
Public Apology Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"I want to publicly apologize to him. Since it was public, I think the right thing for me to do is to publicly apologize."
"Let me just start by saying how hurtful for so many people in Canada and around the world."
"This apology from Justin Timberlake is too little too late."
"I've been too familiar with people. I've hugged and kissed both men and women, but I didn't realize how the line had been drawn. I was wrong."
"I don't want a Laura Lee apology scandal, I hope one day that you guys can save me for the woman that I am."
"I apologize for the ripple that I and my actions have caused in the mukbang community. I definitely love this community and I hate that I have disrupted the flow of what we have going on."
"It's like cancel culture, you know? Jimmy Fallon apologizes, you see that Twitter thread? He apologizes for that joke 20 years ago, they don't care."
"Acacia did what most people ask of influencers who make mistakes: she acknowledged and addressed them."
"He's not apologized for breaking the rules and breaking the law. He's sorry because he's been caught."
"Stokes apologized to those he had hurt and offended, but that is a group that consists of precisely zero people."
"I regret it and I ask for everybody's punishment and forgiveness."
"I owe a huge apology to anyone out there who's ever been in an abusive relationship."
"Trump correctly said that Biden and Harris should apologize for the anti-vaccine rhetoric."
"We all owe Alex Jones an apology because there has been a lot of things that you have been right about."
"She didn't do anything wrong but you have such pressure as an influencer to apologize for something that you didn't actually do wrong."
"In the video, you can see me pushing down a kid at the skate park. I'm simply here to apologize."
"I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or met or touched by mental illness or depression or suicide."
"This was a wrong choice by Balenciaga combined with our failure in assessing and validating images."
"Kendrick Lamar, there's never been a verse that made a [expletive] apologize in two days."
"This wasn't his apology for when he tased the rat or made those like really insensitive cringe tweets."
"Chris released an apology by Chris Hansen's Twitter account citing poor judgment, ego, and emotional responses. Shortly after this, Vincent was officially fired by Chris Hansen."
"It's not hard to look into the camera and say I'm the leader of the country and I messed up and I'm sorry. I will do better."
"I want to apologize to my fans as well. I know you've supported me, but please don't send any hate to anyone." - Snowy Joe
"The Vallejo police department has 24 hours to issue a full and unequivocal apology, one that includes the words 'we were wrong' or something very close to them."
"Dreamcast guy was right, we owe him an apology and Austin Evans was wrong."
"Scarlett even made an apology outside of the show."
"Do I get an apology, the Sharon Osborne one of my guests tonight, does she get restored to her job at the CBS show, the talk, because she got fired for offering support on Twitter for my right to my opinion?"
"I don't want this to be like that cringe YouTuber apology style cancellation video."
"Oil released a lengthy statement... addressing the current state of affairs and issued a direct apology to the community."
"This deserves an apology. Donald Trump should apologize to Sadiq Khan."
"To this day, as far as I know, he has not received so much as an apology."
"Now that we watched all this let's take a look at what her apology video was like because God damn from what I understand it is one of the worst."
"The fact that she apologized is, in and of itself, an amazing thing because she could have just said and blamed it on them or whatever the case. She's not doing that because it's her name."
"But there are many who owe them an apology, many in public service who owe them an apology, and frankly many in the media about how they disrespect them." - John Kelly
"Our mistake today was inexcusable and I am ashamed we allowed it to happen." - Joe Statten
"I apologize for making a celebrated moment a hurtful moment." - Bonnie Ross
"Activision CEO Bobby Kotick apologized for the initial response to the lawsuit."
"The brass against rocker has apologized for going too far by peeing on a fan on stage."
"It does not reflect who I am today or what I stand for or have ever stood for."
"I will always be deeply sorry... for the dumb vile I've said in my past."
"I want to apologize... to anyone who I offended in my past actions."
"Unless Tory goes and turns around, apologizes to the industry, shows them that he won, they're messing with this man's life."
"I deeply regret my actions and I'm ashamed of making such remarks."
"It's time for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to man up and apologize to Christine Holgate and reinstate her as CEO of Australia Post."
"I will own up to this. Yes, this was a voluntary mistake and mishap that I personally did indeed participate in. Need no worry, this matter is personally being dealt with. I apologize for the sequence in this event."
"Line that was poorly researched and I shouldn't have said it. It meant nothing, it affected nothing, and I based none of my claims on this fact. Still, I owe everyone and especially Gerard an apology."
"She obviously gave a terrible apology to the Internet, you know, same song and dance, you guys get it, it's over now."
"I displayed a strong lapse in judgment but let me be clear nothing happened between me and my co-star." - Justin Timberlake
"Your person needs to apologize in a big way, maybe even in front of people for others to see."
"Words and actions are on different planes, different spheres of importance. What PewDiePie did was an impassioned mistake, one that even he himself admitted was a wrong move, a bad thing, one that he wished he didn't have done, shouldn't have done."
"If they come out here and say I apologize for having this party then what they're saying is that well I'm wrong I'm admitting that what we're doing is racist."
"He's sick because he's apologized. He's been accused of this. He's been given chances."
