround yourself with people that are optimistic."
"We will continue to build strong representation in our games and we are focused on making our communities fun, inclusive, and positive places to play."
"Surround yourself with happy, passionate, and loving people."
"Surround yourself with good people, positive influences."
"Surround yourself with those things that are good." - Pastor Doug
"We stream for all ages, man. No cussing, no cursing, positive vibes only."
"Thank you guys so so much for your love lately you guys really keep me going we have such a phenomenal community on here."
"Surrounding themselves with positivity plays a significant role in their vibration."
"Setting healthy boundaries ensures their energy remains balanced and positive."
"It's serious joy joy do you need help finding your happiness are you looking for positive reinforcement then you want serious joy."
"We love a studio with a positive environment and a fun place to take class."
"Find a place where you're going to be celebrated, not tolerated."
"When everyone in the home feels heard, feels loved, and feels supported, everyone has the ability to give their best self to the world."
"Everything is bearable if you just do your research and have positive people around you."
"People are really supportive... only surround myself with supportive people."
"Surround yourself with people who care about you and lift you up."
"Thank you mods for keeping everything congenial, we are not here to drag people."
"Football has become a kind of a happy place to be rather than a manager ruling with an iron fist."
"Win-win-win. We're like a nice warm blanket."
"I have my lulls and Stephanie, I think I just surround myself with really positive people."
"Surround yourself with people that are doing what you want to do, that are being positive."
"Kind of delightful actually, kind of delightful."
"Community energy has a really nice vibe about it. Power to the people."
"Few communities out there have the integrity, soul, and outlook as this one does."
"Surrounding ourselves with positive influences is key to maintaining a mindset of positivity."
"We're all about positivity, support, conversation, and encouragement."
"I think there's an abundant amount of Hope here I think there's an abundant amount of Joy."
"Surround yourself with people who talk about ideas and success, not gossip about other people."
"I'm filled with joy, I'm filled with love in my heart, I'm surrounded by good people."
"Surround myself with good teachers, high energy guys."
"I think everyone's really been getting along and there's been a great energy and a great culture."
"The crew is back together, we're all here and let me tell you the energy today it's through the ceiling."
"Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who enjoy their life, and that positivity will rub off on you."
"Surround yourself with people that are going to build you up."
"Surround yourself with positivity and mentors."
"From here on out, the vibe was Good Vibes only. Everything was positive. That's something that we really wanted to program entirely in the show... A good experience for everybody."
"Surround yourself with driven funny people; it will change your life."
"Staying when you cannot create a positive environment is defeating the purpose of staying."
"That's not an example of good discipline, that's just fear and isolation."
"I promise you, the positivity that happens in there is such an amazing gift to a lot of people."
"Surround myself with the right people and that energy is a real thing."
"If you're in a good environment, let's share with everyone else because these are dark times we're in."
"Everything just kind of feels like a lot safer and just like better vibes everywhere."
"Now we have a positive professional setup and like now we can really build and become the north star."
"Any place that lets dogs in the workplace has got to be a good place."
"It turned out to be the healthiest leadership climate of my whole career."
"Humility is the capacity to feel good about yourself and also to let other people feel good about themselves around you."
"...I think in general it's a good idea to bring as little stress and negativity as possible into your primary relationship..."
"And it's an environment that I was able to produce that there is no negativity within the office, there is no hate within the office, so you're controlling, you're immersing your team so that there's not room for the job the weeds to grow."
"I appreciate all the Menchie gang members and just the new Chatters old Chatters everyone making this stream chat just a wonderful place to celebrate now polish to be positive to to ask questions like qas and nail polish and stuff."
"But the most important point I want to make is it's a happy place. We really have a nice community."
"Trader Joe's, where people are in a good mood."
"Remember, you deserve to be in a loving and supportive environment."
"I literally surround myself with people who are solid."
"There was a good atmosphere of mutual respect."
"This is such a great community and you guys are so sweet and so supportive."
"The neighbors are some of the best neighbors we've ever had in any of our homes that we lived in."
"We have a really good group of people, including the staff."
"Everyone is different; they've all got their own little characters, and it's absolutely fantastic."
"The best thing you can do is surround yourself with good people."
"This is a real cool place to work too, everybody that I've talked to that works here loves it."
"Stay around people who are bright, happy, and benevolent."
"Are you surrounded by positive and supportive people?"
"We got an awesome crew, we really do. It is a pleasure to be on this group."
"I'm happier when I come here; I'm smiling, I'm excited, it feels great, spiritually."
"TNG was much better because we all liked each other."
"To have that human aspect of you, right, and be able to apologize when you're wrong, give credit to everybody else when they're right, and create an environment of positive growth."
"I was placed in really good spots and had good people around me."
"Addressing workplace mental well-being can help strengthen the positive, protective factors of employment."
"I love it here, I have a great thing."
"It's like a little community and it's so great."
"It's such a good atmosphere, good warm vibes."
"It just feels really good to be surrounded by loving, awesome people."
"Spend more time with people that make you feel good instead of chasing the approval of people that refuse to give it to you."
"Make sure that you guys are always surrounding yourself with the best friends and supportive people."
"They're both really really good players in great places."
"We've got such a loving, kind community, and it just always blesses us so much."
"You're here being a part of something that is encouraging, that has a community vibe that is, in my opinion, the best."
"Realize you have a choice to place yourself in an environment that triggers positive emotions within you."
"Truth is within me; honest people surround me; I am guided in all things."
"I've never had a cast like this that are just extraordinary people inside and out."
"That's just an indication of how nice the people have been here."
"People down here have been absolutely fantastic."
"I couldn't have more dedicated, more talented, and more optimistic and positive guys around me with this band."
"Welcome to the legion and enjoy all of this wholesome freaking content."
"It's all about surrounding yourself with the right people, the energy, bro, positivity energy."
"The pace of life is conducive for growth."
"Wherever we're at, wherever your child is at, meet them there; don't force it, create positive environments, let them choose."
"Everything in my camp emphasizes on love."
"Welcome to Auradon Prep, goodness doesn't get any better."
"It's not always a dog eat dog world out here, some people do actually support you."
"High expectations and a culture of genuine affection for the kids are the two common elements I think to great cultures."
"They don't get more beautiful than this."
"Eliminate or decrease the amount of time that you're spending around negative people."
"For the sake of our child who's going to be born, let's welcome them in the best environment possible."
"I'm just surrounded by such good people and we just keep getting better."
"I need positivity around me, that's key. When people are feeding you positive thoughts and positive energy, you're always going to be the best version of yourself."
"You make your choices by the people who work there, and the people who work here are awesome."
"Employees here do feel that the company genuinely does care about their well-being."
"Miss May, your gift is classroom management, building relationships with children, and creating a positive learning environment."
"They work really really well together, they have a great program, they have a great facility, everything is organized and a good energy."
"We really do like get along and like each other and work hard at making this a very, very feel-good show."
"Surround yourself with positive people who are not in active addiction, and it is possible."