"Tonight, we are retracting the story. We don't know whether the information is accurate, but the fact is we do know it wasn't ready for broadcast and for that, I apologize."
"Britney made an apology video saying she was sorry for her first video."
"Even the late Pope John Paul II admitted the mistakes of the Church and apologized."
"I can't wait for his apology interview after all of this."
"I apologize to anyone, any victims that had felt hurt by this video. It was very much not my intention and I will do better moving forward when dissecting heavier topics."
"Taking it down would defeat the purpose of apologizing."
"Almost nobody saw that coming. We certainly didn’t. And we apologize for that. Again and again we told you Joe Biden would never be the Democratic nominee. We were wrong."
"I'm sorry, I will do better, I am better, I'll come back better, and I'm still here."
"I got a little emotional there and so I want to apologize."
"If he's really under pressure, if he were to come out immediately and said I made a massive mistake, it's my fault, I let the team down, I'm sorry, a lot of people would have gone, you know what, fair play."
"My behavior at last night's Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable."
"I was doing kind of like one more time, yeah I was doing a YouTube apology video."
"I softly, graciously, two minutes, Pinkett Smith, I would publicly like to apologize to you as a queen."
"It's ridiculous, and all it takes is a little Instagram story apology."
"PewDiePie quickly came back with a rather straightforward and transparent apology."
"She really could have just been like, 'Hey guys, like I was thinking in this mentality like I'm so sorry like I hurt people like Trisha is 100 right.'"
"You don't have to like Zach Bel or forgive him for any of the allegations against him, but it's only fair that we acknowledge that he is going out of his way to try and apologize to Coaster, which he really doesn't have to do."
"He cried and apologized and he's like YouTube I'm so sorry I now understand there are rules that we need to follow."
"Encouraging others to make the same apology."
"Thank you all for the support... thank you for giving me the chance to make this up to you."
"I was wrong and I'm sorry Toronto fans, I made a mistake."
"Not even... you know what's gonna make everything okay? An apology to the fans... Kathleen Kennedy owes them all an apology."
"I recognized yesterday I made a post that was hurtful to the pride Community which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine and I am truly sorry for that."
"I will be issuing an apology and I'm going to tell you right now it's going to be the funniest apology you've ever read."
"Matt Lauer proved Ronan Farrow lied in his book. I owe Matt Lauer an apology."
"We want to apologize to Taylor and all her fans, especially those who had a terrible experience trying to purchase tickets."
"Following the toxic workplace allegations brought forward in the media, Scavenger's Studio wishes to apologize for the harm caused."
"As I've done privately, I'd like to publicly apologize to J. Lee for my actions a few days ago. I should have talked with Jay before I sent a tweet about him that put his career at risk."
"I'm sorry for my recent actions. It is inexcusable. I'm sorry to Jackfilms, YouTube, the entire Creator community, and my incredible fans."
"I genuinely understand and deeply regret how my words have affected and hurt those around me in the past, particularly those in the black community."
"This Administration should apologize to the family of the 11-year-old girl who was raped last week."
"I just want to apologize as I do feel responsible for such extremely sensitive and private conversations to be aired out like dirty laundry."
"So I made my video and I stand by it so that's that that's how I feel about it I do realize that he has gone to apologize."
"I blame the fans in this equation... all of this is J. Cole's fault but Cole also apologized to set things right what have his fans done what have his fans learned in this process."
"When they come for you and the cancel mob comes from yours, there's no reason to apologize."
"If he had simply apologized to Ivory for doing this to him years ago and apologized on a whole for talking like this to so many people when he shouldn't have, maybe this would have been avoidable."
"I want to offer my heartfelt apology to all victims of sexual violence and everyone at Thorne who I hurt by what I did."
"Public figures have proven that... when they come out and say yeah I did it yeah it was wrong yeah I'm sorry... a lot of times the public forgives them and they can move on."
"They owe the American people an apology. They wasted two years."
"James Charles said some not so nice things about Marlena, including calling her 'that woman' and discrediting her."
"I'm pretty sure he apologized for it. It was real tacky, but it wasn't even close to what James thought it was at the time."
"I wanted to come on here and wholeheartedly apologize to you guys."
"What do they expect, Judy Garland to go on an apology tour?"
"They owe Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith an apology and they owe the black community an apology."
"Jimmy Fallon apologized for a joke he told 20 years ago. There is no excuse for this."
"We extend our deepest apologies to Drake Bell and his family, and we deeply regret our decision."
"I think that action should be posted online, you know? You should have to make a public apology to the community. Like there should be some sort of legit actual punishment for cheating, maybe jail time."
"Donald Trump has never apologized. That was how bad this was that he actually made a public apology and admitted wrong."
"I was wrong for what I said about Super Computer. I deeply regret this."
"If you slandered this man's name in any capacity, you owe him an apology."
"I'd like to apologize here now if there was anything I said that gave the impression I didn't care about the Mars rover story."
"I also apologize to the people of New York State who have a right to better conduct from their governor."
"I have to drop my ego and apologize in public."
"If I'm proven to be wrong, I'ma apologize just like how I criticize. So if I criticize you publicly, I'ma apologize publicly."